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grandpawdan 01-28-2009 09:12 PM

The last movie I saw was Zeitgeist Addendum if documentaries count.

grandpawdan 01-28-2009 09:12 PM

If documentaries don't count then I it was Catch me if you can. Sweet movie.

Mojo 01-29-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by mannny (Post 587012)
Great movie! I love Wes Anderson films. Life Aquatic is usually considered his worst but I actually liked it a lot. I understand how you could think the first part is boring, there's alot of setting up for later on in the film. But it's still hilarious. Anyways, Royal Tenenbaums is his best.

I havent seen Rushmore or The Darjeeling Limited yet so the jury is still out on Wes Anderson for me. I do need to watch Life Aquatic again aswell really because on first viewing I could see that the first 40/45 minutes or so set a lot up for the latter half of the film but maybe was a little excessive? By the end I didn't hate the film, I just wasnt sure about it.

Luke Wilson was a big surprise in Tenenbaums for me. I thought he was excellent.

pourmeanother 01-29-2009 03:31 AM

"Dark Days"

Documentary about a faction of mole people living in an abandoned subway tunnel in New York City. Crazy. DJ Shadow scored it.

Guybrush 01-29-2009 04:01 AM

Me and my girlfriend love Steve Zissou and the Life Aquatic .. We like all the Wes Anderson films, but that one's our favourite. If only there was a store here that sold those blue shirts, red beanies and glocks, we would be all over that sh*t.

I'm not 100% sure what all the appeal is. Watching it makes me want to be a part of team Zissou. Maybe it's because we've been on marine biology cruises and can almost relate to it even though it's nothing like that.

Dur ..

Last movie I saw was Anger Management with Jack Nicholson and the sad Adam Sandler. Nothing else was on the telly last night.

Molecules 01-29-2009 04:33 AM

Mollys wes anderson flow chart

Rushmore>Royal Tenenbaums>Life Aquatic>ones i aint seen

Guybrush 01-29-2009 04:38 AM

Guess my would be ..

Life Aquatic > Rushmore > The Royal Tenenbaums > The Darjeeling Limited

I haven't seen Bottle Rocket.

Molecules 01-29-2009 04:42 AM

i did like the effects in Life Aquatic, but Rushmore had the best music choices :D

phantom133pz 01-29-2009 12:10 PM

This is a little behind, but how can you like fast zombies? The classic movie was great, calling Day of the Dead a remake is an insult. It's nothing like Romero's...

mannny 01-29-2009 01:26 PM

Wes Anderson Films for me:

Royal Tenenbaums > Life Aquatic > Rushmore > Bottle Rocket > Darjeeling

The first three are so close and my favorite of the three change regularly. And Molecules, I disagree, I think Life Aquatic had the best music choices. Seu Jorge's Bowie covers were fantastic, and strangely suited the film.

sweet_nothing 01-29-2009 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by phantom133pz (Post 587361)
This is a little behind, but how can you like fast zombies? The classic movie was great, calling Day of the Dead a remake is an insult. It's nothing like Romero's...

Because theyre scarier. Or maybe its just me that finds zombies running towards you as fast possible more terrifying than ones that sorta shuffle towards you and that you can easily just walk around.

Originally Posted by mannny (Post 587395)
Wes Anderson Films for me:

Royal Tenenbaums > Life Aquatic > Rushmore > Bottle Rocket > Darjeeling

The first three are so close and my favorite of the three change regularly. And Molecules, I disagree, I think Life Aquatic had the best music choices. Seu Jorge's Bowie covers were fantastic, and strangely suited the film.

Completely agree.

My list:
Royal Tenenbaums
Life Aquatic
Bottle Rocket

mannny 01-29-2009 08:51 PM

^I need to watch Darjeeling again. I've only seen it once, and it's common for for his movies to get better with repeated viewings. I have to give it another chance.

Janszoon 01-29-2009 08:58 PM

Apocalypto—Not surprising since it's a Mel Gibson movie, this was extremely dark and gruesome, with lots of torture and dead bodies. I really liked it though. I might even go as far as saying it's his best movie. I was mildly disappointed by what I thought was an overly predictable ending but that's really the only negative thing I have to say about it.

jackhammer 01-30-2009 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by pourmeanother (Post 587229)
"Dark Days"

Documentary about a faction of mole people living in an abandoned subway tunnel in New York City. Crazy. DJ Shadow scored it.

