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Surell 03-20-2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 613376)
but yeah he is like the go-to-guy for slimey creeps really

I'd much rather go to Christian Slater or Steve Buscemi for that role. I think Hoffman is more slick than those guys though.

Guybrush 03-20-2009 03:26 AM

JCVD starring Jean Claude Van Damme ..

Jean Claude Van Damme plays himself in this movie where he's in a legal battle for his daughter and has problems paying his lawyer, etc etc. Back in Brussels, he goes to the bank/post-office to withdraw money when he's thrown into a bank robbery/hostage situation.

It's the first time I can remember seeing Van Damme actually act in a movie and it feels like there's a high level of honesty about himself and who he is. He seems tired, vulnerable and worn-out, but not uncharming. Of course, he's not an action hero in "real life" (and this movie). In regards to his "character", I'm not sure how much of this movie is made up and how much of it is real, but he does a rather fine job.

The movie itself is a drama with a few glimpses of comedy here and there. It wasn't great, but it was entertaining and had it's moments. If the idea of the 47-year old Van Varenberg (or Van Damme) acting and playing himself intrigues you, then give it a go.

Mojo 03-20-2009 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 617976)
well, this isn't downloading movies (which saves from potential legal hassle) but this site has a fair amount of movies/tv shows/documentaries that you can just stream which is really nice. The trick is finding which link has the best quality.

It's really good for watching movies that just came out in the theater that you don't want to cough up 7 or 8 bucks for.

How often do you use it? The last time I had to format my hard drive due to a ridiculously high amount of spyware in a very short space of time I blamed it on that site as I had just started to use it and was using it quite a bit. Can't be sure though.

Kevorkian Logic 03-20-2009 07:08 AM

fairly often and I haven't had any trouble with spyware or anything. It's a pretty legit site.

Molecules 03-20-2009 07:15 AM

OVGuide: Movies: Free online, full-length movies - search for your favorites and the best videos - Popular Sites

^^ i use dat wun

jackhammer 03-20-2009 07:27 AM

I might treat myself to the JCVD film as a birthday treat 2moz. He has performed quite well in his last few films to be fair. Until Death is very good for what it is.

Molecules 03-20-2009 07:36 AM

i really enjoyed JCVD, will incorporate into a DVD shopping spree i think along with the Karate Kid :D

Incidentally i'm not advocating watching films in crappy resolution on tiny pop-up boxes. You can't muck around with films

Mojo 03-20-2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 618149)
fairly often and I haven't had any trouble with spyware or anything. It's a pretty legit site.

I might check that and the one Molecules uses out again then. I stopped using any site to steam TV shows (or films, even though I never did to begin with) after that. I knew some of them would be perfectly safe but I run fairly frequent spyware checks and after just a few days of finding streams for various shows etc my hard drive was beyond repair. Well, apart from a format of course.

Molecules 03-20-2009 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 618166)
I might check that and the one Molecules uses out again then. I stopped using any site to steam TV shows (or films, even though I never did to begin with) after that. I knew some of them would be perfectly safe but I run fairly frequent spyware checks and after just a few days of finding streams for various shows etc my hard drive was beyond repair. Well, apart from a format of course.

tvlinks has had a spotty history and alot of their links dont work, they keep changing domain names and stuff. Sometimes they can be good but i dont know, there is no one site that comes up trumps really, it depends how desperate you are to see a film for free. With me it's usually i want something to look at while i'm stuffing my face

jackhammer 03-20-2009 07:44 AM

The guy who ran tv links was arrested last year. He also lives about 300 yards away. Small world!

boo boo 03-21-2009 11:37 AM

Big Fish - ***1/2

Interesting to see Burton tone down the goth stuff for a change. This would have just been another sappy movie if it was put into lesser hands, but Burton keeps things fresh with his sense of humor and great imagination, the way he handles the scenes with Kinney, Crudup and Lange shows how capable he actually is as a "serious" director, this is one of his strongest films in terms of writing.

