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Key 06-29-2018 11:36 PM

Chula Vista 06-29-2018 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1968073)
And the actual military operation made us look like idiots. The movie made us look like scrappy badasses.

Google is your friend tonight.

The movie made us look like badasses who quickly became groveling shrews once the real **** went down. The scenes with Ron Eldard as Durant, and his captors tells it all. Scrappy badass?

Actually, makes you seem kinda tough.

Frownland 06-30-2018 12:08 AM

The Batlord 06-30-2018 12:18 AM

So are you just going to ignore the rest of the post? You were wrong about military involvement and maybe you should ask yourself why the hell the they would be involved in a movie that supposedly made them look bad.

Oh and here's a "complete" list of movies produced with Pentagon assistance given by the Pentagon itself. Hamburger Hill and Black Hawk Down are on the list. I might have missed others on your list because it's long and unorganized, and there's no telling if the list actually is complete.

Complete List of Commercial Films Produced with Assistance from the Pentagon | Stephen Underhill -

grindy 06-30-2018 04:23 AM

Calm the **** down, everyone.

Spoiler for ...well...:

YorkeDaddy 06-30-2018 06:07 AM

Guys I just wanna gush about good movies not have arguments

Opening the floor to people that have seen Hereditary again, because god damn i love that movie

Frownland 06-30-2018 09:16 AM

Seeing it today. I have very high hopes.

Akai 06-30-2018 09:36 AM

9/10 m8

The Batlord 06-30-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968124)
Calm the **** down, everyone.

Spoiler for ...well...:

We were chill though. Even Chula was keeping a lid on it.


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1968136)
Guys I just wanna gush about good movies not have arguments

Opening the floor to people that have seen Hereditary again, because god damn i love that movie

Go back to Africa.

Chula Vista 06-30-2018 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1968192)
We were chill though.

Agreed. Was enjoying the debate actually.

Bat, I think it's a bit of a stretch between "The Pentagon assisted in making a movie" and "Because of the FOIA, the Pentagon turned over 8 pages of records related to all conflicts after WWII, and some of that info was used in helping to make post WWII war movies more factual".

The Pentagon (Government) spends billions of dollars a year in PR in an effort to make military service seem glorified, even glamorous.

The few, the proud, the marines!!!

The movies I listed all made military service, the military itself, and in some cases, the government look like a nightmare in hell.

Friendly Fire was based on the true story of a fervent antiwar activist for cripes sake.


Mullen refused a military funeral for her son, would not accept his medals, and rejected the standard grave marker offered for free by the military. Instead, she bought a tombstone that used the word "killed" (instead of "died") to describe the circumstances of his death. A letter of condolence from President of the United States Richard M. Nixon was sent back with her note reading "Send it to the next damn fool."
We can agree to disagree though if it will help Grindy sleep tonight. :D

grindy 06-30-2018 12:12 PM

We're a pussy forum now and conflicts are deescalated preemptively so **** you all and carry on I guess.

Chula Vista 06-30-2018 12:26 PM

That Vince Vaughn flick is great BTW. I use to have a hard time with him in serious roles, since he built a career on snark and sarcasm. After S2 of True Detective, and now this flick, that's all changed. Dude's a powerhouse.

The Batlord 06-30-2018 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968292)
We're a pussy forum now and conflicts are deescalated preemptively so **** you all and carry on I guess.

**** that.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1968288)
Agreed. Was enjoying the debate actually.

Bat, I think it's a bit of a stretch between "The Pentagon assisted in making a movie" and "Because of the FOIA, the Pentagon turned over 8 pages of records related to all conflicts after WWII, and some of that info was used in helping to make post WWII war movies more factual".

The United States military is not "helping" studios to make movies factual. They leverage their millions/billions of dollars in equipment to force studios to portray the military in a way that they want. If a studio forgoes that Pentagon stamp of approval they need to pay a king's ransom for all of that premium equipment and if they do that then there's a vastly improved likelihood that they won't have the money to make the kind of movie that Black Hawk Down or Saving Private Ryan did. It's much like a band forgoing major label money to make an album without the production quality and distribution network that a major label brings. It's basically hamstringing a movie and many of those movies have suffered in the box office because of it. It's extortion tbh.


The Pentagon (Government) spends billions of dollars a year in PR in an effort to make military service seem glorified, even glamorous.

The few, the proud, the marines!!!
Yes. And Hollywood war movies are a legitimate part of this propoganda and if it weren't they wouldn't bother giving the time of day to Hollywood.


