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RoemerMW 09-16-2008 12:28 AM

100 Things That Piss Me Off About Movies
I know this is a vagrant rip-off of Urban's list, but Boo Boo's and Jackhammers have been great so far, so why not one for this? I will try and make it as interesting as possible.
100: Songs I Like in Movies I Hate

This really pisses me off. I'm watching a movie, and it's a pretty **** movie, then all of a sudden I hear a song I like or love. It shouldn't really bother me, but I can't help but be bothered by it. It just seems like such a terrible waste of a song, especially when it's just used as a background song on the radio to establish that the main character is "hip" or cool or whatever. The Invisible is a bad example. It has at least three songs I like in it, all placed horribly. The rest of the soundtrack is sh*t, and to have theses songs placed with this movie and the other horrible songs in it pisses me off.

Another example is in Disturbia, when you see the posters in the background. Ooh, look, he has The Clash and Led Zeppelin posters, he's so cool, lol! It's posters, not songs, but to even have some artists I like associated with this sh*t just plain irks me.

On a slight side note, it also pisses me off to hear a song I despise in a film I like. For example, I love Venus. But I can't stand "Put Your Records On". I just find the song annoying, and I don't really think it fit's the film. It just seems like a cheap ploy to popularize the film.

These examples aren't the best, but I can't think of any others at the moment. I'll probably include some more later.

RoemerMW 09-16-2008 12:30 AM

These posts aren't in order, but they will slowly get higher the closer I get to the end. And I shall post more later, at least one a day.

FireInCairo 09-16-2008 05:08 AM

oooh i get what you mean but you should broaden it from just songs

i was made to watch one tree hill by one of my ex girlf friends and lo and behold the episode is called boys dont cry
apparently they name most epsiodes after cure songs
i wanted to smash the screen in

sweet_nothing 09-16-2008 02:55 PM

this thread is gonna be tight

jackhammer 09-17-2008 01:38 PM

Meph1986 09-17-2008 01:46 PM

Vague Genre Movies....:laughing:

RoemerMW 09-17-2008 07:48 PM
99: Film Studies Students

I'm not talking about Film Production students, that's a key difference. Film Production is making films, and studying how they are made. Film studies is "studying them", and from what I've seen that basically means you pay to watch films and listen to someone talk about them.

These people wouldn't bother me so much, but every one of them I've met on the internet are incredibly pretentious, and they don't really seem to know all that much about film. From what I've seen, all they've learned from their years of studying is how to ignore every film that's not in the AFI's top 100 list or an equivalent list. You'd think after years of studying film, they'd learn something beyond the canonized norm.

Also, many of these people seem to think that their opinion is much more important than other people's because they majored or minored in film studies. Usually that would be true; if you majored in medical science, your medical opinion would be more valid than mine. But based on the "knowledge" they display, what they have learned would be the equivalent of going to medical school and only learning how to do the Heimlich maneuver. Yes, The Godfather/Annie Hall/Vertigo/Citizen Kane/various other canonized movies are all great, but mentioning only the canonized doesn't show any real knowledge about film. Whenever someone's top ten list consists of all super-canonized films, that pretty much guarantees that they know sh*t and are trying to impress someone.

If anyone here was/is a film studies student, I'm sorry if I offended you. For all I know there is a great film studies program out there, and maybe it actually helped you. I have yet to encounter anyone who actually came out of a film studies program knowing more than I do. Everyone I've met who has an impressive knowledge of film learned it on their own, like me.

RoemerMW 09-17-2008 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 520393)

Lol, completely agree. Chevy Chase is pretty mediocre at best.

Surell 09-17-2008 07:54 PM

I remember hearing Closer in the Hitcher, and I got angry. >:x

And for the second one, I've come across film buffs, but they always seem to have quite a range in their movies. Kinda pretentious, still, but at least they have range. The ones you listed sound like Pricksville citizens. :o

FireInCairo 09-18-2008 12:44 AM

im a pretentious film student
but i watch lots of movies!!! and id say most do

jackhammer 09-18-2008 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by UberFilmBuff (Post 520679)
Lol, completely agree. Chevy Chase is pretty mediocre at best.

That is far too nice a word for this douchebag.

Surell 09-18-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by FireInCairo (Post 520811)
im a pretentious film student
but i watch lots of movies!!! and id say most do

ur just insekure.

The Monkey 09-19-2008 07:09 PM

Has anyone ever finished one of these lists?

Fyrenza 09-19-2008 09:03 PM


was wondering the same thing when i was thinking of what kind of list i could make


if i do make a list
it will be more like 10 things
better chance of finishing it

boo boo 09-19-2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by UberFilmBuff (Post 520679)
Lol, completely agree. Chevy Chase is pretty mediocre at best.

