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Terrible Lizard 02-27-2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 604541)
Ok, have you seen El Dorado then or do you just enjoy posting worthless shit with no real insight into the subject matter?

Seen it, Aguirre was better. Pointless **** would only include most of your comments. :D

garbanzo 02-28-2009 11:48 AM

just saw Outlander. vikings + aliens = :D

it was actually quite good. i was expecting cheese, but it turned out to be a warm, fresh brie topped with garden raspberries and served with a fresh loaf of dark rye. good to the end!

Molecules 02-28-2009 02:59 PM

The Wild Blue Yonder (2005)

Really spellbinding film, I've seen it before and I enjoyed catching it on Veoh again. It's certainly not one of Herzog's more famous or acclaimed films, and the poster is misleading - the entire film comprises of pre-recorded footage edited and scored by Herzog (similar to Grizzly Man, which I've yet to see).

WBY takes the form of a documentary of sorts where footage of, say, a surreal diving expedition under polar ice, is purported to be a groups of astronauts surveying an alien world for potential terraforming. Throughout, the director encourages audience input and imagination to complete the illusion and draw the parallels; and if you don't go along with it the film can seem tongue-in-cheek.

The score crucially contributes to the film's atmosphere but it all hinges on the persuasive power of it's narrator and 'star', Brad Dourif, who can do no wrong as far as I'm aware. In all likeliness his presence here biased me, but the film has more to offer if you are in the mood.

Fans of Herzog, good ol' sci-fi storytelling and general weirdness combined with an ethereal soundtrack and bizarrely beautiful footage will appreciate. I'm sure some pillock would have issues with the budget, but then how the hell did you end up watching an obscure Werner Herzog docu-fantasy in the first place?

jacklovezhimself 02-28-2009 07:45 PM


I really like this movie.
It's obviously no comparison to anything else done by Quentin Tarentino but it's still amazingly enjoyable.

sweet_nothing 02-28-2009 08:08 PM
:laughing: I loved this movie, and like 28 Days Later its because of those damn hippies.

adidasss 02-28-2009 09:28 PM

Oh I watched that stone/drunk the other day with some people. I thought it was hilarious even if I didn't catch a word of the dialog...:D

boo boo 03-01-2009 01:28 PM

Flight of the Phoenix - ***

Well made oldie starring James Stewart, Richard Attenborough and Peter Finch some men stranded in the sahara desert.

Sixth Sense - ***1/2

I know this is unpopular now, there's no denying how much of a one trick pony M. Night is, but this is an undeniably well made, creepy movie. The vomiting girl (who I just noticed is Mischa Barton from The OC) still freaks me right the **** out. It's not manipulative like his other films, and Joel Osment is really good.

Blazing Saddles - ***

Dated, but still pretty funny. Entire cast is great. But my favorite is Madeline Kahn, who hilariously parodies Marlene Dietrich, oh and she's really f*cking hot too.

Molecules 03-01-2009 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 605373)
Flight of the Phoenix - ***

Well made oldie starring James Stewart, Richard Attenborough and Peter Finch some men stranded in the sahara desert.

brilliant film, the god-awful remake thankfully seems to have sunk without a trace. Anything with Dickie Attenborough gets my vote

boo boo 03-01-2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by mannny (Post 601113)
Annie Hall is probably one of my favorite movies but I had a few problems with Manhattan. First of all, I despised the relationship between Allen and Hemingway. I pretty much just didn't like Hemingway's character at all. I thought Allen and Keaton should have stayed together, it was much more believable. So I guess you could say what ruined it for me was like the last half hour. He shouldn't have went back to the little girl.

I didn't hate it. It was still funny and some scenes were really beautiful to watch but it just didn't do too much for me.

Actually I didn't find it much believable that they would get together in the first place, I was very much rooting for him to get back with the girl because Keatons character was such an obnoxious biatch.

swim 03-01-2009 06:58 PM

Today I watched Slumdog Millionaire and The Pursuit of Happyness. Both were really good.

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