Bad Santa - ***

A lot funnier than I thought, it's still just one drawn out joke, but Billy Bob makes it work. Wish Zwigoff would have been a little more creative than to use such cliche music though.

Big Lebowski - ***1/2

Man, for some reason this film made me laugh much harder than the last couple of times I've seen it. The interactions between The Dude, Walter and Donny are so classic.

Road to El Dorado - **

Excellent animation but I just didn't care about what was going on or about the characters, and those Elton John songs are f*cking awful.

Antz - ***

Personally I thought this was better than a Bugs Life, it's funnier and it's smarter. Though this was supposed to be a kids film, I don't think kids will really dig all the Woody-isms, and the violent Starship Troopers esque termite battle scene, and the very obvious political overtones.

American Beauty - ****

This is my favorite movie, let's leave it at that, I could go on forever.

Labyrinth - ***1/2

Think Wizard of Oz meets Alice in Wonderland meets The Dark Crystal meets Monty Python. Oh and David Bowie in a Tina Turner wig singing with goblins. This film has aged surprisingly well. There's still some of the expected 80s cheesiness, but it's such a unique film. On a technical level it's still very impressive, all the creatures (which were designed by Brian Froud) as well as the set design, it still looks amazing. I watched a documentary about it and even the little critters you see briefly in the background look very detailed in close up and took a lot of time and effort to create, it's that kind of attention to detail that films today sadly lack because of the overdependance on CGI. Shucks I even like the David Bowie music, though there's still some cringeworthy lyrics like "Put that magic jump on me, slap that baby make it free".

Overall a great family film, and highly recommended if you're into this kinda thing, especially if you're a stoner.

Spirited Away - ****

As with most anime the subs are best, but this is a good example of a very good english dub. Haven't seen this in a while but it's still totally spellbinding. It's a shame that when people think of anime, they think of characters standing perfectly still as their mouths move, everything being flat and people walking like cardboard cutouts. Miyazaki isn't just a great animator by anime standards but overall, he's THE best. There's so much about the animation to appreciate, how the expressions and movements are so fluid and natural, how hair, clothing and even body flesh moves realistically, how things blow in the wind and even the little random things in the background. The character design and animation is first rate, but another great element in this and other Miyazaki films is the overall scenary, the backgrounds could be standalone paintings. Storywise it's also great, it's got a great message about learning to adapt to different cultures. And you know, with most films about kids, the kids don't behave like kids, they act WAY more mature than a real kid ever would, but because Miyazaki specializes in protagonists who are young girls, he fully understands how they really act, Chihiro though a likable and sympathic character, is also whiney, spoiled and clumsy, just like an actual 10 year old. It's one of the many things that makes Miyazaki such an excellent filmmaker.

Open Season - *

Damn, and I thought Madagascar was cheap and lowbrow. Going from Spirited Away to this is really eye opening about the state of American animation. We have a lot of lame CGI films flooding the market right now, and this is the lowest of the low, the animation is very sub-par and the gags are just the same old poop and gonads jokes, there's even a really bad pun on "Bros before ho's". And they wonder why kids are stupid these days. You know things are bad when the best voice talent they could get is Ashton Kutcher and Martin Lawerence.

Wag the Dog - ***

Low key but funny satire of spin politics. A very good script by David Mamet. Dustin Hoffman is fantastic as an egotistical movie producer, the whole cast is good though. The kittens scene is one for the vaults.

And laugh if you must, but I'd still bang Anne Heche.

gunnels 03-21-2009 11:49 AM

My movie theater now sells tickets at 1.50$ a piece so now I'll be going to the movies a lot more.
I saw Doubt, which was surprisingly good. Meryl Streep and Heather Goldenhersh were fantastic.

EDGE 03-21-2009 05:08 PM

Both great films.

FaSho 03-21-2009 05:14 PM
This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not kidding.

EDGE 03-21-2009 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 619357)
This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not kidding.

Haha, did you expect anything less?

sweet_nothing 03-21-2009 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 619357)
This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not kidding.

Roger Ebert gave it 4 stars I think, and called it brillant.

