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Engine 03-02-2014 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1422328)
Have you seen Nichols' other movies, Take Shelter and Shotgun Stories? If you haven't, check them out. If loved Mud, you'll love them.

Heh. I love that movie too. The Last Man on Earth is worth watching as well.

I have not seen The Last Man on Earth. But I definitely will now that I'm on that roll.

Jeff Nichols is a genius whose films make me feel that I've wasted whatever talent I was born with, and I have watched Take Shelter (love it). I've not seen Shotgun Stories yet.

Janszoon 03-02-2014 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1422332)
I have not seen The Last Man on Earth. But I definitely will now that I'm on that roll.

Jeff Nichols is a genius whose films make me feel that I've wasted whatever talent I was born with, and I have watched Take Shelter (love it). I've not seen Shotgun Stories yet.

He is. He really is. Shotgun Stories is amazing. I can't even decide which is my favorite of his three movie because all of them are so fantastic. I'm really looking forward to his next movie, which is supposed to be a sci-fi movie inspired by 1980s John Carpenter films, Starman in particular. Kind of a change in direction but I can totally see how he'd be able to pull it off.

Engine 03-02-2014 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1422333)
He is. He really is. Shotgun Stories is amazing. I can't even decide which is my favorite of his three movie because all of them are so fantastic. I'm really looking forward to his next movie, which is supposed to be a sci-fi movie inspired by 1980s John Carpenter films, Starman in particular. Kind of a change in direction but I can totally see how he'd be able to pull it off.

Take Shelter is science fiction-ISH. So I can totally see him doing that. Nichols is the real deal.

WWWP 03-03-2014 10:24 AM

Blue Is The Warmest Color - Abdellatif Kechiche - 2013

Just fucking gorgeous. The graphic novel has made the rounds on my and my coworkers staff pick shelves at the bookstore for months, it's one of those things you can't help but pass on. I had no idea when I started the film that it was three hours long, but I didn't feel the length of it a bit. As a fan of queer cinema I don't hesitate to call this work groundbreaking. The directing is perfect, the acting is perfect, the story is so real it's devastating.

debaserr 03-03-2014 06:33 PM

Spell-bounding eh?

I need to see both Mud and Blue Is The Warmest. I hear the sex is great.

GuD 03-03-2014 06:39 PM

Campy, funny, pretty stupid. Lots of butt puns. Would recommend for a light-hearted evening.

WWWP 03-03-2014 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1422722)
Spell-bounding eh?

I need to see both Mud and Blue Is The Warmest. I hear the sex is great.

It really is. The films main criticism is that the sex scenes are gratuitous and pornographic but anyone who's read the novel knows how important it is to the plot line.

djchameleon 03-03-2014 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1422726),214,317_.jpg

Campy, funny, pretty stupid. Lots of butt puns. Would recommend for a light-hearted evening.

Name? Picture isn't showing up.

Janszoon 03-03-2014 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1422726),214,317_.jpg

Campy, funny, pretty stupid. Lots of butt puns. Would recommend for a light-hearted evening.

What movie is it?

Frownland 03-03-2014 07:11 PM

Bad Milo!

Janszoon 03-03-2014 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1422739)


Engine 03-04-2014 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1422722)
Spell-bounding eh?

haha, spellbinding. I was spellbound.

Paedantic Basterd 03-05-2014 09:25 PM

Hilarious film, consistently surprising. Best find in a while now.

ladyislingering 03-05-2014 11:26 PM

Ki and I watched "Across the Universe" today and I cried for about 20 minutes because something within me is just so damn angry about Vietnam, race riots, Kent State, and other atrocities of needless violence but it was fabulous; I loved it.

Sequoioideae 03-05-2014 11:41 PM


Unless you like really fucked up movies for the sake of it, I'd steer clear of this one. It has more plot than something like the guinea pig series, but the fact that the director of this film has stated that it's political commentary on the Serbian government seems more than a bit pretentious. If you're going to watch it you might as well get the uncensored version, no sense in seeing one of the most depraved films have it's most disgusting scenes cut.

bob. 03-06-2014 11:21 AM

i watched this a couple years ago....and had a great conversation with a Serbian member here after viewing it

there certainly are points in the film which basically directly say a somewhat political point.....but this matter what the director nothing more than shock cinema done very badly


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1422727)
It really is. The films main criticism is that the sex scenes are gratuitous and pornographic but anyone who's read the novel knows how important it is to the plot line.

i think the main controversy has to do with the fact that the lesbian sex scenes were directed by a man....and in all me at least....come off just like any other porn of two women obviously directed to get men off

i can't lie....i've never seen actual lesbians have perhaps that really is what its like

putting all of that aside....this film is a beautiful, heart breaking and realistic portrayal of love and love lost

WWWP 03-06-2014 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1423745)
i think the main controversy has to do with the fact that the lesbian sex scenes were directed by a man....and in all me at least....come off just like any other porn of two women obviously directed to get men off

i can't lie....i've never seen actual lesbians have perhaps that really is what its like

putting all of that aside....this film is a beautiful, heart breaking and realistic portrayal of love and love lost

In my experience girl on girl action is notoriously.. adventurous.

