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Justthefacts 05-04-2016 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1695348)
Fantastic movie. Every film Steve McQueen has directed so far in his career has been great in it's own right, and you should definitely check out Hunger if you haven't already.

I tried to download it but I can't find a torrent, and I agree it was fantastic. I loved the lighting in it so much.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-04-2016 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1695350)
I tried to download it but I can't find a torrent, and I agree it was fantastic. I loved the lighting in it so much.

If I remember correctly I found mine on kat, mind you that was probably 6+ months ago.

The lighting, the camera work, the attention to detail, it's all there with his film making. He's one of the best style over substance directors working today as far as I'm concerned. There's a straight shot in Hunger that must last at least 30 minutes, and it blows me away every time I see it.

Exo 05-05-2016 07:22 AM

Saw two movies yesterday in Dublin on a rest day. I'm on my phone so this will be very brief.

The Jungle Book - second time I've seen it. Just as good. Bill Murray slays me. Best CGI I've ever seen.

Son of Saul - Very good. Shot from only Saul's POV. We never leave him. Cool aspect ratio too. Bleak as hell. Hauntingly brutal.

Chula Vista 05-05-2016 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1695324)
Still, Halloween is clearly the only slasher movie that ever needed to be made. No matter how many decent ones came out afterward, they still only managed to dilute the brilliance of the original, which was a force of nature. If only it was the work of a sexual sadist.

Ever seen Black Christmas? Came out 4 years before Halloween and was clearly an influence for Carpenter.

JGuy Grungeman 05-05-2016 01:36 PM

Wow. Wow. Oh. Wow.

FranPZ 05-05-2016 01:40 PM

I've always wanted to see it, but I never had the occasion

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-05-2016 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by JGuy Grungeman (Post 1695457)

Jake G is a hunk

Chula Vista 05-05-2016 03:11 PM

DD is one of my favorite movies of all time. We should start a thread just to discuss it. Like, what's your thoughts on the ending????

JGuy Grungeman 05-05-2016 07:08 PM

I'm confused as to why the
Spoiler for spoiler:
jet engine still crashed in Donnie's room. I mean, the engine was pulled off the plane on the 30th and into the vortex. By sending it back, Donnie stopped the vortex from creating another Tangent universe. He erased it from time. So why did it still crash on him on the 2nd of the same month?

Janszoon 05-07-2016 03:19 PM

Buzzard (2014)
Downbeat, humorous, fucked up indie movie about a con artist office temp. He's a loner, obsessed with horror movies and horror comics, and really, con "artist" is maybe overstating the case. His cons are so low-level and pathetic that it kind of makes you feel bad him, and his insistence on digging a deeper hole for himself kept me glued to the screen. It also features a pretty sweet death metal soundtrack. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea but I thought this movie was great.

The Batlord 05-07-2016 03:43 PM

Captain America: Civil War


****ing. Awesome.

YorkeDaddy 05-07-2016 05:46 PM

Going to see Green Room tonight. Anyone here seen it?

Tristan_Geoff 05-07-2016 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1695970)

Buzzard (2014)
Downbeat, humorous, fucked up indie movie about a con artist office temp. He's a loner, obsessed with horror movies and horror comics, and really, con "artist" is maybe overstating the case. His cons are so low-level and pathetic that it kind of makes you feel bad him, and his insistence on digging a deeper hole for himself kept me glued to the screen. It also features a pretty sweet death metal soundtrack. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea but I thought this movie was great.

Definitely adding it to my list. The trailer and clips I just saw looked like something I'd really enjoy.

And surprisingly, I really enjoyed the death metal in the trailer. I've like what little of the genre I've heard (mainly Tech Death, Entombed, and then stuff like Vader, which is just OK). This sounded more doom/sludge esque. Could someone reccomend me more stuff like this?

Justthefacts 05-07-2016 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1695976)
Captain America: Civil War


****ing. Awesome.

Spoiler for Spoiler:
Two words: Gi-Ant man

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 05-07-2016 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1695990)
Going to see Green Room tonight. Anyone here seen it?

Was supposed to go see this tonight but plans fell through, let me know how it is!

Janszoon 05-07-2016 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff (Post 1695994)
Definitely adding it to my list. The trailer and clips I just saw looked like something I'd really enjoy.

And surprisingly, I really enjoyed the death metal in the trailer. I've like what little of the genre I've heard (mainly Tech Death, Entombed, and then stuff like Vader, which is just OK). This sounded more doom/sludge esque. Could someone reccomend me more stuff like this?

"Death metal" might not really have been the best way to phrase it. It seemed like death metal most of the time, but there was other loud music as well. I pretty sure the band heard in the trailer is Bog Rot, who are kind of sludgy.

