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Rogan and Goldberg have mentioned that about half of the film is ad-libbed and one of the actors (Baruchel I think) mentioned that a lot of real-life personal stuff came out in the on-screen conversations. I think the film is hilarious and full of subtle comedy and wit despite (and because of) the over-the-top scenario. The conversation about whether actors are good or bad people is one of the best things I've seen in a comedy film. To me the ending is a bit lame but I guess they needed to conclude the film somehow. Overall I think that the film proves that the major players understand comedy deeply and I'm glad that a film like this is successful. |
I will say that I think the film gets funnier up to the ending. The scenario gets more desperate, more personal conversations are had, and even more ridiculousness ensues. If you don't like it, you don't like it but I highly recommend watching the entire film to people who like the Rogan/Goldberg stuff. I've never seen The Hangover so I can't comment on that comparison. |
You liked movie 43 but didnt like this is the end.. strange world we live in
Well I started my 31 nights of horror leading up to Halloween so every night I'm checking out a different horror movie.
John Dies at The End https://static.squarespace.com/stati...w/johndies.jpg Maybe because I don't know the book or is it a graphic novel this movie is based on? But anyways this movie was just randomness that just ends up making sense some how and I loved every minute of it. Usually I hate shows/movies that are just being random for the sake of it but they were able to get away with it and I didn't judge them for it. The Hamiltons http://files.list.co.uk/images/2007/...-Hamiltons.jpg I love movies like this. It reminded me of that movie where the twins end up taking a family hostage and torturing them and also Strangers where they just end up terrorizing people for no reason. This movie ends up being different though because by the end of the movie you find out why they always move towns and kidnap people. I hear there is a sequel that came out last year called The Thompsons. I might look for it. |
I am not going to review it here as it needs a second viewing for sure. Even writing a few more lines about the film has found me deleting them because I am analysing my own words! Let's say this: it could be one of the greatest stories ever told or a complete pile of pretentious crap but there is no doubt that the acting, cinematography, set design and score are nothing short of stunning. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...XBb6YdNQMm6DIw I don't really understand most U.S sports at all TBH. I have also tried not to, so the idea of a stand off whereby opposing team members beat the crap out of each other in ice hockey matches is odd to me; however this is an absolute blast. Expletive fuelled, jet black humour but still with an emotion filled beating heart that dispenses with most of the sentimentality that doesn't do much for us pragmatic Brits makes for a great movie. Seann William Scott is quite simply brilliant in this movie. Makes me want to see an ice hockey game even if I don't get the rules. |
Pawn Shop Chronicles This movie...wow. It turned out to be completely different than what I was expecting, though there wasn't much to expect especially from the minimal description that red box gave it. It was good though. I enjoy seeing Matt Dillon and Brandon Fraser in movies, so I always enjoy seeing the movies they're involved in. This movie in particular definitely has a lot of twists and turns so it can be difficult to follow along, but it all connects to one another in a very fluent way. |
Captain Phillips So I happened to scroll through my local theaters today and realized that many of them are showing a single showing of Captain Phillips a week before it comes out. I wasn’t doing anything so I decided to give it a go as I’ve heard great things about not only the film but the performance of Tom Hanks. Since only weirdos dislike Tom Hanks, this was enough for me to purchase a ticket. I swear the annoying people in a movie theater radio to each other and coordinate a game plan that involves being as close to me as possible. I had Mr. Restless Leg Syndrome sitting to my right who effectively turned my seat into a rumble seat. I had the woman midway through the film who just HAD to get her daughters doll which she dropped under my seat during the previous film. Finally I had the elderly couple directly behind me where the wife was going blind and the husband decided to just recite every subtle after it came up on screen. On second thought…that’s adorable and I’m just being a prick. I didn’t say anything to them for the record. In all this chaos thought came something special… TOM ****ING HANKS. Tom Hanks crushed this film. I’m not a big fan of Forrest Gump and I sadly have not seen Philadelphia yet but I have no