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Unknown Soldier 07-10-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1207387)

This is me talking. Not really a good example but I don't have any other videos really of me talking. It was a flood in my town by the way...

Yep, I understood when you said hi to your neighbour.

Exo 07-10-2012 06:38 PM

Good. I'm glad we understand each other.

Janszoon 07-10-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1207381)
I understood all of that easily enough.

The Philly Accent - YouTube

Yeah, that's not what I'm talking about. That dude is from Bucks County, not the city, and very far removed culturally from my neighborhood. If I can find a video of what I'm talking about I'll post it for you.

Janszoon 07-10-2012 11:10 PM

A quick rundown of movies I've seen in the past few days:

Finally saw this tonight. It's easily Scott's best movie since Blade Runner. Nice slow build up to the kind of remorseless tragedy that I'd expect from the old Scott. There better be a sequel in the works though because there were a few too many things left unresolved.

Very good, but not Pixar good. The animation was beautiful of course and it was nice to see a female-centered Pixar movie but it felt too much like a Disney movie to me. I did still enjoy it though, and it was a million times better than Cars 2.

Funny People
I feel like somewhere inside this mediocre movie was a fantastic movie trying to get out. If only Aptow could have decided what he wanted the movie to be about, it would have been great I'm sure.

21 Jump Street
Funny and enjoyable for what it was, though certainly not destined to be a favorite of mine. I remember having a conversation with my neighbors a while ago on the night they saw this movie and they were telling me how funny it was, even though they had no idea it was a remake of a TV show until I brought it up. It seems to me that you wouldn't get about 25% of the references in the movie if you didn't know about the TV show but I guess it's a testament to how funny it was that it works even at 3/4 power.

debaserr 07-10-2012 11:13 PM

I think 21 Jump St is much better if you were in high school somewhere between the 90s and mid 00s.

Janszoon 07-10-2012 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1207519)
I think 21 Jump St is much better if you were in high school somewhere between the 90s and mid 00s.

Could be. I'd imagine it works best if you used to watch the show, like I did.

debaserr 07-10-2012 11:25 PM

Maybe, but there were so many references to how it was different now than when they were in HS. Most of them had me on the floor.

Janszoon 07-10-2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1207523)
Maybe, but there were so many references to how it was different now than when they were in HS. Most of them had me on the floor.

I guess. I went to high school in 90s and watched the show when it was originally on so I suppose that would put me in the prime demographic for the laughs.

Howard the Duck 07-11-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207354)
I think John Ratzenberger was the only American in the cast, wasn't he? And he lived in London in his twenties so that should make him an expert on all things Scottish according to Howard.

well whatever

pretty pointless debate, really

it just doesn't sound Scottish to me

and hasn't Billy Conolly been mostly living in London anyway?

Janszoon 07-11-2012 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1207527)
well whatever

pretty pointless debate, really

it just doesn't sound Scottish to me

and hasn't Billy Conolly been mostly living in London anyway?

No idea, but I don't see how living in London would make his accent sound more American.

LoathsomePete 07-11-2012 09:28 AM

Immortals (2011)

Caught this on Instant Netflix last night and am a little perplexed as to why the film only has 2 stars. I mean it's not perfect by any means, the second act really drags on because the film makes the time to try and flesh out all these broad, archetypical characters, mistakingly believing that the audience will care about their motivations. There's some story structure problems too, but that's always the case with Greek drama, and the film is a little too fond of filming in really dark locations which makes it hard to see what's going on. But you know what it doesn't have? Fucking goddamn shaky-cam in every god damn shot like Wrath of the Titans, and that's just enough to make it far better. There's some absolutely beautiful cinematography, lush wideshots, and each frame looks like a painting that you could put up on a wall. Besides that the action is really good, especially in the third act when the Olympian Gods and Titans fight, it looks like a Mortal Kombat fight, except each hit is a fatality.

Basically it's an arthouse action movie that has a very similar story to thousands of other movies you may have seen, but a different look and feel to thousands of movies you may have seen, and to me that's enough.

Exo 07-11-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207579)
No idea, but I don't see how living in London would make his accent sound more American.

Why are you continuing to correct him? I mean it's only a pointless debate.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1207762)
Why are you continuing to correct him? I mean it's only a pointless debate.

Is there any other kind on the internet? :)

Exo 07-11-2012 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207765)
Is there any other kind on the internet? :)

Wait, everything is. I guess the internet shouldn't exist.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1207768)
Wait, everything is. I guess the internet shouldn't exist.

I still love it.

Howard the Duck 07-11-2012 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1207629)

Immortals (2011)

Caught this on Instant Netflix last night and am a little perplexed as to why the film only has 2 stars. I mean it's not perfect by any means, the second act really drags on because the film makes the time to try and flesh out all these broad, archetypical characters, mistakingly believing that the audience will care about their motivations. There's some story structure problems too, but that's always the case with Greek drama, and the film is a little too fond of filming in really dark locations which makes it hard to see what's going on. But you know what it doesn't have? Fucking goddamn shaky-cam in every god damn shot like Wrath of the Titans, and that's just enough to make it far better. There's some absolutely beautiful cinematography, lush wideshots, and each frame looks like a painting that you could put up on a wall. Besides that the action is really good, especially in the third act when the Olympian Gods and Titans fight, it looks like a Mortal Kombat fight, except each hit is a fatality.