Tristan_Geoff 05-07-2016 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1696001)
"Death metal" might not really have been the best way to phrase it. It seemed like death metal most of the time, but there was other loud music as well. I pretty sure the band heard in the trailer is Bog Rot, who are kind of sludgy.

Thanks bud.

The Batlord 05-08-2016 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1695995)
Spoiler for spoiler:
Two words: Gi-Ant man

I think the Captain America movies have become the next best thing in superhero movies besides the Avengers. The first one may have been kinda meh, but they just keep getting better. Who'd have ever thought before this whole superhero movie craze that anybody would be disappointed that there wasn't gonna be a fourth Captain America movie?

djchameleon 05-08-2016 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1695976)
Captain America: Civil War

****ing. Awesome.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1696038)
I think the Captain America movies have become the next best thing in superhero movies besides the Avengers. The first one may have been kinda meh, but they just keep getting better. Who'd have ever thought before this whole superhero movie craze that anybody would be disappointed that there wasn't gonna be a fourth Captain America movie?

As awesome as Civil War is, I feel like the pacing is a bit messed up. Maybe I was just too impatient with all the set up stuff and just wanted to get to the airport scene.

Also you are spot on with your Captain America movies analyst. I said the same thing the other day to a friend of mines.

YorkeDaddy 05-08-2016 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1695997)
Was supposed to go see this tonight but plans fell through, let me know how it is!

I liked it but not quite as much as I was hoping. Definitely some great parts with high tension though

JGuy Grungeman 05-08-2016 11:48 AM

Hopefully, DC can pick up the pace. I liked Man of Steel because it fwlt li,e a wlrtht reboot amd it pushed Super,an to his limits. It just needed better cinematography and a little less epicness.

The Batlord 05-08-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1696074)
As awesome as Civil War is, I feel like the pacing is a bit messed up. Maybe I was just too impatient with all the set up stuff and just wanted to get to the airport scene.

Also you are spot on with your Captain America movies analyst. I said the same thing the other day to a friend of mines.

Spoiler for spoiler:
I felt myself getting a little antsy around the middle of the movie, but before that the action scenes were fantastic, and the airport scene was one of the high points of any superhero movie. The way they pretty much had every single hero fight ever other one on the other side was ****ing amazing. It was just fangasm after fangasm getting to see all of their abilities go up against each other. Scarlet Witch v. Vision had to be my fav though. She really stepped up her badass game in this movie.

But all glory and praise be to Black Panther. He was the ever-loving ****. Totally looking forward to his movie now.

bob. 05-08-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1696074)
As awesome as Civil War is, I feel like the pacing is a bit messed up. Maybe I was just too impatient with all the set up stuff and just wanted to get to the airport scene.

Also you are spot on with your Captain America movies analyst. I said the same thing the other day to a friend of mines.

Spoiler for spoiler:
i agree with you on the pacing....i saw it Thursday night and again Saturday morning....i was not 100% sure if it was the pacing or just the fact that i seriously could not wait for the airport scene...but the second viewing seemed a little slower....either way i'm sure i'll see it at least two more times before it leaves the theater

that being said some thoughts on Captain America: Civil War...

fucking awesome just barely touches how good this film is...

i've actually always have been a pretty big fan of Captain America: The First Avenger but have to agree that Winter Soldier took these movies to a while new level and Civil War just upped the ante in a huge way

on my Thursday viewing i went with a friend named Sean me knows all of these stories well from the comics....and while i'm nowhere near as up to date as Batlord is....i can tell you that when Ant-man does what he does at the airport...both Sean and i were completely out of our seats screaming with joy....:tramp:

i've never been a fan of Black Panther but he was easily one of my favorite characters in this film.....i can't wait to see what they do with him in 2018....on top of the fact that his is the final film before The Infinity War.

FINALLY we get a perfect Spider-man....he was so good in all aspects. As Peter Parker and as a wise cracking teenage webbed crusader....i may go see this again tomorrow after work just for him.....i can't wait for Homecoming


i'm so happy they are following the relationship between Vision and Scarlet Witch :)

i honestly think this film is proof that Marvel cares about these films and plans to improve with each one...I can't wait for Dr Strange

i think the airport scene will go down as one of the greatest scenes in the history of comic book movies

The Batlord 05-08-2016 06:36 PM

Spoiler for spoiler:
Dude, I went with a friend named Sean too. Well... Shohn, but it's pronounced the same. And he doesn't even read comic books or like Captain America, and he thought this movie was awesome.

And I can't wait to see if they include Paul Rudd's Ant-Man in future Avengers movies, cause his powers were awesome, and he has the kind of personality that can really breathe life into a movie if used correctly. I imagine this movie was in many ways a test outing for possible new Avengers, since Marvel aren't going to be able to rely on Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor to carry their franchises for too much longer. And from what I've seen, I'm totally okay with Black Panther, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, and even Falcon (who kicked serious ass in his own right) taking over the reigns. Not to mention mother****ing Spider-Man.

