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corgee 11-03-2009 12:20 PM

I have to go with Family Guy but the last episode of South Park with the Japanese and Whale Wars was hilarious. If it keeps going like that I may have to change my mind. But South Park is a little too over the top for me sometimes. I can't believe they can show all that on tv!

boo boo 11-03-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 762055)
That's another thing that makes me laugh about him. He's a baby and he's obviously a baby yet he does things like every other adult and people seem to treat him just as if he were one.

Everybody but his family.

Brian seems to be the only member of the Griffin family who actually talks to him, at least up until the more recent episodes all the other Griffins talked to him like he's a normal baby and it's like they couldn't hear him talk or something.

Which always kinda confused me.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-03-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 762162)
Everybody but his family.

Brian seems to be the only member of the Griffin family who actually talks to him, at least up until the more recent episodes all the other Griffins talked to him like he's a normal baby and it's like they couldn't hear him talk or something.

Which always kinda confused me.

According to Seth McFarlane Brian always understands Stewie, the rest of the family can understand him but usually chooses to ignore him... it's like if a little kid said "f-ck you" you'd probably think it was cute.

Sodacake 11-03-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 762055)
That's another thing that makes me laugh about him. He's a baby and he's obviously a baby yet he does things like every other adult and people seem to treat him just as if he were one.

That grew old quite fast for me.

FETCHER. 11-03-2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 761984)
Yeah that one was classic.

Stewie is always at his best when he's evil, I think they need to play that up more.

yeah :laughing: stewies a smart character, he comes out with a lot of one liner's which make me laugh for ages. Theres one where he has a one night stand with a CPR doll, which I found hilarious. I mainly found it funny how he was telling the doll excuses not to meet up. The one where Peter sells Meg to the pharmacist, and he gives Lois a "Sorry I sold our daughter card" and he remarks "Yeah you don't know how hard it was to find one of those in English" that episodes on now, made me laugh for ages aswell. :)

Anyways a very good friend of mines who has a similar sense of humour spoke very highly of southpark today so I will probably give it another chance. :D

Sodacake 11-04-2009 08:34 AM

South Park is head and shoulders above Family Guy and The Simpsons.

FETCHER. 11-04-2009 07:12 PM

Watched like 3 or 4 episode's, it's growing on me, I like it. But I don't really laugh, and the jokes go on for alot longer than Family Guys, Family Guy makes me laugh alot more though. So I'm sticking my guns about my original decision. :)

boo boo 11-05-2009 06:39 AM

With South Park there's two distinct styles of episodes.

Most of the early stuff was random goofy humor that didn't have much to do with anything, not too unlike Family Guy. But over time it evolved into a much more topical and satirical show, this became really noticable around season 7. Every now and then though there are still episodes that are throwbacks to the show's roots which is just random silliness as opposed to satire.

I think you'd like the older stuff a lot more, while I consider the newer stuff to be more clever and well written, the old stuff still makes me laugh the most.

FETCHER. 11-05-2009 06:47 AM

I agree it is more clever and well written. I've changed my opinion on it recently, I just find when I watch Family Guy/South Park, it's late at night and I'm in no position to find clever jokes funny, just simple stupid ones. Which is probably why I like Family Guy more, Whereas during the day I would probably find I prefer South Park if it was on TV during the day. :)

boo boo 11-05-2009 06:54 AM

One thing I don't like about the new episodes is that Jimbo and Ned are never in them, why? Those guys were awesome.


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 763057)
I agree it is more clever and well written. I've changed my opinion on it recently, I just find when I watch Family Guy/South Park, it's late at night and I'm in no position to find clever jokes funny, just simple stupid ones. Which is probably why I like Family Guy more, Whereas during the day I would probably find I prefer South Park if it was on TV during the day. :)

You need to check out the early seasons then. ;)

FETCHER. 11-05-2009 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by corgee (Post 762097)
I have to go with Family Guy but the last episode of South Park with the Japanese and Whale Wars was hilarious. If it keeps going like that I may have to change my mind. But South Park is a little too over the top for me sometimes. I can't believe they can show all that on tv!

