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jackhammer 11-29-2007 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 418157)
Wow, that's a great deal...:yeah:

@Big3: I've heard a lot of good things about NCFOM, can't wait to see/steal it...:D

Edit: Oh and didn't Blade runner the final cut just come out in America or something? I think this film has had one too many versions released...

Yeah maybe it has. This set will clear it all up once and for all! Amazing film.

adidasss 11-30-2007 03:28 PM

For fans of Flight of the conchords, awesome little New Zealand comedy, with some pretty great music. Recommended.:)

Laces Out Dan! 12-01-2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 418338)

For fans of Flight of the conchords, awesome little New Zealand comedy, with some pretty great music. Recommended.:)

I wanna see that.

djchameleon 12-02-2007 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 417606)
by the way, can someone tell me what the big deal about "a clockwork orange" is?
my friend decided to watch it this weekend while i was over at her house
& i dunno if i just didnt get it or found it boring or just dont appreciate those types of films but i passed out after like a half hour & then managed to wake up for the last half hour to see how it ended
i really didnt find it that interesting

you tried to watch it sober and without toking up?

geez...ruin the whole experience why don't you.

I just love that movie in general I don't have to do either to trip out on it but it's more fun with those vices. It's my favorite movie of all time actually

I went to see Hitman this past wednesday and I wasn't disappointed as I thought I would be. It was good action flick. I couldn't have asked for more. Oh one thing I didn't really like was seeing a softer side to him. The scenes where he was showing emotion or soften up to the girl was total crap to me. I don't see him having a soft bone in his body.

holdyoualways 12-02-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 418791)
you tried to watch it sober and without toking up?

geez...ruin the whole experience why don't you.

I just love that movie in general I don't have to do either to trip out on it but it's more fun with those vices. It's my favorite movie of all time actually

haha ill keep that in mind if theres ever another time im forced to watch it

adidasss 12-02-2007 05:30 PM

Very nice indie "pre-apocalyptic" drama/comedy. Recommended.

cardboard adolescent 12-02-2007 05:42 PM

My Own Private Idaho... which had Keanu Reeves mixing Shakespeare and street slang... pretty good stuff.

jackhammer 12-03-2007 02:23 PM

The Reaping.

A little too complicated for it's own good, but it had some good set pieces.

Five seconds to spare.

Ridiculous c-movie about a music band and killer dwarfs with a bonkers turn by Ray Winstone. Would have helped if I was on something while watching it! John peel is in it too. I should have hated it, but I loved it's oddball charm. Most people would rightly dislike it.

Kevorkian Logic 12-05-2007 04:30 PM

Here are the mainly crappy movies (some were good) my cousins have subjected me to over the past 2 1/2 weeks:

Freaky Friday
13 going on 30
legally blonde
legally blonde 2
The Nightmare before Christmas
Jurassic Park
Flubber (It made me want to die)
So I married an ax murder
The Devil Wears Prada
Star Wars episode IV
Star Wars episode V
Star Wars episode VI
Independence Day
Remember the Titans
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Mission Impossible (I did not understand that movie, which made me feel really stupid)
Lots of episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark (not nearly as good as I remember it to be)
Young Frankenstein
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
You've got Mail
Sleepless in Seattle
Pretty in Pink
Dirty Dancing (definitely could deal with)
Dirty Dancing: Havana nights (diego luna :) )
Ferris Bueler's Day off
Pretty Woman

It was a rough 2 and 1/2 weeks.

jackhammer 12-05-2007 04:43 PM

Five good ones there:

REMEMBER THE TITANS (although this is borderline!)

Welcome back to the land of the living!

Kevorkian Logic 12-05-2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 419673)
Five good ones there:

REMEMBER THE TITANS (although this is borderline!)

Welcome back to the land of the living!

thanks. It's pretty good to be back, I hated not having access to the internet. No Star Wars or Jurassic Park for you then? Maybe it's only because I worshiped those 2 movies when I was little that I enjoyed them.

cardboard adolescent 12-05-2007 05:43 PM

+ Independence Day is bad-ass.

(and Hairspray isn't too bad either)

jackhammer 12-07-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 419707)
thanks. It's pretty good to be back, I hated not having access to the internet. No Star Wars or Jurassic Park for you then? Maybe it's only because I worshiped those 2 movies when I was little that I enjoyed them.

They are OK but my earliest memories of film are the ending of Planet Of The Apes and early 80's horror films!


This film is 25 years old and still looks absolutely stunning. I have been waiting an eternity for a definitive DVD set and it finally arrived this morning in a 5 disc set with 5 versions of the film and 9 hours of extras. A happier bunny could not be found in england!

I am not a massive Sc-Fi fan but Bladerunner is something else. Mixing elements of film noir, existensial sci fi and action, it creates a powerful ****tail. If you have never seen it the leisurely pace and seemingly lack of plot will put you off. Hang on in there for one of the best films of the 80's and possibly all time. It's all in the eyes!

Kevorkian Logic 12-07-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 420279)
They are OK but my earliest memories of film are the ending of Planet Of The Apes and early 80's horror films!


This film is 25 years old and still looks absolutely stunning. I have been waiting an eternity for a definitive DVD set and it finally arrived this morning in a 5 disc set with 5 versions of the film and 9 hours of extras. A happier bunny could not be found in england!

I am not a massive Sc-Fi fan but Bladerunner is something else. Mixing elements of film noir, existensial sci fi and action, it creates a powerful ****tail. If you have never seen it the leisurely pace and seemingly lack of plot will put you off. Hang on in there for one of the best films of the 80's and possibly all time. It's all in the eyes!

blade runner is pretty cool. You should read the book that inspired it, Do Andriods Dream of Electronic Sheep? it's pretty good.

