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That's the second one. That other little kid was introduced in that one, Kimi or something like that.
The Simpsons was innovative, fresh and intelligent - 10 years ago. Family Guy has never been any of those things and is fairly patchy, but in a good episode you're looking to get a fair few genuine belly laughs. South Park has been incredibly consistent, and it is interesting to see how it has altered from irrelevant and crass to important and satirical.
South Park by a fair distance. |
I love the satire but I also miss the old episodes that weren't really about anything political, so it's a treat when they put out the occasional episode that is just some character's random adventure.
Wolf pretty much summed it up. Southpark rarely has moments I don't like, Family Guy often does but can sometimes be rally funny, and Simpsons... well I haven't watched many episodes but I've seen some old ones and they are clever. My favorite is the one where Homer thinks he's going to die because the sushi he ate was improperly cut.
In my eyes South Park really isn't that creative, every once in a while there's a good episode but Family Guy delivers every episode and has a really witty sense of humor.
South Park is now more or less entirely satirical and in my opinion remains the only intelligent viewing out of the three. I watched an old episode of The Simpsons recently, the one where they adopt Santa's Little Helper from the race track, and I forgot just how down-to-earth and rooted in reality it once was. The main draw of The Simpsons was that it portrayed how real life was but in cartoon form, now it's trying too hard to follow in the erratic footsteps of Family Guy and it's looking all the worse for it. |
It worked for Monty Python didn't it? Quote:
Also, Fox has pretty much ruined their sunday night lineup, nothing against Seth but does he really need THREE shows? Even though I like Cleveland as a character I don't really have high expectations for another McFarelane project. I think Mike Judge made a horrible mistake by quitting King of the Hill just to do The Goode Family which was spectacularly unfunny and deservedly canceled. Sure KOTH may have been past it's peak, but it's cancelation was in vain. :( Remember when the Fox lineup was Simpsons/Futurama/Family Guy/King of the Hill? That was the best lineup ever. |
South Park had a run from about season 3 to season 9 or 10 that remains my favorite stretch of TV episodes ever. Yeah, it was really crude for it's first season or so, but in season 2 you could see the potential for what was to come. After that, there really wasn't more than a handful of episodes that were bad until the time A.C. (after Chef). It was just the right mix of shock humor, story telling, satirical genius, and character development. Nobody creates characters like South Park.
Family Guy isn't something I tune into every week, but it's hard to not laugh when you watch an episode. The Simpsons, like South Park, had a stretch in the early-to-mid 90s when it was seemingly on top of the world. Personally, I just prefer the sharp satirical comedy of South Park over the slapstick of Family Guy or the story telling of The Simpsons... |
Ok, fair enough.
Looking back on it that was a really bad comparison. Quote:
I like Family Guy but let's be honest, when compared to South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama and King of the Hill. FG obviously takes the least amount of effort to write, anyone can throw in a bunch of pop culture references and shock humor at random and make it work. It's a lot harder to put jokes into an actual storyline and make it relevant. With all the other shows, the storylines themselves are funny and have some kind of inspiration and theme to them. With Family Guy that is absolutely not the case, it's pretty much impossible to remember what episode a skit came from because they're all interchangable, you can take one of the "how about that time when..." skits and put them in any other episode and it wouldn't make a difference at all. It's rather lazy actually, but to their credit, they often come up with some hilarious gags, they just can't write an actual story worth the crap. |
It's funny, I like pretty much every show mentioned in this thread.
I love Futurama perhaps more than I could ever love the shows, though. It's intelligent writing, geek humor and has to have some of the best character devopment I've ever seen in a cartoon - perhaps topped only by King of the Hill's characters. |
Family Guy has the least character development of all the shows. Characters more often than not just do their job to deliver whatever random gags the writers come up with, and they very often do things that are out of character.
We all know that Stewie is at his best when he's some maniacal evil genius, that Brian is at his best when he's a wisecracking culture snob, and that Peter is at his best when he's 10x the amount of retarded that Homer is. But there are several moments of the show where characters will do something that's out of character just for the sake of a joke that probably isn't even funny. That is one of the greatest flaws of Family Guy, much too often it sacrifices the story and characters for the jokes, which is something the other cartoon shows don't do. When Cartman does something, it's always something you'd expect Cartman to do, same with anything Homer and Bart does, or anything Fry and Bender does, or anything Hank and Bobby does. But almost all of the characters in Family Guy are just caricatures who never have a consistant backstory, they're not very well defined and their personalities can change in various ways depending on the joke, which is lazy and inconsistant writing. Again, I like Family Guy, but you gotta admit it has some serious flaws. |
SP, for constantly creative and logically sequential scenes
also for taking down 99% of the ridiculous celebrities that everyone wants to do something about but cant for whatever reason (fear?) family guy is hilarious though i gotta admit but SP is too powerful, plus they have really true morals in most of their shows, now how can you beat that? never watched simpsons much, more shtick thananything else and futurama has several awkwardly cheezy moments in each episode which steers me away from it, though it does have a lot of good humor |
oh, also, anyone reading this should check out Curb Your Enthusiasm, its just a newer, edgier, funnier seinfeld. if you dont have hbo watch it online, its pure gold
I watched the first episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm the other day, and it didn't really impress me that much. It definitely furthered the Seinfeld model of exploring the absurd minutiae of these peoples neurosis, but the jokes just weren't as good. I did really enjoy the absence of a laugh track.
Does it get better? |
- captain awesome signing out |
How about Happy Tree Friends? I watched it maybe twice, so I still don't have some opinion about it. |
It's an okay show. After a while the violence shock kind of wears off though, so watch in moderation ;)
I watched some South Park last night. I kept comparing how much better Family Guy was all the way through the episodes, it was alright in all honesty, I just find Family Guy makes me laugh wayyy more :)
I was watching family guy last night, the episode where peter tries to make a chick flick and where stewie marries his old flame. It's probably one of the best episodes i.m.o and i was laughing but as usual i couldnt help noticing the obvious, every joke is interchangeable and completely irrelevant to the plot. I think family guy is more childish/slapstick the way the jokes are delivered where as south park has its childish jokes but also has clever jokes a lot of people don't even pick up on. I guess it just depends on what you're looking for. Personally i'll always enjoy south park more.
Which episode of south park did you watch btw? you should watch cartoon wars where family guy and the simpsons appear. Awesome ep. |
It was the one where Aliens look for an Alien criminal, and the people take the space cash blablabla, know what one I'm on about? |
Watched a new episode of Family Guy. In this one Peter is diagnosed with the "gay gene" which of course, turns him gay, he then dumps Lois for some guy, leading to Brian sending Peter to "straight camp".
There was so much potential here, but it was wasted. A pretty medicore episode. |
I liked the one where Stewie kills Lois... like Finally! |
Both great shows that I watch regularly but I had to go with South Park! When they're both on form, South Park is just 'that much' better!
"Is the crew ok?" "Yes sir, they're French so they surrendered immediately" :rofl: |
^ lol!
Stewie is always at his best when he's evil, I think they need to play that up more. |
It dosen't really make sense. I mean, HE'S A F*CKING TODDLER, toddlers have no sexual orientation. :laughing: |
That's another thing that makes me laugh about him. He's a baby and he's obviously a baby yet he does things like every other adult and people seem to treat him just as if he were one.
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