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Mouseketeer 09-16-2007 01:33 PM

Analyse This - It pretty much sucked and was one of the most predictable films I think I ever saw.

Laces Out Dan! 09-16-2007 03:46 PM

Tarintino's Death Proof. First half was amazing. Second half was good. Coolest death scene ever.

Sparky 09-16-2007 04:40 PM


you would think blowjob while hacking into governemt while killing people by use of helicopter carrying bus would make for an entertaining movie

it didnt
it sucked.

jackhammer 09-16-2007 05:21 PM

Swordfish? You really should'nt have..

3.10 To Yuma has a great cast. I'm not a big fan of westerns, but this is worth a look.

Superbad is quickly becoming a cult favourite.

Anaylse This-Oh dear Mr De Niro what have you become?

The Dave 09-16-2007 05:28 PM

Superbad, and it was actually fairly hilarious.

GravitySlips 09-17-2007 02:21 PM

El Topo

weird as hell.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-17-2007 05:10 PM

Superbad. It was pretty good.

jackhammer 09-17-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips (Post 398670)
El Topo

weird as hell.

Jodoworsky is one hell of a film maker. Check out SANTA SANGRE. It is slightly more accessible but still completely surreal. Probably the one and only GENUINE arthouse horror movie. Some of the shot compositions are breathtaking.

Mojo jojo 09-17-2007 07:46 PM

The Matrix

djchameleon 09-18-2007 04:22 AM

I saw Shoot 'Em Up last night. I loved the way they paid homage to bugs bunny and elmer fudd

GravitySlips 09-19-2007 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 398734)
Jodoworsky is one hell of a film maker. Check out SANTA SANGRE. It is slightly more accessible but still completely surreal. Probably the one and only GENUINE arthouse horror movie. Some of the shot compositions are breathtaking.

yeah I'll be checking some more of his, I was looking at a boxed set of Santa Sangre, El Topo and The Holy Mountain (?) today. I'm going to buy it I think, but these damn foreign films are expensive.

GravitySlips 09-19-2007 09:54 AM

oh and I saw Superbad.

I liked it a lot. Michael Cira is excellent.

DontRunMeOver 09-19-2007 12:04 PM

Romper Stomper. Apart from a few scenes of hoardes of Vietnamese guys chasing skinheads down the street, it was crap.

MURDER JUNKIE 09-19-2007 12:18 PM

All of you should watch the Ilsa Trilogy, they are a visual masterpiece. A true feast for the senses

DVD Reviews - Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks & Ilsa, the Wicked Warden

jackhammer 09-19-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver (Post 399214)
Romper Stomper. Apart from a few scenes of hoardes of Vietnamese guys chasing skinheads down the street, it was crap.

Whaaat? It's a great film. It shifts your sympathies constantly, and gives us the idea of Karma-what goes around, comes around. Sure, it's a bit rough around the edges, but it's a powerful film. Try MADE IN BRITAIN if you want something similar. It was made way back in 1982, but it still packs a punch.

----All of you should watch the Ilsa Trilogy, they are a visual masterpiece. A true feast for the senses---

Whoah Eurotrash alert. These are very much an acquired taste. I think they are OK, but most of FRANCO'S output was terrible. If you know these then we should have a chat about movies some time. You know your'e exploitation!

adidasss 09-22-2007 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 398347)

you would think blowjob while hacking into governemt while killing people by use of helicopter carrying bus would make for an entertaining movie

it didnt
it sucked.

It has Hugh Jackman in it. He's superhot. Plus, it's rather a good,action packed thriller, surprisingly good I'd say.

OT: Hot the fookin' chain.:laughing:

MURDER JUNKIE 09-22-2007 07:13 AM

Let's talk about Swordfish:

Halle Berry's tit's = 5 star film

In my world it gets an Academy Award

tdoc210 09-22-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 394339)
i saw the jacket expecting the same watered-down paranoia film like all the others, but it was actually really good :>

i watched "bug" the other day, which is interesting in the beginning but fall flats at the end, good acting though :)

bout some crazy schitzophenic army guy and his crack-head gf who think bugs are in their skin and **** xD

more likely meff

Mouseketeer 09-22-2007 02:01 PM

Run, Fat Boy, Run

It was really quite poor. Very predictable and clichéd. Also an annoying amount of children and menopausal women in the audience who howled over every swearword. But as regards to the film another, bad attempt at a British comedy film.

anticipation 09-22-2007 02:03 PM

Blow with Johnny Depp, one of my all time favorite movies.

If you haven't seen it, then go rent it or stell it or whatever right now,
but don't forget to do some lines before you watch it.

adidasss 09-22-2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 399733)
Let's talk about Swordfish:

Halle Berry's tit's = 5 star film

In my world it gets an Academy Award

Actually, her tits are kinda saggy...:|

holdyoualways 09-22-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 399814)
Actually, her tits are kinda saggy...:|

women with big boobs or women who dont wear bras = sagginess no matter what
unless you like tits the size of kiwis youre pretty much always gonna have to deal with sag

MURDER JUNKIE 09-22-2007 04:15 PM

For a woman her age it's actually very forgiving, I'd rather something that sags a little to something completely spherical with a big scar under the nipple.