The Batlord 03-06-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1423795)
In my experience girl on girl action is notoriously.. adventurous.

Why don't you enlighten us? Slowly.

WWWP 03-06-2014 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1423812)
Why don't you enlighten us? Slowly.

omg get off my dick

The Batlord 03-06-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1423815)
omg get off my dick


WWWP 03-06-2014 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1423835)


The Batlord 03-06-2014 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1423845)

Get out of my house.

Janszoon 03-08-2014 08:18 PM

American Psycho
I've been meaning to see this since it came out so that's about fourteen years worth of procrastination right there. It would probably have been impossible for it to live up to my expectations but I thought it was decent, if flawed. They condensed a lot of the beginning of the book, which was a big plus since, from what I remember, the first 100 or so pages were completely filled with Bateman's blathering about restaurants, clothing, face creams, etc. On the other hand, things were really toned down from the book, which took a lot of the bite out of the story for me. Anyway, I'm glad I finally watched it.

BastardofYoung 03-09-2014 12:37 PM

Watched it on netflix at a friends house. Not as good as I once thought it was when i saw it when i was probably about 12. But it is still a decent fun movie to watch from time to time.

Janszoon 03-09-2014 01:46 PM

A Company Man
Pretty solid Korean crime flick. Not amazing but perfect for a lazy Sunday. The main antagonist of the story, the boss of the main character, was one of the great movie assholes. I kept hoping someone would throw him out a window and, well, let's just say the movie delivered. I also thought the main character's love interest, Lee Mi-yeon, was pretty great. Hell, I wanted to run away with her by the end.

Evertonized 03-09-2014 02:02 PM

Captain Phillips at home, and recently saw Non-Stop in the cinema.

Pet_Sounds 03-09-2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Evertonized (Post 1424998)
Captain Phillips at home, and recently saw Non-Stop in the cinema.

How was Non-Stop?

Freebase Dali 03-09-2014 03:03 PM


Janszoon 03-09-2014 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1425015)

Broken links are indeed hilarious.

BastardofYoung 03-09-2014 11:44 PM

I love this film. What obviously killed it more was calling itself The Exorcist III, as opposed to just "Legion" which it was originally called. Which was based on the book of the same name by Blatty.

The studio wanted a different version of the film, wanted them to tack on the ending to cater to the fan base of the series and just called it used Exorcist III to sell it to the fans (after the dreadful second one).

I would love to see the movie Blatty intended, as opposed to the one they studios came in and ruined somewhat.

It is still a great movie, but had the film taken on the original idea, I think it would have been a much more gripping film.

I would recommend this film to horror fans who want a more intellectual kind of fright, as opposed to the more gory, slasher films. The true sequel to the original film, but more so than it should have been too.

This scene is just intense:

plus, fuckin' Fabio, man..

Exo 03-11-2014 01:02 PM

Cutie and the Boxer

I am sick. I am sitting in bed trying to breath and constantly asking myself why I have to suffer like this every time the temperature changes. It’s my semi-annual hell hole and it’s also an excuse to watch some films lazily in my bed. My first film ended up being such a joy to watch that I don’t know if I’m going to continue my viewings so I don’t lose this feeling I have.

“Cutie and the Boxer” is a film about a married Japanese couple, Ushio and Noriko Shinohara, who are trying to make a living selling their art in New York City. They have been artists for decades and the film chronicles their artistic journey as well as the journey they take in their relationship.

Let me get this out of the way first. This is a gorgeously shot film. Zachary Heinzerling eloquently constructed this film by focusing on the intimate way that these two artists live their lives. Nothing is held back and we soon realize that holding nothing back is the entire nature of their relationship. It’s really as if Heinzerling isn’t in the room with them as they discuss the problems they have with each other with smiles instead of frowns. They are open books and Heinzerling was able to capture some real forms of the human heart and spirit while following the couple. The film also utilizes a fantastic score by Yasuaki Shimizu. Saxophones and Cellos routinely fill the scenes captured by the camera and add a light and peaceful atmosphere to the film. It’s one of those scores that kind of gets under your skin and makes what you’re watching more relaxing and content. That and I’m a sucker for anything with an oriental feel to it.