doubt in my mind that there is a great chance of this role being Tom Tank’s third Oscar for Best Actor. He’s that good in it. I’ll get to more of why in a minute. The film is also very good. Paul Greengrass, as he usually does takes a very powerful and lasting story in our History and turns it into powerful and lasting cinema. This may not be as historically significant as Bloody Sunday or 9/11 but the story itself is one of emotion and intensity. The story of Richard Phillips getting kidnapped by Somali pirates was in the papers for some time. I remember it. I felt bad for the guy just trying to do his job and getting attacked by savages. The film does a great job telling this story. There were times where some points in the ordeal seemed to carry on for way longer than they should have and I feel like the story has been “dumbed” down a bit to make for more interesting cinema but these are minor flaws in an overall excellent film. I was drawn in from the moment Captain Phillips noticed the boats approaching as the film doesn’t really let up after that. Greengrass gives his signature style of low angle shots as if we’re watching the film unfold from an invisible child in the room with the actors. This gives a very “real” feeling instead of a theatrical one. The film also utilized the services of four VERY good Somali actors particularly the Ying and Yang main characters, one who speaks English and is in charge, and the other who has a SHORT fuse and is second in command. These two were fantastic as they bounced off each other with wonderful chemistry. It was fun to see. However, the star is Tom Hanks. His performance coincides with the tone and intensity of the film. The longer the film goes on the more tense and suspenseful it gets and Hanks only gets better. All of this culminates in a 3rd act that gave me one of the most emotional rides I’ve had in a theater. Hanks in about twenty minutes gives the best performance of his career and one of the most heartbreaking finale scenes in memory. He perfectly captured what the actual Richard Phillips, or anybody in the matter, would feel being in the situation he was in. When the credits began to roll the whole theater was crying. I’ll admit I don’t have tears but it was because I was fighting them back so hard. It reminded me of the end of Zero Dark Thirty but instead of feeling like “what now” , I had a feeling of thank God that is over. It’s that much of a ride. The film exceeded my expectations and then some. It’s a great thriller full of suspense and powerful acting culminating in one of the greatest ten minutes of acting I’ve seen. Buying a twelve dollar ticket just to see the end of this film would be worth it my book. Bravo Mr. Hanks. 4.5/5 |
what a beautiful film
in the wrong section Ass Napkin Ed :(
crap, I'm sure it will be moved.
Moderator, move me to the appropriate section, thanks. |
lol, kudos on such "great" moderating I meant my thread not my comment, smh.
Stoker Anybody who is a fan of foreign cinema should be a fan of Korean cinema, and anybody who is a fan of Korean cinema HAS to be a fan of Park Chan-Wook. The man who gave us Oldboy and the rest of the vengeance trilogy gives us his first film in the English language which seems to be a common thing now from all the amazing Korean auteurs. I’m just glad this one didn’t star Arnold Schwarzenegger. Stoker does star Nicole Kidman, Mia Wasikowska, and the always creepy Matthew Goode. Goode plays the uncle of Wasikowska and brother in law to Nicole Kidman and enters the women’s lives after the death of his brother. This film is all over the place. Did you know Wentworth Miller writes screenplays? Yes, the Prison Break guy. Yeah I just found out too. This is his first one and it leaves a lot to be desired. You can’t just make everything that happens in the first sixty minutes a mystery and try to bring it all back in the last thirty. It’s a risky way to write and it didn’t work here. I can applaud the effort but it all just came out too rushed and illogical. Plus neither of these men know how people behave in high school but one has an excuse because he’s Korean. Miller’s screenplay killed the movie for me. There are two “saving graces” if one can call them that because I just didn’t like the film overall. One is the direction of Park Chan-Wook who filmed a gorgeous film filled with wonderful transitional shots and dark imagery. The second is the performance of Goode who really plays the creepy uncle well. He had this subdued but back door madness pinned down very well and he stole every scene. Kidman needs to stop with the plastic surgery. She has ruined her face. Not bad for a rent but don’t expect much besides a pretty film that made little sense. 2/5 |
