RoemerMW |
12-28-2008 02:06 PM |
Originally Posted by boo boo
(Post 569838)
Too bad that's his worst film to date.
I think Tarantino is great, I think that whenever someone is as polarizing a figure as he is, he's obviously doing something right.
If you're looking for something that's more in depth, look elsewhere, but that's a lame reason to call him a bad director. This is a guy who just takes influences from many genres (westerns, exploitation, samurai) and blends it into his own trademark style, his dialogue, his characters, his storytelling style and his overall directing style is great, his films have more to do with loose themes than with any one unifying narrative, there's nothing wrong with that. So what if he doesn't have it in him to do a completely serious movie? Is there something wrong with doing your own thing all of the sudden? His movies are pure entertainment, just on a more personal and intelligent level than most. I don't think Tarantino would do a good serious film, because he already tried with Jackie Brown and failed, but then again, Scorsese can't do a good upbeat musical comedy.
Oh, and Spy Kids 2 and 3 sucked big time.
I was just replying to the assertion that he had never made a serious film. I love his films, with the exception of Death Proof and My Best Friend's Birthday. And Jackie Brown is my favorite Tarantino film btw, I don't get all of the hate for it.
On a side note, I do hate the extreme fanboyism associated with him (I am not referring to anyone here, btw). Every other self proclaimed film buff won't STFU about how great he is, and it irks me that they, for the most part, won' ever delve into anything other than the obvious canonized directors like Tarantino, Kubrick, Coppola, etc. Yes, Tarantino is great and all, but their is so much more out there that they will never get the chance to experience because of their blindness towards anything not handed to them on a silver platter by the AFI and other top 100 lists. I literally had people tell me "why bother watching anything that isn't popular, if it isn't popular it must not be good". I've heard so many variations of this over the years, and it sickens me. Expand your horizons, strive to know the non-canonized films! Film should not be confined to a few lists and a few directors, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of great directors, not just the dozens that everyone knows about. Sorry for the rant :)
"but then again, Scorsese can't do a good upbeat musical comedy."
Who says he couldn't? He's made at least one comedy, and he's made a decent enough musical, New York, New York. This is not an argument against Tarantino or anything, I just thought that I should point that out.