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LoathsomePete 05-20-2009 09:14 AM

Wifey did you have fantasies as a child of keeping an ewok as a pet too?

NSW 05-20-2009 10:05 AM

Of course! I loved those little guys....and who wouldn't want to be invited to this party:

I mean, it looked like alot of fun when I was 3 anyway. :)

LoathsomePete 05-20-2009 10:29 AM

Haha I just had a horrible image of ewoks doing keg stands. Knowing their height and weight they'd be lightweights.

NSW 05-20-2009 10:56 AM


SATCHMO 05-20-2009 11:05 AM

As if there were a bigger bad ass in this galaxy

....oh yeah, I forgot

pourmeanother 05-20-2009 11:38 AM

a) Ewok spinoffs!

b) Gotta love the Sand People- "asdfdlkjlalalallalala"

TheBig3 05-20-2009 12:34 PM

oh god a non-public poll?

I went Boba Fett, because nothings more badass than a self-cloning bounty hunter.

LoathsomePete 05-20-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 662716)
oh god a non-public poll?

I went Boba Fett, because nothings more badass than a self-cloning bounty hunter.

Who got offed by a giant hole in the ground?

boo boo 05-20-2009 01:11 PM

Yeah Boba Fett was such a badass, and yet they had to kill him off in such a lame manner.

Timiscute 05-20-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 662765)
Yeah Boba Fett was such a badass, and yet they had to kill him off in such a lame manner.

Actually when Boba fell into the Sarlaac pit he survived. I think he's the only person to survive it.

Janszoon 05-20-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 662646)
Of course! I loved those little guys....and who wouldn't want to be invited to this party:

I mean, it looked like alot of fun when I was 3 anyway. :)

Man I miss that Yub Nub song. It's so much better than what they replaced it with.

NSW 05-20-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 662769)
Man I miss that Yub Nub song. It's so much better than what they replaced it with.

I whole-heartedly agree. It still makes me a little giddy.

LoathsomePete 05-20-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Timiscute (Post 662768)
Actually when Boba fell into the Sarlaac pit he survived. I think he's the only person to survive it.

Well him and Chuck Norris

Antonio 06-02-2009 10:59 AM

robots are awesome so R2D2

Haunter 06-07-2009 01:16 AM

Where's Greedo?

LoathsomePete 07-13-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Haunter (Post 675556)
Where's Greedo?

Dead, Han shot him. You should watch the movies more closely.

asshat 07-15-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 554667)

....emperor palpatine you mean.

....either than that, darth vader is badass.
No one chose C-3PO, I'm pretty sure he's the most annoying character besides jar-jar.

sweet_nothing 07-15-2009 05:20 PM | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | contest
Check this out.

Piss Me Off 07-15-2009 05:28 PM

One of the Van Gogh ones is now a wallpaper :thumb:

someonecompletelyrandom 07-15-2009 06:26 PM

Why does Wedge Antilles have NO votes? :mad:

Miltamec Soundsquinaez 07-15-2009 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 704369)
Why the feck does Wedge Antilles have NO votes?

They're probalby like me, and have no 'f'ing clue who that is. Or they're like you, and didn't vote for him, and then went and raised a fuss about how nobody voted for him. Course, I bought and watched the set last week, but the 2nd half of every damn fukcing movie skips, and I was watching Revenge of the Sith for the 1st time.:(

Nikson 07-24-2009 12:58 AM

Han Solo is my favourite character. He's a ****sure rogue who went from selfish materialist to foolhardy (hotheaded) hero---he has a giant ego.

someonecompletelyrandom 08-17-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 662716)
oh god a non-public poll?

I went Boba Fett, because nothings more badass than a self-cloning bounty hunter.

Actually it was Jango Fett, Boba Fett's "father" who cloned himself. According to my calculations...

boo boo 08-24-2009 02:18 AM

You are correct.

It's pretty lame that in the ONE movie that gave Baba Fett some character development, he's just a little kid, but since his father is exactly the same it's like the grown up Baba is in that movie anyway, and the whole Jango/Baba subplot was one of the better elements in that film.

Guybrush 08-24-2009 05:34 AM

It's quite interesting how popular the Boba Fett character actually got when you think about how much screen time he actually has over the old trilogy. Anyways, regarding the new versus the old movies I agree that they do have some redeeming qualities. It is nice to get some backstory and certain elements like Palpatine's rise to power and so on was actually great. Like Boo says, a big part of what I didn't like about them is the drama and the emo whining of that ****-****er that plays Anakin. Damn, what horrible casting .. it's a pity because many of the roles had actors I actually liked, but not the most essential one. Eck.

Believe it or not, my favourite is actually Return of the Jedi followed by The Empire Strikes back. I might choose Revenge of the Sith over episode 4 just because it's so good for background and because I think New Hope is a little overrated. They do so much in one film and the whole plot progression just feels a bit cramped in my opinion. I much prefer the sequels of the old ones.

someonecompletelyrandom 08-25-2009 10:22 AM

The newer films are still great movies, just not by Star Wars standards. And unfortunetly I think they've turned a lot of people off to the series.

