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Exo 08-02-2014 08:43 AM

Yeah, I keep hearing great thing about it. The scene after the credits is supposed to be worth seeing the whole film for. I'll get to it this week.

Exo 08-03-2014 08:37 PM

Guardians of the Galaxy

As of today, I have seen less than five Marvel films, including this one. I was never really into comic books and honestly, the films have not impressed me besides the first Iron Man and The Avengers. Everything changed after seeing this though. A lot of people are claiming this is the best film of the year. They claiming this is the best Marvel film ever. I’ll tel you this. It is NOT the best film of the year. It is arguably the best Marvel film along with The Avengers. This is a film that has one thing going for it, something that it can claim to be unmatched by any other film released in 2014. You will not have more fun in a theater. It’s the funniest movie of the year with pretty great action sequences and special effects. I was shocked by how much I laughed. This is a better comedy than most comedies that have been released in the last five years. Believe the hype. This is the blockbuster of the year.

Like I said earlier, I had no idea what the hell the film was about before I went to the theater. I saw a trailer or two but really only remember what the main cast looked like. I’ve always been a DC person having grown up immersing myself in Batman things besides the comics. Yes I realize I’m not a true nerd by saying that. During the Marvel renaissance I tried to get into the worlds but they never grabbed me. In a way, this film was just like that. The film started and while they did a good job explaining the worlds to me, I just wasn’t grabbed. The antics from Pratt were funny throughout, but it really wasn’t until the last hour of the film where the movie went from decent to ****ing awesome. Pratt is a sure fire star in the making. I’ve known this for a while now after seeing him constantly be the funniest part of Parks and Rec but this just iced the cake. Zoe Saldana seems to get cast as the ass kicking alien chick in ever single film so I wasn’t really wowed there. It was just the same routine. Dave Bautista was a scene stealer as DJax, a brute of a man seeking revenge. The ones who made me laugh the most though was the team that made the whole film for me, Rocket and Groot. Rocket, voiced by Bradley Cooper, talked way too much and Groot, voiced by Vin Diesel, talked too little. It was a perfect blend of character and the two of them provided the most belly laughs from me. There are a bunch of scenes involving Groot that had me hunched over. The supporting cast was pretty great, as we get a fantastic performance from Michael Rooker and an evil one from Lee Pace. The cast was just perfect overall.

I did’t really expect the film to be this charming either. The film opens with an emotional punch that leaves the audience reeling and then we have Chris Pratt dancing to 80’s tunes in the scene after. The back and forth between intense and powerful set pieces and goofy fun never felt exhausting. It blended together effortlessly which was to be expected from James Gunn. He was able to do the same in his previous films such as Super and Slither. He crafts serious genre films but in a style and humor that goes back and forth without losing the viewer. He was a perfect choice for this film. It’s going to be very interesting seeing what he does with the sequel, one of which I’m already waiting for.

It’s honestly hard for me to talk about this film. I don’t know the universe well and there were SO MANY scenes that had me cracking up that I just can’t talk about on opening weekend for spoiler reasons. All I can say that is the hype is real. This is one of the better blockbuster films of the last couple years and certainly the most fun you can have in a theater right now. Planet of the Apes may be a better piece of art, but Guardians of the Galaxy is just way too much fun to pass up. See it.


Janszoon 08-03-2014 08:48 PM

Expectations were definitely met.

Fatal Attraction
For some reason I had never seen this. It's pretty great honestly. Glenn Close is disturbing as hell.

Wpnfire 08-03-2014 11:02 PM

Well I guess I should go see this guardians of the galaxy movie if it is so highly thought of here.

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1475236)
Fatal Attraction
For some reason I had never seen this. It's pretty great honestly. Glenn Close is disturbing as hell.

Oh yeah totally agree.
Spoiler for movie spoiler:
yeah and that entire ending sequence was surprisingly violent when she pops up from the tub and the wife shoots her. It was indeed a disturbing ending

The Batlord 08-04-2014 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1475236)

Expectations were definitely met.

