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Trollheart 03-11-2018 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1931893)
The Nazi's were leftists. At least that's what US right wingers keep telling me. Hitler was such a SJW.

Slaughter Jews Wholesale?

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1931920)
Brings back memories of having no job (several times), one single friend (across the city), and living in an area with almost nothing but residential neighborhoods. Jesus Christ was I probably a hair's breadth from being certifiable more than once. The last time I was probably saved by discovering that my library had a computer lab, which was when I discovered MB. So thanks, ***gots.

Damn that library! You mean we were this close to never knowing you?

Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1931932)
I really get that. I think MB is of some importance in keeping me sane, even now. I'm still spending a lot of time alone every week. This place provides some sort of familiar thing to hold on to. Can't say I know anyone in here super personally, but it still feels like some kind of "home".

Yeah, a mental home. Or in my case, nursing home.

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1931974)
Can we make this thread more sad please? We've got a good head start.

Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1931983)
If you ever visit Denmark, let me know. I'll show you the least impressive party street in any European city.

I'm in pretty stark disagreement with my two best friends in terms of politics, personality type and world view. It's not necessarily a problem. Gives you something to talk about, actually. Agreeing is overrated.

I disagree.

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1932241)
Nice nice. I've watched or rewatched all of those in the past few months. Even Tarzan has its charms when Phil Collins isn't singing like a turd.

Is Phil Collins ever not singing like a turd?

Chula Vista 03-11-2018 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1932429)

Mike and I can do this scene note for note. We take turns being Holliday.

Justthefacts 03-12-2018 04:07 PM

Tragedy Girls

If Howard Hughes made a slasher film about two chicks who BRUTALLY murder other teenagers, then it would be this flick. Loses some steam towards the third act but it had me entertained pretty much throughout. Craig Robinson's scene in the gym was one of the craziest kills I've witnessed since the last Final Destination.

The Batlord 03-12-2018 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1932694)
Tragedy Girls

If Howard Hughes made a slasher film about two chicks who BRUTALLY murder other teenagers, then it would be this flick. Loses some steam towards the third act but it had me entertained pretty much throughout. Craig Robinson's scene in the gym was one of the craziest kills I've witnessed since the last Final Destination.

Yac 03-14-2018 06:24 AM

Annihilation (2018) - IMDb

It was actually quite good. Not "The Arrival" level good, but almost there. Quite similar in many areas.
Supposedly it also took a huge dump on the source material, so if you read the book (I haven't) you'll find a ton of differences, including some of the big answers.
The visuals were great, acting was ok, the premise .. well, I'm not sure, not yet. It's something about really good science fiction, it doesn't give you the answers straight, or it might not even give you any at all. This movie is like that, I have more questions now than I had before I started watching it.
Anyway, as always I'm rambling. See it and tell me what you think.
7.5/10 in my book, where The Arrival got a solid 9.

MicShazam 03-14-2018 07:51 AM

Went to see The Shape of Water with a friend yesterday.

I didn't really like it.

Chula Vista 03-14-2018 01:40 PM

Woody Allen's The Purple Rose of Cairo. Before I started recognizing actors I would have sworn the movie was made in the 40s or 50s instead of 1985.

Frownland 03-14-2018 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1932993)
Went to see The Shape of Water with a friend yesterday.

I didn't really like it.

Not surprised tbh.

Spoiler for .:
She was a fish the whole time.

MicShazam 03-14-2018 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1933091)
Not surprised tbh.

Spoiler for .:
She was a fish the whole time.

Probably still better than Black Panther, which was the other option.

Frownland 03-14-2018 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1933096)
Probably still better than Black Panther, which was the other option.

A love story between a black panther and a fishman sounds pretty cool though.

Chula Vista 03-14-2018 09:56 PM

Finally got around to Gerald's Game.

King was once asked early on my he wrote such creepy and disturbing stories. He replied, "What makes you think I have a choice?"

Frownland 03-14-2018 10:19 PM

A couple that I watched recently
A Perfect Day

Aid workers in Yugoslavia try to get a body out of a well but get wrangled in UN red tape. It was just alright. Well shot with some interesting and funny parts, but it was also full of moments that were more annoying and forced than funny. The movie is engaging enough to watch to overlook that though. What was distractingly bad was the soundtrack. It was like they had just tossed on a satellite radio station that the director or producer dug during moments that necessitated a song change. If that aspect of the movie wasn't so goddamn ****ty, then it would have another star, but until this film gets a remix it's a 3/5.

