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Bulldog 04-18-2011 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1037441)
^^I didn't like The Purple Rose of Cairo as much as Bullets Over Broadway.

I've been trying to track down Bullets Over Broadway for quite a while now, but it's been proving a tricky little bugger to find and all. If it's better than Purple Rose, it'll definitely be worth my time.

Howard the Duck 04-18-2011 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Bulldog (Post 1037869)
I've been trying to track down Bullets Over Broadway for quite a while now, but it's been proving a tricky little bugger to find and all. If it's better than Purple Rose, it'll definitely be worth my time.

You should - it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

Raust 04-18-2011 07:58 AM
It was really bad. I don't think showing ****s and girls ****ting themselves are funny at all. That's what this movie was relying on the whole time. Just sucked.

chipper 04-18-2011 10:53 AM

I just watched Rio. What can I say? It was meant to be entertaining. i was entertained.

YouTube - Rio Trailer

mission accomplished, i guess.

Paedantic Basterd 04-18-2011 10:55 AM

I'm not judging. Pixar kids films are genius, because the entire family can find something to laugh at in them.

Pauhla 04-18-2011 02:14 PM

Tron 2. No, I saw Green Hornet after that.

Wait, when was Tangled out?

Really looking forward to the opportunity to get out and see an age-appropriate and/or gender appropriate movie.

Herocon 04-18-2011 03:20 PM

I just watched The Hangover. It was hilarious :D

jackhammer 04-18-2011 06:00 PM

This Greek film is definitely from the Michael Haneke school of film making. Odd angles, lack of ambient music and lack of a colour palette at times.

It's a very sterile film in both subject matter and visual style. A middle class married couple keep their 3 late teen children in virtual isolation from the outside world and even assign different meanings to some everyday words to seem to keep them safe from any of the ills from the outside world but of course biology takes it's course and violence on an incremental level and sexual awakening come to the fore.

In fact I absolutely hated this film on one level as it's fairly disjointed story wise and seems to revel in it's cold, clinical approach to the characters but there is also no doubt that it is an intelligent film that poses serious questions about protecting people from the world but ultimately this overbearing stance is not always the right thing to do.

I just about got through it but doubt it if I will watch it again.

Sparky 04-18-2011 11:40 PM

Scream 4. Doesn't quite pull off the critique-within-a-movie ...thing? But is surprisingly funny and well cast. I haven't seen any scream movies before, but was there always so much commentary about the horror genre?

The movie seemed like straight fan service, so i think if you are familiar with the other films you'll like it a lot.

djchameleon 04-19-2011 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Raust (Post 1037951)
It was really bad. I don't think showing ****s and girls ****ting themselves are funny at all. That's what this movie was relying on the whole time. Just sucked.

My kind of movie. I'm definitely going to give this movie a shot.


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1038153)

This Greek film is definitely from the Michael Haneke school of film making. Odd angles, lack of ambient music and lack of a colour palette at times.

It's a very sterile film in both subject matter and visual style. A middle class married couple keep their 3 late teen children in virtual isolation from the outside world and even assign different meanings to some everyday words to seem to keep them safe from any of the ills from the outside world but of course biology takes it's course and violence on an incremental level and sexual awakening come to the fore.

In fact I absolutely hated this film on one level as it's fairly disjointed story wise and seems to revel in it's cold, clinical approach to the characters but there is also no doubt that it is an intelligent film that poses serious questions about protecting people from the world but ultimately this overbearing stance is not always the right thing to do.

I just about got through it but doubt it if I will watch it again.

I have been meaning to check this movie out, thanks for reminding me.


Originally Posted by matious (Post 1038277)
Scream 4. Doesn't quite pull off the critique-within-a-movie ...thing? But is surprisingly funny and well cast. I haven't seen any scream movies before, but was there always so much commentary about the horror genre?

The movie seemed like straight fan service, so i think if you are familiar with the other films you'll like it a lot.

