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Howard the Duck 10-24-2012 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1243148)
The coolest French film ever made and far before Breathless made it into classic status. Gambling has never seemed so quixotic.

thought it was an only ok heist movie

have you seen any other Melville?

Le Doulos and Le Circle Rouge are much better

Goofle 10-24-2012 03:29 AM

I finally watched In the Loop last night and it was even better than I hoped it would be. And this is a massive compliment considering The Thick of It is one of my Top 10 TV Shows of all time. Brilliant writing, acting, direction and story line. The best political satire I have seen on the big screen (on my laptop).

debaserr 10-24-2012 04:25 PM

The Ladykillers (2004)

I remember being disappointed with this when I saw it in the theaters, but I think I appreciate it more with every viewing (I've watched it 3-5 times total). The whole thing is absolutely hilarious. It's nothing profound, but comedies usually aren't supposed to be. Don't trust the critics on this one. 85/100

Ruby Sparks (2012)

This was an engaging watch, but I couldn't identify with the characters at all. They are all super rich and the premise is quite dumb to be honest. Still, it's worth a shot if you want something light. 65/100

jackhammer 10-24-2012 05:38 PM
Yeah he has said some stupid **** but when he is on it there are very few actors out there with his screen presence. A great little action thriller with hints of black comedy, decent performances and cliche free dialogue and the Peckinpah inspired shootout halfway through is fantastic.

Frownland 10-24-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1243837)
Yeah he has said some stupid **** but when he is on it there are very few actors out there with his screen presence. A great little action thriller with hints of black comedy, decent performances and cliche free dialogue and the Peckinpah inspired shootout halfway through is fantastic.

Did you watch it again or are you just elaborating on your review? I might just check this one out.

jackhammer 10-24-2012 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1243841)
Did you watch it again or are you just elaborating on your review? I might just check this one out.

Watched it again before I have to send it back.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-24-2012 09:12 PM

I did not enjoy this sadly as I adore Audrey.

Guybrush 10-25-2012 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1243837)
Yeah he has said some stupid **** but when he is on it there are very few actors out there with his screen presence. A great little action thriller with hints of black comedy, decent performances and cliche free dialogue and the Peckinpah inspired shootout halfway through is fantastic.

I also liked Get the Gringo. Not completely brilliant, but good and entertaining from start to finish. It's been a while since I've seen Mel in front of the camera so that was fun too.

He's interesting to watch and did his role well. :)

Sparky 10-25-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1243950)
I also liked Get the Gringo. Not completely brilliant, but good and entertaining from start to finish. It's been a while since I've seen Mel in front of the camera so that was fun too.

He's interesting to watch and did his role well. :)

I just watched that. It reminded me a lot of Mad Max, which is funny. Just the way Mel Gibson has to take on a huge scrapyard full of goons.

Yac 10-25-2012 07:29 AM

Finished this trilogy yesterday. I have to say it's been one of the best movie experiences lately, certainly unique. The books this is based on are amazing (though I only read the 1st one so far), the movies are played very well, the script holds together most of the times. The viewer is never treated like an idiot, there are no "here, let me explain what's going on for the 100th time in case you didn't get it before" scenes.
The story is original, in fact this is I think the best aspect of this story - the moment you think you have it all figured out, when you feel you know what is going to happen ... it doesn't. You can feel this isn't an "American" movie. It's not that I don't like American movies, but more often than not they follow certain paths and after you see several, you can often safely assume and figure out what will happen next.
I must say I liked the actors in the US remake a bit more, but that's entirely subjective.
Finally, there are very graphic moments here. The 2 protagonists - journalist Mikael Blomkvist and a hacker Lisbeth Salander deal with sometimes very disturbing issues. Finally feel warned, there is also a drastic rape scene, this topic resurfaces several times and is always very difficult to watch. I think the filmmakers knew very well what they were doing here, they don't show as much as they could but the impression is just as strong as if they did.
Personally I'd give the whole trilogy 8/10.