FaSho 03-21-2009 06:28 PM

I would've said the same thing if I came into it thinkin it was a comedy ;)

Inuzuka Skysword 03-21-2009 06:50 PM

I just saw The Fall. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Kevorkian Logic 03-21-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 614601)
does anyone know how I can download movies for free online?


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 619357)
This is the worst movie I've ever seen. Not kidding.

I saw a preview for that movie and automatically decided it looked like another **** movie that Nicolas Cage though was a very deep movie.

Antonio 03-21-2009 06:56 PM

last one i saw was the remake of Friday the 13th

boo boo 03-21-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 619372)
Roger Ebert gave it 4 stars I think, and called it brillant.

My god, I havent seen this, but that right there is a bad sign, because Ebert, though once a great critic, has completely lost his damn mind.

Terrible Lizard 03-21-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 619430)
My god, I havent seen this, but that right there is a bad sign, because Ebert, though once a great critic, has completely lost his damn mind.

Which review set that conclusion in stone?

Anteater 03-21-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 619518)
Which review set that conclusion in stone?

boo boo 03-21-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 619518)
Which review set that conclusion in stone?


NSW 03-22-2009 09:35 AM

The Dagger of Kamui - Great movie,though I have to say i found the music to be a little off putting at times. The story was intriguing and kept me interested, wanting to know what was around the next turn. 8 / 10

Near Dark - Probably would have been able to get into this more had it not been for the endless commentary from the peanut gallery (aka the boys in my house). It's a vampire movie where never once do they mention vampires, which I found interesting. The effects were what really caught my attention though, especially the shoot out scene at the hotel, and the big rig scene at the end. Nobody does gore like that anymore. I miss it. 8.5 / 10

Versus - I love samurais. I love zombies. I love asian film. So yeah, i thought this movie was great. The twist at the end gave me something to think about. This movie definitely has rewatch value. 9/10

Role Models - Have to say, this was much funnier than I thought it was going to be. I've always liked Paul Rudd...I could take or leave Seann William Scott though. But the kids were hilarious, and since I live with a D&D nerd, we both had a blast watching all the LARPing scenes. Good times. Was it "side-splitting" as the netflix description says? I don't know if I'd go that far. But it did get a hearty laugh out of me. 8 / 10

Molecules 03-22-2009 09:46 AM

b..b.b..but the music in DoK was the best part! It was very sound FX-heavy but I thought that weird noise made the ninjas scarier.... I know what you mean though.

Versus is a massive headf*ck, would love to see that again. Good old-fashioned low budget horrorcraft i.e. Jackhammer bait :D

NSW 03-22-2009 10:08 AM

lol...Molecules...if you ever leave this place a little part of me will die. Your posts always make me smile.

About the music...maybe I was a little harsh?? :) I agree that it went with the movie well. I'm sure it's just about my personal taste. When I popped the DVD in and the menu came up with the music I at first thought "what the hell is this?". But as far as the music as it played out with the movie, it worked. There were alot of crazy twists in the movie and that's what I really loved about it.

Anteater 03-22-2009 10:16 AM

I bought both Reservoir Dogs and Catch Me If You Can last night. Can't wait to watch 'em after I get back to my dorm today...:p:

Molecules 03-22-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 619712)

About the music...maybe I was a little harsh?? :) I agree that it went with the movie well. I'm sure it's just about my personal taste. When I popped the DVD in and the menu came up with the music I at first thought "what the hell is this?". But as far as the music as it played out with the movie, it worked. There were alot of crazy twists in the movie and that's what I really loved about it.

you are forgiven lol ;)

speaking of sean william scott!

Monolithic, epic, huge fail on so many levels. In fact that implies I had expectations for it, which I didn't, I was flicking around and came across this forgotten flop and was clearly braindead enough to stick with it.

William Scott, if you google him you'll be confronted with pages of what to me looks like the weaselly guy you always hated for no reason at school, except he's ripped. It's just wrong. Wrong! I don't trust him, I don't trust his little squirrel eyes, I don't trust his face and he has no charisma or charm, not enough to be cast in lead roles anyway

For Billybob (this is fun to say fast in a southern accent) this is the latest in a string of dodgy unfunny comedies and I've already wasted enough time on this... Just don't watch it

Kevorkian Logic 03-22-2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 619739)
you are forgiven lol ;)

speaking of sean william scott!

