boo boo |
10-16-2009 06:09 PM |
Originally Posted by Conan
(Post 652711)
I run into this all the time, and as a big fan of both shows I can say that it is certainly not the case.
It was a bit of a Simpsons clone at first, the basic premise is obviously the same, btut to be fair it's a premise that predates The Simpsons and goes all the way back to The Jetsons and The Flinstones.
Family Guy over the years has become much more of it's own show, for better or for worse. It's style of humor is quite different from The Simpsons.
Simpsons is a more satirical show where the episodes actually have some kind of point to make plus it's a show that is accessible to anyone.
Family Guy of course started the whole trend of super random humor and pop culture references that come out of nowhere, which is imitated (poorly) in a lot of stuff these days. Also, it's a much cruder and vicious show and relies much more on shock humor. and so it has a more niche appeal than The Simpsons does, I'm kinda surprised Family Guy ever got as popular as it did.