Wifey Boozer |
11-25-2008 04:46 PM |
Originally Posted by mannny
(Post 551289)
The first time I saw this movie I didn't really enjoy it but I watched it again the next day then I really appreciated it. I think Richard Gere's character was pointless and stupid but whatever everyone else was so good that it makes up for him. And I agree Blanchett was amazing. She is by so far my favorite actress and I don't think there is a better actress out there right now (for her generation).
And yes David Cross as Allen Ginsberg made me giggle like a little girl.
Oh, I'm a huge Dylan fan to begin with, so I knew the movie would blow me away almost 10 minutes into the film. The style really impressed me... and the black kid in the beginning (what's the actor's name?) really impressed me as well, to be so young and act that well. Richard Gere as a portrayal of Bob Dylan... I didn't really get it either, I realize that is was supposed to represent his minimalistic (sp?) "roots", but on the whole I think the movie would've worked just as well without him, but some of his lines are great when talking to the guy who wants to build the highway through his town (metaphor? Me thinks so.) I've always watched Cate Blanchett closesly as an actress... I haven't had a favorite actress for a while, and after watching I'm Not There, she filled the spot.
Haha, me and my boyfriend (we watched this together) are both big Ginsberg fans, when he came on screen my boyfriend squeeled like a little girl. "OHMIGODIT'SGINS!" :D