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Old 09-24-2008, 12:08 AM   #121 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Yeah, I pretty much lost the plot after the N64.

And people really underrate the Gamecube and Wii. As with any system that has a strong first party library but lacks third party support. So yeah, I just stick with Nintendo now.
here here! (Don't have a Wii, or any current-gen console )

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:27 AM   #122 (permalink)
Da Hiphopopotamus
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Gamecube? The only good game that comes to mind is RE4
Originally Posted by swim View Post
America does folk, hardcore and mathrock better and that's 90% of what I give 2 shits on.
Originally Posted by chartsengrafs View Post
sweet nothing openly flaunts the fact that he is merely the empty shell of an even more unadmirable member. his loneliness and need for attention bleeds through every letter he types. edit: i would just like to add that i'm ashamed that he's from texas. surely you didn't grow up in texas, did you sweet nothing?
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:35 AM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sweet_nothing View Post
Gamecube? The only good game that comes to mind is RE4
Heresy. Do you have a Gamecube? (if not which do you have?)
All the games I have are still extremely playable and the graphical style for some most of it's flagship titles (Windwaker, Mario Kart DD, Viewtiful Joe, Paper Mario, etc) was so bold they still look great. K-man, you disappoint me...

additional: i thought RE4 was overrated at the time, despite the GC version apparently being the best. Infact I can't think of *many* third-party titles that really rocked my world on that console (except some choice Sega games).

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Old 09-24-2008, 12:41 AM   #124 (permalink)
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Super Smash Bros., Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Killer7 come to mind for me personally

Not a bad system at all, but just suffered from poor third party and advertising.

Top thread btw. So far it seems like you have a huge love/hate this going for Sega boo boo
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:42 AM   #125 (permalink)
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RE4 was a bit boring/repetitive/easy for me... Dunno why, but didn't come close to number 1/2...

A solid enough game though... But I didn't rate it so highly.
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:51 AM   #126 (permalink)
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yeah it was good, I rented it and completed in a weekend, but all the tension and dynamics I'd associated with such amazing gaming experiences in the past with Resi 1+2 were totally gone to be replaced with this cheesy hollywood action plot thing. Not a bad game at all but... y'know?

It all shows the massive shift in games since the mid-90's from geekdom to mainstream acceptance; almost every game out there is going for that cinematic/realistic feel. Bar Nintendo ofcourse <<<(not a rabid fanboy) :P

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Old 09-24-2008, 12:55 AM   #127 (permalink)
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lol yeah seemed like it was trying to become a horror version of Metal Gear Solid.. Not a bad thing, because I like MGS but it just didn't feel like RE anymore (Which was, y'know, difficult to begin with )

Anyway Molecules, not a fan of the ole Japanese RPG genre?
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Old 09-24-2008, 01:23 AM   #128 (permalink)
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nooo quite the opposite i've not played loads (mainly stuck to the FF series, for, erm, fiscal reasons). like anything there are good and bad examples I guess, different types... for me any RPG i play has to live up to Final Fantasy 8. Just the balance of fiddly statistics and gripping story/music/production design is mind blowing. The last really technical RPG i played was FF Tactics Advance. Brilliant.

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Old 09-24-2008, 01:35 AM   #129 (permalink)
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Yep, 8 would have to be my favourite, though I spent the most time on 10...

The only thing I hated about number 8 was the level scaling to your characters levels... Really annoying...
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Old 09-24-2008, 02:51 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Molecules View Post
I find it amazing that Sega still ignite such passion/hatred amongst the gaming community... this thread has been alot of fun to read.
re next-gen Sonic; I had a MegaDrive/Genesis growing up (secondhand, parents didn't spoil us) and remember Sonic & Knuckles going for £40 in Game (that's like $70?); also got Sonic Adventure with my Dreamcast. Now Adventure was astounding at the time, dated terribly ofcourse, but all the games I've had the displeasure of playing recently have followed the Sonic Adventure 2 formula - sacrificing playability for speed and flashiness...
I just think maybe the Sonic franchise can't be translated into a classic 3D game if you attempt to retain all the elements that made it so great on the 16 bit consoles. And the character design and voice acting has been consistently terrible IMO.