Now c'mon.

He's been in a LOT of sh*t.

But he's great in the first Vacation movie (and Christmas Vacation, the only other good one), Caddyshack and Three Amigos.

Molecules 09-19-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by UberFilmBuff (Post 520675)
99: Film Studies Students

I'm not talking about Film Production students, that's a key difference. Film Production is making films, and studying how they are made. Film studies is "studying them", and from what I've seen that basically means you pay to watch films and listen to someone talk about them.

These people wouldn't bother me so much, but every one of them I've met on the internet are incredibly pretentious, and they don't really seem to know all that much about film. From what I've seen, all they've learned from their years of studying is how to ignore every film that's not in the AFI's top 100 list or an equivalent list. You'd think after years of studying film, they'd learn something beyond the canonized norm.

Also, many of these people seem to think that their opinion is much more important than other people's because they majored or minored in film studies. Usually that would be true; if you majored in medical science, your medical opinion would be more valid than mine. But based on the "knowledge" they display, what they have learned would be the equivalent of going to medical school and only learning how to do the Heimlich maneuver. Yes, The Godfather/Annie Hall/Vertigo/Citizen Kane/various other canonized movies are all great, but mentioning only the canonized doesn't show any real knowledge about film. Whenever someone's top ten list consists of all super-canonized films, that pretty much guarantees that they know sh*t and are trying to impress someone.

If anyone here was/is a film studies student, I'm sorry if I offended you. For all I know there is a great film studies program out there, and maybe it actually helped you. I have yet to encounter anyone who actually came out of a film studies program knowing more than I do. Everyone I've met who has an impressive knowledge of film learned it on their own, like me.

my brother just switched to Bolton from ^^Aberdeen uni... where he took film studies. I 'studied' the same for a year in 2005, only to realise (too late) it was 99% meaningless garbage. If you're really passionate about film you fork out and go to film school or do video production or whatever; but the size and multitude of these courses (in the UK at least) is unnecessary... do we really need another few thousand film critics? Any other guy can do their own research online these days, get hold of the classics and teach themselves, you don't need to pay crazy money to do it. There are benefits, some good seminars with industry types and I had one or two great lecturers... And if a module on classic Japanese cinema really pushes your buttons then you could do worse whilst flunking your tinpot degree

Molecules 09-19-2008 10:40 PM



Janszoon 09-20-2008 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 521585)
He's been in a LOT of sh*t.

But he's great in the first Vacation movie (and Christmas Vacation, the only other good one), Caddyshack and Three Amigos.

Yes to everything except Caddyshack. It's true he's done a lot of absolute garbage but he has at least those three funny movies under his belt.

RoemerMW 09-22-2008 12:21 AM
98: Internet Forums
Or more specifically, the lack of any good ones. Their are plenty of good filmmaking ones, but there don't seem to be any film versions of Musicbanter. On every film forum I've been on, every post that isn't abut some crappy film in theaters is about a highly popular, overly canonized film. The best one's I've found would be the musical equivalent of a music forum where everyone only talked about The Beatles and Nirvana.

RoemerMW 09-22-2008 12:32 AM
97: Quentin Tarantino Fanboys
I love Tarantino's films. But I, for the most part, despise his fans. A hardcore Quentin Tarantino fan is the cinematic equivalent of a hardcore Nirvana fan, all but ignoring every other director to ever make a film the past 100 years. He is great, but his hardcore fans are by far the most annoying. Pulp Fiction is a good movie to quote, but it's not the only god-damn film out there. There are plenty of better directors making films out there, and its not like QT invented badass dialogue.

boo boo 09-22-2008 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by UberFilmBuff (Post 522536)
98: Internet Forums
Or more specifically, the lack of any good ones. Their are plenty of good filmmaking ones, but there don't seem to be any film versions of Musicbanter. On every film forum I've been on, every post that isn't abut some crappy film in theaters is about a highly popular, overly canonized film. The best one's I've found would be the musical equivalent of a music forum where everyone only talked about The Beatles and Nirvana.

Have you tried DDD's movie forums?

DDD Music Forum: :: Index

Some biased assh*les, but theres a few smart cookies about the subject.

RoemerMW 09-22-2008 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 522723)
Have you tried DDD's movie forums?

DDD Music Forum: :: Index

Some biased assh*les, but theres a few smart cookies about the subject.

No, I haven't tried it yet. I'll give it a shot, but it looks a little to low on posts and list heavy for my tastes. I think I've been spoiled by Musicbanter, I expect way to much from internet forums now.