Haha I seen that one :laughing: Cartman sang Pokerface, and Stans birthday picture with the dead dolphin :laughing:


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 763058)
One thing I don't like about the new episodes is that Jimbo and Ned are never in them, why? Those guys were awesome.

Isn't Jimbo dead? I thought he was.

boo boo 11-05-2009 07:09 AM

No, he was never killed off, he just.... disappeared. :(

Well he still appears as an extra or has one line or two I guess. It's a shame, he and Ned used to be my favorite characters after Cartman and Butters.

FETCHER. 11-05-2009 07:18 AM

Haha, so far I've taken a shine to Cartman & Butters the most. Butters isn't a main character though, so I don't see so much of him :(.

boo boo 11-05-2009 07:26 AM

At first Butters was only a background character with no speaking roles, then in season 3 he became a minor character and eventually worked his way up to being so popular among South Park fans that for a while he replaced Kenny as the 4th kid, though Kenny eventually reclaimed this role, but he has become somewhat of a main character now.

FETCHER. 11-05-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 763065)
At first Butters was only a background character with no speaking roles, then in season 3 he became a minor character and eventually worked his way up to being so popular among South Park fans that for a while he replaced Kenny as the 4th kid, though Kenny eventually reclaimed this role, but he has become somewhat of a main character now.

Really? I never knew he had replaced Kenny at one point. The only one I can really remember was Whale Wars which was pretty good I thought, and Butters wasn't in it that much I don't think :)

SATCHMO 11-05-2009 08:38 AM

I'm happy to see The Simpsons aren't dead in the poll.

Darkness_Incarnation 11-05-2009 09:20 AM

wow, i love family guy AND south park...i don't wanna choose :(
if it came down to it though, i guess i prefer south park
(I STILL LOVE YOU STEWIE!!! :bowdown: )

someonecompletelyrandom 11-05-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 763084)
I'm happy to see The Simpsons aren't dead in the poll.

They are doing well considering they were a late addition.

WolfAtTheDoor 11-10-2009 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 763079)
Really? I never knew he had replaced Kenny at one point. The only one I can really remember was Whale Wars which was pretty good I thought, and Butters wasn't in it that much I don't think :)

It was the season after the South Park movie, because one of the main themes of the movie was Kenny's death, so he actually died for a whole season rather than the usual death-every-episode routine. I can't remember how they brought him back actually..

storymilo 11-10-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor (Post 765262)
It was the season after the South Park movie, because one of the main themes of the movie was Kenny's death, so he actually died for a whole season rather than the usual death-every-episode routine. I can't remember how they brought him back actually..

He just appeared in the last episode of the season. Just out of nowhere, and everybody just accepts it.

NumberNineDream 11-11-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor (Post 765262)
It was the season after the South Park movie, because one of the main themes of the movie was Kenny's death, so he actually died for a whole season rather than the usual death-every-episode routine. I can't remember how they brought him back actually..

I feel that is the season that marks the evolution of South Park from the childish first seasons and repetitive random jokes to include complex controversial plots.

From the episode of Cartman's sea people ("Simpsons did it"), to when they were building a "stairway to heaven" to meet their dead friend (Kenny of course) etc ...

It was the beginning of a whole new set of cult episodes.

Now I can't judge the last seasons, cause I didn't watch the post-11 ones. From what I gathered, everyone is saying that they are less good than the previous ones ... still no comment from my part.

FETCHER. 11-11-2009 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor (Post 765262)
It was the season after the South Park movie, because one of the main themes of the movie was Kenny's death, so he actually died for a whole season rather than the usual death-every-episode routine. I can't remember how they brought him back actually..