Any plans for a Final Fantasy/RPG-related rant BooBoo?
Sega were such a polarizing figure in the industry. They made good systems and they made great games but they were horrible at doing business and that was their undoing.

There were a LOT of consoles that bombed, but Sega's were different from the rest due to actually being well designed consoles with good games (even the dreaded Sega CD had a few great games), and so unlike the Atari Jaguar and 3DO, their systems actually have a following. Their failure always had to do with dubious marketing and timing. Heres a brief timeline of Sega's legacy of failure in the hardware market.

1986/89: A reputation as one of the giants of arcade gaming.
1986: The Sega Master System. Sega's first true contender in the western home console market. It had better graphics and sound than the NES but it suffered from a lack of third party support, this was mostly because Nintendo didn't allow their third party developers to make games for competing home consoles... Because of this Sega eventually sued Nintendo for anti-trust activities and creating a monopoly. Sega won the case but the damage had already been done as far as the MS was concerned. MS might have done well if Nitendo weren't so dirty back then.
1988: The Mega Drive/Sega Genesis is born. It was Sega's second attempt to outshine the NES and was the first true 16 bit console, the console did well in Europe but took a while to catch on elsewhere.
1990/91: Nintendo fires back with the SNES, with an impressive launch. The famous console war begins.
1991: Sonic the Hedgehog is a hit and the Genesis sells better than ever. Earning the system more third party support and the first serious competitor Nintendo has ever had.
1991: Sega combats the Game Boy with their own handheld the Game Gear, the first true color handheld, unfortunately it had a dreadful battery life, preventing it from ever outselling the Game Boy, but it still sold moderately well.
1992: Sega hypes the Sega CD add on for the Genesis which was practically a brand new console that could support full motion video, they were now trying to sell 3 different consoles at essentially the same time which was just retarded, and it was a total failure. Both because they were trying to sell too many consoles at the same time but also because FMV games were ass.
1994: The next breed of consoles were already underway but Sega wanted something to hold consumers over until the Saturn came out, so they made another Genesis add on the 32X, an even bigger failure.
1995: The Saturn comes out, at a time when they already had 4 other consoles in the market (I'm not kidding). It was a 32 bit console which was cutting edge for the time, but was hideously overpriced (400 bucks), there were few games for launch and it was no match for the PS1, which everyone prefered to wait for, the Saturn sold horribly. And PS1 crushed it.
1995: Sega being on one of the biggest stupid streaks in history finally discontinue the Genesis, even though sales were declining it was still their best selling system, hell it was the only one that ever really caught on, production for the Genesis was ceased in order to support the Saturn, yeah, THAT was a good idea.
1996: N64 joins in on aforementioned buttraping of the Saturn.
1999: SNES is finally discontinued, in the end it won out over the Genesis, selling more units.
1999: The Dreamcast. It had a great marketing campaign (it's thinking) but in the end it was another example of Sega releasing a console too early and with not enough games for launch. There were 3 competing consoles still on the way and people prefered to wait.
2001: Dreamcast gets crushed by the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox. Sega discontintues the Dreamcast after only a two year run. Sega decided this would be their last embarrassment, they retire from console making.
2001: Sega goes third party. Begins making games for other platforms.
2004/present: Sonic Heroes sets a trend for one hugely disappointing game after another.

As you can see, Sega's failure had more than anything to do with poor marketing and just plain bad business decisions, they had always been a solid game developer/publisher though, at least until say the last 5 years, they pretty much went to sh*t when Sammy merged with them. Also Yuji Naka and Yu Suzuki's departure from the company is also a big contributor to the problem, they were Sega's two most celebrated designers.

Anyway I really liked the Sonic Adventure games, I don't think making Sonic work in 3D is impossible at all. But he does work best in 2D, that goes without saying.

EDIT: Yeah, I have an RPG related rant on the way.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


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I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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