Existentialist thriller about French domestic terrorists committing an attack and hiding out in a shopping mall. Potential moral qualms of sympathizing terrorists through dramatization aside, this was one of the most suspenseful and tense films that I've ever seen. Great acting and well shot.

Spoiler for .:
The subtitles could have been poorly done (the facebook post one of them was reading wasn't translated at all), but it seemed like the attack wasn't ever rationalized by the characters. That could have been unintentional or a conscious decision by the director to explore the psychological drives behind committing an attack like this. That would be consistent with the ending where their attack ends up not having any real effect or meaning, which I do think was done intentionally. I think that the girl saying that it was bound to happen was to double down on the meaninglessness of their attack, because people were already conscious of a lot of the issues that motivated the terrorist's actions. Maybe the director was implying that the government/symbols that they're rebelling against are hated on an unspoken level that they caused to become a spoken issue with their attack, that it wasn't exactly pointless.

I don't have a clear outcome on what this movie is trying to say and I kind of like that since it gives me something to think about. Interested on your thoughts on this. Gonna go with a 4.20/5

MicShazam 03-15-2018 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1933231)
A couple that I watched recently
A Perfect Day

Aid workers in Yugoslavia try to get a body out of a well but get wrangled in UN red tape. It was just alright. Well shot with some interesting and funny parts, but it was also full of moments that were more annoying and forced than funny. The movie is engaging enough to watch to overlook that though. What was distractingly bad was the soundtrack. It was like they had just tossed on a satellite radio station that the director or producer dug during moments that necessitated a song change. If that aspect of the movie wasn't so goddamn ****ty, then it would have another star, but until this film gets a remix it's a 3/5.

I saw this one back when it ran in theaters. I don't remember anything about the soundtrack, but I do remember feeling like especially a lot of the attempts at humor and quirkiness missed the mark. I still liked it. It's uneven, but has some strong bits.

Frownland 03-19-2018 10:57 PM
Tarde para la ira (The Fury of a Patient Man)

Genre-bending, gritty, great cinematography. The ending could have used some work since it definitely felt underdeveloped, but it was still a really great watch regardless. 4/5

Trollheart 03-20-2018 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1933099)
A love story between a black panther and a fishman sounds pretty cool though.


Plankton 03-22-2018 07:13 AM

If you're a fan of Spinal Tap-ish humor, or a drummer, or an aspiring drummer, or possibly you just love playing air drums or anything else, or maybe you're just bored, or all of the above, this is a great way to spend 90 minutes:

Dude111 03-22-2018 02:39 PM

I last watched BLUE STREAK (1999) on VHS :)

The Copy I have is a preview of the movie.... It was recorded IN A MOVIE THEATHER and to be honest is the nicest copy of this movie I have ever seen! (Its a little dark but thats cause of how they had the camera pointed towards the screen)

Chula Vista 03-22-2018 09:39 PM

Roller Boogie.

(where's my gun......... )

Trollheart 03-23-2018 02:23 PM

The Prisoner of Second Avenue (Jack Lemmon/Anne Bancroft) (1975)

Frankly, not as funny or enjoyable as I remember. Another Neil Simon play, does well on the big screen but there's something lacking about it. It's almost like a less clever version of The Odd Couple, though not really. Worth watching, but ultimately I was disappointed this time around.

Frownland 03-26-2018 03:47 PM
You're Next

The characters in this reminded me of the family in A Good Man Is Hard to Find, so of course I thought this was hysterical. Good watch. 4/5

MicShazam 03-28-2018 01:36 PM

Edward Scissorhands

Not the Tim Burton movie that I'm most familiar with. I've only watched it once before and that was years ago. Rewatched it again this evening and... my impression (as I remember it) from back then, remains basically unchanged.
It takes forever to get going, no real conflict happening until over an hour into the movie, and when things do start happening, it's precious little. Surely the movie spends all that time on character development, then? Well... in theory, but absolutely every character stays a one note stereotype and there aren't really any interesting exchanges between characters - only a bunch of mildly amusing "fish out of water" scenes where Edward gets accustomed to life in a curiously 50's looking 80's suburban neighbourhood.

