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Sparky 10-15-2007 06:09 PM


i always fall asleep with movies that have subtitles :(

learn english or gtfo

sleepy jack 10-15-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 405966)
how did you manage to see this movies in the theatre? It came out in the late 1960s.

They have a dollar theatre around here that plays various movies, from old ones to fairly recent ones.

Kevorkian Logic 10-15-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 407551)

i always fall asleep with movies that have subtitles :(

learn english or gtfo

you're missing out on some good ****.


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 407554)
They have a dollar theatre around here that plays various movies, from old ones to fairly recent ones.

that's pretty tight.

Dr_Rez 10-15-2007 08:53 PM

Just watched Catwoman

Laces Out Dan! 10-15-2007 09:08 PM

Planet Terror..sooo cooool.

adidasss 10-16-2007 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 407546)
dude, 70% of the films I watch are subtitled. But I have found that subtitles often detracts from the power of the film. This didn't at all, which I was really impressed by.

Save your sarcasm for emoprincess.

So basically, what you're saying is, subtitles ruin a movie...why do you watch them then?

Also, shouldn't the script writers get the credit since you found the emotions were conveyed primarily through the subtitles?

I thought the acting was pretty average...but to each their own.:yeah:

Kevorkian Logic 10-16-2007 06:04 AM

You know that's not what I meant. I didn't say any of that. But this arguement is a waste of my time.

littleknowitall 10-16-2007 06:07 AM

watched van wylder last night. er.....was alright. >.>

<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3 10-16-2007 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 407546)
dude, 70% of the films I watch are subtitled. But I have found that subtitles often detracts from the power of the film. This didn't at all, which I was really impressed by.

Save your sarcasm for emoprincess.

AWWWW.... can't other people get sarcasm??..... I mean I love it but I don't want to be rude.... and not share the sarcasm... so go ahead... I don't mind if you use your sarcasm on other people besides me...I don't mind.....

acratertocoffin 10-16-2007 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 407608)
Just watched Catwoman

That could be the worst movie ever. I say this with no hyperbole. It could be the worst thing to ever happen to film.

jackhammer 10-19-2007 12:35 PM

Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?

This may have been made way beck in 1962 but it still has a cruel streak that is unsettling. Part thriller, part black comedy and part melodrama. The story of the malice that two sisters who are retired actress' wreak on each other. A classic and Bette Davis is stunning in it.

Deja Vu.

I am not a huge fan of the director Tony Scott, his flashy visuals usually outstay their welcome. In this time travel thriller he has played these down and delivered a more coherent if far fetched film. Denzel Washington is an officer who can go back in time to solve a crime. The supporting cast is completely wasted but it has some good set peices and passed a couple of hours.

Sparky 10-19-2007 12:56 PM

Lars and the Real Girl

very funny smart comedy with great cast :D

acratertocoffin 10-19-2007 01:37 PM

I really wanted to see that.

I'm seeing 30 days of night this weekend. Here's to hoping it doesn't suck balls.

jackhammer 10-19-2007 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by acratertocoffin (Post 408317)
I really wanted to see that.

I'm seeing 30 days of night this weekend. Here's to hoping it doesn't suck balls.

The premise is brilliant for 30 days. As you say, let's hope it's the bollocks.

Sparky 10-19-2007 01:57 PM

I read a review saying it was completely average in every regard.

so in terms of a horror movie, i'd say thats pretty good =D

acratertocoffin 10-19-2007 02:23 PM


jackhammer 10-19-2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 408322)
I read a review saying it was completely average in every regard.

so in terms of a horror movie, i'd say thats pretty good =D

Watch either SUSPIRIA or SANTA SANGRE and then change your mind about what a horror film can be.

cardboard adolescent 10-19-2007 06:26 PM

Both of those were great. I'd recommend A Tale of Two Sisters as well.

I think the last film I saw was He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not at Sarah-Wesley's recommendation, it was very good. I also watched Stroszek which was heart-warmingly depressing.

Kevorkian Logic 10-19-2007 07:51 PM

i'm glad someone finally watched it, I've been trying to get people to watch it for 2 years. Did you expect the twist when the point of view changed? My dad said he suspected it, I don't see how one would of know though.

cardboard adolescent 10-19-2007 07:53 PM

No I didn't see it coming I didn't really know where the hell they were going to take it (I half-expected a Run Lola Run sort of thing) so it was a nice change from a lot of the more predictable twists you run into.

Sparky 10-19-2007 08:12 PM

pu 239

great little movie. Scared the **** outta me, definitely not going to Russia, ever.

adidasss 10-20-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 408369)
Both of those were great. I'd recommend A Tale of Two Sisters as well.


