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Violent & Funky 04-25-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 856207)
Cheese-tastic. Such a great Saturday night beer movie.

Errr... Thursday night beer movie! :beer:

Astronomer 04-25-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 856890)

One of the best movies I've seen in the past couple of years.

debaserr 04-25-2010 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 857025)
One of the best movies I've seen in the past couple of years.

really? i thought the premise was really cool but after the first half hour or so it morphed into this mediocre action flick with a hero i didnt like.

Astronomer 04-25-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 857056)
really? i thought the premise was really cool but after the first half hour or so it morphed into this mediocre action flick with a hero i didnt like.

I felt the opposite, I thought the 'hero' was a very unusual choice of protagonist and I liked that about him. I also liked that it was set in Johannesburg, again not a typical place to set a sci-fi scenario but it made the whole thing hit a little more close to home for me than usual. I thought not only was it technically and visually appealing but really emotionally wrenching.

debaserr 04-25-2010 08:22 PM

it had some moments. but as a cohesive whole I thought it was mediocre.

pourmeanother 04-26-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 856890)

I really liked this as well; however, I watched my friend's pirated copy that didn't have any of the alien subtitles. So, needless to say I made up a large portion of the dialogue in my head.

crash_override 04-26-2010 10:47 AM

Pretty good, could have been longer. Ending could have offered more closure. Overall it was a great performance from The Dude.

Bulldog 04-26-2010 03:09 PM

Such a sweet little love story this. Certainly a lot less sinister than its English translation 'fear eats the soul' makes out anyway.

adidasss 04-26-2010 03:15 PM

^^ One of the few Fassbinder films I actually liked...

Bulldog 04-26-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 857481)
^^ One of the few Fassbinder films I actually liked...

First one of his I've seen myself, but I've heard his style's a bit difficult, as in he has a habit of kinda meandering with the narrative, going for overly-long shots and extended silences a lot (which shows in the one I just saw if I'm honest). Definitely gonna see King Of the Road or whatever it's called when I can round to it though.

jacklovezhimself 04-26-2010 07:26 PM

I watched the Matrix over the weekend and although I have seen it before, I never really understood it as well as I did that night. After the newfound incredible mindfuck I received, I decided to rewatch this as well, which only increases the said mindfuck about 100%. The animation in every short is incredible, and the stories continue to answer many questions left unanswered in the movie. Although the rest of the trilogy is extremely shitty, I'll probably watch them soon anyway because it's been a while.

debaserr 04-27-2010 01:59 PM
heart wrenching and very good.

duga 04-27-2010 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 857681)
Although the rest of the trilogy is extremely shitty, I'll probably watch them soon anyway because it's been a while.

I don't want to start a huge debate since I've done it so many times before, but seriously, Reloaded and Revolutions were NOT that bad. What did everyone expect? They weren't the crazy movie revolution that the original was, but they were really entertaining and concluded the story. I will defend those movies until the end, so if another debate occurs, then it occurs...

Guybrush 04-27-2010 03:35 PM

I think a problem with the Matrix series was that by the time the sequels hit the cinema, the first film had been cool for so long, people had finally gotten tired of it and all the trench-coat wearing Neo wannabes. The whole franchise got cheesy and tiresome before the second movie hit the silver screen .. At least that was how I felt here.

I remember I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean on the cinema around the same-ish time I saw Reloaded. I liked Pirates so much more! Granted, I still find the Matrix sequels to be entertaining, if a bit embarassing.

Violent & Funky 04-27-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 858172)
I think a problem with the Matrix series was that by the time the sequels hit the cinema, the first film had been cool for so long, people had finally gotten tired of it and all the trench-coat wearing Neo wannabes. The whole franchise got cheesy and tiresome before the second movie hit the silver screen .. At least that was how I felt here.

I remember I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean on the cinema around the same-ish time I saw Reloaded. I liked Pirates so much more! Granted, I still find the Matrix sequels to be entertaining, if a bit embarassing.