Watch the first Scream.
Yes there has always been loads of commentary about the horror genre as a whole and about the rules of what happens in a horror movie then people proceed to do everything that they aren't supposed to do when in a horror movie and end up dying. Pretty hilarious imo.

sndtrax 04-19-2011 11:19 AM

Black Swan... pretty weird, but a good movie.

loveissucide 04-19-2011 07:10 PM
Normally a big fan of Woody Allen, but this just falls flat. It feels like reading the first draft of Annie Hall, whereupon all the characters are Woody Allen talking to Woody Allen and the jokes feel like the Bananas-era Woody trying to remake Annie Hall.

Howard the Duck 04-19-2011 07:58 PM

probably be watching Source Code once I feel like it

derek 04-20-2011 05:26 PM

I saw this again yesterday. It is a few years old, but i decided to watch it again.

I also decided to see this older movie too from last year.

dankrsta 04-20-2011 05:32 PM

^^I have to see Infernal Affairs some day. It's supposed to be better than Departed, so they say.

jackhammer 04-20-2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 1039215)
^^I have to see Infernal Affairs some day. It's supposed to be better than Departed, so they say.

It definitely is. It's much more leaner than Scorsese's film which is a little bloated at times and also features a terrible American accent from Ray Winstone who unfortunately happens to be one of my favourite actors :(

On the plus side Mark Wahlberg will never ever be as good as he is in The Departed. I think he is the best thing in the film.

Sparky 04-20-2011 06:17 PM

People give the actors so much credit in Departed but i feel like typical macho no bs cop is one of the easiest roles in hollywood, especially when all it calls for is shouting and spewing cuss words.

/matious does not like marky mark whalberg

jackhammer 04-20-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 1039245)
People give the actors so much credit in Departed but i feel like typical macho no bs cop is one of the easiest roles in hollywood, especially when all it calls for is shouting and spewing cuss words.

/matious does not like marky mark whalberg

I don't like him either. I think he is a terrible actor but he just owns his role in the film. It is the most natural performance he has given and his dialogue in the film is far better written than the usual 'bad cop' roles needed in the genre.

Howard the Duck 04-20-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 1039215)
^^I have to see Infernal Affairs some day. It's supposed to be better than Departed, so they say.


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1039224)
It definitely is. It's much more leaner than Scorsese's film which is a little bloated at times and also features a terrible American accent from Ray Winstone who unfortunately happens to be one of my favourite actors :(

On the plus side Mark Wahlberg will never ever be as good as he is in The Departed. I think he is the best thing in the film.

Infernal Affairs is pretty good, not great or anything, certainly not up to par with something like John Woo's Bullet in The Head or Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels

I didn't see The Departed cos it has Matt Damon but Mark Wahlberg is in it as well? Ni, ni, ni a thousand times ni

dankrsta 04-21-2011 04:23 AM

^^Haha, Leonardo Dicrapio is also in it. I can't stand him when he plays tough guys.

Howard the Duck 04-21-2011 05:37 AM

^^I'm fine with Leo

RVCA 04-21-2011 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 1039504)
^^Haha, Leonardo Dicrapio is also in it. I can't stand him when he plays tough guys.

Personally, I like Leo a lot more when he isn't playing the intellectual, Inception/Shutter Island type.

debaserr 04-21-2011 03:29 PM

he was great in The Departed.

it's also my favorite Scorcese film.

Automaticchaos 04-21-2011 04:31 PM

Battle Los Angeles was the most recent one. Pretty awful movie. I can't help but feel they were 13 years too late with this one.

dankrsta 04-21-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1039931)
Personally, I like Leo a lot more when he isn't playing the intellectual, Inception/Shutter Island type.

Ha, I watched Shutter Island recently, forgot to post about it. Well, he's playing there a U.S. marshal and a battle hardened war veteran, so a tough guy. I actually thought he was good in both films. There's no room for overacting in Nolan's films and I was so immersed in Shutter Island that I didn't mind him. Aside from occasional overstating he usually does, he was good. Maybe, I'm warming up to him. And I really didn't expect to like the film as much as I did.

Anyway, I like Leo the best when he plays to his strengths. Because of his everlasting boyishness he's at his best when he uses that sneaky, boyish charm, like in Catch Me If You Can.

Sparky 04-21-2011 08:12 PM

Played a good drug addict in basketball diaries too.