Excellent doc and one of the only times that he has let his music be used on screen.

adidasss 01-30-2009 06:00 AM



NSW 01-30-2009 06:50 AM

I enjoyed this one, though I felt really short to me and it seemed like the ending left me hanging. It could be because I watched it in two sections though, about a week apart. It's dark, it has big guns, demons, and sex, and the plot was mostly interesting.


boo boo 01-30-2009 09:24 AM

I enjoyed Wicked City, though it could have been better in parts, you don't learn a whole lot about the characters, and I felt that the old guy character really didn't belong in this movie.


Fritz the Cat - ***

I enjoyed this a lot, it's the first film from Ralph Bakshi who's notorious for trippy adult cartoons. It's not entirely faithful to the Robert Crumb comics, and he hated this film, it's way more critical of the hippie counterculture and a lot darker. I love Bakshi's interpretation though, he has a great animation style and theres some great funny bits.

boo boo 01-30-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 587761)

I thought this movie was ok, but massively overrated.

The problems with this movie are the same problems I have with Stephen Daldry's other film The Hours, it's too damn long, leaves too much stuff ambiguous and it can't decide weither to be aloof or sentimental.

The very thought of even attempting to watch The Reader makes me gag.

Terrible Lizard 01-30-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 587833)
I thought this movie was ok, but massively overrated.

The problems with this movie are the same problems I have with Stephen Daldry's other film The Hours, it's too damn long, leaves too much stuff ambiguous and it can't decide weither to be aloof or sentimental.

The very thought of even attempting to watch The Reader makes me gag.

I agree 100% with you on that one, btw what did you think of Coonskin?

adidasss 01-30-2009 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 587833)
I thought this movie was ok, but massively overrated.

The problems with this movie are the same problems I have with Stephen Daldry's other film The Hours, it's too damn long, leaves too much stuff ambiguous and it can't decide weither to be aloof or sentimental.

The very thought of even attempting to watch The Reader makes me gag.

Did we watch the same movie? There's nothing ambiguous about this one, it couldn't be more in your face sentimental than it is. I think you're the first person I know who wasn't moved by it. It almost had me in tears near the end. Plus the soundtrack is really great and helps to set up the nostalgic mood. There's really nothing bad I can say about it. :\

I finally broke my Von Trier cherry... Pretty good stuff. Very atmospheric. The editing is insanely original. 8/10

sweet_nothing 01-30-2009 07:09 PM
Fantastic movie, one of the best out of these graphic novel adaptations that seem to be popular nowadays. Plus Natalie Portman is a fox even with a shaved head.

Farfisa 01-30-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 588121)
Fantastic movie, one of the best out of these graphic novel adaptations that seem to be popular nowadays. Plus Natalie Portman is a fox even with a shaved head.

Flickr The Movie? The title alone intrigues me.

Terrible Lizard 01-30-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 588121)
Fantastic movie, one of the best out of these graphic novel adaptations that seem to be popular nowadays. Plus Natalie Portman is a fox even with a shaved head.

Try to tell that to Alan Moore.....:tramp:

sweet_nothing 01-30-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 588132)
Flickr The Movie? The title alone intrigues me.

How have you not seen that? See that **** mang.


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 588164)
Try to tell that to Alan Moore.....:tramp:

What you talkin bout Willis?

Terrible Lizard 01-30-2009 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 588168)
How have you not seen that? See that **** mang.

What you talkin bout Willis?

V for Vendetta, thats what I'm talkin' aboot. :bonkhead:

sweet_nothing 01-30-2009 10:30 PM

Yeh but what about it? Alan Moore didnt like it or what?

Terrible Lizard 01-30-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 588173)
Yeh but what about it? Alan Moore didnt like it or what?

Yes in fact he loathed it, compared it's message to the Bush association even.

I thought it was good, entertaining, but it wasn't the novel.

Far Beyond Driven 01-30-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 588164)
Try to tell that to Alan Moore.....:tramp:

Alan Moore just hates hollywood..... He's also a wizard.

Terrible Lizard 01-30-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Far Beyond Driven (Post 588177)
Alan Moore just hates hollywood..... He's also a wizard.

Takes his awesome level up a few notches.:band:

Far Beyond Driven 01-30-2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 588182)
Takes his awesome level up a few notches.:band:

Absolutely. Once you've reached wizard awesome, that's it, you've exceeded the maximum amount of awesomeness one can ever hope to attain.

boo boo 01-31-2009 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 588076)
I agree 100% with you on that one, btw what did you think of Coonskin?

