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simplephysics 03-29-2008 04:46 PM

Chuck Palahniuk
It is probably apparent that I am completely on Chuck P's nuts and have enjoyed pretty much everything he has ever written, so I'm surprised I couldn't find a thread on him. ):
Quite an amazing "Shock" writer.

Anyway, my favorite novel has to be Choke. It's more linear than most of his work, which, for me at least, makes it alot less confusing.

Snuff comes out this May, cant wait.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 03-29-2008 04:47 PM

I've read Choke, Fight Club and Survivor... I liked them all, he's a pretty good writer.

Choke movie comes out this August.. should be interesting.

sleepy jack 03-29-2008 04:58 PM

I enjoy him, sometimes I find he gets too repetitive like in Diary for instance, but overall he's good. Choke is probably my favorite book of his.

jackhammer 03-29-2008 06:38 PM

A good writer but I much prefer Bret Easton Ellis and Irvine Welsh to tap into modern society.

sweet_nothing 03-29-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 460944)
A good writer but I much prefer Bret Easton Ellis and Irvine Welsh to tap into modern society.

My 2 favorite writers

chartsengrafs 03-29-2008 11:22 PM

i can't wait for snuff. i love the whole culture of porn, and reading cp's take on it is going to be awesome.

i've read fight club, survivor, lullaby, diary, choke, and half of haunted. the first three being the only one's i liked. well, choke was alright too, but it was mostly dull up until the ending. haven't read any of his others.

simplephysics 03-30-2008 04:15 PM


haha he's so freaking graphic. Snuff will no exception I'm sure. I have a feeling I'm gonna be reading alot that I don't want to picture in my head but will anyways.

iLoveBlood 04-01-2008 01:50 PM

At first I thought that Fight Club and Survivor were my two favorites, but then I read RANT. Brilliant, it takes the "Documentary" feel of World War Z but applies it to CP's unique way of creating a world and character.

dietcoke 04-09-2008 08:34 AM

Rant is great .. but Choke still takes the cake for me. Cannot wait for Snuff .. the man is brilliant.

datafox 04-11-2008 04:52 PM

My favorite by Palahniuk is Haunted, with Choke coming in quite close to that. I love his writing. He's insane. It's fantastic.

Richiban 04-11-2008 05:31 PM

I wish that someone had told me that the cover of haunted is glow in the dark. I remember reading it before bed and after turning out the light to go to sleep, seeing that face on the cover staring at me in the dark just about gave me a heart attack and an episode of bowel loosening.

datafox 04-11-2008 05:38 PM

HAHA I FOUND OUT ONE NIGHT WONDERING WHAT THE CRAP WAS GLOWING ON MY FLOOR! That's hilarious. Haha. No one told me either. It scared the hellout of me.

chartsengrafs 04-12-2008 05:00 AM

my copy of haunted scared the effing ish out of my friend one night. awesome.

datafox 04-12-2008 08:34 AM


simplephysics 04-12-2008 12:15 PM

I had no idea it glowed in the dark!
I now have to thank you all for the warning, I'm a very jumpy person and that would about put me over the edge.

tkpb938 04-13-2008 01:24 AM

Okay, I read the synopsis for "Guts", and thats just really f*cked up sh1t right there.

datafox 04-13-2008 11:19 AM

I heart Palahniuk and his sick brain. <3<3<3

simplephysics 04-13-2008 12:03 PM

Cause, really, where would we be without it?

Lizzie 04-13-2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by datafox (Post 468728)
I heart Palahniuk and his sick brain. <3<3<3

Me Too.
Choke is amazing

sweet_nothing 04-13-2008 02:37 PM

Alright if this guy is as amazing as you guys say he is I need a book, question is which one?

simplephysics 04-13-2008 02:39 PM

You really can't go wrong.

