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The Batlord 05-13-2016 06:57 PM

If you haven't already seen Hardcore Henry, then forget all that pansy **** and watch that. And if it's not on the internet yet, then get off your beaner ass and go see it.

Justthefacts 05-13-2016 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1697840)
If you haven't already seen Hardcore Henry, then forget all that pansy **** and watch that. And if it's not on the internet yet, then get off your beaner ass and go see it.

Believe me son, I've seen it. It's the best action movie ever made.

The Batlord 05-13-2016 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1697841)
Believe me son, I've seen it. It's the best action movie ever made.

I might be willing to say that, but I'd have to rewatch The Raid and Crank 2 before I gave it that honor.

Frownland 05-13-2016 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1697833)
As of the past few days, I've acquired quite a few films on my computer (not so legally might I add ;))

Son Of Saul
The Tree of Life
The Lobster
Animal Kingdom (seen it before, fantastic film)
Un Prophete
Love & Mercy
Mean Streets
Mother (Madeo)
Requiem For. A Dream
Steve Jobs
The Raid 2 (seen it already)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Under The Skin
Holy Motors

Which one should I watch first

Dogtooth and Requiem for a Dream. The last two are great too.

JGuy Grungeman 05-13-2016 09:14 PM

Zootopia. Really good characters.

Chula Vista 05-13-2016 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1697868)
Dogtooth and Requiem for a Dream.

Dogtooth is one of the most unique and messed up movies I've ever seen. Requiem is one of the most depressing. Incredible cinematography and acting though. Ellen Burstyn was robbed of the best supporting actress award that year.

djchameleon 05-14-2016 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by JGuy Grungeman (Post 1697726)
About this point, it seems impossible for there to be a bad MCU film.

Yeah, no. I know it was already said but I can't stand the Thor movies. I haven't watched them entirely yet. The first Captain America movie was a bit rough also but at least I made it through that one. The third Iron Man was a flop. I can't believe they did that to Mandarin.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1697727)
Even Amazing Spider-Man 1, as ****ing flawed as it is, might actually be better. James Garfield is certainly superior to Tobey MaGuire at the very least.

NO way man, James Garfield was so smarmy that he wasn't a believable Peter Parker to me. He came off as way too cool to be him. Having a skateboarding montage and **** like come on.


Originally Posted by Suzy Creamcheese (Post 1697739)
Speaking of Marvel movies, is there any love out there for Blade?

I feel like that doesn't even need to be said. Everyone loves Blade for what it was.


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1697833)
As of the past few days, I've acquired quite a few films on my computer (not so legally might I add ;))

The Lobster
Under The Skin

Which one should I watch first

I'd love to hear what you think of these two. I need to watch them as well and can't wait.

Frownland 05-14-2016 05:17 AM

I'm due to watch The Lobster as well, but Under the Skin is incredible and has one of the best soundtracks of any film I've seen.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-14-2016 06:01 AM

Everyone needs to watch The Lobster, great film.


Enemy is great, and Jake Gyllenhaal kills it in the lead as always.
Steve Jobs, Under the Skin and Requiem for a Dream are all great as well.

The Batlord 05-14-2016 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1697966)
NO way man, James Garfield was so smarmy that he wasn't a believable Peter Parker to me. He came off as way too cool to be him. Having a skateboarding montage and **** like come on.

You say smarmy, I say charmingly cocky. Like Spider-Man, and Peter Parker as time went on. And you can't blame a skateboarding montage on Garfield, that was the writers'/studio's fault. He did an amazing job with what he was given.

JGuy Grungeman 05-14-2016 11:05 AM


Justthefacts 05-14-2016 04:58 PM

From my list so far I've watched The Raid 2, and as great as The Raid is, and it is fucking great, The Raid 2 is the Indo equivalence of the Godfather II. Bring on The Raid 3 already. Also watched Mother (Madeo), great film. You might not have heard of it. Watched Animal Kingdom as well which is truly one of the best Australian films I've ever watched. Probably one of the best in the crime genre as well. I hate using the word gritty, but it's gritty.

DeadChannel 05-15-2016 10:51 AM

I watches Dancer in the Dark by Lars Von Trier on Friday and then Weekend by Godard and Antichrist by Von Trier on Sunday.

