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Mojo 03-03-2011 03:35 PM

I had never seen it before, just clips here and there. I laughed. Alot.

Howard the Duck 03-03-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 1013169)

I had never seen it before, just clips here and there. I laughed. Alot.

one of my faves

Strik-Er!!!!!!! what? (punches woman)

djchameleon 03-04-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by mannny (Post 1013155)
Agreed. I think Darren Aronofsky is one of the best HACKS and he really deserves some recognition.


I'm going around fixing so many things around here. I should name myself The Fixer.

I wanted to see Bring it On 4 and 5.

Meh this one is okay. Definitely not as good as the original but it was okay for a one time viewing.

next I'm going to watch the 5th one.

Howard the Duck 03-04-2011 03:37 AM

^^I still don't quite fathom your hate for Aronofsky

I'm a bit piqued about Pi but Requiem for a Dream sounds sour to me

djchameleon 03-04-2011 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1013358)
^^I still don't quite fathom your hate for Aronofsky

I'm a bit piqued about Pi but Requiem for a Dream sounds sour to me

I"m just tired of his films about obsession. he's obsessed with making films about obsession and it's just annoying to me now.

I did like Pi but still geez. Come on now!

ThePhanastasio 03-04-2011 06:25 PM

I went to see Rango with my family. It was all right. Not great. I'd expected it to be better than it was.

Dr.Seussicide 03-04-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013362)
I"m just tired of his films about obsession. he's obsessed with making films about obsession and it's just annoying to me now.

I did like Pi but still geez. Come on now!

No offense dude, but... you have pretty poor tastes.

djchameleon 03-04-2011 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1013616)
No offense dude, but... you have pretty poor tastes.

I have poor tastes because i don't like that director?

erm okay if you say so oh wise one.

Dr.Seussicide 03-04-2011 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013622)
I have poor tastes because i don't like that director?

erm okay if you say so oh wise one.

Well, it's a culmination of observations but, you also said that you hate Aronofsky, and you found Bring it on 4 to be ok... all of this on one page.

djchameleon 03-04-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1013624)
Well, it's a culmination of observations but, you also said that you hate Aronofsky, and you found Bring it on 4 to be ok... all of this on one page.

lol just because I said Bring it on 4 was okay doesn't mean I think it deserves an Oscar

I gave a very specific reason for why I hate Aronofsky....maybe you skipped over reading that.

Dr.Seussicide 03-04-2011 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013627)
lol just because I said Bring it on 4 was okay doesn't mean I think it deserves an Oscar

I gave a very specific reason for why I hate Aronofsky....maybe you skipped over reading that.

Obsessing with obsession? That doesn't take away from his directing however. Plus, every director has a specific way that they direct that their viewers can identify and think, oh yes, this is definitely Christopher Nolan film, etc.

ThePhanastasio 03-04-2011 07:02 PM

All of this above is a completely pointless argument. Taste is 100% subjective. If someone doesn't like Aronofsky, that does not imply that they have poor taste. That merely implies that their tastes don't align with yours.

People can and will like what they want to like. That's their prerogative.

djchameleon 03-04-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1013632)
Obsessing with obsession? That doesn't take away from his directing however. Plus, every director has a specific way that they direct that their viewers can identify and think, oh yes, this is definitely Christopher Nolan film, etc.

I don't care about his directing because his films don't interest me and if you think I have poor tastes because I don't like your favorite director then so be's just one pretentious director.

Dr.Seussicide 03-04-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1013635)
All of this above is a completely pointless argument. Taste is 100% subjective. If someone doesn't like Aronofsky, that does not imply that they have poor taste. That merely implies that their tastes don't align with yours.

People can and will like what they want to like. That's their prerogative.

This is a copout. Taste is subjective within reasonable limits.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013636)
I don't care about his directing because his films don't interest me and if you think I have poor tastes because I don't like your favorite director then so be's just one pretentious director.

He's not my favourite director, and like I said, my opinion isn't based on just this one post, that would be awfully shallow of me. But I don't want to argue with you into believing he's good director or anything, I just wanted to get that sentiment off my chest is all.

djchameleon 03-04-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1013640)

He's not my favourite director, and like I said, my opinion isn't based on just this one post, that would be awfully shallow of me. But I don't want to argue with you into believing he's good director or anything, I just wanted to get that sentiment off my chest is all.

that's fine you can speak your opinion.....and I didn't really see this as an argument but w/e.

If I'm not interested in a certain movie/director there is nothing that you can say to make me suddenly like it and that goes for everything in life with people in general.

That's why debates are so silly because when people are stuck in their ways and only agree with their side/opinion there is nothing that can be said by the opponent to change their mind about said issue.

jackhammer 03-04-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013348)

I'm going around fixing so many things around here. I should name myself The Fixer.

A 'hack' is someone brought into a film to pick up the missing pieces or is a director for hire that the studio can rely on to do what they are told and produce a film to comply with their commercial criteria.