Ah right, so Butters took Kennys place, 'cause Kenny was dead? Makes sense now, I thought Kenny just took a backseat in the programme for a while.

NumberNineDream 11-11-2009 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 765920)
Ah right, so Butters took Kennys place, 'cause Kenny was dead? Makes sense now, I thought Kenny just took a backseat in the programme for a while.

Tweak has his moment too :D

FETCHER. 11-11-2009 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 765923)
Tweak has his moment too :D

Yeah, I've not seen any of those ones, I don't remember who's song writing journal it was exactly. But it reminded me alot of a Family Guy episode (their title was hey guys look at my songs, come look at my songs or something similar) and it reminded meof the Family Guy where Stewie and the little girl duet together? and the guy does this...

I think I pissed myself when I watched that.

storymilo 11-11-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 765914)

Now I can't judge the last seasons, cause I didn't watch the post-11 ones. From what I gathered, everyone is saying that they are less good than the previous ones ... still no comment from my part.

Don't believe em. The newer seasons are great, sure there have been a few episodes that aren't as funny as previous ones but every season has a bad egg. The newer seasons are actually getting more inappropriate if you ask me, but that allows for sometimes even funnier jokes.

boo boo 11-11-2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor (Post 765262)
It was the season after the South Park movie, because one of the main themes of the movie was Kenny's death, so he actually died for a whole season rather than the usual death-every-episode routine. I can't remember how they brought him back actually..

Well in one episode it explains that there were in fact hundreds of Kennys, everytime Kenny dies his mom gives birth to a new Kenny (with orange parka intact) who grows at a rapid rate.

Sure... why not? :laughing:

iron9567 11-11-2009 12:21 PM

I picked family uy because it has new jokes that doesnt sound the same south park is the same punch lines each episodes after other it kinda gets old after awhile
the iron man

Antonio 11-11-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 763084)
I'm happy to see The Simpsons aren't dead in the poll.


ElephantSack 11-12-2009 10:27 AM

I just saw the Universe-jumping episode of Family Guy last night. The Disney Universe was ****in' insane. And funny, as well.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-12-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 766367)
I just saw the Universe-jumping episode of Family Guy last night. The Disney Universe was ****in' insane. And funny, as well.

I knew they'd pull the anti-semetic card though. It's a funny concept but completly untrue.

Mr Sensitive 11-12-2009 01:41 PM

The latest episode of South Park was just too funny.

WolfAtTheDoor 11-12-2009 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive (Post 766470)
The latest episode of South Park was just too funny.

I didn't get the Avatar reference until the very end, which made it all the more funny.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 11-13-2009 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 766367)
I just saw the Universe-jumping episode of Family Guy last night. The Disney Universe was ****in' insane. And funny, as well.

that episode was hilarious

gunnels 11-13-2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 766367)
I just saw the Universe-jumping episode of Family Guy last night. The Disney Universe was ****in' insane. And funny, as well.

I watched that in my creative writing class today!(too many people absent to teach that day). And yes, the Disney universe was awesome.

TheCunningStunt 11-15-2009 07:48 AM

I immediately thought FAMILY GUY.

Then I thought SOUTH PARK.

Those 2 thoughts flickered through my mind, I settled on South Park because of the memories and Cartman.

"Hey you guys I've got my period."

And when he went to the special olympics.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-16-2009 01:32 PM

^ That one was hillarious!

Beanzy100000 11-17-2009 01:41 PM

I would definitely have to say family guy.

OceanAndSilence 11-19-2009 06:51 PM

south park>simpsons>family guy

the longer each series go for the less funny they get btw

Axiomatic Wiki 11-22-2009 02:00 PM

The main difference between the two, is the Family Guy Humor is bland, boring, unoriginal, and just not funny. South Park Humor is incredibly funny, very original, very clever, consistent, and in every way a better show.

FETCHER. 11-23-2009 01:58 AM

So much Family Guy hate on here :(.

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