Speaking of ****ing awful sequels...

debaserr 04-27-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 858224)
Speaking of ****ing awful sequels...

and the original was that great? depp fans annoy the shit out of me.

DeathBreath 04-27-2010 04:53 PM

I really enjoyed District 9, they way it was shot was quite nice.

TheCunningStunt 04-27-2010 05:04 PM

High Fidelity, it wasn't bad, well worth a watch. 7/10

Violent & Funky 04-27-2010 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 858250)
and the original was that great? depp fans annoy the shit out of me.

Yeah, it wasn't a poorly made summer flick. I enjoyed it. It's an A+ film in comparison to its sequels...

TheCunningStunt 04-27-2010 10:46 PM

Well, I started watching this half with excitement half with dread. I thought a couple of Londoners playing John Lennon and Paul Mccartney could be a disaster. I felt like the accents would let them down and the film itself wouldn't be charming enough to carry itself, however I was wrong. It portrayed the relationships between Julia really well, extremely heartwarming portrayal and lots of references to the North of England. I.E The Liverpool docks and fish and chips. Really good film. 8/10

piknik 04-28-2010 12:02 AM

i watched 'less than zero' the other night. hadn't seen it in years. robert downey jr was so young in that.

debaserr 04-28-2010 01:10 AM
just saw this again for the first time since it released. it was better than i remember. daniel day-lewis was great as usual.

Guybrush 04-28-2010 06:22 AM

^I found it a bit boring actually. Despite the praise for his acting, I didn't think Daniel Day-Lewis' character seemed like a real person at all .. The accent, demeanor and other things which didn't stick too deep seemed a little over the top to me at times.

boo boo 04-28-2010 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 858224)
Speaking of ****ing awful sequels...

I actually enjoyed the second one, maybe more than the first. It had some crazy action scenes and a lot of great gags. I was ticked off by the cliffhanger ending though.

The third film made absolutely no f*cking sense, I couldn't follow it all and it was just a big noisy mess.


Originally Posted by tore (Post 858655)
^I found it a bit boring actually. Despite the praise for his acting, I didn't think Daniel Day-Lewis' character seemed like a real person at all .. The accent, demeanor and other things which didn't stick too deep seemed a little over the top to me at times.

He was over the top, but that made it a more compelling performance for me. Some actors can make overracting a good thing, I think DDL is one of them.


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 857056)
really? i thought the premise was really cool but after the first half hour or so it morphed into this mediocre action flick with a hero i didnt like.

Really? The movie was a great mismatch of sci fi conventions, resulting in something quite new. As an action film it was really tense, the story was very well done, much so that you actually start to care about these mutant shrimp people.

And I thought the protagonist was awesome, certainly not your typical sci fi action hero.


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 856404)
Really good? Try masterpiece.

American Beauty is essentially my favorite film.

downwardspiral 04-28-2010 09:46 AM

American Beauty is ****ing neat. one of my all time favourite films.

awesome soundtrack too.

Insane Guest 04-28-2010 09:51 AM

Super High Me, watched it on Netflix. If you have ever seen Super Size Me, it's like that except he stops smoking Weed for 30 days, then does it nonstop for 30 Days. It's a really funny movie, and you will learn a thing or two.

jacklovezhimself 04-28-2010 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 858152)
I don't want to start a huge debate since I've done it so many times before, but seriously, Reloaded and Revolutions were NOT that bad. What did everyone expect? They weren't the crazy movie revolution that the original was, but they were really entertaining and concluded the story. I will defend those movies until the end, so if another debate occurs, then it occurs...

The main problem I had with Reloaded and Revolutions was the really weird religious undertone involving Neo and being "the one". I understood he was always going to be a martyr, but they didn't have to turn him into Jesus. Overall though, the action was still just as cool as the old films, but the dialougue became monotonous and booooooring.