Gravity What can be said that hasn’t been said already about Alfonso Cuarón’s masterpiece Gravity? First off I want to make an urgent plea for anybody reading this review to see this film in theaters, not only a theater, but a nice one. Go see this in an AMC with fake IMAX or travel and see it in the real thing. I’m going to be dishing out a lot of dough to see this in IMAX multiple times. It’s a theater experience you really CAN NOT MISS. That being said let’s get to the review. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my film of the year. This is arguably the most visceral theater going experience I’ve ever had as well. I forgot to breathe through the entire film. You may look at the run time of 90 minutes and feel sad that it isn’t longer. I couldn’t sit through a two and a half hour film like this. I would have a heart attack. From the absolutely stunning 12 minute first unbroken first shot to the rolling of the credits I couldn’t catch my breathe. I was in a constant state of intensity. Did I mention that there are only two actors in this film? TWO! It’s am achievement unlike any other to make such a flawless film with only two people. Cuarón steps in front of James Cameron for creating a world that we have never seen before but guess what…actually exists. Have you been to space? Yeah me neither. Well, this film takes you there. It’s the most realistic portrayal of space I have ever seen and according to most space people, is very accurate in depicting what would actually happen during a disaster like the one occurring in the film. Cuarón took a huge leap of faith by making a film with no explosion noises in the background. There is no sound in space and Michael Bay can suck a fat one after seeing this film. What was thought to take the audience out of the fear of doom actually made it that more horrifying. It’s a film that utilizes silence as a tool and utilizes it well. The film though is not completely silent. There is a wonderful booming score to really lift the dread through the roof. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It was wonderful. The acting is also very good. I’m not even talking about Clooney. George hams it up the only way he knows how and while it was wonderful to watch, it wasn’t a stretch from his normal screen personas. This is Sandra Bullocks movie. I’m not fan of hers. She’s always fallen into the category of “I don’t mind them as a person but holy **** do they annoy me on screen”. Bullock hasn’t been that annoying but she has had her moments. Not in this film. She carries it. From start to finish she does a fantastic job portraying a person in utter peril. I believed she was in danger and I was strung along wishing and hoping she’d be okay. The transformation she goes through in this film is outstanding and a great piece of writing. Don’t let the state of the art visuals and camera work fool you. This is an art film. It’s got this deep theme of rebirth and meaning of existence and a hint of religious overtones that make it more than a thriller in space. I obviously can’t go into much without giving away spoiler points but lets just say that Sandra Bullock goes through many stages of emotions that are artistically crafted through images. Speaking of images, I can’t say enough how floored I was by the look of this film. I’m a camera nerd and the shots in this thing are nothing I’ve ever seen. There are shots going through space and into helmets and back into space without cutting leaving me to wonder what kind of sorcery Cuarón concocted to pull these shots off. This is why it’s so utterly important to see this on the biggest screen possible. It just isn’t justifiable to see it on a small screen. This is my film of the year. This is the best action/thriller/sci fi movie I’ve seen in forever and I’ll be damned if something else comes along knocks this off as my number one film of 2013. When awards season comes around if this film doesn’t sweep the technical awards then they have no meaning anymore. There has never been a film like this and unless Cuarón decides to devote another seven years of his life to one project then there never will. Here I come Gravity. Prepare to take a lot of my money in the next two months. 5/5 |
Identity Thief
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...ief_Poster.jpg When I first saw the trailer for this, I saw that it was produced by the same guy who did Ted, and instantly I thought "oh great, another one of THESE movies", but man was I wrong. This movie was funny, clever, and very enjoyable to watch. I know that the fact that identity theft happens isn't a laughable manner, but this one in particular really does a good job in making a serious situation into a laughable one. I loved the chemistry between Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy that becomes evident throughout the movie. Some of the lines and actions in the movie had me in stitches because of how unexpected it was... Spoiler for movie:
Very happy that I enjoyed this, and some top notch acting as well. Definitely not the best movie of the year, but a far more enjoyable one than I was expecting. |
Note to self, do not take comedy recs from Ki.
