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Mr. Charlie 08-13-2015 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ashwell John (Post 1625358)
Singham Returns. Awesome one. I like the movie a lot. Though seen it 4-5 times but still i like it.

Do you have any Bollywood recommendations? I enjoy a good Bollywood movie. I like how silly they are. And the pretty ladies. And all the breaking into song and dance.

Chula Vista 08-13-2015 11:20 AM

Watched Neighbors with Zack Efron and Seth Rogan and it was pretty freaking hilarious. The real standout though was Rose Byrne using her native accent. She was filthy as hell and really funny the whole movie.

Mr. Charlie 08-14-2015 07:04 AM

A Field in England.

If you like odd movies, if you like incredible atmosphere, if you like folklore, if you like to work a little when watching a movie (ie nothing is explained or laid out) then I highly recommend it. It's one of my very favourites.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 09:25 AM

The Hurt Locker on Netflix last night.


Jeremy Renner is probably in my top 5 actors working today along with Benjamin Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, and Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Frownland 08-14-2015 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1625662)
The Hurt Locker on Netflix last night.


Jeremy Renner is probably in my top 5 actors working today along with Benjamin Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, and Chiwetel Ejiofor.

I thought it was pretty great, loved the way it built suspense like you mentioned. It so did not deserve that best pic Oscar given the competition though. The academy was clearly voting with their freedom boners.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625663)
It so did not deserve that best pic Oscar given the competition though. The academy was clearly voting with their freedom boners.

Which movie do you think should have won?

Love how they used big name actors in such small roles, i.e; Guy Pierce, Ralph Fiennes, and David Morse. Bigelow has friends in Hollywood.

Frownland 08-14-2015 09:46 AM

A Serious Man was my favourite from that year, it's one of the Coen bros' best. I would've been cool with Precious or Inglourious Basterds winning too.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 09:54 AM

All great movies but I think The Hurt Locker's win was justified. Ridiculously intense acting, excellent screenplay, editing couldn't have been better, and maybe the best action movie cinematography since Saving Private Ryan.

Not saying hands down it was the best, but its win was deserved. It really didn't have any pro-USA agenda stuff going on either.

Frownland 08-14-2015 09:58 AM

I'm still going with the freedom boner theory. Have you seen A Serious Man btw? Kind of dry but I thought it was hysterical.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625673)
Have you seen A Serious Man btw? Kind of dry but I thought it was hysterical.

I've added it to my queue.

Was just reading a review of THL and really agree with this:


While the audience comes to know the characters through a basic and structurally unconnected series of generally repetitive events, the three primaries are developed to the point that they become reflections of the audience, each undergoing the varying intense physical and emotional turmoil that Director Kathryn Bigelow -- and indeed the hells of war as a general rule and as expertly and horrifically reflected here -- has infused into the picture. Rather than a detached observer, the audience becomes a fourth member of the team, a participant that, despite the relative safety of the theater, comes to feel the anguish, experience the horrors, soar with the adrenaline, and understand the agony of combat and the precariousness of life in constantly evolving and potentially destructive conditions.

Justthefacts 08-14-2015 11:24 AM

this movie really kinda blew me away. Through sexual intercourse, an evil entity is passed onto the victim, therefore the victim needs to pass it sexually to someone else and if/when that person dies it goes back to the prior victim. Sort of an allegory to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Very original, great cinematography (as only indie films truly accomplish), actings spot on, pretty scary too. And the final shot is absolutely insane in this subtle weird way.

This film on the other hand didn't do much for me frankly. It's overrated drivel wrapped nicely in Noah baumbach's pretentiousness. I absolutely love Frances Ha and The Squid & The Whale, but this was just so mediocre. His characters are starting to become too intellectual for my taste if you will. Sort of like Woody Allen films.

Frownland 08-14-2015 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1625676)
I've added it to my queue.

Was just reading a review of THL and really agree with this:

I get that it's a great film, it's just not as great as several other films from the same year. Kind of like No Country for Old Men taking There Will Be Blood's award.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625732)
There Will Be Blood.


Would be in my top ten of the most overrated movies of all time. In the real world Plainview would have been murdered long before he could have wreaked even a third of the havoc he wreaked. I drink your milkshake?

Excellently made movie with a daft storyline.

Frownland 08-14-2015 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1625736)

Would be in my top ten of the most overrated movies of all time. In the real world Plainview would have been murdered long before he could have wreaked even a third of the havoc he wreaked. I drink your milkshake?

Excellently made movie with a daft storyline.

Well it's my favourite film and the character interplay is what really makes it. Also, go **** yourself.

Exo 08-14-2015 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1625628)
A Field in England.

