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Old 10-29-2008, 02:11 PM   #311 (permalink)
one big soul
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Best entry yet.

I've seen that game (LEFT BEHIND) at Wal Mart, and my Dad (who is a Christian) said the game was stupid.

Also, LOL at Bibleman image.
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Old 10-29-2008, 05:24 PM   #312 (permalink)
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The whole Mass Effect sex thing was completey stupid. I was suprised that in the video you posted they didn't even touch upon the fact that an alien lesbian romp was possible.
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Old 10-29-2008, 07:08 PM   #313 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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64: Feminists

You know. Going after Christians is just too easy. But since I already have, I might as well go out of my way to offend everyone.

Feminists are a very special breed of attention whore. The "hey look at how ugly I am, I think all women should be ugly like me" variety... Ok, maybe that's generalizing just a tad, but with most radical feminists it seems pretty much right on the mark. Apparrently feminists are outraged by men's idea of beauty and how the media promotes it.

This is retarded because.

1. Every culture has their ideal perception of beauty
2. Our cultures idea of beauty depends on the person. Some like the porn star look, some like the supermodel look, some like the girl next door look, some like the athelitc look, and so on. It's all personal preference and I don't see the media pushing only one specific body type down everybodies throats.

To radical feminists, any woman that is well endowed or thin (or just fit) or likes to show off their body or is f*cking attractive in any way is automatically a bad role model. Because for some unexplainable reason it's unrealistic. Even though this is what a lot of women look like. Dosen't make a lot of sense. Radical feminists think that female sexuality should pretty much be completely repressed and obscured, they are no better than fundamentalist Christians in that sense. So the general idea is that it's wrong to prefer looking at attractive women who are pretty straightfoward in their sexuality and having them heavily featured in all forms of media. For some reason women shouldn't flaunt their features, why? So they don't have to make obese women feel insecure? Well guess what. Maybe that insecurity will motivate them to stop being such fatasses. Yes I know anorexia is a problem and the media's perception of beauty dosen't help. But it's not like men don't face the same problem. Look, some people are attractive, some are not. People with ridiculously high standards are just idiots and so are women who think they need to alter their appearance based on the idea that it's the only way to get a man.

Ok, what in the f*ck does this have to do with video games? Well I've already covered the fanservice thing. Fanservice has been prominent in gaming since the 16 bit era, developers like SNK, Tecmo and Capcom are especially known for their scantly clad babes with big jugs and tree trunk thighs. And feminists of course have to make a BIG deal about how women are depicted in video games just like every other form of media. But of course there's an obvious difference. See if you can tell what it is.

The argument is that video game depictions of women is worse because these women are obviously not real. The argument is that they are bad role models for young boys and girls because of their "unrealistic" appearance.

That would be a solid argument. That is if most video game characters didn't look like this.

or this

So yeah. Not a good argument after all eh? And I refuse to believe that this is the real reason gaming is not as popular with women, because there's just as many muscled up he men like Kratos, Simon Belmont, Duke Nukem and Ryu Hayabusa as there are chicks like Mai Shiranui in revealing outfits. I don't see anyone complaining about how they make men feel about their appearance. Maybe because they realise THEY'RE JUST F*CKING VIDEO GAMES.

It's bad enough that developers today are obsessed with realism so they don't have to, you know, be imaginative or anything. But now we have people bitching because the virtual chicks are too attractive? Yeah, Lara Croft may be an intelligent archaeologist ala Indiana Jones and a total badass that can kill a f*cking velicoraptor with ease, but she's a bad role model because she has... boobs? Interesting how that works. Oh, and they also don't like that they're "stereotypically feminine", and by that I mean feminine, which feminists also reject in their everlasting quest to be as unattractive to men as possible, I know they're supposed to be making a "statement", but it's really just natures way of preventing ugly people from breeding. I guess if all video game chicks looked like the top picture the feminists would be happy. Speaking of which, developers are already working hard to make more realistic looking charcters, women with less ideal bodies and even stuff like acne and wrinkles. You'd think that would shut up feminists but no. It's like they have some kind of deep hatred for horny nerds everywhere. Besides, the majority of these controversial character archtypes are from fighting games, which are (surprise) mainly marketed to teenage boys. Basically, feminists have a peoblem when women are used as sex symbols, in ANY way, and ANY form of entertainment. And the main goal of radical feminists is to make sure that no man is ever sexually aroused, EVER.