Now if they could just work out a deal with Fox then we could have Wolverine join, and along with Daredevil, and Luke Cage if that works out, we could have a shot at the New Avengers. Not holding my breath that they're going to go with Spider-Woman, since she has "Spider" in her name, but Captain Marvel should be a no-brainer.

And for the love of Galactus, someone give Black Widow her own god damn movie already!

YorkeDaddy 05-09-2016 08:27 PM

Spoiler for spoiler:
I thought Civil War was good but overrated. Like yeah the airport scene was great but the story was just not that interesting to me and Iron Man's motivations throughout made no sense to me and he was acting uncharacteristically rash imo

The Batlord 05-09-2016 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1696436)
Spoiler for spoiler:
I thought Civil War was good but overrated. Like yeah the airport scene was great but the story was just not that interesting to me and Iron Man's motivations throughout made no sense to me and he was acting uncharacteristically rash imo

Spoiler for spoiler:
I think Iron Man's motivations made perfect sense. The second Avengers and Iron Man 3 clearly showed a man being pushed to the edge by the consequences of the new world he was living in and helping to shape. Wanting someone else to take some of the crushing responsibility is entirely reasonable.

Justthefacts 05-09-2016 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1696449)
Spoiler for spoiler:
I think Iron Man's motivations made perfect sense. The second Avengers and Iron Man 3 clearly showed a man being pushed to the edge by the consequences of the new world he was living in and helping to shape. Wanting someone else to take some of the crushing responsibility is entirely reasonable.

Spoiler for spoiler:
Right? Tony's motivations are clearly made apparent. He wants to be put in check. People died in New York, people died in Sokovia, people died in that building. The motivations in Cap is what's sketchy. He believes that sacrificing a few to save many is right? I mean, MAYBE that's acceptable. But then I think about it harder and that's the same reason I strongly dislike Obama and his drone campaign. But being monitored by the government doesn't sound all that better. Seriously, the toughest decisions yet made in a superhero film.

YorkeDaddy 05-09-2016 09:07 PM

Spoiler for spoiler:
If you don't stop the dudes in the beginning for example that wanted the biological weapon how many more die? Stark's motivations to try and kill a dude who was obviously under mind control at the end was bizarre to me too. Sure that guy's physical body caused the death of your parents but Stark is a smart dude and should've been able to keep himself under control

The Batlord 05-09-2016 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1696460)
Spoiler for spoiler:
Right? Tony's motivations are clearly made apparent. He wants to be put in check. People died in New York, people died in Sokovia, people died in that building. The motivations in Cap is what's sketchy. He believes that sacrificing a few to save many is right? I mean, MAYBE that's acceptable. But then I think about it harder and that's the same reason I strongly dislike Obama and his drone campaign. But being monitored by the government doesn't sound all that better. Seriously, the toughest decisions yet made in a superhero film.

Spoiler for spoiler:
Cap is ol' school America. Boot straps and worshipping the idea of personal freedom. He can't deal with not being able to do what he thinks is right because he's become part of what he views as an ineffectual bureaucracy that cares more about agendas than saving kittens from trees.


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1696461)
Spoiler for spoiler:
If you don't stop the dudes in the beginning for example that wanted the biological weapon how many more die? Stark's motivations to try and kill a dude who was obviously under mind control at the end was bizarre to me too. Sure that guy's physical body caused the death of your parents but Stark is a smart dude and should've been able to keep himself under control

Spoiler for spoiler:
Yes, cause smart people are always logical. He just watched the dude brutally murder his parents. Use your imagination.

Justthefacts 05-09-2016 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1696462)
Spoiler for spoiler:
Cap is ol' school America. Boot straps and worshipping the idea of personal freedom. He can't deal with not being able to do what he thinks is right because he's become part of what he views as an ineffectual bureaucracy that cares more about agendas than saving kittens from trees.

Spoiler for spoiler:
But at what cost? Innocent people getting buildings dropped on them and blown up while the Avengers are out pounding ass? It sounds like I might be Team Iron Man but honestly I don't know what's better. Either way, innocent randos are going to get killed, even if the government does have the upper hand. Happens all the time.

The Batlord 05-09-2016 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1696464)
Spoiler for spoiler:
But at what cost? Innocent people getting buildings dropped on them and blown up while the Avengers are out pounding ass? It sounds like I might be Team Iron Man but honestly I don't know what's better. Either way, innocent randos are going to get killed, even if the government does have the upper hand. Happens all the time.