Kevorkian Logic 12-08-2007 05:56 PM

Beowulf. I can't say much about it, except it was in 3-d and the glasses made a huge indent on my forehead.

katiexdollface 12-08-2007 06:48 PM

that movie massacred the story.

holdyoualways 12-08-2007 07:02 PM

shrek 3 & pirates 3
shrek wasnt that great, they were really grasping at straws when it came to coming up with a story
pirates was good, but it had way to much to do with elizabeth
i hate that bitch

Kevorkian Logic 12-09-2007 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by katiexdollface (Post 420659)
that movie massacred the story.

yea, I was all ready for it, because I just had read my bf the graphic novel while he was giving blood (he and the girl next to him found the whole thing hilarious, because I couldn't pronounce the names to save my life.). Anyhow I got lost after the first like 20 minutes of that massacred story, and decided I would mainly occupy my time finding the most buttery pieces of popcorn in the bag.

I also saw the Golden Compass. It wasn't nearly as good as the book.

Joshee 12-10-2007 05:05 PM

Donnie Darko
Amazing movie,
It can't really be classified as anything but intense.

Across The Universe.
Soundtrack had so much more potential.
I enjoyed the actual movie though.
Main character was so perdy. <3

acratertocoffin 12-10-2007 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Joshee (Post 421105)
Donnie Darko
Amazing movie,
It can't really be classified as anything but intense.

Across The Universe.
Soundtrack had so much more potential.
I enjoyed the actual movie though.
Main character was so perdy. <3

I dislike Donnie Darko after each time I see it. It starts to cast this "boo hoo teen angst no one understands me" crap after multiple viewings, which is tough because I originally loved it.

djchameleon 12-11-2007 09:54 AM

I went to see Awake yesterday and I have mixed feelings about it but overall I enjoyed it. The cinematography in it was good but could've been slightly better. I love the films use of symbolism also.

Dizzys in the wolf 12-12-2007 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways (Post 420668)
shrek 3 & pirates 3
shrek wasnt that great, they were really grasping at straws when it came to coming up with a story
pirates was good, but it had way to much to do with elizabeth
i hate that bitch

Her jaw seems to grow bigger with each film somehow.

The best part was Keith Richards, the whole thing kinda slowed down as soon as he came on lol

anticipation 12-12-2007 02:33 PM

Amadeus is my favorite movie about classical music.

holdyoualways 12-12-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dizzys in the wolf (Post 421615)
Her jaw seems to grow bigger with each film somehow.

The best part was Keith Richards, the whole thing kinda slowed down as soon as he came on lol

true but i really expected & wanted him to be in there for a lot more than 7 minutes
kind of disappointing

adidasss 12-12-2007 05:09 PM

As good as a biopic can be I suppose...the music bits were the best thing about it.

jackhammer 12-12-2007 05:18 PM


Stunning, beautiful, mesmerising, perplexing, quixotic, enlightening, spiritual, passionate, melancholic, many more adjectives can I use? even the music blew me away, and then to find out it is by Clint Mansell (P.W.E.I) a guy with whom I have shared a drink with (albeit a few years ago). That just add's the icing onto the cake.

If you want to be challenged when you watch a film, then look no further. It is a flawed film but all the more appetising for it.

cardboard adolescent 12-12-2007 05:49 PM

Yes! That movie was absolutely stunning. There's a graphic novel version as well which elucidates the plot a bit. To me, this is the 2001 of our decade (not that I would rate it quite as highly, but its similar in many respects).

jackhammer 12-12-2007 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 421707)
Yes! That movie was absolutely stunning. There's a graphic novel version as well which elucidates the plot a bit. To me, this is the 2001 of our decade (not that I would rate it quite as highly, but its similar in many respects).

I agree. The only disappointment was the uninspiring 5.1 mix and a fairly dull dvd transfer that was quite dark in places.

Dizzys in the wolf 12-13-2007 09:56 AM

The most recent film I have seen is Ratatouille. And it was bad.

holdyoualways 12-13-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dizzys in the wolf (Post 421840)
The most recent film I have seen is Ratatouille. And it was bad.

i love that movie!

pheurton 12-13-2007 12:12 PM

Ian Curtis Control

adidasss 12-13-2007 12:28 PM


right-track 12-13-2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 421880)

You've seen Control?...

adidasss 12-13-2007 12:58 PM

A few posts up...I'm afraid I wasn't as blown away by it as you were...

right-track 12-13-2007 01:00 PM

mmm...not even the cinematography?

pheurton 12-13-2007 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 421891)
You've seen Control?...



adidasss 12-13-2007 01:15 PM

Well, it's black and white...that's about it. You wanna see exceptional photography you see a Terrence Malick or an Andrei Zvyagintsev film. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good film, Sam Riley is the spitting image of Ian Curtis, and he did an amazing job on the live performances...(although the best actor in this for me was Toby Kebbell as the manager, probably the most talented new actor in Britain right now). I suppose it's hard for me to be really engaged or moved by a film if I already know the story...

right-track 12-13-2007 01:17 PM

What is that site?

And is that the full movie?

Is it even legal?


right-track 12-13-2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 421907)
Well, it's black and white...that's about it. You wanna see exceptional photography you see a Terrence Malick or an Andrei Zvyagintsev film. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good film, Sam Riley is the spitting image of Ian Curtis, and he did an amazing job on the live performances...(although the best actor in this for me was Toby Kebbell as the manager, probably the most talented new actor in Britain right now). I suppose it's hard for me to be really engaged or moved by a film if I already know the story...

I was thinking this film was more for the fan, rather than the casual viewer.
In that, knowing what's going on and why makes the film more accessible.

adidasss 12-13-2007 01:23 PM

Well I'm not a fan of Johnny Cash either but I thought Walk the line was a better film...or perhaps his life story is just more interesting...:|

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