I must admit though, watching them when I was younger I was just as enthralled as I was with the older ones. That's what's great about the older films though, they strech beyond being kid's films and are great for adults. I think George Lucas just went a little bit overboard trying to appeal to a younger audience on the newer films while practically ignoring the fact that adults love Star Wars as well.

jacklovezhimself 09-04-2009 08:01 PM

I had to pick Darth Vader.
He's definitely one of my favorite villains to ever grace the silver screen and an original one, too.

boo boo 09-04-2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 724832)
The newer films are still great movies, just not by Star Wars standards. And unfortunetly I think they've turned a lot of people off to the series.

I must admit though, watching them when I was younger I was just as enthralled as I was with the older ones. That's what's great about the older films though, they strech beyond being kid's films and are great for adults. I think George Lucas just went a little bit overboard trying to appeal to a younger audience on the newer films while practically ignoring the fact that adults love Star Wars as well.

I actually like the new movies alright. At first I didn't really understand WHY they are so hated.

Sure, a lot of the acting is lame. But it's not like Hammil or Fisher were doing anything Oscar worthy either, but they were adequate for the parts which is what really matters I guess.

Then there's that assh*le Jar Jar, but eh, he's not even in Clones and Sith that much so who cares?

Here are some of the reasons I think the new trilogy is hated so much.

- Didn't live up to the hype. And how could it? Not only is it pretty much impossible to outdo the greatest sci fi movie trilogy of all time. But ever since Empire Strikes Back (which started the trend of putting the "episode" in the title), people pretty much knew that some prequels were in the works. So people knew there would be a prequel trilogy two decades in advance. That's a long wait. Especially for the hardcore fans.

-Nostalgia goggles. Ok, even without them it's obvious that the original trilogy is still better. But I think people were expecting more of a throwback to the style of the original trilogy and were disappointed by the modernization of it (which is kinda weird since it takes place BEFORE the original trilogy), namely the CGI effects taking the place of puppets, costumes, models, live sets and so on.

-Too much plot. The original trilogy's storytelling was beautiful in it's simplicity, bad guys rule the galaxy, bunch of rebels try to overthrow them, great stuff. The new trilogy tried to be more of a LOTR-ish epic with many subplots and character backstories, and obviously Lucas is no Tolkien. Lucas deserves credit for putting so much effort in the backstory to really explain to us the universe and characters we've come to love. But maybe he tried too hard, the stories were too convoluted, Star Wars fans want fast paced action adventure and instead got more of a really drawn out backstory.

-Lack of familiarity. I think overall, because of the Star Wars name, people were expecting more of the actual characters and places from the first trilogy. There was no death star, no imperial cruisers, no millenium falcon, no x wings, no tie fighters, no AT-ATs. No Luke, Leia, Han Solo or Chewbacca. Instead you had a whole new cast of characters with only a few from the original trilogy, and the most famous of those (Darth Vadar) wasn't even recognizable, he wasn't the intimidating badass as we knew him. Overall it left people cold because they expected more references to the old films, and couldn't accept that these films weren't supposed to be imitations of the originals.

Overall all these things cloud the judgement of fans and they can't really accept the fact that these films should be judged on their own merits rather than be compared to the old films frame by frame. I thought Phantom and Clones were decent despite the obvious shortcomings, and Sith? F*ck the haters, I thought it was awesome.

Neapolitan 09-04-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 730049)
-The Plot Constantly Going Off on a Tangent. The original trilogy's storytelling was beautiful in it's simplicity, bad guys rule the galaxy, bunch of rebels try to overthrow them, great stuff. The new trilogy tried to be more of a LOTR-ish epic with many subplots and character backstories, and obviously Lucas is no Tolkien. Lucas deserves credit for putting so much effort in the backstory to really explain to us the universe and characters we've come to live. But maybe he tried too hard, the stories were too convoluted, Star Wars fans want fast paced action adventure and instead got more of a really drawn out backstory.

I totally agree with you, it's just I would had titled it differently.

I voted for Ben, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The whole arc of storyline in Star Wars double-trilogy is the Rise, Fall and Redemption of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Ben Obi-Wan is the one that supports the arc of the story. The plot in Stars Wars (the first one aka Episode IV A New Hope) hinges on Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi. The plea of Princess Leia is intrusted to R2-D2 to be given to Ben. Luke Skywalker finds and befriends old Ben. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the one who provides a hint to the prequels that haven't been made yet, in the stories he tells Luke. Obi-Wan is the one who sacrifices himself during a light-saber dual, which was done to help save the Princess. Obi-Wan guides Anakin, then loses him to the Dark Side, then Obi-Wan guides Luke and it's Luke who saves his father, Anakin. So pretty much Obi-Wan is an impotant character. Plus I like the actors Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor.