If you really think that Aronofsky is a hack then you have a very poor understanding of movies in general.

If you don't like his films then that is fair enough but he is far from a hack and each film he has done has a tonality distinctly different from his last.

This is not about one viewers opinion differing to another's either.

A genuine film fan should appreciate a director that constantly challenges the status quo and admire them for it. Liking their films is immaterial.

I am not a big fan of Kubrick, Hartley or Tarantino but I appreciate their films and look beyond my dislike to watch their films without comparing them to genuine 'hack' films that only trade in box office ratio numbers.

djchameleon 03-04-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1013649)
A 'hack' is someone brought into a film to pick up the missing pieces or is a director for hire that the studio can rely on to do what they are told and produce a film to comply with their commercial criteria.

If you really think that Aronofsky is a hack then you have a very poor understanding of movies in general.

If you don't like his films then that is fair enough but he is far from a hack and each film he has done has a tonality distinctly different from his last.

This is not about one viewers opinion differing to another's either.

A genuine film fan should appreciate a director that constantly challenges the status quo and admire them for it. Liking their films is immaterial.

I am not a big fan of Kubrick, Hartley or Tarantino but I appreciate their films and look beyond my dislike to watch their films without comparing them to genuine 'hack' films that only trade in box office ratio numbers.

I felt like calling him a "hack" because I don't like his films even though I have watched all of his films at least once. They just do nothing for me. I don't care for his directing style or anything of that nature.

chipper 03-04-2011 08:12 PM

i watched all Oscar nominated films ... i have a personal bias to The Social Network but i have to admit The King's Speech deserves the Best Picture trophy

Bulldog 03-05-2011 07:36 PM

One I'd wanted to see for quite some time. A really interesting and inventive sci-fi/supernatural premise, and I was actually quite impressed by least 'til the last half hour or so.

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention at the time, but...
Spoiler for go figure: the fuck did Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke not bleed to death/kick the bucket themselves in supplying the whole vampire race with whatever that cure was? Seeing as they were 'human' at the time and all...

jackhammer 03-05-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1013657)
I felt like calling him a "hack" because I don't like his films even though I have watched all of his films at least once. They just do nothing for me. I don't care for his directing style or anything of that nature.

Sorry. I did come across like an elitist prick here. Your opinion is as valid as the next person. Apologies.


Originally Posted by Bulldog (Post 1013979)

One I'd wanted to see for quite some time. A really interesting and inventive sci-fi/supernatural premise, and I was actually quite impressed by least 'til the last half hour or so.

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention at the time, but...
Spoiler for go figure: the fuck did Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke not bleed to death/kick the bucket themselves in supplying the whole vampire race with whatever that cure was? Seeing as they were 'human' at the time and all...

An interesting film with some great ideas not fully realised like you said but it is one of the better Vampire films I have seen for a while.

Raust 03-05-2011 10:28 PM
It was good I liked it a lot. Pretty impressed with the pacing of the film especially on how little development the plot had. I'm glad the movie didn't drag on like a lot of movies tend to do.

djchameleon 03-06-2011 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bulldog (Post 1013979)

One I'd wanted to see for quite some time. A really interesting and inventive sci-fi/supernatural premise, and I was actually quite impressed by least 'til the last half hour or so.

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention at the time, but...
Spoiler for go figure: the fuck did Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke not bleed to death/kick the bucket themselves in supplying the whole vampire race with whatever that cure was? Seeing as they were 'human' at the time and all...

lol you are so right about that. They lose steam somewhere near the end and the movie itself ended up pissing me off and hating the whole film because of how they closed it up.

Spoiler for they tried:
the "cure" was so stupid because in the process of passing it on they should be dying at the same time. I don't think they fully thought about how the "cure" should be passed on and it made no fucking sense.


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1013982)
Sorry. I did come across like an elitist prick here. Your opinion is as valid as the next person. Apologies.

Apology accepted. I do understand what you are saying though. He's a pretty great director and everything I just don't like his movies. I got caught up in the moment and felt like calling him a hack even though I know his technical skill level isn't on the level of a true hack.

Howard the Duck 03-06-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Raust (Post 1014007)
It was good I liked it a lot. Pretty impressed with the pacing of the film especially on how little development the plot had. I'm glad the movie didn't drag on like a lot of movies tend to do.

just saw it myself - should have added more hallucinations and memories

captaincaptain 03-06-2011 04:42 AM

Not bad they could have talked more about the music and their early lives. I did learn some new things about the band. B-

djchameleon 03-06-2011 04:44 AM


You can't go wrong with latina cheerleaders and break dancing within the first five mins. of the film.

DoctorSoft 03-06-2011 01:09 PM

I saw the original Friday the 13th, so cheesy and hilarious, I liked it. 8/10.

adidasss 03-06-2011 01:16 PM

Sweet smell of success - 7/10 - Liked it, unusually acerbic dialogue for the time period. Burt Lancaster is a scene stealer.

