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jackhammer 02-14-2009 06:37 PM

It has been over ten years since I have seen this and was skeptical. It still holds up well. Basically a Rocky with late teenagers. Cheesy and with the big ending but I still enjoyed it!

boo boo 02-14-2009 07:41 PM

Uh, that movie was ghastly. And the part where he fights Brian Dennehey is so laughable.


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 596321)
While we're on cinematography, on the other end of the scale you have sensationalist arseholes like Joel Schumacher, it was because of him the Batman franchise was considered for rebooting... I saw 'Batman & Robin' recently and I was watching aghast; but it was so bad he must have done it on purpose. Surely he was trying to recapture the high camp of the early comics/60's TV show?
Just putting it out there.

I REALLY hate TDK fanboys right now, they won't give Burton ANY credit whatsoever. In their f*cked up world they think he ruined Batman because OMFG he killed people.... like he did in the old comics.

F*cking retards. But yes, Schumacher's Batman sucked ass.

Tyler Durden 02-14-2009 07:49 PM

Speaking of Spielburg, he is supposedly remaking one of my favorite films, Oldboy. I hope to god he doesn't mess this up.

Molecules 02-14-2009 07:52 PM

^^ Just saw Burton's original again tonight, had this same conversation with my erstwhile dad.. 'I can't stomach the new Batman movies, this is much more accessible'

I totally agree, Burton's kept the comic-book feel, Schumacher's were campy fluff and the Nolan films take themselves far too seriously for my disposition atm. There's nothing remotely tongue-in-cheek about the re-boot films, they're gunning for awards and critical plaudits. Still good fun to watch but for god's sake how long is Dark Knight? Two and a half hours?

I think the anti-Nolan film line is especially appealing with the constant praise TDK's been getting, it's like a reflex to want to hate it. I was honestly not overawed with the film in the cinema, for many reasons that I won't go into again lol


Originally Posted by Tyler Durden (Post 596606)
Speaking of Spielburg, he is supposedly remaking one of my favorite films, Oldboy. I hope to god he doesn't mess this up.


boo boo 02-14-2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 596608)
^^ Just saw Burton's original again tonight, had this same conversation with my erstwhile dad.. 'I can't stomach the new Batman movies, this is much more accessible'

I totally agree, Burton's kept the comic-book feel, Schumacher's were campy fluff and the Nolan films take themselves far too seriously for my disposition atm. There's nothing remotely tongue-in-cheek about the re-boot films, they're gunning for awards and critical plaudits. Still good fun to watch but for god's sake how long is Dark Knight? Two and a half hours?

I think the anti-Nolan film line is especially appealing with the constant praise TDK's been getting, it's like a reflex to want to hate it. I was honestly not overawed with the film in the cinema, for many reasons that I won't go into again lol

TDK is the best Batman film, it's a great film, but it's overrated as hell, it's not the new f*cking Godfather, and it and Batman Begins are not the only good Batman films.

Both of Burton's Batmans are good. I find that Batman Returns is especially underrated. People said it was too dark and violent, (which makes no since now what with the praise for Nolans super violent Batman's) but that's what I think of when I think of Batman, Burton had that right mix of darkness and campy humor, more realistic than the tv series, but still silly in comic book fashion. It was the perfect style for Batman, I personally prefer the Burton styled Batman to the Nolan one, where Gotham actually looks like Gotham, the Joker actually looks like the Joker, the batmobile is actually the batmobile and Batman dosen't have that damn Clint Eastwood wannabe voice.

It's all too bad that Batman Returns was the reason they replaced Burton with the more kiddy friendly Schumacher. Ambition dosen't pay in Hollywood.

WB pretty much ruined the Batman film franchise just to sell happy meal toys.

boo boo 02-15-2009 08:16 AM

O Brother Where Art Thou - ***1/2

Excellent period piece by the Coen bros. Everything works here, the cast, even the smallest characters are classic, hilarious dialogue, the music, the cinematography, the setting and the many great set pieces. Coens have such a talent for taking you to another time and place. I don't know anyone who dosen't like this movie.

The Player - ***1/2

Man, I'm falling in love with this movie. I had to pause it countless times just to observe it's many moments of brilliance. This is a great horror movie and Hollywood is the monster.

Robbins is excellent as a snarmy studio executive, I rarely see an assh*le played with such expertise, Griffin Mill is a legend among movie assh*les, it's the little things too, how he rudely tells a waiter to serve him water in a different glass and then abruptly leaves or that smirk on his face when he passes on a project to his rival because he thinks it will bomb, this is a "protagonist" you just love to hate. The whole cast is great though, Peter Gallagher as Griffins even slimier rival, Whoopi Goldberg as a witty cop, Fred Ward as a chief of security who has to protect Griffin at every cost and Cynthia Stevenson as the girlfriend who Griffin disposes of like a worn out car. This is the story of a man who is in the movie business, but has absolutely no knowledge or appreciation for it except for the profit. A man who is a bigwig just because he can say "yes", a man who can literally get away with murder.

