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Oriphiel 11-19-2018 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 2016593)
I think this might be my favourite movie of all time. It's rare for a movie to just fully commit to visual storytelling like this does. A lot of the imagery in this is iconic and it's quite easily my favourite score for a movie (so simplistic, but it works; also goes from haunting/creepy to absolutely beautiful at times). I also really like the "candid camera" filming they used in some of the van scenes. Made it seem much more natural. Also really good use of ScarJo, plays to her strengths as an actress quite well.

Fair enough, I can respect that. It is a pretty cool movie.

*returns to masturbating to the naked scenes*

Mondo Bungle 11-19-2018 03:27 PM

[MERIT] 11-19-2018 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2016613)
how would you know if you haven't seen them

How do you know that you don't like how dicks taste?

The Batlord 11-19-2018 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016875)
How do you know that you don't like how dicks taste?

Well maybe you should give one a lick before you decide you don't.

Mondo Bungle 11-19-2018 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016875)
How do you know that you don't like how dicks taste?

where's this information even coming from

dicks are great, don't gotta make yourself look silly with faulty comebacks relative to nonexistent statements

[MERIT] 11-19-2018 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2016883)
where's this information even coming from

dicks are great, don't gotta make yourself look silly with faulty comebacks relative to nonexistent statements

You were feeling like nobody enjoyed your film reviews. I said that I do, but I wish they were about movies that I liked. You asked me how I can dislike a film without seeing it. I asked you how you can turn down c0cks without tasting them first. And here we are LOL.

I should have said that I wish that you would review films that I have already seen and enjoyed.

Mondo Bungle 11-19-2018 06:41 PM

I just want to know when I ever said I don't like how dicks taste

Mondo Bungle 11-19-2018 06:43 PM

frankly dick is my favorite flavor

The Batlord 11-19-2018 06:47 PM

It's hard to beat.

[MERIT] 11-19-2018 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2016889)
I just want to know when I ever said I don't like how dicks taste

You didn't. It was a tantamount equivalence.

windsock 11-19-2018 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2016896)
It's hard to beat.

Nothing beats meat flavor.

Lucem Ferre 11-19-2018 11:23 PM

Homophobia fails again.

[MERIT] 11-19-2018 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2016945)
Homophobia fails again.

So I take it you've let guys f*ck you? Lots of sex with other men? That's the only way to know that you're not gay, per your thinking.

People have instincts and they run with them. Our previous generation have done us LOADS of favors that we take for granted. It's all in our DNA and we don't even know it.

[MERIT] 11-19-2018 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 2016893)
frankly dick is my favorite flavor

Now I know what to get everyone on here for Christmas!


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2016896)
It's hard to beat.


WWWP 11-19-2018 11:56 PM

make mb gay again

The Batlord 11-19-2018 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016951)
So I take it you've let guys f*ck you? Lots of sex with other men? That's the only way to know that you're not gay, per your thinking.

People have instincts and they run with them. Our previous generation have done us LOADS of favors that we take for granted. It's all in our DNA and we don't even know it.

Like men not being attracted to other men? That's a favor we shouldn't take for granted?

Lucem Ferre 11-20-2018 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016951)
So I take it you've let guys f*ck you? Lots of sex with other men? That's the only way to know that you're not gay, per your thinking.

People have instincts and they run with them. Our previous generation have done us LOADS of favors that we take for granted. It's all in our DNA and we don't even know it.

Per my thinking? No, per his thinking. Just that your retort is drenched in homophobia. You were banking on him sharing your homophobia to drive home a point. It failed. Now maybe if you'd have used feces as an example, but that probably wouldn't convey your hatred of gay people.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2016960)
Per my thinking? No, per his thinking. Just that your retort is drenched in homophobia. You were banking on him sharing your homophobia to drive home a point. It failed. Now maybe if you'd have used feces as an example, but that probably wouldn't convey your hatred of gay people.