I still need to see this. I loved Kill List and Sightseers.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625667)
A Serious Man was my favourite from that year, it's one of the Coen bros' best. I would've been cool with Precious or Inglourious Basterds winning too.

Basterds should have won that year for the opening scene and the bar scene alone. Two of the best dialogue driven scenes that end in an explosion of violence.


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1625729)

Really is a great piece of horror. Unique and unsettling. The love this poster by the way.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625732)
I get that it's a great film, it's just not as great as several other films from the same year. Kind of like No Country for Old Men taking There Will Be Blood's award.

I'm totally okay with No Country winning. It's a perfect film. It just so happened to go up with another perfect film. I can't fault the Academy for this one. It's so damn close.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1625736)

Would be in my top ten of the most overrated movies of all time. In the real world Plainview would have been murdered long before he could have wreaked even a third of the havoc he wreaked. I drink your milkshake?

Excellently made movie with a daft storyline.

I don't get this one. TWBB is one of the tightest screenplays I've ever seen put to film. It spans years of time without having a single scene of filler. The first 20 minutes are dialogue free and still tell the story of not only how Daniel started his career in oil but also how he came to be a father...without dialogue. Daniel was too powerful to just be murdered. He also invented ways to get oil out of the ground. Your best bet was to partner with him or t least try to stay clear of his way. There is no murdering a man that powerful in that time period. Not an oil man. The movie is a materpiece.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1625739)
Well it's my favourite film and the character interplay is what really makes it. Also, go **** yourself.


Justthefacts 08-14-2015 07:34 PM

Best picture : Inglorious Basterds
Best Director: Quentin Tarantino
Best Actor: Christoph Waltz
Best Sound Editing: Inglorious Basterds
Best Sound Mixing: Inglorious Basterds
Best cinematography: Inglorious Basterds
Best film editing: Inglorious Basterds
Best live Action short Film: Inglorious Basterds
Best Animated short Film: Inglorious Basterds
Best documentary: Inglorious Basterds

Inglorious Basterds should've won the whole show.

Chula Vista 08-14-2015 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1625873)
Best picture : Inglorious Basterds
Best Director: Quentin Tarantino
Best Actor: Christoph Waltz
Best Sound Editing: Inglorious Basterds
Best Sound Mixing: Inglorious Basterds
Best cinematography: Inglorious Basterds
Best film editing: Inglorious Basterds
Best live Action short Film: Inglorious Basterds
Best Animated short Film: Inglorious Basterds
Best documentary: Inglorious Basterds

You forgot Best Foreign Language Film.

Great, great movie. But not that great.

Mondo Bungle 08-15-2015 12:08 AM

The last few days I've been movie-ing

Charlie Countrymen
The Babadook
Star Trek
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Mr. Nobody
The Burbs
American Psycho
High Fidelity

simplephysics 08-15-2015 01:04 AM

There Will Be Blood is excellent, curse anyone who says overwise. My only gripe is the slow pace, but it's very fitting for the overall theme of the film so that can be forgiven. The cinematography alone makes it a standout, especially pared with that ****ing soundtrack. Ugh. Too bad it's already 3 am cause I kinda want to watch it now.

debaserr 08-15-2015 11:21 AM

I love the action scenes in No Country. The rest of the film is pretty flawless too. Damn, I haven't seen that for a few years now...

Chula Vista 08-15-2015 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1625992)
I love the action scenes in No Country. The rest of the film is pretty flawless too. Damn, I haven't seen that for a few years now...

Hands down, one of the greatest movies ever.

Justthefacts 08-15-2015 03:46 PM

I prefer The Master to There Will Be Blood. Both 10/10's tho

Justthefacts 08-15-2015 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1625676)
I've added it to my queue.

Your Netflix queue? How? I don't see it on here.

Mr. Charlie 08-16-2015 05:01 PM

Revolver - starring Jason Statham, directed by Guy Ritchie of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels/Snatch/RocknRolla fame.

First things first, this is a pretentious movie. Secondly, if you are not familiar with the movie's genuine message, then you may be left wondering what the hell this film is about (for example many people who watch it claim it's a movie about chess, but it's not, although chess and the philosophy of chess do feature heavily).

I enjoyed it immensely however. Indeed it's become my favourite Guy Ritchie movie. But I reckon it's a love it or hate it kinda film.

I don't wanna say too much incase of spoilers, but it's basically a philosophical/spiritual movie masquerading as a typical violent, gangsta flick.

Exo 08-16-2015 05:27 PM


I laughed a bunch but it's nothing to really write home about. I did like how the characters weren't one dimensional though. Rose Byrne was pretty funny. I also now want to attend a Robert De Niro party.