This movie has so many great scenes. The scene where Gallaghers character convinces his colleagues about the uselessness of writers and how to make a movie pitch just from reading the headlines, the scene when Griffin falls under pressure at the police office while Goldberg slings a tampon, the hillarious movie within a movie starring Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts and an ending that awesomely parodies the cliche happy ending, and of course the many "pitch" scenes. It's all pure, classic Altman. It's not the most scathing satire, but when it's funny it's mad funny, and theres a lot of great inside jokes too. This is a great satire of the very Hollywood bigwigs Altman had to deal with throughout his career.

Ed Wood - ***1/2

Love this movie, just like any biopic it's not entirely accurate, but it's not REALLY a biopic, it only focuses on a certain period in Woods life. Depp gives a hilarious, brilliantly hammy performance as Wood and Landau is perfect as Legosi. Jeffery Jones is also great as Criswell and Bill Murray as Bunny Breckinridge.

What with his reputation for films about weirdos and outcasts, Tim Burton was undeniably the right guy for this, and it's great that he shot it in black and white, the entire film looks beautiful, and Howard Shores awesome score (which includes some nods to Swan Lake and the scores from Wood's own films) adds further to the experience. This is great as a period piece, and while it's funny, it dosen't condecend to it's cast of outcasts, the real events were hilarious as they were, and the way Burton recreates them is brilliant. As aways, Burton goes for romanticism rather than realism, and that's just fine. This is highly recommended to any aspiring filmmaker and a great film about a weird little guy with a dream, who laughed in the face of criticism. Surely one of Burton's finest moments.

mannny 02-15-2009 12:06 PM

Pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Nothing special, but still a charming and funny movie.

Molecules 02-15-2009 02:58 PM

@ Boo, Martin Landau owns Ed Wood... and the Player is the cinematic art at it's finest!

Just saw bits of Dirty Dozen and Goldfinger again, would be hard pressed to choose but the latter is definitely one of the more horribly misogynistic, dated, cheap and awkward pieces of crap I have ever had to be strapped down to watch. Screw James Bond and screw the audience that keeps the franchise going. You are indeed DE-VO.

edit ^that's probably a bit harsh, i have friends who are chauvinist dullards and we get on fine somehow

At Sixes and Sevens 02-15-2009 03:17 PM

I saw Push and it wasn't very good. The special effects were pretty cool but I just thought the story in general was lame. Some of the powers people have are dumb. I hate Dakota Fanning (and she dressed like a whore!).

I know a lot of people have said this but I felt like I was watching Jumper all over again.

jacklovezhimself 02-15-2009 06:33 PM

Such a well done movie. Some of the finest acting from Jack Nicholson, rather, anyone in the cast.

Guybrush 02-16-2009 07:31 AM

^When the picture link doesn't work, it's kinda hard to tell what movie you've seen. ;)

Tyler Durden 02-16-2009 10:26 AM

Annie Hall- ****

This is one of the best movie love stories I've ever seen. I never really liked Woody Allen until this. It's great.

Godfather: Part II- ****

I honestly think that this is a better film then the first. I like everything about it except that the last hour kind of drags on a bit too long.

The Robot Hunter 02-16-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Robot Hunter (Post 596073)
I'm going to see Friday the 13th tonight... my expectations could not be lower

Spoiler Alert!
Worst movie I've seen in a long time. I had low expectations, but the worst part was the really long intro where a stereotypical group of teenagers is slayed before the title screen - and you think "Oh good the first part was a joke and now they're going to make it not so generic and predictable and formulaic etc." but then they replace them with even more stereotypical characters. What was I thinking?

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 597303)
^When the picture link doesn't work, it's kinda hard to tell what movie you've seen. ;)

It was about schmidt and I don't think the picture link is broken.
It works for me.

Janszoon 02-16-2009 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 597484)
It was about schmidt and I don't think the picture link is broken.
It works for me.

It didn't work for me.

Akira 02-16-2009 01:10 PM

I find most of his pic links don't work

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 01:11 PM

son of a bitch

Akira 02-16-2009 01:12 PM


jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 01:13 PM

If my links don't work tell me.
I'm paranoid now.

Janszoon 02-16-2009 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by ToeAndno (Post 597499)

Yeah, that one works.

adidasss 02-16-2009 02:08 PM


Janszoon 02-16-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 597549)

I wanted to see that one.

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 597549)

I saw this one on my birthday.
Depressing as fuck.

adidasss 02-16-2009 02:37 PM

Yep, great movie.

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 02:39 PM

Quick question, me and my friend were having a debate on whether or not you could give a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Is there a perfect movie?

The Robot Hunter 02-16-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 597572)
Quick question, me and my friend were having a debate on whether or not you could give a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Is there a perfect movie?

There's no perfect movie, but I think a "10" to me means that I can't imagine a better movie or a better movie for what it is.