FETCHER. 09-04-2009 10:58 PM

R2-D2, and i have no idea why :(.

djchameleon 09-04-2009 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 730049)

-Nostalgia goggles. Ok, even without them it's obvious that the original trilogy is still better. But I think people were expecting more of a throwback to the style of the original trilogy and were disappointed by the modernization of it (which is kinda weird since it takes place BEFORE the original trilogy), namely the CGI effects taking the place of puppets, costumes, models, live sets and so on.

I don't get why fans hated the modernization. If they were truly fans then they would know that Lucas waited on created the prequels because the technology wasn't there for it. He was even disturbed by the film technology that was used in the original trilogy that's why he released that special edition where he cleaned up certain aspects of it. If people were true fans they would have also noticed that the fighters in the prequels could easily lead to how the x-wings were designed later on. I think the designs were perfectly fine imo. So what they looked sleeker, they still had an older feel to them where you could see how the ships were modeled after them. The ships used in the Original Trilogy

boo boo 09-04-2009 11:09 PM

The problem is, a lot of fans (me included) prefer the older style of special effects, using real models for the spaceships, using real puppets and elaborate alien/droid costumes and using real sets and matte paintings. It looks a lot more authentic to me, and I usually don't like it when films rely too much on CGI, which the new trilogy did, granted it was some of the best CGI work you could ask for. They should have used less CGI just to make it look more consistant with the older films, IMO.

But yeah, I know that Lucas wasn't satisfied with the way his original films turned out, but the fans were for the most part, some still prefer the original cuts of the first 3 films over the revised ones because the new scenes they added seem out of place, there's no better example of this than that damn singing alien scene from the Return of the Jedi re-release.

And then there was that laughable butcher job of the Greedo scene, did you see the re-edit they did? Did you see how Han's neck just freakishly bends at an impossible angle to avoid Greedo's laser? Yeah, George really f*cked up there.

djchameleon 09-04-2009 11:20 PM

Yeah I know i'm in the minority of fans that don't mind the special effects being CGI. I was just happy to have more Star Wars content in film form. In high school I started reading star wars books like crazy and went through it chronologically. I was still secretly hoping for an episode 7,8 and 9 based off of some of the books.

I agree with you on the new scenes though. The thing I liked about the revised cuts were the minor details. How he touched up the shadow underneath the landspeeder to make it seem more real.

jacklovezhimself 09-04-2009 11:24 PM

there will be more!

djchameleon 09-04-2009 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 730124)
there will be more!

he'd probably make us wait another 20 years then die in the middle of filming episode 8

boo boo 09-04-2009 11:31 PM

Still the new versions did get some things right, I did enjoy that Jabba scene they added to a New Hope as well as some of the other scenes.

I also liked that they edited the scene in Empire with the Emperor to make him look like he did in the other films, because he looked really sh*tty in the original version.

You know, yesterday I was reading this scientist guy talk about some of the scientific blunders of Star Wars. There's the obvious things like how there is no sound in outer space, how the brightness of a planet blocks out all the stars around it, how explosions wouldn't be as massive because of the lack of air. But I thought the most interesting thing he brought up was Tatooine, because it's in a binary star system everything should have had two distinct shadows.

Hmm... I wonder if this is gonna give Lucas incentive to do ANOTHER re-release. :laughing:

djchameleon 09-04-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 730136)
Still the new versions did get some things right, I did enjoy that Jabba scene they added to a New Hope as well as some of the other scenes.

I also liked that they edited the scene in Empire with the Emperor to make him look like he did in the other films, because he looked really sh*tty in the original version.

You know, yesterday I was reading this scientist guy talk about some of the scientific blunders of Star Wars. There's the obvious things like how there is no sound in outer space, how the brightness of a planet blocks out all the stars around it, how explosions wouldn't be as massive because of the lack of air. But I thought the most interesting thing he brought up was Tatooine, because it's in a binary star system everything should have had two distinct shadows.

Hmm... I wonder if this is gonna give Lucas incentive to do ANOTHER re-release. :laughing:

lol I wouldn't put it past him to re-release it again and call it the scientific edition for true Star Wars fans only.

boo boo 09-05-2009 01:42 AM

Hey George, if you're reading this.

Also remember to make Leia's boobs bigger. Oh and Jar Jar, gotta have more Jar Jar.


But seriously I wouldn't mind if George changed a few things in the old films, like, I dunno, give Boba Fett a death scene that is manly and dramatic instead of totally lame and embarrassing, that would be cool.

moserw 09-05-2009 04:55 AM

Luke Skywalker personally, but it seems everyone likes Han Solo and Darth Vader!

boo boo 09-05-2009 05:35 AM

Luke Skywalker is a great character, but I think the reason so many people prefer Han Solo is because they like their heroes to be a bit more flawed and less transparent.

Same reason a lot of people prefer Batman to Superman. People prefer heroes they can most indentify with and since so many people in this world are cynical assh*les, of course they're gonna prefer Han. :D

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