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Old 01-11-2011, 03:26 PM   #9031 (permalink)
not really
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Yeah, that was pretty good. The ending actually reminded me a lot of Brazil.
I watched this after seeing this thread. Critics really missed the ball on this one. I liked it, though it definitely had some major flaws. At least visually it was new, and had a strong performance from jude. The ending was pretty neat too.
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Old 01-11-2011, 04:26 PM   #9032 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post

Well bugger me sideways - I actually quite liked this. I liked the update of Freddy K that we're given here, like how he's actually made up to look like a more realistic burn victim, how we're told a lot more about his past (and that way how there's a new slant on his bad guy...ness) than in other Nightmare movies and so on. The acting wasn't bad, the gore was pretty cool, the music was well-chosen and so on. Pretty good as far as horror remakes go, especially considering it comes from the same Platinum Dunes that gave us that dull-as-hell re-hashes of Friday 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Hitcher.

It's cool how it wasn't exactly a shot-for-shot remake as well and tried to show off a few new tricks, but this worked against it slightly as well. Identical re-shoots of scenes from Wes Craven's original are few and far between, which means some of the better scares from the original got passed over (like that human blender bit for instance).

As such, it's certainly inferior to the original, but I still really enjoyed this.
i just finished watching it and i have to agree.....while it pale's in comparison...this really was a enjoyable horror flick.....there was a little bit of what i would call 'Susperia' acting....but overall they all did well, the story was somewhat enthralling and quite entertaining, and they effects were not painfully obvious
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Old 01-11-2011, 04:30 PM   #9033 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin View Post
Had never seen this until tonight. Gotta say as a father its pretty intense. Denzel does a great job as always of bringing your feelings into the film. 9/10
great movie, Denzel is one of my favorite actors
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?
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Old 01-11-2011, 08:56 PM   #9034 (permalink)
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The picture of this movie says it all. I haven't seen a good movie in awhile .
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Old 01-12-2011, 02:44 AM   #9035 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
i just finished watching it and i have to agree.....while it pale's in comparison...this really was a enjoyable horror flick.....there was a little bit of what i would call 'Susperia' acting....but overall they all did well, the story was somewhat enthralling and quite entertaining, and they effects were not painfully obvious
It's pretty underrated isn't it? At least as far as I can tell from the criticisms of it that I've come across. Not on par with the original, obviously, but it's still well worth seeing, whether you're a fan of the franchise or not.

And talking of horror remakes;

^ Certainly a pretty interesting film story-wise, as like the Nightmare film above, it adds a new dimension to the franchise by going much deeper into its antagonist's back story than the original did. On the other hand though, the reason we all thought people like Mike Myers and Jason Voorhees are so bleedin' scary is that we don't know who they are. They don't talk, they're pretty massive and they don't really have a slant on their characters other than that they slice people up and can't be reasoned with. Giving Mike Myers a back story which basically sets him up to be a human and not something that simply can't die takes a bit of that edge away for me.

Plus Rob Zombie's use of shaky cam's annoying as hell in places.

^ Like its original, it's not as interesting as its predecessor, but still a pretty entertaining slasher. It does fall into the trap of being a bit of a by-the-numbers slasher, although Brad Dourif does a very good job as the sheriff trying to hold everything together. Along with Malcolm McDowell, he comes off as by far the most interesting character in the film. Good enough I guess, but suffers the same drawbacks as the first Halloween remake.

Last edited by Bulldog; 01-12-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:53 AM   #9036 (permalink)
love will tear you apart
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Somewhere in here there's a really good movie, but it's edited together terribly.
Franco's performance is the best thing about it, he was great.
I don't feel and I feel great.

Last FM
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:14 AM   #9037 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
It's pretty underrated isn't it? At least as far as I can tell from the criticisms of it that I've come across. Not on par with the original, obviously, but it's still well worth seeing, whether you're a fan of the franchise or not.

And talking of horror remakes;

^ Certainly a pretty interesting film story-wise, as like the Nightmare film above, it adds a new dimension to the franchise by going much deeper into its antagonist's back story than the original did. On the other hand though, the reason we all thought people like Mike Myers and Jason Voorhees are so bleedin' scary is that we don't know who they are. They don't talk, they're pretty massive and they don't really have a slant on their characters other than that they slice people up and can't be reasoned with. Giving Mike Myers a back story which basically sets him up to be a human and not something that simply can't die takes a bit of that edge away for me.

Plus Rob Zombie's use of shaky cam's annoying as hell in places.

Halloween II
^ Like its original, it's not as interesting as its predecessor, but still a pretty entertaining slasher. It does fall into the trap of being a bit of a by-the-numbers slasher, although Brad Dourif does a very good job as the sheriff trying to hold everything together. Along with Malcolm McDowell, he comes off as by far the most interesting character in the film. Good enough I guess, but suffers the same drawbacks as the first Halloween remake.
honestly the most annoying thing about Nightmare....was the Rorschach voice

i enjoyed the Halloween remake....i still need to see the sequel....which is stupid considering i own it and have for well over a year :/

i kind of look at Rob Zombie the way the Jackhammer looks at Quentin Tarantino....

so speaking of horror remakes....I Spit On Your Grave?

its weird i really have very little desire in seeing this....but kind of feel like it may be worth it in the end....
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:24 AM   #9038 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
honestly the most annoying thing about Nightmare....was the Rorschach voice

i enjoyed the Halloween remake....i still need to see the sequel....which is stupid considering i own it and have for well over a year :/

i kind of look at Rob Zombie the way the Jackhammer looks at Quentin Tarantino....

so speaking of horror remakes....I Spit On Your Grave?

its weird i really have very little desire in seeing this....but kind of feel like it may be worth it in the end....
If you enjoyed the first remake, you'll dig the sequel. As for Rob Zombie, I'm not really a a huge fan of his as either a musician or director. That said, I do think the Devil's Rejects is a genuinely great horror flick, but everything else I've seen of his has been decent at best.

I Spit On Your Grave has actually been on my to-watch list for quite a while, but what I've read about it (ie being in Time Magazine's most ridiculously violent movies ever list) does make it potentially pretty damn tasty. I'll definitely watch it sometime soon, and no doubt get back to this thread with a sentence or two about it...
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:38 AM   #9039 (permalink)
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it's funny cause it was a gift(Halloween II) from seriously....thee biggest Halloween fanboy on earth...i mean if you say "Mike Myers" to this guy he has a spontaneous orgasm....all he told me is that he wants to know what i think of then ending.....i've probably mainly put it off to fuck with

and yeah i agree....Devil's Rejects was a damn fine movie

i've seen the original....kind of like Last House On The Left except the rape scene is almost an hour long....but the pay off is in watch her take revenge.....from what i hear/read the re-make is very brutal in both the rape and revenge.....however the rape is filmed better and is less....explict....but gets the point across to justify what she does
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:42 AM   #9040 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
If you enjoyed the first remake, you'll dig the sequel. As for Rob Zombie, I'm not really a a huge fan of his as either a musician or director. That said, I do think the Devil's Rejects is a genuinely great horror flick, but everything else I've seen of his has been decent at best.
Seriously? I thought The Devil's Rejects was absolutely atrocious.
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