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NSW 03-30-2009 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 625254)
Jason Statham has the charisma and talent of a lamp post. I don't care if he has a six/eight pack he's still on my naughty list... and he's balding by the looks of it (HA!)

Yeah...and if I ever got the chance to lick his bald head I would do it in a heart beat....mmmmm......


adidasss 03-30-2009 06:27 AM

I'm telling your husband about this!

NSW 03-30-2009 06:34 AM

Well they don't call me the nonsubmissivewife for nothin'....

coryallen2 03-30-2009 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 625267)
Well they don't call me the nonsubmissivewife for nothin'....

o god help her:jailed:

Molecules 03-30-2009 07:04 AM

well there's no accounting for taste... Marijan has got the right idea with his avvy I think although that is not the best photo :p:

I was finally forced into seeing Zeitgeist, the notorious (/popular?) viral documentary that either pulls back the curtain or promotes paranoid regression, depending on your POV. These were ideas we've all come across before collected and presented as a coherent package with large patches of unsubstantiated join-the-dots conspiracy logic...
Part 1 attempts to debunk Christianity and indeed most organized religion;
Part 2 highlights the central banks as the financial elite pulling all the strings and maintaining control over a divided populace;
Part 3 attempts to demonstrate how these 'realities' are connected with the world wars, Vietnam and Iraq, terrorist attacks etc.

In the last quarter the film-maker's real agenda comes out, and it's an admirable one to be sure. Although upon googling the Venus Project's website (of which Zeitgeist is described as the activist arm) I couldn't help but think of Logan's Run...
Even if it was mostly/entirely tripe/unprovable the film has been streamed for free since release and as long as you aren't naive and impressionable going into this you shouldn't be left too bitter. Part 1 in particular was interesting and the parallels seemed undeniable (I personally believe it), but who's to really know what the truth is without going to the libraries and archives and spending 20 years researching it yourself?

adidasss 03-30-2009 07:41 AM

Yeah, unfortunately I was one of the impressionable and after googling and youtubing the various debunks (of the first part in particular) I was left with a rather bitter taste in my mouth. So much so that I've begun to suspect the credence of every single documentary...:\

Molecules 03-30-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 625324)
Yeah, unfortunately I was one of the impressionable and after googling and youtubing the various debunks (of the first part in particular) I was left with a rather bitter taste in my mouth. So much so that I've began to suspect the credence of every single documentary...:\

i know the feeling =/
Did you see the 'sequel'? It's frustrating because that one in particular really brought things together in respect to me and my general worldview, throwing off the shackles of a fragmented, monetary and doctrine-based society and starting all over again etc etc... but it all kind of hinges on the fact that all this globalization is a reality beyond a shadow of a doubt... there's just that shadow of a doubt. And it's not my indoctrinated mindset and philosophies that's causing me to deny something... but yet what more proof could you possibly require?
I'm a bit confused at the moment but both were certainly docs tailor made for the lefty/enlightened socialist/what-the-f*ck-ever part that consumes my very being no matter how much I try to enjoy being a slave in a world of morons. If nothing else Zeitgeist at least got to the point for me in a philosophical sense... I'm sure there's a huge thread on this where if I posted I would be told why everything I think and feel is wrong in handy bullet-point, paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown form. So here it stays!

Back to the movies people, nowt t'see here!

I'm about to watch 'Come And See' on DVD (gasp). Yaaay!

adidasss 03-30-2009 12:56 PM

Ahh, I'm looking forward to reading your opinions about it...:)

jackhammer 03-30-2009 02:13 PM

Come and See has been on my rental list forever but they still won't send it. Bastards.

adidasss 03-30-2009 03:02 PM

You spend money on all sorts of crap, you can afford to buy a genuinely good film. Even if you don't like it, you definitely won't forget it...;)

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