The movies I listed all made military service, the military itself, and in some cases, the government look like a nightmare in hell.

Friendly Fire was based on the true story of a fervent antiwar activist for cripes sake.
There are definitely movies that have foregone the Pentagon stamp of approval and many of them have fallen by the wayside because of it. Movies like Apocalypse Now, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket have done this and won big due to their refusal to compromise but those are not the rule.

And there's still the issue I and Frown have pointed out that even if a movie doesn't engage in jingoism it still generally portrays soldiers sympathetically, and that's basically all you need to do to make an audience root for soldiers, which all by itself encourages the public to deify the military.

Justthefacts 06-30-2018 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1968157)
Seeing it today. I have very high hopes.

Probably a movie you'll only watch today and never again. It's a very dreadful watch.

DwnWthVwls 06-30-2018 01:58 PM

When are video game movies gonna kick off the way superhero movies did? :(

Final Fantasy Tactics, MGS, and Overwatch please.

grindy 06-30-2018 01:59 PM

Yeah, because the Warcraft movie was soooo great.

Chula Vista 06-30-2018 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1968314)
There are definitely movies that have foregone the Pentagon stamp of approval and many of them have fallen by the wayside because of it. Movies like Apocalypse Now, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket have done this and won big due to their refusal to compromise but those are not the rule.

And there's still the issue I and Frown have pointed out that even if a movie doesn't engage in jingoism it still generally portrays soldiers sympathetically, and that's basically all you need to do to make an audience root for soldiers, which all by itself encourages the public to deify the military.

I understand your points. I just don't fully agree with them.

*starts working on improving his cynicism*

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:10 PM

There are zero video game movies worth anything at all as far as I know. Well except maybe the first Mortal Kombat movie. It's hilariously cheesy. Most video game movies are self serious and dull. And poorly written. When the second most fun you've had watching a video game movie was watching Uwe Boll's House of the Dead movie, it's time to pack it up for that useless abomination of a sub genre. /grumpy movie snob rant.


Anway, this evening I finally got around to watching The Name of the Rose. Just ****ing fantastic! Atmosphere in spades and a cleverly written crime mystery, heavily tied in with religious themes. Setting the story in a secluded monastery in the time of the inquisition leads to all sorts of interesting thematic shadings and interesting characters. Lots of memorable actor performances in the movie as well - not just Sean Connery's detective monk. And the soundtrack was perfect for the movie.

9/10 - totally worth watching. I'm certain most of you in here would actually really like it.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968361)
There are zero video game movies worth anything at all as far as I know. Well except maybe the first Mortal Kombat movie. It's hilariously cheesy. Most video game movies are self serious and dull. And poorly written. When the second most fun you've had watching a video game movie was watching Uwe Boll's House of the Dead movie, it's time to pack it up for that useless abomination of a sub genre. /grumpy movie snob rant.


Anway, this evening I finally got around to watching The Name of the Rose. Just ****ing fantastic! Atmosphere in spades and a cleverly written crime mystery, heavily tied in with religious themes. Setting the story in a secluded monastery in the time of the inquisition leads to all sorts of interesting thematic shadings and interesting characters. Lots of memorable characters in the movie as well - not just Sean Connery's detective monk.

9/10 - totally worth watching. I'm certain most of you in here would actually really like it.

Have you read the book?
The movie is retarded, watered down hollywood **** compared to it.
I'm not even one of those books over movies guys, I try to enjoy both on their terms but this is just nah.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968367)
Have you read the book?
The movie is retarded, watered down hollywood **** compared to it.
I'm not even one of those books over movies guys, I try to enjoy both on their terms but this is just nah.

No I haven't read the book. As the credits rolled, I actually wondered how much was missing. I think it works really well as a movie, but I'm not surprised if they simplified a lot of things. The way I see it, book adaptations will usually have to skip a lot of things, so they have to succeed on the visuals, atmosphere, etc. For me, the movie did really, really well as a piece of cinema, so to speak.

DwnWthVwls 06-30-2018 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968355)
Yeah, because the Warcraft movie was soooo great.

Warcraft movie sucked.. I didnt make it past the first 30 minutes.

The Batlord 06-30-2018 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968361)
There are zero video game movies worth anything at all as far as I know. Well except maybe the first Mortal Kombat movie. It's hilariously cheesy.

The last ten minutes of Doom are hella fun though.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968372)
No I haven't read the book. As the credits rolled, I actually wondered how much was missing. I think it works really well as a movie, but I'm not surprised if they simplified a lot of things. The way I see it, book adaptations will usually have to skip a lot of things, so they have to succeed on the visuals, atmosphere, etc. For me, the movie did really, really well as a piece of cinema, so to speak.