Withnail and I - very good beginning and end, non-existent middle and a homophobic and bigoted subplot make me wonder why this film has become a cult favorite...average at best. :\ 6/10

Farewell my concubine - nearly perfect. 9/10

jackhammer 10-20-2007 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 408584)

Withnail and I - very good beginning and end, non-existent middle and a homophobic and bigoted subplot make me wonder why this film has become a cult favorite...average at best. :\ 6/10

Farewell my concubine - nearly perfect. 9/10

Oh dear Oh dear WITHNAIL AND I is a truly brilliant film. Stunningly written and performed. It is one of our nations favourite films. The so called homophobic subplot is non existent, you are looking for it. The film has never been called homophobic or bigoted. Watch it again with a different mindset.

Urban Hat€monger ? 10-20-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 408584)
Withnail and I - very good beginning and end, non-existent middle and a homophobic and bigoted subplot make me wonder why this film has become a cult favorite...average at best. :\ 6/10

Don't really see how.

Monty takes a shine to I , Withnail tells Monty that I is gay so they can use the cottage.Monty goes there thinking I is gay.

That doesn't sound homophobic to me , Carry on films used this kind of plot all the time with men thinking women liked them & vice versa. I don't see how using it in a gay context makes it homophobic.

adidasss 10-21-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 408607)
Oh dear Oh dear WITHNAIL AND I is a truly brilliant film. Stunningly written and performed. It is one of our nations favourite films. The so called homophobic subplot is non existent, you are looking for it. The film has never been called homophobic or bigoted. Watch it again with a different mindset.

Once was quite enough. That wasn't the main problem...apart from a few funny scenes in the beginning and the end, it had little else to offer...

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 408625)
Don't really see how.

Monty takes a shine to I , Withnail tells Monty that I is gay so they can use the cottage.Monty goes there thinking I is gay.

That doesn't sound homophobic to me , Carry on films used this kind of plot all the time with men thinking women liked them & vice versa. I don't see how using it in a gay context makes it homophobic.

I thought the pushy old fag that wants to arse innocent young men and can't take no for an answer was a tad off putting/stereotypical/bigoted...but I have a different mindset of course...I suppose it wouldn't be such a problem if I didn't think it perpetuated some very negative stereotypes...I have enough problems dealing with those so I'm a tad too sensitive perhaps.

acratertocoffin 10-21-2007 01:16 AM

Just got back from 30 days of Night. I'll give it a 8/10 for ridiculous cinematography and badassadry. They kind of skip over a bunch of the days and really don't show the effects of them other than Josh Hartnett's growing beard.

jackhammer 10-21-2007 01:23 PM


I was dissapointed with this but my kids liked it.

Sparky 10-21-2007 01:27 PM

@acratertocoffin downloading it now <3

and jackhammer i thought rattatioulle was great, the best cg pixar movie so far.

jackhammer 10-21-2007 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 408830)
@acratertocoffin downloading it now <3

and jackhammer i thought rattatioulle was great, the best cg pixar movie so far.

I much prefer MONSTERS, INC and THE INCREDIBLES. I enjoyed the film, but I was expecting more from it.

adidasss 10-21-2007 02:23 PM

Millennium actress - Meh...Perfect blue was far better...7/10

cardboard adolescent 10-21-2007 03:39 PM

Really? I liked Millennium Actress better. I just saw both recently.

adidasss 10-21-2007 04:01 PM

Perfect blue has an actual story. Millennium actress is just a neat way of storytelling...with no actual story...not that I was able to understand anyway.

cardboard adolescent 10-21-2007 04:07 PM

There's a very loose plot that is warped by the narrator's imagination, but I think that's what I loved about it. Stream of consciousness takes on a whole new meaning in the movie, where random scenes from the character's life (whether real or from movies) all get strewn together to tell a life story. I found the ending especially poignant.

adidasss 10-21-2007 04:19 PM

Yeah but a life story that turned out to be one dimensional simply because the catalyst of the entire film was rather flimsy...Perfect blue had an air tight script and the motivations of the main characters were believable...

In any case, I think Kon is the most innovative anime director today...I wish he would team up with Studio 4C to give his films the extra visual boost (instead of the rather tired looking classic animation style).

Are you at all into torrents?

cardboard adolescent 10-21-2007 04:23 PM

yeah i've accumulated about 100 movies over the last month through mininova

adidasss 10-21-2007 04:26 PM

Mininova is bullshit. Asian DVD Club :: Login <--best place for all things asian...
Register and I'll hook you up with some links...if you don't mind keeping a decent ratio...?

cardboard adolescent 10-21-2007 04:31 PM

Cool, I signed up as cardboard.

adidasss 10-21-2007 04:35 PM

Sweeet. Ok, this will give you a good idea of what Studio 4C is doing, awesomely stylized anime...

Asian DVD Club :: Login

Eternal family
Asian DVD Club :: Login
this one is golden which means you can download it for free. I'm downloading it now, it's a short but it looks freakin' amazing...


cardboard adolescent 10-21-2007 04:36 PM

Tekkonkinkreet was freakin awesome, I loved that movie.

adidasss 10-21-2007 04:42 PM

Ohsweet! They also did Mind game Asian DVD Club :: Login which I've yet to download (soo much to see, too little time) but if Tekkonkinkreet is anything to go by, it'll be a feast for the eyes...amazing studio...

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