For the millionth time, I DON'T HATE GAY PEOPLE! I just like to joke about the abnormality of it once in a while. If you can't differentiate between hatred and humor, then I feel sorry for you.

windsock 11-20-2018 12:26 AM

Oral sex is something "extreme" that can be used as hyperbole for laughs or to drive home a point. There's nothing inherently discriminatory about it.

...that being said...yeesh. "Abnormality" is a bit of a strong term to use, innit?

WWWP 11-20-2018 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016961)
I DON'T HATE GAY PEOPLE! I just like to joke about the abnormality of it once in a while.

MicShazam 11-20-2018 12:36 AM

Saw a few movies recently:

Prêt-à-Porter aka Ready To Wear
Robert Altman movie. It's supposed to be satire about the fashion industry. It's actually just an insufferable 2 hour ramble with no coherence ever emerging. The dialogue in this movie is just empty nonsense. Turns out Altman threw the script in the garbage can and decided to have everyone adlib their lines on the spot. GREAT IDEA. Easily the worst ****ing movie I've seen in years. It's like a 2 hour visual headache.

Dr. Strangelove
Still a classic. One of Kubrick's very best. It's funny as hell but also chillingly relevant and more realistic than a black comedy/satire has any right to be.

Sci-fi movie that rips off Alien for the first half, then goes it's own way and gets more and more boring in the second half. A few good ideas, lots of blandness. Dull CGI blob as the monster that kills everyone. I liked parts of the movie, but it managed to generate a lot of ill will in me with the boring and poorly thought out last half hour.

The Last Supper
A black comedy from 1995 that I've never heard of. Starring Bill Paxton, Ron Pearlman, Cameron Diaz and many other less well known actors.

Liberal college students invite guests for dinner and conversation, poisoning those whose political positions they find to be inhuman to death, burying them in their tomato garden afterwards.
So they kill a bunch of right wingers with anti-gay opinions and such. Then things spiral further out of control hilariously and the movie works as a pretty fantastic satire over both right wing and left wing irrationality. I'd say this movie is downright explosive.

Play this to a crowd of randomly selected Americans in 2018 and there's gonna be fist fights in the audience before the movie is even halfway through. Guaranteed!

The movie has so much style and personality. So many great characters and a really clever script. And a pretty fun soundtrack to boot. I enjoyed every second of this one. Just a great movie.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by windsock (Post 2016962)
Oral sex is something "extreme" that can be used as hyperbole for laughs or to drive home a point. There's nothing inherently discriminatory about it.

...that being said...yeesh. "Abnormality" is a bit of a strong term to use, innit?

How so? It is abnormal. There are more heterosexuals than homosexuals.

This train of thought is why people are so comfortable saying D!CK and C*NT, but not PENIS nor VAGINA.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2016964)

I have my eye on you too, cutie pie.

Lucem Ferre 11-20-2018 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by windsock (Post 2016962)
Oral sex is something "extreme" that can be used as hyperbole for laughs or to drive home a point. There's nothing inherently discriminatory about it.

...that being said...yeesh. "Abnormality" is a bit of a strong term to use, innit?

No, this was homophobic. He wouldn't have made this point with a girl. Then he doubled down by accusing me of being ****ed by men. Now he's calling it an abnormality. He was just banking on people being disgusted by the idea of tasting dick because homophobia is normal to him.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2016971)
No, this was homophobic. He wouldn't have made this point with a girl. Then he doubled down by accusing me of being ****ed by men. Now he's calling it an abnormality. He was just banking on people being disgusted by the idea of tasting dick because homophobia is normal to him.

Get off the rainbow colored cross for 5 minutes. You can joke about things without hating them. It's called a sense of humor.

Lucem Ferre 11-20-2018 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016973)
Get off the rainbow colored cross for 5 minutes. You can joke about things without hating them. It's called a sense of humor.