Here's a good example of what I mean. Samus from the Metroid games, the first Metroid game was largely considered to have set a strong feminist statement when it was discovered after you completed the game that you were playing a woman the whole time. So I found it ironic to see feminists complain about Zero Mission and Brawl depicting Samus without her armor suit and in more revealing attire (even though featuring her in sexy outfits has actually been a tradition ever since the first Metroid), suddenly she was no longer a positive role model because god f*cking forbid, she wasn't hiding her appearance. In other words she was only a good role model when you couldn't TELL that she's a woman, once she turns into some super hot blonde chick in a body suit she's suddenly a bad role model, even though she's the same ass kicking space warrior she always was. What a f*cking mixed message that is. So I guess what feminists want is for all attractive women in the world to wear bulking suits of armor at all times. So they can be taken seriously.

Seriously what is it about hot video game chicks piss feminists off so much? I hope they don't seriously believe it teaches young males to have really high standards of women. THEY'RE JUST CARTOONS. Do I get off on that kind of stuff? Well yeah, that's why this is an issue with me. Fapping to video game/anime chicks is pretty much one of those fetishes that are shunned at by a lot of people. And c'mon feminists, let's not kid ourselves, should we REALLY say that people like me who get off on Anime and video game chicks are setting their standards too high?

Now you may ask yourself why I give a damn what some respulsively overweight women think about women that don't actually exist. Why am I looking so far into this? Well heres the thing. Feminists are just like any other hardcore activist type (left or right), they want to take all the joy and wonder out of the world. As a gamer, I do take it personally when people want to change the things that I love about video games, one of those things just happens to be good ol' pixelated T&A (yeah, sue me). Anyone who makes a big deal out of something like Dead or Alive is missing the point. Video games are NOT realistic, they were never meant to be, the women (AND men) in video games look better than your ugly ass for a reason, it's fantasy, it's ESCAPISM, that's what video games and most forms of entertainment in general is all about. That will and should never change. Accept it or STFU.

Any woman who wants to model herself after a video game character obviously has some serious problems. So note to the feminists, if you really want people to take you seriously, please drop such a retarded issue as this one. And leave me alone, I ain't bothering nobody as long as I have my Soul Calibur hentai.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:31 PM   #314 (permalink)
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This has to be the most entertaining thread ever.

Alas! if you only cared as much about music!
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Old 10-29-2008, 08:37 PM   #315 (permalink)
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Last two rants were hilarious. I'm happy the list is picking up pace.
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:16 PM   #316 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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God I think I've re-edited that last one like 30 times.

I do that with a lot of my rants. My rage just pours out and it's hard to contain it all in a single post.

EDIT: Whew. I think I'm done.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:27 PM   #317 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo_boo
What a f*cking mixed massage that is.
That typo was lulz for me.
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:30 PM   #318 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by khfreek View Post
That typo was lulz for me.
C'mon guy, I almost exceeded the character limit with that post, surely there's gonna be a typo or two.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:52 PM   #319 (permalink)
we are stardust
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Haha I was just about to reply to the "Christians" post saying that the only problem I had with the games was the sexist portrayal of women... but then I scrolled down and saw the "Feminists" posts and ALMOST stopped myself.

Seriously what is it about hot video game chicks piss feminists off so much?
I don't care if chicks are hot in video games! It's more a matter of how they are portrayed in terms of them 1) just being portrayed as objects of sexual desire and 2) being subordinate to men. And research HAS shown that a percentage of probably unintelligent males in the world react to this perception of women and believe that women are subordinate and that they can do whatever the **** they like to them and this is why 1 in 4 women in their lifetime will be raped or sexually abused.

By the way I AM NOT UGLY OR FERAL OR FAT. Go see for yourself in my picture in the members picture gallery thread. I also don't think that girls should be ugly or wear daggy clothes. I think hot chicks should flaunt away if they're proud of their bodies. I know I do. So I've destroyed all of your feminist stereotypes. Sorry.
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:12 PM   #320 (permalink)
Later on...
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Did you miss the Samus and Lara Croft stuff?

Ps. Don't crucify me please, I love Women.
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