Blarobbarg 10-25-2012 08:56 AM

Last night I watched the documentary Loving Lampposts. A fascinating, informative film about autism, and a look into the lives of various people of many ages who live with autism. I appreciated it greatly, I have several family members with autism or another developmental disorder, and my best friend's little brother (who I have known for years and years) has a very severe form of autism. It was a wonderful watch. I wish it had leaned a bit more heavily on the human interest side and less on the scholarly side, but that wasn't its point, so I'll accept it.

PS- The name of the film comes from the maker's son, who is autistic, who visits a park by their house and ritualistically goes to every single lamppost to "check on it."

jackhammer 10-25-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1244022)

Finished this trilogy yesterday. I have to say it's been one of the best movie experiences lately, certainly unique. The books this is based on are amazing (though I only read the 1st one so far), the movies are played very well, the script holds together most of the times. The viewer is never treated like an idiot, there are no "here, let me explain what's going on for the 100th time in case you didn't get it before" scenes.
The story is original, in fact this is I think the best aspect of this story - the moment you think you have it all figured out, when you feel you know what is going to happen ... it doesn't. You can feel this isn't an "American" movie. It's not that I don't like American movies, but more often than not they follow certain paths and after you see several, you can often safely assume and figure out what will happen next.
I must say I liked the actors in the US remake a bit more, but that's entirely subjective.
Finally, there are very graphic moments here. The 2 protagonists - journalist Mikael Blomkvist and a hacker Lisbeth Salander deal with sometimes very disturbing issues. Finally feel warned, there is also a drastic rape scene, this topic resurfaces several times and is always very difficult to watch. I think the filmmakers knew very well what they were doing here, they don't show as much as they could but the impression is just as strong as if they did.
Personally I'd give the whole trilogy 8/10.

Can't see the links (shame on you as a mod!) but it's the Girl Who trilogy and it is a decent run of films. The second part was a little weak but the courtroom scene in the final installment was superb and as a whole it is a great trilogy. I haven't seen the U.S remake of the first installment but it is supposed to be half decent.

Yac 10-26-2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1244229)
Can't see the links (shame on you as a mod!) but it's the Girl Who trilogy and it is a decent run of films. The second part was a little weak but the courtroom scene in the final installment was superb and as a whole it is a great trilogy. I haven't seen the U.S remake of the first installment but it is supposed to be half decent.

I linked to imdb, pics seemed fine here, didn't know they block hotlinking.. anyway, I hope it's fixed now ;)

The courtroom scene was amazing, maybe because it had little to do with your "average American movie court scene". I enjoyed it a lot too.
The US remake is great, some minor plot details are changed so even if you saw the original there will be surprises.

Outlucky 10-26-2012 07:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The last movie i saw was a South Indian flick Makkhi (In english: Housefly). Its a typical romantic story wherein the male lead is killed by the villian and he takes rebirth in the form of a Housefly (yes you read it right, a housefly), to take the revenge. Attaching a poster of the same.
Attachment 5010

LoathsomePete 10-26-2012 09:52 AM

Orca: The Killer Whale (1977)

Out of all the Jaws-clones that came after 1975, this one is probably one of the better ones. I enjoyed the early scene where the great white shark gets killed by the orca because it's the perfect symbolic "my monster can beat up your monster" ideology that probably helped create Pokemon. Anyways, I have to say the movie really did work as a whole and I found myself enjoying the stock footage scenes of orcas just swimming around while Ennio Morricone's soothing score played in the background. Oh and the scene where Richard Harris' character and the orca do the stare down was pretty awesome. Overall I really enjoyed this little movie, and while it's easily dismissed as just an imitator, I think it actually holds up pretty damn well.

Oh this is also the film that taught me that Bo Derek is an actress and not some 1970's version of the word "radical".

Hitch 10-26-2012 12:54 PM

Beauuuuutiful! 3 hours of extravagant visuals, and the rendition of the characters were very tasteful. I *think* I might be justified in saying that it certainly helps a lot if you've read the book (not necessarily for the story, but greater enjoyment of the dialogues and narrative style). Some humor aside, this is serious, big, bold and ambitious stuff. Patience may be required for some, but don't let those who may sneer at it get you distracted. Sit inside your own bubble and enjoy.