This from a porn fan!!!!

adidasss 09-22-2007 04:55 PM

And they're kinda small...:\

OT: 28 weeks later...meh...

jackhammer 09-22-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny (Post 399809)
Blow with Johnny Depp, one of my all time favorite movies.

If you haven't seen it, then go rent it or stell it or whatever right now,
but don't forget to do some lines before you watch it.

I thought BLOW was so predictable and badly directed myself!. I was really looking forward to this, but I felt so let down considering the talent involved.

I recently watched SCRAPBOOK. Here is a link, but it is explicit (seriously). As a low budget film it is very effective, and is surprisingly intelligent, but I did feel uncomfotably dirty after watching this.

Scrapbook DVD

Sparky 09-23-2007 12:14 AM

3-10 to Yuma

great directing and great acting still can't save a flawed script

really disappointed with this one, definitely not Russell crowes best performance.

Looking forward to seeing eastern promises (awful title) next though

joyboyo53 09-26-2007 01:24 PM

interstella 555, its the movie/anime that was made using the daft punk 'discovery' album as the soundtrack/dialog... it was really bad ass.

Laces Out Dan! 09-26-2007 07:08 PM

Watched Of Mice and Men the last 2 days in English after reading the novel.

djchameleon 09-27-2007 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 399945)
3-10 to Yuma

great directing and great acting still can't save a flawed script

really disappointed with this one, definitely not Russell crowes best performance.

Looking forward to seeing eastern promises (awful title) next though

There wasn't anything wrong with the script imo. I enjoyed the movie and I don't even like westerns.

I went to see The Brave One yesterday. I was totally surprised by it because I wasn't sure what it was about. Jodie Foster definitely gave an oscar-worthy performance in it.

The next movie i'm going to see is also eastern promises....probably this saturday....don't judge a movie by it's title :P....the title might have meaning and depth

Son of JayJamJah 09-27-2007 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_ (Post 401005)
Watched Of Mice and Men the last 2 days in English after reading the novel.

Did you like the book?

Sparky 09-27-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 401151)
There wasn't anything wrong with the script imo. I enjoyed the movie and I don't even like westerns.

I went to see The Brave One yesterday. I was totally surprised by it because I wasn't sure what it was about. Jodie Foster definitely gave an oscar-worthy performance in it.

The next movie i'm going to see is also eastern promises....probably this saturday....don't judge a movie by it's title :P....the title might have meaning and depth

they had the characters constantly switching roles without any meaningful reasons why, Russell Crowes' character was awfully cute in dialog too, a little too much for my liking..


and russell crowe puts himself on the train? WTF? 2 seconds ago he was killing a dude with a fork!

I'm excited for eastern promises too :P

Laces Out Dan! 09-27-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 401204)
Did you like the book?

yea, I did. Steinbeck is a great writer. He writes the most subtle details that you can pick up as a reader and they really make the scenes. It was a good short read.

DearJenny 09-27-2007 11:13 PM

Moulin Rouge for the billionth time last night.

Son of JayJamJah 09-27-2007 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_ (Post 401344)
yea, I did. Steinbeck is a great writer. He writes the most subtle details that you can pick up as a reader and they really make the scenes. It was a good short read.

I'm not a huge Steinbeck guy, I thought Graoes of Wrath was sort of boring although yes he has a superb knack fro creating beautiful detailed imagery and noting subtleties other authors overlook.

Who else do you read mr. Les Paul, who I've still never talked to here.

cardboard adolescent 09-27-2007 11:26 PM

Eastern Promises was the last thing I saw in theatres, but I didn't think it was all that great, Cronenberg's recent films are kind of lackluster. I just got done watching Palindromes, which was a really weird dark movie and just before that I watched Nausicaa Valley of the Wind which was a pretty good film.

Laces Out Dan! 09-27-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 401549)
I'm not a huge Steinbeck guy, I thought Graoes of Wrath was sort of boring although yes he has a superb knack fro creating beautiful detailed imagery and noting subtleties other authors overlook.

Who else do you read mr. Les Paul, who I've still never talked to here.

To be honest, I really dont read all that much. If you would have any suggestions of some good reads It'd be much appreciated.

The Dave 09-27-2007 11:54 PM

I watched Little Shop of Horrors, not because I wanted to, but my friends were watching it, so yeah. It's like a fairly low budget musical about a mutant plant that has to have human blood in order to stay alive, and they sing and such.

jackhammer 09-28-2007 02:31 AM


A low budget Horror/Family drama that has some interesting ideas on vampires. It reminded me of NEAR DARK (without the stunning visuals) and more especially Romero's MARTIN in that it depicts Vampirism as an illness. A lot of people will find this boring as hell, as it's quite subtle. I enjoyed it.


All hail the cheese! I just fancied a trip down memory lane and the quite frankly awful P.A did the trick. I enjoyed it purely for nostalgia.

adidasss 09-28-2007 04:40 AM


At times mindbogglingly brilliant. Visually, the most spectacular anime I've ever seen.

ProggyMan 09-28-2007 10:15 PM

"How can you never be wrong?"
"If it's your job to never be wrong."
Loove that movie...Almost as good as:
"I am the walrus! I am the walrus!"
"Shut the **** up Donny."

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