Maybe you just haven't seen as many gloriously bad SyFy channel monster movies as I have, but Sharknado was nothing special. It was no Python.

djchameleon 08-04-2014 05:50 AM

Sharknado 2 is where it is at! I ended up re-watching it on Saturday after seeing it two nights earlier. It was worth it for all the cameos alone!

The Batlord 08-04-2014 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1475297)
Sharknado 2 is where it is at! I ended up re-watching it on Saturday after seeing it two nights earlier. It was worth it for all the cameos alone!

But are you at least agreeing that the first one ain't all that and a bag of potato chips? Otherwise I can't take your recommendation seriously.

djchameleon 08-04-2014 07:03 AM

I watch those bad Syfy movies every Saturday, well at least leave it on in the background. The final shark death with the chainsaw was awesome but they kicked it up a notch in the second one.

Ninetales 08-04-2014 08:53 AM

swamp shark is really where its at don't fool yourself

jackhammer 08-04-2014 03:26 PM
It works on so many different levels. It is a film that is both appreciative and dismissive of the technological age we live in. I found it to be immensely beautiful yet streaked with Pathos which is rare in many movies.

bob. 08-04-2014 05:07 PM

I agree 100000000000% with Jackhammer where Her us concerned :)

The Batlord 08-04-2014 05:09 PM


**** it. I'm just gonna go and steal it off the interwebs.

Janszoon 08-04-2014 05:27 PM

God Loves Uganda
Fantastic documentary about the role American evangelicals have played the creation of the notorious anti-gay legislation in Uganda. If Jesus Camp pissed you off, this movie will make your head explode.

Janszoon 08-05-2014 10:00 PM

The Hustler
Finally watched this movie after wanting to see it for years and years and have to say I was pretty disappointed—flat characters that I didn't care about with incomprehensible motives doing uninteresting things. I know it's considered a classic, but not in my book.

bob. 08-05-2014 11:29 PM

I have not seen it in years but I agree classic it is not

It is better than The Color of Money :)

And I give you credit man. ...I don't think I can stomach that documentary at all

Wpnfire 08-05-2014 11:46 PM

That documentary is messed the **** up. I was reading a pretty thorough review of it, and it made me sick.

Deviouz 08-06-2014 02:08 AM


**** yeah.

The Batlord 08-06-2014 03:31 AM


Been meaning to see that for a good minute now.

WWWP 08-08-2014 01:12 AM

Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Seriously so thoroughly entertaining. Got off work, had pizza and beer with my new roommates, we all put on our TMNT shirts and watched the premier together. I've been waiting years for this. :D

Old Tape Record 08-08-2014 01:54 AM

One of the latest movie i have seen and i realy liked is Snowpiercer

Janszoon 08-08-2014 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1476659)
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Seriously so thoroughly entertaining. Got off work, had pizza and beer with my new roommates, we all put on our TMNT shirts and watched the premier together. I've been waiting years for this. :D

For years? I thought there was another TMNT movie not that long ago?

djchameleon 08-08-2014 08:09 AM

I think it was animated. The one that came out in 07 but that is still 7 years ago.

Overcast 08-08-2014 08:13 AM

The Hunt (Jagten)

Such a good movie. Made me furious.

Exo 08-08-2014 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1476659)
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Seriously so thoroughly entertaining. Got off work, had pizza and beer with my new roommates, we all put on our TMNT shirts and watched the premier together. I've been waiting years for this. :D

I heard it was sh*t. Would you recommend spending the money on it? The 1990 film still holds up in my eyes and that sh*t was on my television like three times a week for a decade. I just don't want to be disappointed.

WWWP 08-08-2014 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Exo_ (Post 1476883)
I heard it was sh*t. Would you recommend spending the money on it? The 1990 film still holds up in my eyes and that sh*t was on my television like three times a week for a decade. I just don't want to be disappointed.