Spoiler for spoiler:
Whether or not superheros are responsible for supervillains, the cat's outta the bag at this point, and would you really want the Avengers held up by a UN Council vote on how to deal with Galactus? The only way for them to be effective is basically to have them operate on their own, even if they were ultimately answerable to the UN.

And would you want the UN to have someone like Thor as a political bargaining chip?

Janszoon 05-09-2016 11:18 PM

Jesus Christ, spoiler tags people.

Frownland 05-09-2016 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1696504)
Jesus Christ, spoiler tags people.

It's Captain America. There's an Arab who won't share his oil or something that him and Iron Man 3 join forces to defeat and there's explosions and stuff.

Janszoon 05-09-2016 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1696508)
It's Captain America. There's an Arab who won't share his oil or something that him and Iron Man 3 join forces to defeat and there's explosions and stuff.

It's been out less than a week. People should use spoiler tags.

Frownland 05-09-2016 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1696510)
It's been out less than a week. People should use spoiler tags.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1696508)
It's Captain America. There's an Arab who won't share his oil or something that him and Iron Man 3 join forces to defeat and there's explosions and stuff.


Justthefacts 05-09-2016 11:40 PM

It's been out more than a week and you haven't seen it? Shame on you. Support your local superhero(es).

BastardofYoung 05-10-2016 12:08 AM

Just finished watching IP Man 3. Not as good as first 2, but the action scenes were decent.. though thought the one with Mike Tyson was a little silly. Probably the weakest in series so far, but still a good film.

The Batlord 05-10-2016 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1696510)
It's been out less than a week. People should use spoiler tags.

Oops. Yeah, my bad. I got all excited and ****.

djchameleon 05-10-2016 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1696223)
Spoiler for Spoilerfest:
i agree with you on the pacing....i saw it Thursday night and again Saturday morning....i was not 100% sure if it was the pacing or just the fact that i seriously could not wait for the airport scene...but the second viewing seemed a little slower....either way i'm sure i'll see it at least two more times before it leaves the theater

that being said some thoughts on Captain America: Civil War...

fucking awesome just barely touches how good this film is...

i've actually always have been a pretty big fan of Captain America: The First Avenger but have to agree that Winter Soldier took these movies to a while new level and Civil War just upped the ante in a huge way

on my Thursday viewing i went with a friend named Sean me knows all of these stories well from the comics....and while i'm nowhere near as up to date as Batlord is....i can tell you that when Ant-man does what he does at the airport...both Sean and i were completely out of our seats screaming with joy....:tramp:

i've never been a fan of Black Panther but he was easily one of my favorite characters in this film.....i can't wait to see what they do with him in 2018....on top of the fact that his is the final film before The Infinity War.

FINALLY we get a perfect Spider-man....he was so good in all aspects. As Peter Parker and as a wise cracking teenage webbed crusader....i may go see this again tomorrow after work just for him.....i can't wait for Homecoming


i'm so happy they are following the relationship between Vision and Scarlet Witch :)

i honestly think this film is proof that Marvel cares about these films and plans to improve with each one...I can't wait for Dr Strange

i think the airport scene will go down as one of the greatest scenes in the history of comic book movies

Spoiler for Maybe Spoilers:
Yes, I noticed they were showcasing that relationship a bit, it was a nice fan nod. I'm definitely pumped to see the Black Panther movie. He definitely stole the show imo. I hear that Iron Man is going to pop up in Spiderman Homecoming. I agree with you 100% that this new kid nailed Peter Parker to a T. I have had some people tell me they didn't like him but it's mostly because they don't like change and wanted the guy that played amazing to still be in the role. Scarlet Witch was mad OP in this movie though but I loved it and didn't even care. She was straight up wrecking ****. They gave a slight glimpse of what she could do in the second Avengers movie but she was on a roll in Civil War.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1696212)
Spoiler for stuff:
I felt myself getting a little antsy around the middle of the movie, but before that the action scenes were fantastic, and the airport scene was one of the high points of any superhero movie. The way they pretty much had every single hero fight ever other one on the other side was ****ing amazing. It was just fangasm after fangasm getting to see all of their abilities go up against each other. Scarlet Witch v. Vision had to be my fav though. She really stepped up her badass game in this movie.

But all glory and praise be to Black Panther. He was the ever-loving ****. Totally looking forward to his movie now.

When I went to see the movie, I was super tired and was dozing off at parts. I really need a second viewing/third viewing. Certain action scenes were the only thing able to keep me up enough.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1696510)
It's been out less than a week. People should use spoiler tags.

This is the reason I rushed to see it Friday. People were already posting crap about it on FB from the Thursday night showings and I was like damn. I need to see it before I get spoiled or just go FB silent for awhile until I see it.

The Batlord 05-10-2016 10:16 AM

Thank god someone put all my **** in spoilers. Otherwise I would have had to put in effort.

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