The art displayed in the film is pretty fantastic. Perhaps the most interesting art is the pieces that give Ushio his nickname, “The Boxer”, where he straps on boxing gloves filled with paint and punches a canvas from left to right. Did I mention that this man is 80 years old? It just goes to prove that there is something in the Japanese gene that makes them live forever and do amazing work while doing so. Ushio is also a gifted sculture, making make acid filled fantasies from cardboard, usually involving motorcycles. His wife, Noriko, is also a gifted artist and focused more on the art of drawing. Her “Cutie” series chronicles the early part of her relationship with her husband as they raise a child together, mostly while Ushio is piss drunk. This is where the open-ness of the film lies. Her work is literally a series of painting and drawings that highlight how difficult it was to be married to Ushio and standing next to her is that same man with a smile on his face. It’s one of those relationships where you know they’ll stick together through everything due to them being two individual souls spending their own lives together instead of trying to make a single life from two people. I always thought those kind of relationships were the best at making it all the way.

The film also focuses on what it’s like for two people who happen to be artists to share a life together in a business sense. They are both vying for a chance to have their work shown at galleries. Ushio is the more famous artist and Noriko has usually helped the man out and neglected her own work. She was also forced to bear most of the responsibility of raising their child and actually had to give up painting for a long time. She is now able to fully focus on her own artwork and it was great watching her try to succeed. I was rooting for her like I knew her.

The whole film was just magical. It was like watching “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” but instead of fish the art is on a canvas. It may not have been the best documentary in the Academy Awards but it is a completely unique film that will make even the least artistic person want to grab a paint brush. Oh and the montage during the credits is one of the best things I’ve seen in a while. Highly recommended.


debaserr 03-11-2014 01:49 PM

Awesome write up. I loved Jiro, so I'll check this out.

Rylee 03-12-2014 01:39 PM

I finally saw the Lego Movie the other day and it was hilarious. I suggest it 2 anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Every1 in the theater was laughing.

Kartoffelbrei 03-12-2014 09:34 PM

Big Fish.
****ed my brain.

Exo 03-13-2014 10:27 PM

The Counselor

Earlier last year I wrote about how excited I was that this film was even happening. The cast, aside from Cameron Diaz, was fantastic. I am a Ridley Scott apologist. I thought “Prometheus” was a gorgeous film and although it was written by a man who should have no business in science fiction, I thought the film did space horror justice. The film boasted one of my favorite authors at the helm of the screenplay. I have enjoyed everything Cormac McCarthy has ever written and was excited for his first work written directly for the screen. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG GUYS?

Everything. Everything went wrong.

This was one of the most pretentious pieces of hot garbage I have ever seen. It was like Ridley Scott found a pile of **** in the middle of the room, found out who made it, denied it was a pile of ****, and threw glitter on it. How is that image doing for you? I’m actually proud of that analogy. It is fitting to what this film ended up being. So we have a lawyer played by Michael ****ing Fassbender. This lawyer decides to get into the drug trade and then I honestly don’t understand what the hell happens next. Actually, if I had not read the synopsis before watching the film I would have had no idea what was happening during the entire two hour run length. This is not to say that I don’t enjoy films that make no sense. Those films however know what they’re aiming for and try to present it in a unique and experimental fashion. This films plays like McCarthy watched a Tarantino film and decided he was going to write one and use much bigger words. I love the mans writing but this was just a huge failure in trying to be profound and philosophical. NOBODY TALKS THE WAY ANYBODY IN THIS FILM TALKS. The last line was spoken by Cameron Diaz and she used the word “famished”. She wasn’t even being ironic. It was like a high school drama student was trying to sound cool on facebook. I’m just completely surprised by how bad the entire film was.

That isn’t to say there weren’t a few stylish elements I enjoyed. For one, Ridley Scott is just a natural behind teh camera and I enjoyed the colors portrayed in the film. There are also two very entertaining scenes that involve wire and Cameron Diaz ****ing a car.

Yes. I just said that. I’m sorry if I ruined it for you but there is no way in hell I’m not talking about this. Cameron Diaz ****ed an automobile. The term “catfish” was used in the film to describe what such an experience would be like. I vomited in my bed. Cameron Diaz owes me new sheets.

