Seltzer |
01-09-2010 11:43 PM |
It was near midnight and I probably should have gone to bed to maintain a regular schedule for work. But instead of course I watched 12 Monkeys with my flatmate. Definitely worth it and Brad Pitt shines here. Funny what the agenda of the army of the 12 monkeys actually was in the end.
After that we decided to watch a few clips of Withnail & I which I'd just acquired earlier that day. We ended up watching the whole thing and I'm now wondering where it's been my whole life! Supremely hilarious film!
It must have been around 4 by this point and we made the fatal mistake of chucking on another film to watch for a bit and to fall asleep to... this time it was Inglourious Basterds which neither of us had seen. And neither of us ended up falling asleep. :D
All in all, it was an entertaining spin on things. I like that the human side of the Nazis was given some attention in the charades scene (and others). One of the more amusing scenes was the one in which Aldo and his comrades were imitating Italians... terrible accents aside, Dominic completely botches the hand gesture. I liked the scenes involving Hans Landa - they were all fraught with tension... especially when he dines with Shosanna and orders milk for her without hesitation or inquiry. Speaking of Shosanna, the actress playing her was gorgeous... she looks scarily like Juliet from Lost.
And I finally retired to bed at 6:30 am.