I'd rate Coonskin a *** also, it's one of the most ballsy films I've ever seen and a hilarious parody of blaxploitation films and Song of the South. This was a very controversial film back in the day because of the various offensive black caricatures (as well as homosexual and italian stereotypes) throughout the film, but really, it's all just a throwback to the cartoons of the 30s and 40s that was full of racism. The way Bakshi sheds a new light on it is brilliant.

Like a lot of Bakshi's films, it's also pretty disturbing at times, with Bakshi's trademark surrealism and grotesque and shocking imagery. I can't believe this film was only rated R, Fritz the Cat was rated X and this movie is WAAAAAAAY more graphic than Fritz was.


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 588121)
Plus Natalie Portman is a fox even with a shaved head.

She turned me on more when she sported that look than she ever does when she has hair, to be honest.

Mojo 01-31-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 588091)
Did we watch the same movie? There's nothing ambiguous about this one, it couldn't be more in your face sentimental than it is. I think you're the first person I know who wasn't moved by it. It almost had me in tears near the end. Plus the soundtrack is really great and helps to set up the nostalgic mood. There's really nothing bad I can say about it. :\

I've only seen it once and that was at the cinema, so a long time ago. I wasnt that fussed by it though, it certainly didnt move me at least.

Terrible Lizard 01-31-2009 09:18 AM

[QUOTE=boo boo;588255]I'd rate Coonskin a *** also, it's one of the most ballsy films I've ever seen and a hilarious parody of blaxploitation films and Song of the South. This was a very controversial film back in the day because of the various offensive black caricatures (as well as homosexual and italian stereotypes) throughout the film, but really, it's all just a throwback to the cartoons of the 30s and 40s that was full of racism. The way Bakshi sheds a new light on it is brilliant.

Like a lot of Bakshi's films, it's also pretty disturbing at times, with Bakshi's trademark surrealism and grotesque and shocking imagery. I can't believe this film was only rated R, Fritz the Cat was rated X and this movie is WAAAAAAAY more graphic than Fritz was.

True, that's why I love the film and Ralph Bakshi making Al Sharpton look like a moron in front of his posse is also a nice addition.
Al Lewis voiced The Godfather, that's unbelievably swoll.

jackhammer 01-31-2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 588091)
Did we watch the same movie? There's nothing ambiguous about this one, it couldn't be more in your face sentimental than it is. I think you're the first person I know who wasn't moved by it. It almost had me in tears near the end. Plus the soundtrack is really great and helps to set up the nostalgic mood. There's really nothing bad I can say about it. :\

I was'nt moved by it either. I thought it was OK but unimaginative and derivative. I have seen similar a 1000 times over. Hey ho.

Janszoon 01-31-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 588377)
I was'nt moved by it either. I thought it was OK but unimaginative and derivative. I have seen similar a 1000 times over. Hey ho.

Pretty much exactly how I felt about it. It wasn't horrible, but it was pretty mediocre. I'm not sure what boo boo thought was so ambiguous about it, I thought it was a very straight-forward movie similar to tons of other feel-good movies.

adidasss 01-31-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 588300)
I've only seen it once and that was at the cinema, so a long time ago. I wasnt that fussed by it though, it certainly didnt move me at least.

You must have a heart of stone...:(

Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 588377)
I was'nt moved by it either. I thought it was OK but unimaginative and derivative. I have seen similar a 1000 times over. Hey ho.

Yeah but you also like Crank. ;)

Janszoon 01-31-2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 588405)
Yeah but you also like Crank. ;)

Now that was a great movie!

adidasss 01-31-2009 12:57 PM

I'll say! :laughing:

jackhammer 01-31-2009 01:18 PM

I sincerely love movies that elicit the odd tear but i much prefer the bitter sweet British films that are more indicative of our culture than the Americanised saccharine of Working Title films who made Billy elliott and two Weddings etc.

Marijan I would really love you to watch films such as Heartlands and Purely Belter which appeal to me much more. Inside I'm Dancing too. Now that film should elicit a tear or two and on the way fill you with joy and belly laughs.

Tyler Durden 01-31-2009 02:11 PM

Apocalypse Now. It was alright I suppose, I just couldn't get into it.

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