L'avventura - 6/10 - Nice mood, got a bit bored near the end tho.

Mamma Roma - 4/10 - Passolini just doesn't agree with me, the wonderful Anna Magnani notwithstanding.

Freebase Dali 03-06-2011 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1014040)
Spoiler for they tried:
the "cure" was so stupid because in the process of passing it on they should be dying at the same time. I don't think they fully thought about how the "cure" should be passed on and it made no fucking sense.

Spoiler for huh?:
I think it was to be assumed that the cure, being the very food for vamps, would be viral in its spreading. If you think about it, let's say 2 vamps feed on 1 cure. Cure dies (or even survives by luck, either way), then 2 vamps become cures. Then 4 vamps feed on those 2 cures, thus becoming cures themselves. Regardless of whether the vamps actually bleed the cures to death isn't exactly irrelevant, but even if it were, you still end up with a growing cure-to-vamp ratio. Eventually the vamps will die off simply due to the fact that an expanding percentage of their food supply are now their own cures, given the fact that the vamp-to-human ratio was expressed vividly throughout the movie anyway.

Basically, what you have, is a virus. Except the virus is the cure. The only probably downside is that by the end of it all, you'll very likely have quite a smaller population, but it's inevitable that the vamps will die off.

billyjerome 03-06-2011 10:51 PM

Go see Cedar Rapids! Hilarious!!!

Davidphonic 03-07-2011 04:40 AM

Mr it if you haven't already (especially you stoners out there!)

Scissorman 03-07-2011 06:57 AM

Yesterday I watched Requiem For A Dream for the first time in my life and I loved it

ThePhanastasio 03-07-2011 07:00 AM

I'm almost ashamed of how much I loved this movie. It's completely overwhelming and irrational to love a stoner movie this much.

cardboard adolescent 03-07-2011 09:28 AM

I watched the first ten seconds and realized I wasn't nearly high enough. I corrected the mistake and loved it. The only thing I can remember about it is the look on her face as she's eating the brownies or cookies or whatever. Brilliant masterpiece, fo sho.

Scissorman 03-07-2011 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1014587)

I'm almost ashamed of how much I loved this movie. It's completely overwhelming and irrational to love a stoner movie this much.

Smiley Face is great. I have actually never seen it while stoned and I still love it.

adidasss 03-07-2011 10:41 AM

Anna Faris is a comedic genius. For a great companion piece, do check out The House Bunny...equally hilarious...(:

Scissorman 03-07-2011 10:52 AM

The House Bunny was great. I watched it in the theater :D

Raust 03-07-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1014587)

I'm almost ashamed of how much I loved this movie. It's completely overwhelming and irrational to love a stoner movie this much.

It was an okay movie definatley had some funny moments. Didn't like the message it gave off though. The ending gave off the vibe that "drugs can ruin your life and you can do crazy things while on them." I don't care to much for that message especially while being in the appropriate state of mind for watching the film.

zachsd 03-07-2011 05:59 PM

The Lives of Others. Second time I've seen it, it's probably one of my favorite movies.

ThePhanastasio 03-08-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 1014666)
I watched the first ten seconds and realized I wasn't nearly high enough. I corrected the mistake and loved it. The only thing I can remember about it is the look on her face as she's eating the brownies or cookies or whatever. Brilliant masterpiece, fo sho.

Haha, the cupcakes? Yes, I loved the part where she "realized the true nature of the cupcakes".


Originally Posted by Scissorman (Post 1014678)
Smiley Face is great. I have actually never seen it while stoned and I still love it.

I smoked while watching it, but I've watched it sober, and still dig it.


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 1014687)
Anna Faris is a comedic genius. For a great companion piece, do check out The House Bunny...equally hilarious...(:

I actually really love The House Bunny! I watched that one with my mom one day. She adores it.


Originally Posted by Raust (Post 1014776)
It was an okay movie definatley had some funny moments. Didn't like the message it gave off though. The ending gave off the vibe that "drugs can ruin your life and you can do crazy things while on them." I don't care to much for that message especially while being in the appropriate state of mind for watching the film.

I think it was just humorous that she didn't get in all that much trouble considering everything she did. It was a really funny movie. My friends kept saying the entire time we first watched it, "That is so you. I can see you doing that."

Sadly, they weren't entirely incorrect. XD

jackhammer 03-08-2011 05:22 PM
The second time I have seen this in around 4 years and it's a film that really needs a thread of it's own in order to review and surmise. Powerful stuff but not always for the right reasons.
From Robert Jordan who created Conan The Barbarian and yet another character that simply seems to exist and not grab me emotionally. Despite this film being set in Dark Age Britain, it is far too solemn for it's own good and suffers from a severe lack of pace and character conviction. Disappointed.

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