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Marley Great documentary that I felt gave a very full picture of him as a human being. I also was very fascinated by the evolving picture it painted of Jamaican culture and politics over the decades. |
oh **** im going crazy
D: |
The Fog (1980)
Although I've seen it quite a few times over the years, I just watched (in it's entirety) Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Is it me or is that 15 y.o. chick quite the slut. I'd hate to think my little girl was sneaking out at night for sex with a 26 year old. Holy crap someone would be gettin beat up. |
Smoke Signals (1998) I ended up watching this on Friday with my roommates because one of them had just recently read the book or something in one of her classes (I tend to zone out when she talks). I definitely enjoyed the movie and can shamefully admit that I probably would not have seen the movie if it had not been voted on 2/3, and I would have missed out on a genuinely insightful look into a facet of American/ Canadian heritage I'm pretty ignorant of. That's a roundabout way of me saying that it's a film that explores some of the trials and tribulations of modern Indians as well as the more universal feelings of love and hatred one sometimes feels for their family. Definitely worth a look if you want a dramedy that has its heart in the right place and looks into a portion of the North American population that we don't always acknowledge. |
I had no work today due to my car being in the shop so had a lazy day and watch some movies.
http://cdn-9.nflximg.com/images/0609/1060609.jpg Yeah, it took me this log to finally see this one, which is weird because I love Woody Allen. This is in my top three of his besides Sleeper and Deconstructing Harry. The great lines were great and the acting was wonderful. Great little movie. 9/10 http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV...0,214,317_.jpg Well that was a big pile of average. Ribisi was very good but he didn't save a boring and average script and a non emotional ending. Bleh. 4/10 http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV...0,214,317_.jpg The Posiden Adventure in a building. I liked it a lot but it was just too long. Can't complain though when you get to see Steve McQueen and Paul Newman together on the same creen. 8/10 http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV...0,214,317_.jpg Great campy fun. I love bad movies. Great soundtrack too. It's on Netflix Instant. 1/10 8/10 on a bad movie scale |
We've been pretty big on movie nights, being poor students, so I'll throw down a handful of the ones we've made it through recently.
Pulp Fiction: I find Tarrantino pretty hit or miss. It's strange, because I love so many of the qualities of his work, but I rarely find that they all come together at once for me. In the case of Pulp Fiction, I was honestly left wanting. 500 Days of Summer: Aw heck, this is just about the indie-pop-est film ever, but I really enjoyed it. Fracture: Saw this quite some time ago, and for some reason remember it being much longer and more complicated. Ah, growing up. The Ides of March: Probably need to have a good grasp of American politics to really enjoy this. Spent most of the film predicting an elaborate blackmail conspiracy that never came to fruition. Hmh. Lars and the Real Girl: Thought this incredibly boring when I was 17, but gave it another go and got a great deal more out of it as an adult. Cute film. Crazy Stupid Love: I could be gay for Emma Stone. Awkward, funny film. Drive: While I'm not sure it lived up to the amount of hype it has received, there's still something highly intriguing about this one. I think I liked it. Stay: Great premise, nice surprise, but some aspects of how they accomplished the conclusion are confusing and pissed me off. You might be sensing a theme here. |
^I think Ryan Gosling is the sort of actor girls like along with guys like Robert Pattinson and Matthew McConaughey.
None of them live up to old school Brad Pitt. I'm not gay, but I'd give it a try with him. Dude, needs to cut his hair and shave that awful goatee he's got now. He looks ****ing homeless.
Moderator cut: image removed |
Nah, all the other mentions on this page are really far off base.
Das Boot (The Boat), 1981, a West Germany movie about a fascist submarine caught in Atlantic war in 1941/2. Watched it two nights ago and still can't understand how this claustrophobic fiick kept my attention for almost five hours. According to wikipedia the actors spent months on location, so their growing exhaustion as film progresses is no makeup. Great movie, IMHO.
Today I watched Spirited Away of all things. A friend of mine nagged me to watch it for ages and lent me the DVD the other day, so I figured I'd give it a go. I've made a few rather negative comments about generic anime in the past but to call this generic would be a big fat lie because it's really quite brilliant. Well-written, well-animated, well-dubbed and altogether very well-rounded. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'd recommend it to anyone, even someone who hates everything remotely Japanese.
I've got two Japanese films on DVD which I've never watched, Spirit in the Shell and Blood the Last Vampire. They came with a magazine.