Numerous things about the movie just feel kinda underdeveloped and half baked. The daughter falls in love with the "monster". We know this, because at one point she tells him "I love you". It feels unearned, as the two have barely interacted with each other at this point ("this point" being the end of the movie, almost) and when we see her dreaming of those times with Edward as an elderly woman at the very end of the movie, it feels hollow. A key plot point where she knows that Edward was tricked into assisting burglary never goes anywhere. Never does she go to the police or her parents and confess, despite how it would fit into every single character relationship and plot arc in the film. Instead Edward retreats to his hiding place for seemingly the rest of his life and everyone stops visiting him - even the people who cared for him. It just feels oddly simplistic and contrived in so many ways.

I'm not even going to comment on all of the secondary and tertiary characters. Think a collection of over-the-top suburban housewife stereotypes, and you've got all the movie would give you.

I know it's supposed to be a simple little gothic, suburban fairy tale, but even movies as simple as Harry Potter or Star Wars or Sucker Punch have characters with more motivations, more character traits - as well as more developed conflicts happening in the story. Edward Scissorhands feels strangely hollow as a movie and I just can't figure out why it's such a beloved film. It's some of the thinnest, most underdeveloped material Tim Burton has given us and that's saying something. Big Eyes was a surprisingly good movie, but I guess Tim Burton isn't really my cup of tea. Most of his movies are kind of flat, I think. This one is the worst.

Frownland 03-28-2018 01:52 PM

lmao @ Sucker Punch. Did you have your first kiss when you watched that or something? A strong, significant emotional bond is the only explanation that I can think of for your appreciation of that crap.

Edward Scissorhands isn't Burton's worst movie. His worst films are when he takes that ham-fisted, self-conscious quirkiness and turns it into a formula without the little compelling content that was there to begin with. See: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd, Corpse Bride, etc.

Have you seen Big Fish? Personally I think that it's mad overrated, but it does stand out in his filmography as a better, less contrived film.

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:01 PM

I'm not saying Sucker Punch is great*, but it does have more going on as far as the characters go - even if it's precious little. At least they feel vaguely like humans. I picked that movie as an example on purpose, since I want to express just how badly I think Edward Scissorhands handles its characters. I really do think Edward Scissorhands is superficial to a very unusual degree.

I think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is way more fun to watch, even though a few scenes are cloying and sentimental in the extreme. And I really like Corpse Bride. Sweeney Todd was pretty awful. A musical with no good tunes.

I have seen Big Fish a few times and I used to like it, then kind of didn't anymore. It's got some good ideas, but it feels so tedious to get through.

EDIT: I'd also like to mention Dark Shadows. That one was really, really bad. Only good thing in the movie, literally: Eva Green was sooo hot in that movie... What a waste.

* Last time I watched it, which was a couple years ago, I still liked it. I've always considered it pretty flawed but also appealing in some ways. No idea what will happen when I get around to re-watching it. For some reason, I tend to be pretty forgiving with Zack Snyder's movies. I like Batman v Superman...

Frownland 03-28-2018 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936414)
A musical with no good tunes.

To be fair, it is a Tim Burton musical. It's not like he set a standard for good music in his films that we should expect him to return to. And yes, that includes Nightmare Before Christmas's hokey ass songs.

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:10 PM

Eh, I like the songs in that movie. The one where Jack has been shot down and landed in the arms of a statue is pretty weak and sounds too much like an earlier song, but otherwise I think they're pretty good songs. The one I really like is "Sally's Song".

Danny Elfman is hokey no matter what he does. Have you ever heard Oingo Boingo?

Frownland 03-28-2018 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936416)
Eh, I like the songs in that movie. The one where Jack has been shot down and landed in the arms of a statue is pretty weak and sounds too much like an earlier song, but otherwise I think they're pretty good songs. The one I really like is "Sally's Song".

I mean, they're not dysfunctionally written songs, but they're still dull and annoying.

The Batlord 03-28-2018 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936414)
I'm not saying Sucker Punch is great*, but it does have more going on as far as the characters go - even if it's precious little. At least they feel vaguely like humans. I picked that movie as an example on purpose, since I want to express just how badly I think Edward Scissorhands handles its characters. I really do think Edward Scissorhands is superficial to a very unusual degree.

I think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is way more fun to watch, even though a few scenes are cloying and sentimental in the extreme. And I really like Corpse Bride. Sweeney Todd was pretty awful. A musical with no good tunes.

I have seen Big Fish a few times and I used to like it, then kind of didn't anymore. It's got some good ideas, but it feels so tedious to get through.