Simplifying is fine, especially with something as comlex as an Eco book, but they completely changed the ending to feelgood ****.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1968374)
Warcraft movie sucked.. I didnt make it past the first 30 minutes.

I watched it whole and I remember a sense of dreadful mediocrity and not a single thing else.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968376)
Simplifying is fine, especially with something as comlex as an Eco book, but they completely changed the ending to feelgood ****.

Not having read the book; the only thing that felt contrived to me to me was Connery's character
Spoiler for spoiler warning, I guess:
magically finding his way out of that huge burning tower despite all the stairs having collapsed.

The Batlord 06-30-2018 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1968374)
Warcraft movie sucked.. I didnt make it past the first 30 minutes.

I saw the special effects and didn't see any possible way it could have been anything other than absolute garbage. I'm just glad it wasn't a StarCraft movie so I wouldn't have to see my heart ripped out in front of me and ground into a fine powder.

Chula Vista 06-30-2018 02:25 PM

I prefer the second Mortal Combat movie for a reason I've already explained.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1968387)
I prefer the second Mortal Combat movie for reasons I've already explained.

And if I recall correctly, me and Batty agreed that you are wrong

grindy 06-30-2018 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968380)
Not having read the book; the only thing that felt contrived to me to me was Connery's character
Spoiler for spoiler warning, I guess:
magically finding his way out of that huge burning tower despite all the stairs having collapsed.

TBH I don't remember much so my rants are probably 70% bull****.
Still go and read the book. It's glorious and Eco was one of the best writers of the 20th century.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968389)
And if I recall correctly, me and Batty agreed that you are wrong

That's some serious slut-chin.

The Batlord 06-30-2018 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1968387)
I prefer the second Mortal Combat movie for reasons I've already explained.

Worthless. The first Sonya is more interesting looking and has a vastly better resting bitch face. And everything else was just more fun. That scene with Reptile fighting Liu Kang was masterful in showing that the movie had no interest in being a movie when it had the opportunity to make people hit each other more.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968390)
TBH I don't remember much so my rants are probably 70% bull****.
Still go and read the book. It's glorious and Eco was one of the best writers of the 20th century.

I'm so bad at reading novels. Usually, I put in a bookmark a few chapters in and fail to return for 1½ years. At this point, I exclusively read non-fiction. I get my fiction through movies and comic books instead, like the pleb that I am.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968393)
I'm so bad at reading novels. I put in a bookmark a few chapters in and fail to return for 1½ years. At this point, I exclusively read non-fiction. I get my fiction through movies and comic books instead, like the pleb that I am.

Same with me lately but I still try to act all superior and well-read.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968395)
Same with me lately but I still try to act all superior and well-read.

I'd do that too, but then people see my unimpressive, tiny bookshelf, entirely dwarfed by my two well-stuffed comic book shelves. I once owned a big, fat Shakespeare collection. Made me feel very well educated and smart until I tried to read any of it. Then I sold it.

The Batlord 06-30-2018 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968393)
I'm so bad at reading novels. Usually, I put in a bookmark a few chapters in and fail to return for 1½ years. At this point, I exclusively read non-fiction. I get my fiction through movies and comic books instead, like the pleb that I am.

You clearly don't read enough comic books or we'd trade recs more often.


MicShazam 06-30-2018 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1968400)
You clearly don't read enough comic books or we'd trade recs more often.


I don't read them as often as I used to. But I bought a few less than a week ago. It's just that it's mostly comic strips and European comics of various kinds (Bilal, Manara, Schuiten, Rosínski etc.). No superhero books at all (EDIT: Except Watchmen). I also have some American comics, but they're all graphic novels like Black Hole, Abandoned Cars, Maus and other misc. stuff like that.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1968399)
I'd do that too, but then people see my unimpressive, tiny bookshelf, entirely dwarfed by my two well-stuffed comic book shelves. I once owned a big, fat Shakespeare collection. Made me feel very well educated and smart until I tried to read any of it. Then I sold it.

I have an e-reader as an excuse.

Chula Vista 06-30-2018 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1968391)
That's some serious slut-chin.

She looks like she'd cut your dick off with a dull, rusty knife if you missed her birthday.

grindy 06-30-2018 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1968415)
She looks like she'd cut your dick off with a dull, rusty knife if you missed her birthday.

This happens to be something I'm not into.

MicShazam 06-30-2018 03:03 PM

I'm not into the act, but I'm into the look.

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