LoathsomePete 10-27-2012 11:31 AM,214,317_.jpg

Spirited Away (2001)

Loved it, like I love everything Miyazaki does. The man is one of the best storytellers I've come across and there's always so much detail in every frame. Not sure if I liked this better than Princess Mononoke but I definitely enjoyed it a little more than My Neighbor Totoro. I think I will take a bit of a break from his movies though, I want them to be treats thrown in every now and then, and not just binge on them like I've been doing. The film deserves every bit of praise it gets though, if you haven't seen it and you like fantasy you owe it to yourself to see it.

Blarobbarg 10-27-2012 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1244866),214,317_.jpg

Spirited Away (2001)

Loved it, like I love everything Miyazaki does. The man is one of the best storytellers I've come across and there's always so much detail in every frame. Not sure if I liked this better than Princess Mononoke but I definitely enjoyed it a little more than My Neighbor Totoro. I think I will take a bit of a break from his movies though, I want them to be treats thrown in every now and then, and not just binge on them like I've been doing. The film deserves every bit of praise it gets though, if you haven't seen it and you like fantasy you owe it to yourself to see it.

Miyazaki really just doesn't have a bad movie, period. Even his movies that don't match his typical quality are still fantastic.

Janszoon 10-27-2012 06:43 PM

Dead Snow
Pretty good Norwegian homage to Evil Dead. Despite a few bad green screen moments I thought it was a solid movie. A couple of good scares in the first half, plenty of laughs and gross out moments in the second half. What more can you ask for from Nazi zombies?

Big Ears 10-28-2012 06:32 AM

The A-Team (US 2010) and I lost interest after the first half an hour or so. It was big on computer effects, explosions, flight scenes, etc, but missed the characters and humour of the original. Liam Neeson was adequate in the George Peppard role, but the other actors were badly miscast. Maybe I'm particularly dense, but I could not make sense of the plot, which seemed to be muddled, with little or no logic. It is a pity that the cast of the original TV series did not make a feature-length film at the time. However, any episode of the TV series would be preferable to this film.

I do not know if it is just me, but I found the dialogue to be muffled and inaudible.

Howard the Duck 10-28-2012 07:06 AM

will probably be watching "Skyfall" on Monday

Janszoon 10-28-2012 08:47 PM

Pontypool (2009)
A great example of what you can do on a minimal budget with a good script and good actors. This movie mostly takes place on one set with a small group of characters, and shows surprisingly little, but still manages to be tense and clever. The less you know going in the better, but it's a pretty original horror premise presented in a very unique way, with a great performance from Stephen McHattie.

LoathsomePete 10-29-2012 08:56 AM

Instant Netflix has been recommending that movie to me for ages, I may have to finally break down and watch it, once I get Xbox Live Gold and can start watching Netflix on my TV again.

Anyhow I watched this last night

Evolution (2001)

Ivan Reitman has an interesting career because there's a couple of films by him we all love to point out as comedic classics, but then there's films like Kindergarden Cop and Junior that we like to make excuses for by saying how he directed Ghostbusters and Stripes. I'm not sure where Evolution sits on this list, at times its got some really funny parts and David Duchovny and Orlando Bloom have a really good chemistry together, but there are some really unsubtle symbolism and themes that seem kind of preachy at times that I never really noticed until last night. By the end I was just kind of looking forward to the movie being over, which is a bummer because this has always been one of those films I liked to tout as an underrated gem from the early '00's and one of the better sci-fi comedies. Still if you're a fan of Ghostbusters and Men in Black then you'll probably get a few laughs out of this.

debaserr 10-29-2012 09:43 AM

I remember going into that with really low expectations and saying afterwords: "That was actually pretty awesome".

Janszoon 10-29-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1245275)
Evolution (2001)

Ivan Reitman has an interesting career because there's a couple of films by him we all love to point out as comedic classics, but then there's films like Kindergarden Cop and Junior that we like to make excuses for by saying how he directed Ghostbusters and Stripes. I'm not sure where Evolution sits on this list, at times its got some really funny parts and David Duchovny and Orlando Bloom have a really good chemistry together, but there are some really unsubtle symbolism and themes that seem kind of preachy at times that I never really noticed until last night. By the end I was just kind of looking forward to the movie being over, which is a bummer because this has always been one of those films I liked to tout as an underrated gem from the early '00's and one of the better sci-fi comedies. Still if you're a fan of Ghostbusters and Men in Black then you'll probably get a few laughs out of this.