Dancer in the Dark wrecked me.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-15-2016 10:52 AM

What about Antichrist!!!

DeadChannel 05-15-2016 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1698244)
What about Antichrist!!!

The opening scene was maybe one of the best things I've ever seen, and the end was fucred up, but I don't think it affected me in the way a lot of people claim to be. Still, there's a lot of interesting metaphor to delve into, and both actors are terrific, so I'll probably be giving it a few more chances to grab me.

Also, the dedication to Tarkovsky was dope.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-16-2016 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1697742)

Ugh, there's a password. Help pls.

The Batlord 05-16-2016 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1698603)
Ugh, there's a password. Help pls.

That's the password on all their downloads.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-16-2016 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1698609)

That's the password on all their downloads.

Thanks. Time to go full on recluse and binge read the entire series.

JGuy Grungeman 05-17-2016 08:09 PM

The Right Stuff. Greatnlook on NASA history.

innerspaceboy 05-17-2016 09:34 PM

The fan-produced Daft Punk Alive concert DVD. Cut together from attendees' in-the-crowd footage with the audio from the official live CD. Surprisingly well done for a bunch of Myspace users in 2007.

Justthefacts 05-17-2016 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1699132)
The fan-produced Daft Punk Alive concert DVD. Cut together from attendees' in-the-crowd footage with the audio from the official live CD. Surprisingly well done for a bunch of Myspace users in 2007.

This is strange I've been listening to that album every night for a week already. It's very "Human After All" heavy which is a shame since that record sucks a lot of cocks.

innerspaceboy 05-17-2016 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1699134)
This is strange I've been listening to that album every night for a week already. It's very "Human After All" heavy which is a shame since that record sucks a lot of cocks.

Human was my least favorite DP record at the time of its release (later trumped by the work that followed) though I agree with most critics and with the attendees of the show that they did a fantastic job making the material work quite well for a large venue. They also included a fair amount of early DP material, which culminated with the encore performance of "Together" and the Stardust single, "Music Sounds Better With You".

Wiki cited an article which stated that the live album prompted critics to reconsider what they felt about Human After All. Whatever your opinion of the studio record the concert DVD is the definitive live DP experience - quite an achievement for a fanmade Myspace project.

Justthefacts 05-17-2016 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1699142)
Human was my least favorite DP record at the time of its release (later trumped by the work that followed) though I agree with most critics and with the attendees of the show that they did a fantastic job making the material work quite well for a large venue. They also included a fair amount of early DP material, which culminated with the encore performance of "Together" and the Stardust single, "Music Sounds Better With You".

Wiki cited an article which stated that the live album prompted critics to reconsider what they felt about Human After All. Whatever your opinion of the studio record the concert DVD is the definitive live DP experience - quite an achievement for a fanmade Myspace project.

What didn't you like about Random Access Memories? As far as a Daft Punk records not deeply rooted in House/electronica go, I thought it was great. Not brilliant like many at first hailed it as, but pretty solid.

innerspaceboy 05-17-2016 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1699145)
What didn't you like about Random Access Memories? As far as a Daft Punk records not deeply rooted in House/electronica go, I thought it was great. Not brilliant like many at first hailed it as, but pretty solid.

Honestly, I haven't given it a fair enough shot. After being bombarded with "Get Lucky" ad nauseam I had little interest in hearing the rest. And when I heard that the album had received a Grammy for album of the year I lost any remaining desire to sample it. Being praised alongside Whitney Houston, Celine Dion and Tony Bennett is a sure sign I'm not going to dig your album.

debaserr 05-18-2016 12:36 PM

I place zero value in awards. You place negative value in them.

Strange world.

The singles off of RAM are great dance songs (Get Lucky, Give Life Back to Music, Lose Yourself to Dance) and Giorgio is pretty spectacular too.

Chula Vista 05-18-2016 10:55 PM

Re-watched Hard Candy. :eek:

Spoiler for Spoiler:
Crazy how for the first 15 minutes of the movie the feeling of dread just keeps building and building for what's going to happen to Page's character. And then in about 60 seconds everything takes a total mind blowing 180. From that point on you keep on the fence about whether to get behind what Page is doing or scared the **** out of her character. What happens in the last 5 minutes makes you almost feel bad for Jeff. Just a little. Dude got mentally tortured almost as bad as any character I can think of.