Really? I've spent money to see it twice already. I had a great time, it incorporated all the nostalgic bits I was hoping to see, the animation was killer, and it was just pure fun. My main complaint is with the annoying Michael Bay signature sound effects - even Megan Fox was a pretty ok April. It was cheesy as a 99 Cheese Pizza but that's what I was looking for. I mean, it didn't break any boundaries in cinema but as a long time TMNT fan I was very pleased.

debaserr 08-08-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Overcast (Post 1476748)
The Hunt (Jagten)

Such a good movie. Made me furious.

Loved that too. I dunno, I think both sides are understandable.

Spoiler for spoiler:
But I would definitely move away if that was me.

Exo 08-08-2014 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1476897)
Really? I've spent money to see it twice already. I had a great time, it incorporated all the nostalgic bits I was hoping to see, the animation was killer, and it was just pure fun. My main complaint is with the annoying Michael Bay signature sound effects - even Megan Fox was a pretty ok April. It was cheesy as a 99 Cheese Pizza but that's what I was looking for. I mean, it didn't break any boundaries in cinema but as a long time TMNT fan I was very pleased.

I just heard that you don't get to see the f*cking turtles until the movie is halfway over and that Splinter and the turtles are ninjas cause he found a book. It just kinda made me go...REALLY? A book? Through me off the bandwagon.

WWWP 08-08-2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Exo_ (Post 1476913)
I just heard that you don't get to see the f*cking turtles until the movie is halfway over and that Splinter and the turtles are ninjas cause he found a book. It just kinda made me go...REALLY? A book? Through me off the bandwagon.

Nah, it's more involved than that. The movie explains the mutation process and the book thing is very insignificant - it's more a catalyst for learning the art and philosophies of ninjitsu. They definitely take their time showing the boys fully but I thought the build up was cool.

Also Splinter ****ing kills it.

Engine 08-08-2014 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1476659)
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles

The ninja turtles opened my childish eyes to a new world of strength and hilarity in the late 80s when the comics were new.

The theme song of the cartoon show broke my heart and still triggers an irreversible trauma. Oh my god I hate it. Why, Eastman and Laird WHY did you sell out my childhood in such a vulgar way?

Still looking forward to seeing the new film though:love:

Sparky 08-09-2014 12:15 AM

I reccomend watching the 2011 reboot as well, it's pretty good:

For any fans of TMNT I must also suggest Biker Mice from Mars

Sorry to be a broken record(though I doubt anyone's noticed)but I've recommended this series multiple times in connection with various topics.

The Batlord 08-09-2014 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1476943)
Sorry to be a broken record(though I doubt anyone's noticed)but I've recommended this series multiple times in connection with various topics.

I used to love that show. Rip off it may have been, but a fine rip off it was.

djchameleon 08-09-2014 05:49 AM

Yeah I was all over that cartoon. Along with Street Sharks!

jackhammer 08-13-2014 07:01 PM
Wow and wow again.
Another great Rock Doc that reminds us all that we are only human.
Travolta overacts? Really? of course he does and he is the best thing in the film.

GuD 08-13-2014 08:25 PM

was gonna see guardians of the galaxy yesterday, saw new apes movie instead. thought it was decent, pretty good even.

**** the Kobas of the world. What an ass.

I dug the soundtrack a lot too.

Deviouz 08-14-2014 05:35 AM



Psy-Fi 08-14-2014 08:45 AM

There's some dudes in a bar with busted heads and broken jaws

What hit 'em?

Truck Turner!
Truck Turner (1974)

Truck Turner (Trailer) - YouTube

wondertribe 08-14-2014 09:32 AM

For the very first time. Quite good!

Rose G 08-14-2014 03:04 PM

it's beautiful and peculiar
i really wanna go to travel france

Deviouz 08-14-2014 10:23 PM

Reeves directorial debut. Plot was a bit lame. Awesome fight scenes.

Deviouz 08-15-2014 05:21 AM

Journey to the West: Conquering Demons

Classic Stephen Chow style. Loved it!

Although character dev. was all over the place.

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