Yeah, sure, it was a joke. I totally believe it was just a harmless joke. You're totally not homophobic and you've never showed any type of bigotry towards anybody.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2016974)
Yeah, sure, it was a joke. I totally believe it was just a harmless joke. You're totally not homophobic and you've never showed any type of bigotry towards anybody.

If painting me bad makes you feel better about yourself, then have a ball with it :wave:

Lucem Ferre 11-20-2018 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016976)
If painting me bad makes you feel better about yourself, then have a ball with it :wave:

I didn't paint you anything. You took the buckets and dumped it on yourself. Now you're blaming me for pointing it out.

Oriphiel 11-20-2018 03:22 AM

Gave it a rewatch. Probably my favorite of the MCU, along with Thor: Ragnarok. Super funny, great action, absurd situations, and an awesome chase scene. That's all I ask for.


Huge nostalgia trip. I remember watching this with my sister back in the day. This is basically what got me into Stephen King. Definitely more on the clever and entertaining side than outright scary.

The Batlord 11-20-2018 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016968)
How so? It is abnormal. There are more heterosexuals than homosexuals.

This train of thought is why people are so comfortable saying D!CK and C*NT, but not PENIS nor VAGINA.

There's more non-conspiracy theorists than conspiracy theorists.

The Batlord 11-20-2018 07:14 AM

Heheh. Crundlewald.

Thom Yorke 11-20-2018 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 2016967)
Sci-fi movie that rips off Alien for the first half, then goes it's own way and gets more and more boring in the second half. A few good ideas, lots of blandness. Dull CGI blob as the monster that kills everyone. I liked parts of the movie, but it managed to generate a lot of ill will in me with the boring and poorly thought out last half hour.

I actually liked the design of the creature, at least for the first bit. I like the idea that it's just a nondescript blob that, if we ever were to find a space creature in real life, you wouldn't bat an eye if that is what it looked like. The idea that it adapts and grows is cool as well but once they give it a "face" it just kind of becomes a generic movie monster.

MicShazam 11-20-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 2017035)
I actually liked the design of the creature, at least for the first bit. I like the idea that it's just a nondescript blob that, if we ever were to find a space creature in real life, you wouldn't bat an eye if that is what it looked like. The idea that it adapts and grows is cool as well but once they give it a "face" it just kind of becomes a generic movie monster.

Yeah it gets worse when it's more fully grown. If it had remained a more blob like creature, I would have been more on board with the design, probably. I did like the scenes where the creature was still in the lab. It's when it escapes the movie started losing me little by little.

Thom Yorke 11-20-2018 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 2017046)
Yeah it gets worse when it's more fully grown. If it had remained a more blob like creature, I would have been more on board with the design, probably. I did like the scenes where the creature was still in the lab. It's when it escapes the movie started losing me little by little.

Yeah, I thought everything in the lab was great. It borrows heavily from Alien, sure, but it does it very well. Some really great body horror in that segment.

MicShazam 11-20-2018 12:38 PM

Just tried watching Inland Empire for the second time ever. Made it about just as far (which means not very far). The movie is just nonsense. If you'll watch any turd as long as David Lynch's name is attached to it, it might be less intolerable. I'm no diehard fan of his work exactly, so I'll pass.

Frownland 11-20-2018 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 2017054)
The movie is just nonsense.

Not really. Watching the whole thing would probably open it up to you more.

MicShazam 11-20-2018 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2017057)
Not really. Watching the whole thing would probably open it up to you more.

It certainly foreshadows several things, but it feels like such an immense drag. There's no way I'm ever gonna get through without something like that Clockwork Orange treatment.

Frownland 11-20-2018 12:52 PM

There's always The Avengers.

MicShazam 11-20-2018 12:55 PM

There's no way I'm watching that one again. I'm pretty sure it was 7 hours long. Although I did miss the sequel with that robot guy.

Frownland 11-20-2018 12:57 PM

That's the one with the Nietzsche screenplay, right?

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