Wifey Boozer |
10-12-2008 12:49 PM |
****ing awesome... Stephen Dorff kills a burglar in his front yard while chasing him out of his house & get's a 3-year unjust prison sentence... in prison he meets Val Kilmer +50 lbs, a life-er, who teaches him the ropes from their shared cell in the "Shu" - a sect of the prison run by corrupt guards who put specific gangs and inmates in the yard so they can bet on their fights and eliminate problem-inmates. So Stephen Dorff needs protection in prison, and joins a skinhead gang, somewhat against his will, and much to his fiancee's dismay. So his life on the outside starts to fall apart as he's kicking ass in prison, taking **** off the guards, etc. Finally the inmates stage a protest, when one of the prick guards asks Dorff to kill a black inmate (the guard is also black, ironically) in the yard. No spoilers now, watch it, no dissapointments. Greaaaaaaaaaat ****inng film.