I have a very immature sense of humor, so I like ****ty comedy.
Browncoats Redemption http://24000words.files.wordpress.co...redemption.jpg This fan made Serenity/Firefly sequel nonsense was horrible. This movie ranks up there with The Room for worst movies ever. The only difference is that this movie isn't in the so bad that it's good realm of watching. The captain of the new ship looks like a doppleganger of Mary Louise Parker. Also the token black guy looks like Romany Malco. I swore that it WAS him for so long until I ended up stopping the movie to go look it up. I thought the reason that he had so little lines was because he was a big name actor in this fan made thing and wasn't getting paid much so he decided to have as few lines as possible. I'm sure these fans are proud of their creation but they shouldn't be. It was gawd awful. Apollo 18 http://images.moviepostershop.com/ap...1010734969.jpg I'm so tired of found footage movies and I didn't know this one was going to be one of those types but bleh. It felt so incredibly long even though the runtime is only 90 mins. The only real excitement you get happens in the last 10 mins or so. The Collection http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/i...ter-xlarge.jpg Some good old torture porn if you aren't into that genre then you won't like this movie. There is some pretty twisted humor in it as well. Event Horizon http://cdn.static3.opensubtitles.org.../9/0119081.jpg I love that this film has reached cult classic status. I have seen it so many times but it never gets old to me. Penny Dreadful http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ovieposter.jpg I miss the After Dark Horrorfest. I went to the second and third festivals but this movie came out in the first set of 8 Films to Die for. It's basically about a girl with a phobia of cars and this hitchhiker starts messing with her because he knows about her fear. It lives up to the status quo that was set by After Dark by having a creative take on the old hitchhiker films. |
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/i...sjUyL-fjPK7kN- A film that is really an art house rumination on the usual subjects- life, death, loss, forgiveness, love and alienation. The premise of another earth appearing in the sky and forever growing closer each day with the suggestion that we have copies of ourselves on 'earth 2' makes our 2 main characters search for redemption via moody, lingering shots and scenes of near silence which will frustrate many but delight others. Low budget but thoughtfully made and there is a WTF ending that prompts more questions than it answers and I like that in films. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...Jjde-fLV3LBtDQ Now THAT'S how you make a film about the depressingly uptight and sterile place called England that still seems to be the view of our country at times despite being set in the 70's. Beautifully shot, sedately paced and brilliantly acted study of what it really means to be a spy. No glamour or girls, more paperwork and bureaucracy really. A tad confusing at times; it requires patience but a damn good film. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...or_6_UkxlBTX53 I watched this after a review recently on MB but couldn't find the post so TY whoever! Well I thought I was a film geek but some of these people have far too much time on their hands or are lucky enough to get paid to analyse films. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining film is scrutinised by fans and is seen as a film that has subliminal messages about any of the following: the holocaust, sexual frustration, government conspiracies and the moon landings and whilst most views are the result of watching the film far too many times there are a few scenes in the film that are open to conjecture. |
Saw this in IMAX tonight. It's a great film |
they are going to be playing The Shinning here in Reno in the theaters on the 30th....my buddy ryan and i have already both told our employers that we will quit if we miss this :)....i just gave him a copy of Room 237...and we both decided to use this theatrical experience to create our own meaning :) edit....is it true that Gravity opens with a 13 minute tracking shot? seeing it Saturday morning and very much looking forward to it |
If you get the chance check out this film if you haven't already: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_(2011_film) |
This Is The End (2013) I feel kind of dirty for laughing at this as much as I did, but a comedy movie can really only be judged on the merits of whether or not it made you laugh, and this did, quite a bit. |
Has anyone seen Gravity yet? I've been told it's good and plan on seeing it at the Cinema.
^I saw "gravity" it's worth seeing. I found "the end" predictable & unfunny.
I saw "the counselor" recently, it's okay. |
Okay I'm glad to hear another person enjoyed it. Pay day needs to speed up!
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