RoemerMW 09-22-2008 07:05 PM

Actually, I've been looking around at it for a few minutes, and it's looking pretty good. Thanks for the recommendation.

FaSho 10-12-2008 01:18 PM

only three entries? im waiting...

lucifer_sam 10-13-2008 07:09 PM

This is a solid list. You and Janszoon are probably my favorite new members.

Keep it up.

FaSho 10-13-2008 07:19 PM

i thought i was your favorite...

RoemerMW 10-13-2008 09:35 PM

I'm going to add more. I've been busy with school and haven't had much time to do anything.

RoemerMW 10-13-2008 10:19 PM
97: My Town/Southern Oregon

I can't wait until I move to Portland. My town does have a movie theater, but it only shows the most popular films. Since it's a more rural and politically/socially conservative area, the theater is somewhat biased in what it shows (for example, An American Carol is playing here but Religulous isn't) If I want to see a newer film, and it isn't a hit at the box office, I usually have to wait until it goes on DVD. And our DVD rental and purchasing options are pretty dismal. I know that isn't exactly uncommon in smaller towns, but I still hate it. Thank god for the internet.

Also, on a slightly different note, Southern Oregon... actually, every place in Oregon with the exception of Portland sucks for filmmaking. I'm an officer in a group that is trying to bring attention to southern Oregon as a potential place to for filmmakers to film their films, and all of Oregon's film commissions attention lies on Portland. Oregon has plenty of beaches, small towns, forests, desert like areas, and many other places that would be great locations for filming that aren't going to be used because one small group of people is in control of the official Oregon film commission. Their jobs are secure no matter what they do, so they could care less about bothering to go the extra mile and include the rest of the state in their advertising. I plan to make films and/or other video related jobs for a living, so this is kind of a big issue for me.

FaSho 10-14-2008 01:32 PM

kind of like that here we cant get any of the good movies just the ones that conform to popularity standards

jackhammer 10-14-2008 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 530859)
kind of like that here we cant get any of the good movies just the ones that conform to popularity standards

It's like that in many parts of the world TBH. Unless you live in London or do film festivals, mainstream fare is all you get in most places. The supremely brilliant British film 'This Is England' did'nt even get a cinema release in my town and with a population of approx 100,000, it is a sad state of affairs and indicative of the monopoly the big studios have on our cinemas.

tdoc210 10-14-2008 04:52 PM

my movie theater had the dark night for a month, or however
and theres only 2 screens
and no rental shops besides movie gallery which...has nothing

NSW 10-14-2008 05:54 PM

That's one good thing I do like about living in a big city...we have ALOT of theatres and plenty of them show independent or little-known films. There's even a couple the show older movies...went to see "Labyrinth" at one about a year ago, and "Monty Pythons The Holy Grail" a little while before that. And of course they always bring back "Rocky Horror" in October. Good times.

boo boo 10-15-2008 01:55 AM

Labyrinth was awesome, a fantasy/comedy musical, with puppets... and David Bowie.

What more could you ask for? If they still made movies like that today, I'd start going to the theaters again. No seriously.

NSW 10-15-2008 07:16 AM

I KNOW...right? My friend and I have lots of fun watching Labyrinth and singing all the songs (especially Magic Dance...and Chilly Down), while our husbands beg us to stop before they bleed from the ears. Fun!

simplephysics 10-15-2008 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 531123)
Labyrinth was awesome, a fantasy/comedy musical, with puppets... and David Bowie.

Epic trousers.

sweet_nothing 10-18-2008 01:11 AM

I honestly thought Labyrinth wasn't that great.

boo boo 10-18-2008 03:11 AM

To each his own. I think it's awesome.

Movies like Labyrinth, Time Bandits, Neverending Story and The Dark Crystal are a sad reminder of a forgotten era when kids movies were actually good.

There's one thing I hope Uberfilmbuff brings up. And that is the horrible trend of talking animal movies. Why god?

RoemerMW 10-18-2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 532204)
There's one thing I hope Uberfilmbuff brings up. And that is the horrible trend of talking animal movies. Why god?

I haven't even thought of that. Although I do have something similar that I was going to write soon. And yes, talking animal 3-d movies not made by Pixar f*cking suck. If I ever have to sit through Madagascar again someone's going to get hurt.

Fruitonica 10-18-2008 08:05 PM

^ Animals of Farthing Wood is an exception, I lived on that stuff as a kid.

FireInCairo 10-19-2008 06:21 AM

farthing wood was badass
as was labyrinth

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