FreddeGredde 02-16-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 597572)
Quick question, me and my friend were having a debate on whether or not you could give a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Is there a perfect movie?

Technically, if you're only using full "digits", 10/10 could be anything from 95% and higer. ;) In other words it doesn't have to mean that it's perfect!

Also, ratings are personal, so I think you'll have to decide by your own what counts as 9/10, 10/10 etc for you. If a movie make the biggest possible impression on you, it should be a perfect 10, don't you agree? :)

With that said, I'm using a scale of 1-5, and 4.5 is the best rating I've given. I'd say it's because movies just don't affect me as much as music or video games.

Janszoon 02-16-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by FreddeGredde (Post 597597)
With that said, I'm using a scale of 1-5, and 4.5 is the best rating I've given. I'd say it's because movies just don't affect me as much as music or video games.

Video games have more of an emotional impact on you than movies? Ouch.

Musicgasm 02-16-2009 04:18 PM

Friday the 13th was my most recent. And aside from the ending, I thought it was pretty good :)

Got to see it at our new multiplex with an extra large imax screen

simplephysics 02-16-2009 04:25 PM

You should have seen the ending coming from a mile away! Really average, but I did jumped a few times.

Sparky 02-16-2009 06:31 PM


i guess it was good. Its hard to rate films like this because there's no good comparisons to it.

I cant even remember it all that well to be honest, but its incredibly dark and creepy, especially for a pg film

swim 02-16-2009 06:32 PM

^I thought it was good but I rather have seven dollars back.

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 06:33 PM


swim 02-16-2009 06:36 PM


(though all movies are 4-D if we're being honest)

jacklovezhimself 02-16-2009 06:38 PM

This movie sucks to say the least.
It has a great cast and nothing to do with them.
I can't believe I finished the whole thing!

At Sixes and Sevens 02-16-2009 07:11 PM

I watched The Contract last night starring Morgan Freeman and John Cusack. I'm a Morgan Freeman fan (who isn't!?) and I thought the movie was entertaining. To me it felt like the script was incomplete or rushed, but I wasn't expecting much when I saw it.

I'd give it 5.5-6/10 because it had it's moments. Morgan Freeman plays the lovable fugitive fairly well!

boo boo 02-16-2009 07:52 PM

Godfather Part II - ****

A masterpiece of filmmaking, cliche as f*ck thing to say, but it's true. Great performances and great characters all around, so many juicy bits of diologue. And everything else, the setting design, the cinematography, the music, it's all great. This may very well be better than the first, it has more humor and the character development is better, this one really expands on Michael and his relationshps, especially with his brother Fredo and his wife Kay. The acting is so great that you often feel like you know exactly what every character is thinking just from their expressions, like Tom, you always get that locked up resentment he has for Michael, for losing his position of power to someone else. But the Godfather movies as great as they are, the first time viewing will always have the greatest impact, because a big part of the fun is that suspense of a world where anyone can die at any moment, first time viewers will have a lot of fun figuring out who's gonna get whacked.

My only complaint? The Vito flashbacks were too few and far between, it left me wanting more.

The Rocketeer - ***

An entertaining homage to the pulp fiction comics and movie serials of the 30s and 40s, complete with mobsters, nazis, a Flash Gordan-ish hero, an Errol Flynn-ish villian and a Rondo Hatton inspired henchman. What more could you want? It's severe corniness actually becomes a strength because of what it was trying to achieve. It's also funny to note that throughout most of the movie the protagonist is just this lucky dumbass who ends up causing more destruction than anything, but in the end he kicks nazi ass and gets the girl. Cliche? Yes, but for this kind of movie that's actually a good thing. The movie never takes itself seriously, it's all in good fun, it takes a while to get flying, but it's a worthwhile ride.

Also, Jennifer Connelly is in it and she makes anything she's in a *** just for sheer hotness.

Except anything with Keanu Reeves in it.

My Favorite Martian - *

Dumb, messy and unfunny

Roygbiv 02-16-2009 08:01 PM

I started watching The Godfather II at 1am one day and couldn't finish it because I fell asleep. Its too bad, because even today I haven't gotten around to starting it over and finishing this so called masterpiece. I wasn't really paying attention to the first one, either. Meh.

The Wrestler, however, was a fantastic movie and the last movie I saw. It's a haunting character study that left me with something to think about for days.

mannny 02-16-2009 08:11 PM

Very powerful film. It drags a bit but not enough to detract from the movie. Amazing performance by Kingsley, and Jennifer Connelly was really good as well.

boo boo 02-16-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Roygbiv (Post 597808)
I started watching The Godfather II at 1am one day and couldn't finish it because I fell asleep. Its too bad, because even today I haven't gotten around to starting it over and finishing this so called masterpiece. I wasn't really paying attention to the first one, either. Meh.

You totally need to give it another chance, I didn't like The Godfather part 1 first time I saw it because I wasn't paying close enough attention to what was going on. So you gotta pay attention, capice?

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