EPOCH6 05-19-2016 12:08 PM

Watched The French Connection for the first time last night, excellent, so much momentum and energy without ever losing focus or style. Gonna slam a bunch of Friedkin films this week.

Justthefacts 05-19-2016 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by EPOCH6 (Post 1699507)
Watched The French Connection for the first time last night, excellent, so much momentum and energy without ever losing focus or style. Gonna slam a bunch of Friedkin films this week.

Watch Killer Joe, but at your own risk. It's pretty extreme.

Frownland 05-19-2016 01:15 PM
They Look Like People

This movie acted like it was really complex, subtle, deep, and high minded, but had very little to back that attitude up. The ending brought this movie from bad to meh for me though.

Chula Vista 05-19-2016 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1699514)
Watch Killer Joe, but at your own risk. It's pretty extreme.

*merkin* :D

That movie is nuts.

EPOCH6 05-19-2016 02:52 PM

Actually saw Killer Joe back when it came out, I suddenly have a craving for fried chicken.

YorkeDaddy 05-20-2016 06:51 AM

Saw Neighbors 2 last night because I'm a filthy Seth Rogen addict and I'll see basically anything he's in

I liked it a lot, it's just a great way to spend an hour and a half laughing and having fun. There's even some social commentary in there but nothing too profound by any means.

The Batlord 05-20-2016 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1699647)
Saw Neighbors 2 last night because I'm a filthy Seth Rogen addict and I'll see basically anything he's in

I liked it a lot, it's just a great way to spend an hour and a half laughing and having fun. There's even some social commentary in there but nothing too profound by any means.

Same. Even his dumbest movies still have heart, and he's just one of those guys you wish you could hang out with. He's what Adam Sandler would be if Sandler had any common sense.

Key 05-20-2016 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1699647)
Saw Neighbors 2 last night because I'm a filthy Seth Rogen addict and I'll see basically anything he's in

I liked it a lot, it's just a great way to spend an hour and a half laughing and having fun. There's even some social commentary in there but nothing too profound by any means.

I've loved Rogen ever since I saw The Pineapple Express for the first time. Since then, I'll pretty much see any movie he's in.

The Batlord 05-20-2016 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1699664)
I've loved Rogen ever since I saw The Pineapple Express for the first time. Since then, I'll pretty much see any movie he's in.

That was such a cool movie. Perfect combination of retarded stoner movie and tongue-in-cheek action flick. The cross joint, James Franco's shoryuken, the scene in the woods when they get paranoid and destroy their phones for no good reason. All brilliant.

Key 05-20-2016 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1699667)
That was such a cool movie. Perfect combination of retarded stoner movie and tongue-in-cheek action flick. The cross joint, James Franco's shoryuken, the scene in the woods when they get paranoid and destroy their phones for no good reason. All brilliant.

Yeah I've seen it a few times. Franco and Rogen have such a natural chemistry and it worked throughout the whole movie.

"Get in the trash can"
"Because I'm already in here"

Frownland 05-20-2016 10:34 AM

Agreed. I'd say Rogen has been declining in quality in the past few years (although I've only seen about half of what he's been in).

The Batlord 05-20-2016 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1699668)
Yeah I've seen it a few times. Franco and Rogen have such a natural chemistry and it worked throughout the whole movie.

"Get in the trash can"
"Because I'm already in here"

Oh god yeah, that was awesome. Does anybody remember that part in the trailer where the one dude who betrayed them, and then teamed up with them in the end, had the shotgun, and he cocked it and went, "Thug life!"? I was so disappointed they cut that from the movie.


Even the trailer had me chuckling like a moron.

Plankton 05-20-2016 10:49 AM

Speaking of Seth Rogen:

Looks like it might be worth a laugh or two.

Josh93248 05-20-2016 10:58 AM

I like Rogen a fair bit, he's definitely a more legit comedy guy than Scamem Sandler. The last movie I saw that I can think of was the (believe it or not) sequel to 2001 A Space Odyssey, which is 2010, the year we made contact. Believe it or not, while arguably not as inspired and filmic as the original it had a lot of good qualities, like a much more coherent and followable plot and stronger characters. They also had a good explanation of why HAL did what it did and HAL even got to redeem himself in the end. All in all a totally decent movie unfairly overlooked.

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