EDIT: I'd also like to mention Dark Shadows. That one was really, really bad. Only good thing in the movie, literally: Eva Green was sooo hot in that movie... What a waste.

* Last time I watched it, which was a couple years ago, I still liked it. I've always considered it pretty flawed but also appealing in some ways. No idea what will happen when I get around to re-watching it. For some reason, I tend to be pretty forgiving with Zack Snyder's movies. I like Batman v Superman...

Sucker Punch has hella fun action scenes. Everything in-between is like whatever, but those action scenes are highly memorable.

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1936419)
I mean, they're not dysfunctionally written songs, but they're still dull and annoying.

Don't pretend you wouldn't like them better if they were dysfunctional and sounded like nails on chalkboard.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1936420)
Sucker Punch has hella fun action scenes. Everything in-between is like whatever, but those action scenes are highly memorable.

The final one with the dragons drags a bit and the ending makes me roll my eyes, but otherwise I like it allright. Plus it's sexy. I'm not pretending that's not part of the appeal. I wish more action movies were sexy. It's a good combo.

Frownland 03-28-2018 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936422)
Don't pretend you wouldn't like them better if they were dysfunctional and sounded like nails on chalkboard.

Even unconventional music is still functional. If the score didn't bank on cliched concepts of musicals and spookiness, then yes I do think it would be a lot better.

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1936423)
Even unconventional music is still functional. If the score didn't bank on cliched concepts of musicals and spookiness, then yes I do think it would be a lot better.

In all fairness, I do think Elfman has a very predictable approach to writing whimsical, spooky music. I do think the score does well at something key to a musical: The characters are allowed to express their personality while singing the songs. Far from all musicals do this well, I think. Not the genre I'm most familiar with, tbh. Maybe the movie would seem weaker to me if I watched 20-50 more musicals I haven't seen.

Frownland 03-28-2018 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936424)
In all fairness, I do think Elfman has a very predictable approach to writing whimsical, spooky music. I do think the score does well at something key to a musical: The characters are allowed to express their personality while singing the songs. Far from all musicals do this well, I think. Not the genre I'm most familiar with, tbh. Maybe the movie would seem weaker to me if I watched 20-50 more musicals I haven't seen.

I suppose that's true. Maybe I just find every character dull and annoying.

Musicals have a lot of value, they can provide serious insight on philosophical quandaries and explore rich and innovative musical concepts in a very poignant way that you'll be hard pressed to find on albums or in a concert. I'm pretty sure you can see where I'm going with this so I'll just come out and ask: have you seen Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny?

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1936428)
Musicals have a lot of value, they can provide serious insight on philosophical quandaries and explore rich and innovative musical concepts in a very poignant way that you'll be hard pressed to find on albums or in a concert. I'm pretty sure you can see where I'm going with this so I'll just come out and ask: have you seen Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny?

Lol no. But I did watch School of Rock. Which I guess wasn't a musical, but just a movie about music now that I think about it. I think Jack Black and Tenacious D are generally best enjoyed in very small doses.

Frownland 03-28-2018 02:38 PM

Very different movies. Ja The Pick of Destiny isn't very good except for the shrooms scene, you're better off watching their shorts or listening to their albums. Actually, listening to the soundtrack is probably more rewarding than watching the movie tbh. I was way into it in high school though.

MicShazam 03-28-2018 02:43 PM

I've watched "Lee" and "Tribute" several times. I'm ok with Tenacious D on that level. They're not even bad songs without the funny lyrics.

Chiomara 03-28-2018 09:29 PM

Watched The Ritual on netflix yesterday. Loved the monster design (definitely monster boyfriend material)

Chula Vista 03-30-2018 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1936407)
Edward Scissorhands

Chiomara 03-30-2018 05:55 PM

Watched Clown (2014) yesterday. I don't know why I do this to myself. (Maybe it was just sleep deprivation, but I found it hilarious, especially when they'd get into the finer details of clown biology/ancient secret Clown Lore.)

Chula Vista 03-30-2018 06:08 PM

On an early Tarantino binge. His first 5 films are ****ing flawless.

Had lunch a table over from Robert Forster a few years back and raved to him about Jackie Brown and Breaking Bad. Dude could not have been cooler. Just an awesome celebrity encounter.

Akai 03-30-2018 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1936975)
On an early Tarantino binge. All of his films are ****ing flawless.

fify m8.

Chula Vista 03-30-2018 06:39 PM

Hard to argue M8.

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