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View Poll Results: You know what to do.
Family Guy 47 26.86%
South Park 99 56.57%
The Simpsons 29 16.57%
Voters: 175. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-03-2012, 03:28 PM   #461 (permalink)
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^^ hey that's cool...I still stick to my guns, early episodes of FG to me are so slow and the jokes are spaced so far apart and the comedic timing is off in every aspect(to me)...and I couldn't stand any of the characters. Stewie was a very dry mad scientist and his only purpose in the whole show was to kill Lois and his manner of speech was unbearable. If old Stewie saw this post he'd say 'That intermidable miscreant does not know the depts of sorrow I shall dispense on his person.' Stewie of today would say 'Wha??? Wha??? He used to think I was stupid? Waaaaa waaaa Brian come look on the internet waaaaa' Then he'd fall down the stairs running with the laptop trying to find Brian and the laptop would be buried in his head. Complete change in the writing and timing.

I can't stand to watch early episode at all. But that's just my opinion and it differs with yours and thats cool.

Hey I'll bring the last 3 seasons over and you have the first 3 ready and we'll have a sleepover and eat popcorn and watch FG and talk about boys...I mean GIRLS...i said all saw it!!
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Old 12-03-2012, 03:37 PM   #462 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Sorry but I respectfully disagree with the above. When Family Guy started, I watched it, expecting a poor Simpsons rip-off, and was pleasantly surprised. Any episode from season 1 to about 5 still makes me laugh, but in the last few years it has just got lazy, boring, by-the-numbers with McFarlane under the impression that to be funny you just have to keep self-deprecating. That works for a while, but after a bit people start to see beyond the joke, and it becomes the truth. The writers on FG now pad out every episode, usually with "cutaways" (they used to do these sure but there are a lot more now) or with usually nonsensical and unconnected musical numbers that last so long it's painfully obvious they haven't enough material and are desperately trying to fill up time.

Also, virtually every recent FG episode I've seen ended badly, some terribly. It's not enough, Seth, to laugh at how crap you are. People will buy that, but only for so long. In the end, we all want to be entertained and FG is falling far far short of that in recent times. It's become a parody of itself, but not a funny or clever one. Also it's got a lot cruder. That only works some of the time: even South Park, the masters of crude humour, occasionally go too near the mark and it's no longer funny.

As for the Simpsons: I think I've laughed out loud once in the last few seasons. They probably should call it a day now, but sure it's a cash cow, so they're unlikely to do that.
Yeah I think that's a pretty spot-on analysis. All three series have declined significantly from their peak years.

Peak years, I'd rate them:
Simpsons > South Park > Family Guy
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Old 12-03-2012, 05:32 PM   #463 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by slappyjenkins View Post
^^ hey that's cool...I still stick to my guns, early episodes of FG to me are so slow and the jokes are spaced so far apart and the comedic timing is off in every aspect(to me)...and I couldn't stand any of the characters. Stewie was a very dry mad scientist and his only purpose in the whole show was to kill Lois and his manner of speech was unbearable. If old Stewie saw this post he'd say 'That intermidable miscreant does not know the depts of sorrow I shall dispense on his person.' Stewie of today would say 'Wha??? Wha??? He used to think I was stupid? Waaaaa waaaa Brian come look on the internet waaaaa' Then he'd fall down the stairs running with the laptop trying to find Brian and the laptop would be buried in his head. Complete change in the writing and timing.

I can't stand to watch early episode at all. But that's just my opinion and it differs with yours and thats cool.

Hey I'll bring the last 3 seasons over and you have the first 3 ready and we'll have a sleepover and eat popcorn and watch FG and talk about boys...I mean GIRLS...i said all saw it!!
See, I agree with you on Stewie's character, fair enough. But step back a little. Who else has developed? Peter is as stupid, assinine and borderline retarded as he ever was (sure one episode he was rejoicing in the fact that he WAS retarded); Meg has gone absolutely nowhere, apart from her stint in prison, which was funny but didn't carry through after that episode. Brian is almost the very same (STILL trying to write the GAN) and Lois has stood still in time. Chris was never funny or interesting in any way.

Even the support cast: Joe is still in a wheelchair but somehow a cop, Quagmire is still a sexual predator (AND a pilot; work that one out), Cleveland is gone thank god: he was never funny and even the creepy peado has been mostly written out of the series. If they were to start a new series with just Brian and Stewie it could work: the funniest episodes of the later seasons have been when those two team up and take over the episode, particularly their time travel and "Road to..." series. But take those two out of the equations, what have you?