Monolithic, epic, huge fail on so many levels. In fact that implies I had expectations for it, which I didn't, I was flicking around and came across this forgotten flop and was clearly braindead enough to stick with it.

William Scott, if you google him you'll be confronted with pages of what to me looks like the weaselly guy you always hated for no reason at school, except he's ripped. It's just wrong. Wrong! I don't trust him, I don't trust his little squirrel eyes, I don't trust his face and he has no charisma or charm, not enough to be cast in lead roles anyway

For Billybob (this is fun to say fast in a southern accent) this is the latest in a string of dodgy unfunny comedies and I've already wasted enough time on this... Just don't watch it

jebus, how do they get these actors to do this ****?

Molecules 03-22-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 619742)
jebus, how do they get these actors to do this ****?

jessie 03-22-2009 03:11 PM

role models, for me, was a 10/10. depends on your definition of humor, but i thought it was hilarious. one of my favorite comedies now. :D i love seann william scott, and he's in this.

LoathsomePete 03-22-2009 11:18 PM

Blades of Glory for me

Wasn't as bad as I initially wrote it off as, but definitely something I'd never watch again, at least sober.

Kevorkian Logic 03-22-2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by jessie (Post 619887)
role models, for me, was a 10/10. depends on your definition of humor, but i thought it was hilarious. one of my favorite comedies now. :D i love seann william scott, and he's in this.

eh, I saw that sometime last week, my bf liked it a lot more than I did, it had some funny moments, but it's been awhile since I've seen a movie that has had me laughing almost the whole way through.

actually, on that note, does anybody have any suggestions for a really funny comedy??????

I want to cry tears of humour.

jackhammer 03-23-2009 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 619695)
Near Dark - Probably would have been able to get into this more had it not been for the endless commentary from the peanut gallery (aka the boys in my house). It's a vampire movie where never once do they mention vampires, which I found interesting. The effects were what really caught my attention though, especially the shoot out scene at the hotel, and the big rig scene at the end. Nobody does gore like that anymore. I miss it. 8.5 / 10

Versus - I love samurais. I love zombies. I love asian film. So yeah, i thought this movie was great. The twist at the end gave me something to think about. This movie definitely has rewatch value. 9/10

Oh hell yes. 2 great films. I paid well over the odds just so I could get the American 2 disc version of Versus. next for your Asian horror film delights: Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Good luck :D

Versus makes we want to be 10 years old again and run riot in the woods with a stick :D

NSW 03-23-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 620383)
Oh hell yes. 2 great films. I paid well over the odds just so I could get the American 2 disc version of Versus. next for your Asian horror film delights: Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Good luck :D

Versus makes we want to be 10 years old again and run riot in the woods with a stick :D

Ohhh...I'm excited! *goes to search for new movie NOW* :yeah:

jackhammer 03-23-2009 07:03 AM

Actually tetsuo is quite sick! Do try and find 'The Evil Dead Trap' though and 'Ichi The Killer' too.

Molecules 03-23-2009 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 620383)
Oh hell yes. 2 great films. I paid well over the odds just so I could get the American 2 disc version of Versus. next for your Asian horror film delights: Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Good luck :D

rah f*cking Tetsuo! I saw it once of Film Four (back when it was good etcetc) and recently chased up some clips and it's... something else. Is this making an appearance in the horror corner? I'm gonna catch Videodrome in it's entirety for once today then I'll read the review proper :thumb:


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 620383)
Versus makes we want to be 10 years old again and run riot in the woods with a stick :D


dhayespw 03-23-2009 09:20 AM

Surfer flick
I watched Endless Summer 2 this weekend. If you haven't seen it, you should.

Kevorkian Logic 03-23-2009 01:16 PM

Dawn of the Dead


It was a good for a Zombie movie.

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