Basically it's an arthouse action movie that has a very similar story to thousands of other movies you may have seen, but a different look and feel to thousands of movies you may have seen, and to me that's enough.

yeah i love that as well

dunno why it got such crummy reviews

easily the best movie of last year, for me, anyways

jackhammer 07-14-2012 06:54 PM
It went exactly as I thought it would. The usual mix of cliched stereotypes in an ensemble movie (a fatherless one, a jock, a nerd etc) it has the usual DIY camera and a soundtrack with Indie pretentiousness.

On the plus side it has some amazing performances from it's young cast and the film's screenplay is always questioning your moral stance but I would recommend the little seen River's Edge made nearly 20 years earlier for a similarly themed film.

River's Edge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exo 07-14-2012 07:10 PM

I would just watch Brick again.

Howard the Duck 07-14-2012 11:17 PM

again, starts off promising enough - thought it was gonna be a futuristic espionage piece

later downgrades into a "save the VIP from deranged psychos" flick

the first 10 minutes also have some pretty neat visuals, but after that, just lock, stock, barrel any 2000s sci-fi movie


Janszoon 07-15-2012 09:44 AM

Well this movie was a hell of lot better than I had been lead to believe. It's not the greatest movie of all time or anything but I'd say it was on par with Iron Man and Captain America and better than the last Hulk movie.

Alfred 07-15-2012 11:37 AM
The Thin Red Line
Fantastic movie as far as cinematography, acting, and emotional power go, but like many reviewers have commented, it's a bit unfocused and not entirely sure what it wants to be. About 5/6 of the way in there's a really long set of dialogue that feels like closure, and then a whole new fighting scene comes in afterwards. I would have cut some of that dialogue to make the movie drag less and feel more focused. Overall, I was quite impressed. This movie is basically The Tree Of Life set in the pacific theater (or rather The Tree Of Life is this movie set in 1950's America), and I love both war movies and The Tree Of Life, so this was a treat. 8.5/10

bob. 07-15-2012 12:46 PM

A Thin Red Line was amazing and unfortunately over shadowed by the other rather good WW2 film that came out that year


so i finally found a decent copy of this that was not a cam and not in german....what was funny was the comments on the torrent page....all of them rated the video and audio at top....but almost everybody was saying the film itself was horrible....all i could think was "did you not know you were going to watch a movie about a space nazi invasion from the dark side of the moon?"

needless to say.....they were all WRONG

to my surprise the movie is actually very well done and with a much higher budget than i expect.....the visuals in the film itself were as good as any big budget blockbuster and the plot (as hilarious as it is) was actually really good with tons of subtle jokes in it.....just yesterday the film finally picked up USA distribution and will be opening in theaters in select cities (not mine i'm sure) and has actually already sold out screenings!

if you can dig on some well made b-movie fun i highly suggest this masterpiece.....and lets face it....watching nazi's getting their buts kicked is always fun...they make such great bad guys

Phantom Limb 07-15-2012 01:54 PM

This movie was a lot of fun. I picked it out randomly at the movie store because I was in the mood for a vampire flick and this was very satisfying. Colin Farrell makes an awesome vampire by the way. 8/10

Janszoon 07-15-2012 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1208781)

This movie was a lot of fun. I picked it out randomly at the movie store because I was in the mood for a vampire flick and this was very satisfying. Colin Farrell makes an awesome vampire by the way. 8/10

Have you seen the original?

bob. 07-15-2012 02:05 PM

they re-made fright night!


jackhammer 07-15-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1208796)
they re-made fright night!


Because the Horror movies from Europe and the far east are far better than what mainstream America spews forth so to compensate they remake everything pre 1990 in the hope that they can claw back some credibility.

It hasn't worked.

Phantom Limb 07-15-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1208784)
Have you seen the original?

I haven't, but I assume I should.

LoathsomePete 07-16-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1208848)
Because the Horror movies from Europe and the far east are far better than what mainstream America spews forth so to compensate they remake everything pre 1990 in the hope that they can claw back some credibility.

It hasn't worked.

Just think... in a few more years it's going to be remakes of horror movies made in the '90's *shudders*


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1208900)
I haven't, but I assume I should.

It's a cult classic and pretty much the original high school vampire movie (it predates The Lost Boys by two years). If you're still in a vampire mood, I would definitely recommend the 1987 film Near Dark.

The Batlord 07-16-2012 10:42 AM

*unrelated gripe*

Why the **** does it always say there is an extra page at the bottom of this particular thread, but there isn't? It doesn't really inconvenience me in any way, but it's annoying.

Alfred 07-16-2012 06:37 PM

It does that with a lot of lengthy threads. I assume it's due to past deleted posts, but maybe a mod knows better.