I felt the same way about that movie. It was entertaining but not great, basically Ghostbusters with aliens instead of ghosts. The thing that saves it for me, as you mentioned, is the chemistry between the actors. Not just Duchovny and Bloom, but all of them really seemed like they were having a good time filming with each other and that translates into it being fun to watch.

Thom Yorke 10-29-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hitch (Post 1244593)

Not sure if I want to go through with seeing this or not. I definitely think it will be way too ambitious for my tastes, but because of the fact that it's going to be so ambitious, I almost feel like I have to see it.

LoathsomePete 10-29-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1245292)
I remember going into that with really low expectations and saying afterwords: "That was actually pretty awesome".

Yeah it's definitely a better movie if you severely lower your expectations, but this is the guy who directed Ghostbusters so the idea that I have to lower my expectations for one of his movies is kind of ludicrous to begin with.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1245298)
I felt the same way about that movie. It was entertaining but not great, basically Ghostbusters with aliens instead of ghosts. The thing that saves it for me, as you mentioned, is the chemistry between the actors. Not just Duchovny and Bloom, but all of them really seemed like they were having a good time filming with each other and that translates into it being fun to watch.

They all did have a good chemistry, but I think it took them a little too long to fully team up so Duchovny and Bloom stand out the most as they were together the entire movie. Sean William Scott was a pretty good character even if he was a little one-note, but given this was only 2-years after American Pie it's hard to begrudge him for not being as good as he was in later movies like Goon (2011).

debaserr 10-29-2012 02:34 PM

I hated pretty much everything about Ghostbusters except Murray, who was amazing.

Janszoon 10-29-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1245434)
I hated pretty much everything about Ghostbusters except Murray, who was amazing.


Sparky 10-29-2012 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1245298)
I felt the same way about that movie. It was entertaining but not great, basically Ghostbusters with aliens instead of ghosts.

WOAH what?1?!

debaserr 10-29-2012 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1245439)

Hey, at least I watched it without sentimental bias. I'm pretty sure you are old, so you were probably at least in high school when it came out.

Janszoon 10-29-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1245447)
Hey, at least I watched it without sentimental bias. I'm pretty sure you are old, so you were probably at least in high school when it came out.


Blarobbarg 10-29-2012 10:58 PM

I wasn't even born yet when it came out, and it's still one of my favorite comedies. So your argument is invalid.

FRED HALE SR. 10-30-2012 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Blarobbarg (Post 1245536)
I wasn't even born yet when it came out, and it's still one of my favorite comedies. So your argument is invalid.

I can see where Eric is coming from, it was great for its time. Just the soundtrack alone makes me cringe a bit. I'd have to say Ackroyd and Moranis were also pretty funny. And Sigourney Weaver was smoking.

Blarobbarg 10-30-2012 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1245628)
I can see where Eric is coming from, it was great for its time. Just the soundtrack alone makes me cringe a bit. I'd have to say Ackroyd and Moranis were also pretty funny. And Sigourney Weaver was smoking.

The cheesiness is part of what makes it hilarious. It's an accidental funny. :p:

The Batlord 10-30-2012 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1245628)
And Sigourney Weaver was smoking.

I don't get the whole thing with Sigourney Weaver. I seem to remember thinking she was reasonably attractive in some movie, but in just about everything I've seen her in, I would basically rate her a six (and a low six at that).

Janszoon 10-30-2012 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1245628)
I can see where Eric is coming from...

Really? I couldn't make heads or tails of his implication that future nostalgia can somehow effect a movie watching experience when the movie is new.

Violent & Funky 10-31-2012 09:26 PM

I still think its funny you guys had an entire discussion about Orlando Bloom being in Evolution... :laughing:

Janszoon 10-31-2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 1246177)
I still think its funny you guys had an entire discussion about Orlando Bloom being in Evolution... :laughing:

Good catch! :laughing:

LoathsomePete 10-31-2012 09:28 PM

Yeah... that was a goof on my part. I apologize to Mr. Jones and for what it's worth I think he'd make a great Legolas.

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