Choke, Lullaby, or Haunted would be your best bets probably.

sweet_nothing 04-13-2008 02:39 PM

ok I guess i'll get Choke

datafox 04-13-2008 04:36 PM

Yeah Choke is your best bet to start, try Haunted afterwards - it's pretty disturbing. People fainted when he did his readings.

simplephysics 04-13-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by datafox (Post 469096)
Yeah Choke is your best bet to start, try Haunted afterwards - it's pretty disturbing. People fainted when he did his readings.

lol guts is my favorite story in haunted, followed closely by the nightmare box.

datafox 04-13-2008 04:39 PM

guts is awesome. I was like... omg... throughout the whole thing. BUT YOU CAN'T STOP READING.

Lizzie 04-13-2008 04:41 PM

Guts was the first thing I read by him, and its was pretty, um, disturbing, but thats what made me want to read more of his stuff

simplephysics 04-13-2008 04:41 PM

haha i know and it just gets worse and worse the more you read.
Like i said before, I am never going near a pool drain ever, ever again.

sweet_nothing 04-13-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 469098)
lol guts is my favorite story in haunted, followed closely by the nightmare box.

I read a summary of Guts and it was pretty funny but for all the wrong reasons.

Lizzie 04-13-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 469114)
haha i know and it just gets worse and worse the more you read.
Like i said before, I am never going near a pool drain ever, ever again.

Ahaha, I know, I've never eaten a carrot since

datafox 04-13-2008 04:46 PM


I've been terrified of them since I was a kid. So, that story ... makes me... more .. ascared.

sweet_nothing 04-13-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lizzie (Post 469127)
Ahaha, I know, I've never eaten a carrot since

Yeah that part creeped me out and the candle wax and the pool thing with his sister.

NoseClams 05-09-2008 01:46 PM

I have read Fight Club, Diary, and Invisible Monsters, and they have turned me into a CP fan. He has a very unique style about him that i really enjoy.

At the begining of either Diary or Invisible monsters, cp talks about when he was young he was in the pool and put his 'rectum' against one of the pool filters and he stayed there so long that he pulled out several feet of his small intestine, and had to go to the hospital and have it removed. Does anyone know if he is just BullSh*ting?

sweet_nothing 05-09-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by NoseClams (Post 478090)
At the begining of either Diary or Invisible monsters, cp talks about when he was young he was in the pool and put his 'rectum' against one of the pool filters and he stayed there so long that he pulled out several feet of his small intestine, and had to go to the hospital and have it removed. Does anyone know if he is just BullSh*ting?

Naw man that was in 'Guts' it is true but it happened to someone else.

Gates_of_Iscariot 05-15-2008 08:10 PM

lol the new scene to read wow lame

simplephysics 05-16-2008 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Gates_of_Iscariot (Post 480522)
lol the new scene to read wow lame


Farfisa 05-16-2008 04:01 PM

1st rule, don't talk about fight all forgot that.

swim 05-16-2008 04:30 PM

Good thing they remember rule #2.

simplephysics 05-16-2008 04:53 PM


• Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything.

Originally Posted by Gates_of_Iscariot (Post 480522)
lol the new scene to read wow lame

I say it was needed.

simplephysics 05-24-2008 12:43 PM

K all you Chuck P fans, Snuff is finally heree (I'm a little late but whatevas..)

I'm only a few chapters in but I can already tell this book doesn't hold up to his other stuff. In short, it's about a woman named Cassie Wright, who is attempting to break the world record for largest gang bang in history (which includes 600 participants.) The books tracks the lives of 3 guys who are planning to take part in the shenanigans. Interesting subject, but I'm still waiting for a twist..

tkpb938 05-24-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 483666)
K all you Chuck P fans, Snuff is finally heree (I'm a little late but whatevas..)

I'm only a few chapters in but I can already tell this book doesn't hold up to his other stuff. In short, it's about a woman named Cassie Wright, who is attempting to break the world record for largest gang bang in history (which includes 600 participants.) The books tracks the lives of 3 guys who are planning to take part in the shenanigans. Interesting subject, but I'm still waiting for a twist..

Err that storyline made me cringe a little... lol Guess I'm just not "new-age" enough for Chuck P's stuff

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