Also, I just started watching Michael Moore's new movie Capitalism: A Love Story in my history class, and I've really enjoyed it so far.

crash_override 04-28-2010 12:30 PM

I tried to watch Avatar last night. I couldn't make it through to the end though, it was just too bad. It looks good, but beyond that, there are few redeeming qualities to the film. I could've watched it on mute and gotten the same experience. So glad I didn't waste the money to see it in theaters.

jacklovezhimself 04-28-2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 858880)
I tried to watch Avatar last night. I couldn't make it through to the end though, it was just too bad. It looks good, but beyond that, there are few redeeming qualities to the film. I could've watched it on mute and gotten the same experience. So glad I didn't waste the money to see it in theaters.

In my opinion, seeing it in 3-D was the only way to see it.

Unless you have a huge tv....

debaserr 04-28-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 858764)
Really? The movie was a great mismatch of sci fi conventions, resulting in something quite new. As an action film it was really tense, the story was very well done, much so that you actually start to care about these mutant shrimp people.

And I thought the protagonist was awesome, certainly not your typical sci fi action hero.

I just thought the hero wasn't very likable. He starts out as some pseudo-nazi and then becomes a jew. I had little compassion for him.

crash_override 04-28-2010 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by jacklovezhimself (Post 858885)
In my opinion, seeing it in 3-D was the only way to see it.

Unless you have a huge tv....

Maybe that would help. Most 3-D movies just bug me though, but I've heard the 3-D on this film is rather stunning.

Burning Down 04-28-2010 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 858880)
I tried to watch Avatar last night. I couldn't make it through to the end though, it was just too bad. It looks good, but beyond that, there are few redeeming qualities to the film. I could've watched it on mute and gotten the same experience. So glad I didn't waste the money to see it in theaters.

I feel the same way about it. I rented it a couple of nights ago and couldn't get through it. The story isn't that great. Sure, the visuals are great, but there really wasn't a story to hold it up. It wouldn't have mattered if I saw it in 3-D either - 3-D seriously doesn't do anything for me. It's still relatively new and I don't think the technology has been perfected yet. Plus, the majority of movies I've watched in my life were not in 3-D and I got through them okay!

Violent & Funky 04-28-2010 01:40 PM

If you have the DVD, check out the special features. The actual lines Oedekerk was saying are almost as funny as the real movie... :laughing:

Burning Down 04-28-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 858915)

If you have the DVD, check out the special features. The actual lines Oedekerk was saying are almost as funny as the real movie... :laughing:

The image is broken here...

Violent & Funky 04-28-2010 01:55 PM

Working for me. But it's Kung Pow: Enter the Fist...

boo boo 04-28-2010 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 858880)
I tried to watch Avatar last night. I couldn't make it through to the end though, it was just too bad. It looks good, but beyond that, there are few redeeming qualities to the film. I could've watched it on mute and gotten the same experience. So glad I didn't waste the money to see it in theaters.

Actually you wasted your money by not seeing it in theaters and waiting for it to come out on DVD instead.

boo boo 04-28-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 858888)
I just thought the hero wasn't very likable. He starts out as some pseudo-nazi and then becomes a jew. I had little compassion for him.

What was so terrible about him? He was just some guy who was doing his job and got caught up in all kinds of crazy sh*t.

debaserr 04-28-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 858948)
What was so terrible about him? He was just some guy who was doing his job and got caught up in all kinds of crazy sh*t.

He treated the aliens like shit.

boo boo 04-28-2010 02:19 PM

And he realises that in the end.

That's called self reflection, when someone realises their wrong doings as the story progresses, it's an ancient storytelling device, sheesh.

Stories aren't as interesting when they're about 100% noble goodie two shoes with no character flaws whatsoever, and no such person exists.

crash_override 04-28-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 858945)
Actually you wasted your money by not seeing it in theaters and waiting for it to come out on DVD instead.

Either way, it didn't cost me any money, thankfully.

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