This is from Columbia of all places who are not really known for their film output but what a great little film. Shot on a shoestring budget on location on top of a mountain, it oozes menace and atmosphere. A group of soldiers have to secure a military outpost but find it deserted with evidence of mass slaughter there but only have a woman bricked behind a false wall guarded by superstitious paraphernalia as the only witness to what went on and she isn't talking. Refreshingly free of clichéd dialogue and exposition, it is a superbly shot film and has more in common with the film Session 9 than traditional Horror. No stupid shocks, twists or excessive gore to drive the film forward, it instead relies on acting chops and atmosphere as the soldiers slowly disintegrate into internal madness and desperation. The film doesn't provide any definitive answers as to what went on and is all the more rewarding for it. Proof again that throwing money at a film doesn't always produce the goods. |
Anyhow I watched this the other night. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...sleeppromo.jpg On my roommate's projector and high quality speakers, whilst laying on her bed stoned out of my mind. Some of the dream sequences really grooved with the way I was, and the story was still pretty easy to follow despite all the wackiness and my inebriated state. Still didn't completely blow me away though, at least in the way I was expecting given how many people I know have hyped on about it. Overall though a very enjoyable film and one of the easier "foreign" movies to get into if you're new to them, because there's a lot of English and Spanish in the movie as well as French. The guy was a complete tool though. |
Holy mother of god don't ever watch this piece of utter ****. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Ever. I'm not going to spoil key plots points, but I'm going to tell you what this movie consists of...no **** that, I'm spoiling ****. ****IN SPOILER ALERT
Just absolute ****. I've never seen so many plot holes. My god that was just horrible. -10/10 http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV...0,214,317_.jpg A lot of people said this didn't live up to what the first one was but I think the two films are pretty much identical minus the ending to the first. This one kicks off literally two minutes after the first one ends so you literally have the truest form of a sequel. I liked it. Had some genuine scares and good effects. The ending was a bit lame but overall I enjoyed it. I might have been a bit set up to like it due to the travesty that is Battle Royale 2 but so be it. 7/10 |
Neither of those pics are showing so I don't have any idea what movies you're talking about. |
They're Battle Royale II Requiem and REC 2, and yeah IMDB sucks for hotlinking pictures, they never show up unless they're already loaded in your browser's cache.
Anyways I thought REC 2 was pretty shit compared to the first one and judging from the trailers for the 3rd one it seems to be continuing that trend. At least it's reassuring that foreign countries can also completely fuck up their horror movies by turning them into soulless franchises. |
Well, I don't know how you could make a sequel of Battle Royale without just turning into just another ****ty cash in. It's not like the concept was particularly in need of any expanding.
Also, just curious, to anyone who's seen Hunger Games, is it really just a rip off of Battle Royale for the Twilight crowd as I tend to think it probably is? |
^ I have yet to see the second one but I heard it's pretty awful... I don't see how it can be as bad as reviews are saying it is but probably just more of the same. My friends who saw it liked it.
But the first one was great and apparenty there might be a third one. Seems like you can only get kidnapped so many times though before your family might as well be cursed for life... |
A lot of people (including my girlfriend) have described this as a full on grandma movie, meaning it plays out like a soap opera. I agree. Yet, I found the whole film entertaining and just flat out well done. It was emotional when it needed to be and funny when it could. Cruz wasn't as fantastic as her nomination might state but she was indeed very nice to watch. Overall it's a good little film and also my first taste of Almodovar. 7.5/10 http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV...0,214,317_.jpg That ending. Geez that ending was good. As a first watch I felt like it was a bit slow which for films that I like just means that it needs a second viewing. Those are the films that usually stick with me and leave a lasting impression. This could definitely be one of those films. The ending like I said was just very haunting and lasting and I'm looking forward to a second viewing after it sinks in more. 8/10 |
A Korean movie, Baby and Me
The best thing about the movie (imo) was actually Jennifer Lawrence who is charming and interesting to watch. I'd like to see her in more and better movies in the future. |
I had a fight with my girlfriend today so I stayed home and angrily watched movies. I have a problem.
http://www4.images.coolspotters.com/...ii-profile.jpg Yeah, I haven't seen some pretty popular movies. I loved the first film but never dove into the sequels. I have the third one on my dvr and will watch that soon. I didn't like it as much as the first but it was an acceptable sequel and worthy of my time. I do feel like they are a bit dated but damn are they fun to watch. 7/10 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...nt_running.jpg This is going to be a great rainy day movie that I hope to own one day. The special effects were wonderful as I kept trying to figure out how they fit a human being into those robots. I found my answer. Multiple amputees. 8/10 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...anetposter.jpg I thought this wasn't going to hold up well considering it's more than 60 years old but GOD DAMN did it hold up! Wonderful movie and a sci-fi essential. Leslie Nielson was weird to watch in a film where he isn't acting like a hilarious jackass. The monster felt WAY above its time effects wise. Great flick. 9/10 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oXx9HJjsqx...er-610x462.jpg Holy ****. HOLY ****. I'm not sure exactly what I just watched but it was really REALLY GOOD. The acting was fantastic, the violence was BRUTAL, and the ending was such in a world of WTF that I'm still not exactly sure what the hell just happened. Seriously. What the hell was that? I loved it. 10/10 |
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