Movie was stupid, but for his age leo killed it.

djchameleon 04-22-2011 01:56 AM

The Next Three Days

I really like what I have seen so far. The basic jist of the movie is that Russel Crowe plays a college professor that has to break his wife out of prison for a crime she didn't commit.

I need to re-watch it because I was tired upon first viewing and I just dozed off.

I really hate watching movies in bed.

Raust 04-22-2011 03:42 PM
This movie could've been so much better. I invested to much time into this film.

System101 04-22-2011 04:30 PM


RVCA 04-23-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 1039990)
Ha, I watched Shutter Island recently, forgot to post about it. Well, he's playing there a U.S. marshal and a battle hardened war veteran, so a tough guy. I actually thought he was good in both films. There's no room for overacting in Nolan's films and I was so immersed in Shutter Island that I didn't mind him. Aside from occasional overstating he usually does, he was good. Maybe, I'm warming up to him. And I really didn't expect to like the film as much as I did.

Anyway, I like Leo the best when he plays to his strengths. Because of his everlasting boyishness he's at his best when he uses that sneaky, boyish charm, like in Catch Me If You Can.

Interesting... I haven't actually watched Shutter Island, I just assumed he played the problem-solving-sleuth-type, which implies a bit of intellectualism. In any case, I agree with that last part

I just saw Hanna. It was cool, I guess. Two things stood out: the music and the action scenes. Everything in between was pretty meehhhhh

Sparky 04-23-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1041236)
I just saw Hanna. It was cool, I guess. Two things stood out: the music and the action scenes. Everything in between was pretty meehhhhh

All the action scenes with Hanna were terrible i thought. They were edited in a way so that you never actually saw her do any of the stuff, they just showed up grabbing somebody and then cut to the guy on the floor or something. The scenes with Eric Bana were pretty good though.

RVCA 04-24-2011 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 1041248)
All the action scenes with Hanna were terrible i thought. They were edited in a way so that you never actually saw her do any of the stuff, they just showed up grabbing somebody and then cut to the guy on the floor or something. The scenes with Eric Bana were pretty good though.

Well, I mean, you have to consider they were working with a 15(?) year old girl and a PG-13 rating. I thought they did a good job of making them interesting but not unbelievable

Raust 04-24-2011 04:40 PM
I thought it was pretty good. Not my favorite of '10 though prefered The Fighter and Inception over The Kings speech. Really liked it though I went and did some research about King George VI afterward.
I really liked the begining of the film. Unfortunatley it took the trend that The Black Swan, The Island, and A Beautiful Mind took along with plenty of movies before it. Really hoping it wouldn't do that. I still thought it was okay though.

djchameleon 04-24-2011 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Raust (Post 1041765)
I really liked the begining of the film. Unfortunatley it took the trend that The Black Swan, The Island, and A Beautiful Mind took along with plenty of movies before it. Really hoping it wouldn't do that. I still thought it was okay though.

What trend is that?

Merkaba 04-24-2011 06:29 PM

Went to see Arthur last night. It was pretty bloody funny. Russell Brand made as good an impression as Johnny Depp did in the first Pirates movie, if not better.

Raust 04-24-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1041830)
What trend is that?

The one where the main character has a split personality. Or is very disturbed and is pretending nothing is going/or knows and continues to repeat the same process over and over again.

Sparky 04-24-2011 09:54 PM

I dont know if trend is the right word

I just watched "following" which is nolans first film, it was pretty cool

Antonio 04-24-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Raust (Post 1041874)
The one where the main character has a split personality. Or is very disturbed and is pretending nothing is going/or knows and continues to repeat the same process over and over again.

i'd call that more of a theme, wouldn't a trend mean that it was doing a similar thing to other movies at the time of it's release?

Raust 04-25-2011 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Antonio (Post 1041944)
i'd call that more of a theme, wouldn't a trend mean that it was doing a similar thing to other movies at the time of it's release?

Yeah I suppose so. Those movies I've listed though were released within the decade though. I'm guessing that "theme" has been around for quiet some time then.

FETCHER. 04-26-2011 07:49 AM

Hot tub time machine :D

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