Let’s elaborate on Cameron Diaz for a moment. Why was she cast in this film. Her character is supposed to be ARGENTINIAN. Does she look Argentinian? Does she sound even remotely Argentinian? That must have been one hell of a blow job she gave to the casting director because that’s the only way that untalented woman got this job. Actually, that could probably be said for most of her career. I’m so glad that she didn’t end up doing what she always ends up doing, ruining good films. Her involvement in this was just an extra piece of lunacy added on to a debacle of a movie. Penelope Cruz was underused and had horrible lines given to her which she delivered with a subtle hint of “am I really saying this?” Javier Bardem decided to do this just so he could have his hair styled like that. I have know idea what he said in the film because of his outrageous blow out haircut. Brad Pitt played the same character he always plays, in the same voice, with the same everything.

Why did this have to happen. It was like the entire production company set us up for something brilliant and then delivered us a failure pile with a party hat on it and a note saying “Suck it population!”. I feel bad for people who paid to see this.

Let me summarize this who thing before I write Netflix a letter asking them why they didn’t email saying “NO PLEASE DON’T” when they saw I had this movie in my queue. The film was a mechanical pretentious slob of pseudo philosophical drivel. That sentence was brought to you by the Thesaurus. The same thesaurus that Cormac McCarthy used to construct 90% of the dialogue in this film. It had a few entertaining scenes. I believe a mentioned a car being slobbered on by an old untalented vagina. It was not entertaining enough though to hold even the slightest of my attention and I would like my two hours back. Oh, an there were Cheetahs in this films that were treated like both horses and house cats. I feel violated.


MarliQQ 03-13-2014 10:57 PM

The Depraved (2011)
Watched it on cable.
A crazy nazi guy in an old German bunker chases around some kids.
I couldn't stop watching this train wreck of a movie for some reason, and by the end of it I was rooting for the Nazi because he was the smartest.

Kartoffelbrei 03-13-2014 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by MarliQQ (Post 1427274)
The Depraved (2011)
Watched it on cable.
A crazy nazi guy in an old German bunker chases around some kids.
I couldn't stop watching this train wreck of a movie for some reason, and by the end of it I was rooting for the Nazi because he was the smartest.

every coin has 2 sides,
as have the ideas of national socialism.
hitler was actually just an austrian,
who loved germany more than anything in the world..
he wanted to protect the country from getting mined out by greed and corruption, so he did whatever he had to do to "clean" germany.
His methods sucked, but his motives didn't.
Don't look at me like that, I'm a communist :P
Why I tell all of this?
Because you seem kinda surprised of yourself that you rooted for the Nazi, lol
The world is not to be looked at in black and white.
There are always shades of grey, and sometimes even colours between them.

Exo 03-14-2014 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kartoffelbrei (Post 1427283)
every coin has 2 sides,
as have the ideas of national socialism.
hitler was actually just an austrian,
who loved germany more than anything in the world..
he wanted to protect the country from getting mined out by greed and corruption, so he did whatever he had to do to "clean" germany.
His methods sucked, but his motives didn't.
Don't look at me like that, I'm a communist :P
Why I tell all of this?
Because you seem kinda surprised of yourself that you rooted for the Nazi, lol
The world is not to be looked at in black and white.
There are always shades of grey, and sometimes even colours between them.

Shut the fuck up.

Kartoffelbrei 03-14-2014 10:32 AM

so what's your reason to be a ginormous dick today?
Yes. I know what he did. I AM German.
All I learned in history class my whole life is how much my country stinks
I have actually been to concentration camps.
I have seen Ausschwitz, I have watched movies there, of babies, getting smashed against the wall,
because they didn't die of the gas that was flooded into the gas chamber.
But I said his MOTIVES were good, not his METHODS, or what he did at all. he just wanted to save the country he loved.
read through what i write and don't stop reading when you're done with one half of the text, ffs.

Edit: + I'M A ****ING COMMUNIST!! I would have gotten into a concentration camp myself

Frownland 03-14-2014 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kartoffelbrei (Post 1427369)
so what's your reason to be a ginormous dick today?
Yes. I know what he did. I AM German.
All I learned in history class my whole life is how much my country stinks
I have actually been to concentration camps.
I have seen Ausschwitz, I have watched movies there, of babies, getting smashed against the wall,
because they didn't die of the gas that was flooded into the gas chamber.
But I said his MOTIVES were good, not his METHODS, or what he did at all. he just wanted to save the country he loved.
read through what i write and don't stop reading when you're done with one half of the text, ffs.

If his "motives" led to those methods than those motives aren't worth justifying. You're arguing a ridiculous point dude.

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