Blarobbarg 07-16-2012 08:00 PM

Let's see...

Super 8 was good, surprisingly so. The child actors were some of the best I have seen recently. Although the alien stuff is good, the real beauty in this movie is the character relationships and growth.

If you liked The Goonies, but wanted a bit more Independence Day in it, Super 8 is for you. Fittingly, I rate this movie 8/10.

Summer Wars. A Japanese animated film with beautiful voice acting, great characters, and stunning artwork. The story? Um...

Basically, it takes place somewhere within a few years of now where some online hub known as Oz has pretty much taken over the world. Basically, Facebook combined with every single message board, video game, and megastore on earth, all at once. Almost every person in the world has an account, and it stores pretty much everything you own in its servers. You can buy music, books, food, houses and more through Oz. Millions have jobs taking care of it.

Then, predictably, **** hits the fan.

Summer Wars is incredibly entertaining, even if it's not a classic anime movie. If you enjoy anime and want a silly grin on your face, this movie is for you. 7/10.

Trollhunter. I'm sure most of you have heard of this by now, and if not, I highly suggest it. This is an utterly ridiculous, off-beat, so-bad-it's-awesome kind of movie. I mean, its very premise makes you laugh. "Norwegian troll hunting mockumentary." There isn't anything else to say. And as insane as it is, it's still the best B-movie I've ever seen. 8/10.

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 12:07 PM

The last 3 movies I've seen were:
Hard Candy
The Human Centipede
Factory Girl

Exo 07-17-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1209443)
The last 3 movies I've seen were:
Hard Candy
The Human Centipede
Factory Girl

You should tell us how you liked them.

LoathsomePete 07-17-2012 12:55 PM

And which one wanted to make you gouge out your eyes more, The Human Centipede or Factory Girl.

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1209455)
You should tell us how you liked them.

Hard Candy had a great idea but as soon as it was over the first thing that i thought was wow i wasted 2 hours watching this for it to end like this!?!
The dude was weird but he didn't molest her or anything so did he really deserve to die?

Factory girl was ridiculous especially the way Bob Dylan was portrayed lol
I wonder what Dylan himself thought of the movie..It's always great to see something that included Andy Warhol I just didn't enjoy the movie overall and the Edie girl was so ****ing annoying...The only reason I watched it was because my girlfriend loves it so much and recommended it numerous times.

I don't want to seem cynical but these movies weren't as great as I thought they were going to be..

Now I'm watching human centipede right now and it's very disturbing :) I'm enjoying it so far..Very eerie ;)

Have you see any of these movies?

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1209459)
And which one wanted to make you gouge out your eyes more, The Human Centipede or Factory Girl.

Definitely Factory Girl :yikes: What about you?

LoathsomePete 07-17-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1209467)
Hard Candy had a great idea but as soon as it was over the first thing that i thought was wow i wasted 2 hours watching this for it to end like this!?!
The dude was weird but he didn't molest her or anything so did he really deserve to die?

Ah whuah? Dude had pictures of a recently murdered girl buried in his yard. He admitted that he was there when "Aaron" murdered the girl whose pictures he had in his yard. He prowled a presumedly teenager orientated chatroom and agreed to meet up with a girl who was upfront about her age. Not only that he agreed to go back to his place with her, and agreed to share alcoholic drinks with her. I mean if she hadn't spiked his drink and started the ball going what do you think he was going to do?

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1209523)
Ah whuah? Dude had pictures of a recently murdered girl buried in his yard. He admitted that he was there when "Aaron" murdered the girl whose pictures he had in his yard. He prowled a presumedly teenager orientated chatroom and agreed to meet up with a girl who was upfront about her age. Not only that he agreed to go back to his place with her, and agreed to share alcoholic drinks with her. I mean if she hadn't spiked his drink and started the ball going what do you think he was going to do?

he was just going to listen to goldfrapp or whatever the band's name is and dance all day with her and help her with her homework duh lol jk
yeah he's a perv and it's ****ed up he murdered that girl but him being murdered doesn't even things out or settle anything...or justify ****! she was just as sick as him..then again she didn't make him kill himself that was his decision that doushebag!
so i seen the rest of human centipede the ending so was anti-climatic smh..
super huge disappointment...any movies that are twisted that you can recommend me to check out?

bob. 07-17-2012 04:34 PM

August Underground Mordum....don't get much less twisted than that

i am 100% with Pete on hard Candy.....not only did that asshole get what he deserved....but it was a joy watching him get it

jackhammer 07-17-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1209535)
August Underground Mordum....don't get much less twisted than that

Mermaid In A Manhole
Murder Set Pieces

are damn close but August Underground is some messed up ****.
Even I couldn't understand one of the characters in the film. I think I caught every fourth or fifth word which was an expletive anyway!

I think the film should have ended 10 minutes at a certain scene that was the essence of the movie (IMO) and it suffered pacing problems at times but there was some remarkable acting and scenes of immense power.

Anyone who watched this and at least appreciated it should watch Writer/Director Peter Mullans other film The Magdalene Sisters which is a powerful watch too

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