Kartoffelbrei |
03-14-2014 12:17 PM |
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1427425)
I'm the same way. Not that he should get any credit for it, but it's occurred to me just how ironic it is that the Holocaust has probably done more to end anti-Semitism than anything else in history. And who knows how much longer it might have taken for the Civil Rights movement in America to have gained any traction if not for the backlash against racism after the war.
It's easy to look at the situation in terms of black and white, good vs evil terms, but I see it more as a desirable outcome vs undesirable outcome. Nothing, no matter how bad, has effects that are completely undesirable any more than anything that is considered ultimately good has entirely desirable repercussions. Obviously I can't say that I'm glad the Holocaust happened, but it's at least interesting, if not even a bit enlightening, to look at different perspectives, if only for the sake of a mental exercise.
I don't think it helps to develop such a hardline attitude to just thinking about anything like that in a different light than the most obvious, angriest one. It's one dimensional and inhibits free thought.
Thank you for getting my point.
I just love to think about anything that ever happened in my life, or about anything I've learned in history class, or through conversation, just to always come to the conclusion, that black & white do simply not exist. Even physics tells us, that the colour white is an illusion, as is the colour black, as they are just the combination of colours, or the lack of colours. I never meant to justify - I meant to think, to scrutinize and to look objectively at the situation, without any judgement or subjection distracting my mind. Everything in this world happens for a reason, and I'm always trying to deduct the backcloth of events. There's a century old German song, which is called "Die Gedanken sind frei" (mind is free), and that's what it is.