A fat man who thinks he's funny and is most certainly not. He doesn't even GET that he's not funny, making it worse. He's basically the coathook to hang the plots on, but he's been becoming detached from the wall for a long time, and only S & B are holding him up, preventing him from falling.

A wife who is nothing more than Peter's sounding-board/straight man/occasional antagonist and the one who constantly gives out to him about everything he does. Essentially, she's Marge, and always has been.

A daughter who may as well not exist. Her only real contributions to or recognition in the show is when Peter throws some insult her way, or hits her.

A son who is almost as invisible as Meg. He does nothing, says nothing and is not even a younger Peter.

And a support cast who do exactly what you expect them to do, every episode without change. In the truest terms, they are supporters, as they never do anything of their own accord without Peter.

Still, I guess at least it's not American Dad!
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Old 12-03-2012, 05:52 PM   #464 (permalink)
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I agree about Meg and Chris, I have no idea why they are even in the show. They have not progressed in any way. They've never had a substantial plot devoted to either one of them. Even Meg going to prison was nullified as she was put back in her place at the end of that episode. Chris simply has no comedic value at all. I think they only thing I ever laughed at was when they gave Chris too much redbull and he ran across the yard with his crotch on fire, implying that the redbull made him so hyper that he started a fire with pure speed and friction down there LOL

Peter is one of those characters that I'm kind of in between about. He has his moments of comedic value. But mostly he's just a device to move things along in the plot or to set up the next joke, and yes he's the predominant target of the 'flashbacks'. I love it when he farts or falls down though.

Lois has evolved just a bit, not terribly much. But she used to be the straightest, most dry of ALL of the characters. When she started to laugh at Peter's jokes and participate in their misadventures, she started to contribute to the show at least a little.

But I do agree with 100 percent on the issue of Stewie and Brian. When they take over the show its a good thing. I love Stewie now, because he's actually playing a baby now. I don't know what the hell he was supposed to be at the beggining but he's about perfect now. He has a mix of mad scientist, gay baby, womanizing baby, and vulnerable baby. And all these parts seem to be in the correct proportions finally. Stewie is about the only one I can relate too. I loved it when he learned to drive and wrecked Brian's car and when the bully stole his trike and when he went trick or treating. And yes the time jumping episode was excellent.

If you watch that episode carefully they address a lot of these things we are discussing, from lines to comedic timing to the quality of the animation. *Because they go back in time and see how things used to be.

I want to watch that episode again now!
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Old 12-04-2012, 07:33 AM   #465 (permalink)
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South Park, definitely. Family Guy is tasteless, and the jokes are not even connected to the storyline (which isn't good either). South Park criticizes society and racism, and has a much better sense of humor.
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Old 12-04-2012, 08:14 AM   #466 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Briks View Post
South Park, definitely. Family Guy is tasteless, and the jokes are not even connected to the storyline (which isn't good either). South Park criticizes society and racism, and has a much better sense of humor.
Actually Family Guy contains a lot of cultural commentary, it's just that it's a lot more subtle about it (surprising word to describe the show, I know) than South Park is.
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:36 AM   #467 (permalink)
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Family Guy for me. I was never a fan of South Park. They take their comedy to an overboard standard that I can't seem to find funny in any situation.
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Old 12-04-2012, 11:34 AM   #468 (permalink)
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Simpsons > American Dad > Futurama > Family Guy.
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Old 12-20-2012, 04:33 AM   #469 (permalink)
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I love to watch South Park the most as compare to Family Guy.
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Old 04-23-2013, 06:54 AM   #470 (permalink)
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I've not seen an awful lot of South Park to be fair but I've seen most of Family Guy and I do prefer Family Guy. I think both shows are very smart though, although I guess Family Guy is just more to my personal taste. I do agree though that Family Guy is much more intelligent in a subtle way than South Park is though.

Having said that based on what I've seen of South Park I think I'm definitely going to enjoy the more recent seasons to the earlier ones though. For me though Family Guy has declined in recent years somewhat. I still like it but its not just as good as it was. That recentish episode where Peter and Quagmire had cuddle parties was horrible I thought. And they're starting to make jokes that run on too long too much of a recurring element I feel too - the chicken fight thing is just boring now.

When all is said and done though I feel that when its at its peak not many shows are as funny as Family Guy though.
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