Lone Survivor

First 2/3 is a very well made action film. Intense. Brutal. Painful to watch. The last third however is kind of atrocious which makes sense because most of it was written by Peter Berg. Ben Foster was REALLY good. I love seeing him pop up in movies. The very end with the actual photos got me choked up. It's a fractured film but one I enjoyed overall.

The Batlord 08-16-2015 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1626396)

Lone Survivor

First 2/3 is a very well made action film. Intense. Brutal. Painful to watch. The last third however is kind of atrocious which makes sense because most of it was written by Peter Berg. Ben Foster was REALLY good. I love seeing him pop up in movies. The very end with the actual photos got me choked up. It's a fractured film but one I enjoyed overall.

Not to start a political discussion, but I mentioned somewhere else that I supported the idea of drone strikes into Pakistan since I have a friend in the military.

This is the movie that drove me to that conclusion. If I've got to support American imperialism to save a loved one from that, then that's just what I've gotta do.

debaserr 08-16-2015 11:34 PM

I just remember hating the trailer that featured Berg talking about the movie. I loathe those low rent previews you see before movies, and it seemed just like that.

Oriphiel 08-17-2015 11:16 AM

Fucking awesome movie about South Korean rebels attempting to assassinate a corrupt general during Japan's occupation of Korea. It's stylistically similar to many other movies about crazy assassination plots (some parts reminded me of Bodyguards and Assassins, although that movie was made in a completely different country, and it was about people trying to stop an assassination), but it really found a way to stand out from the crowd. At first, I thought it was simply an okay movie, but it just got better and better as it went on. There's a bit of comedy here and there, with some jokes being legitimately clever and others coming off as kind of cliche, but overall it was pretty charming. I felt that the dialogue was mostly pretty strong, and there are some great memorable lines.

There are a few scenes where the movie shows and talks about the atrocities committed against the Korean people by Japanese soldiers, including the slaughter of civilians, and I noticed on my way out of the theater that a few older people in the audience were crying. It's not the most historically accurate movie ever, but it seems like it still managed to remind some people of a very real and very dark point in time.

Chula Vista 08-17-2015 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1626396)

Lone Survivor

Intense. Brutal. Painful to watch. The very end with the actual photos got me choked up.

Jesus H Christ. I'm gonna need some time to recover from this one.

Key 08-18-2015 12:25 AM
Demitri Martin - Live *At The Time

This showed up on Netflix randomly, so I decided to watch it. I've always loved his one liners and his sense of humor so I knew i'd like this. However, I didn't realize how much I'd like it. He certainly goes beyond what he's done before and really knows what's funny and what's not. Definitely a good use of your time if you have the time. I laughed the entire way through.

Frownland 08-18-2015 03:26 PM
I Dream of Wires

The history of the synthesizer. Highly recommended for the instrument porn element. I'd also recommend it to anyone who talks **** on electronic music. It's on Netflix, you have no excuse.

Justthefacts 08-18-2015 03:53 PM

Straight Outta Compton is a few things, big, messy and epic. One thing it isn't is drab. People are complaining the third half of the film sort of drags, I didn't feel that way at all. Their rise to the top is brief but electrifying, the soundtrack naturally on point. The performances AT TIMES were a little basic but Cube, Dre, and Eazy hold the weight of this massive film on their gangsta little shoulders. E's death made me choke up. As for Yella and Ren, their screen time isn't much, maybe spinoff films? Cinematography was excellent, acting great, script was good, and Suge terrifying. As far as one of hip-hop's best act's, this film does NWA justice. You have just read a review of the strength of street knowledge


Mr. Charlie 08-18-2015 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1627188)

The history of the synthesizer. Highly recommended for the instrument porn element. I'd also recommend it to anyone who talks **** on electronic music. It's on Netflix, you have no excuse.

Cool. Might check it out. How long is it?

Frownland 08-18-2015 04:03 PM

0 years, 0 days, 1 hour, 35 minutes, and 1 second

Mr. Charlie 08-18-2015 04:07 PM


Wpnfire 08-18-2015 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1627196)
Suge terrifying.

Isn't the dude in jail now? For like, life?

Justthefacts 08-18-2015 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1627276)
Isn't the dude in jail now? For like, life?

Yeah he's not getting out for awhile. He ran some dude over.

William_the_Bloody 08-21-2015 08:47 PM

Saw Straight outta of Compton today, didn't disappoint, good quality film. The guy who played Eazy E was damn good.

Mr. Charlie 08-21-2015 10:31 PM

Watched Fear and Loathing again. I'd forgotten how funny it is.

Justthefacts 08-21-2015 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody (Post 1628183)
Saw Straight outta of Compton today, didn't disappoint, good quality film. The guy who played Eazy E was damn good.

Yeah he was good. I thought Ren put in the best performance though

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