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Blarobbarg 07-16-2012 08:00 PM

Let's see...

Super 8 was good, surprisingly so. The child actors were some of the best I have seen recently. Although the alien stuff is good, the real beauty in this movie is the character relationships and growth.

If you liked The Goonies, but wanted a bit more Independence Day in it, Super 8 is for you. Fittingly, I rate this movie 8/10.

Summer Wars. A Japanese animated film with beautiful voice acting, great characters, and stunning artwork. The story? Um...

Basically, it takes place somewhere within a few years of now where some online hub known as Oz has pretty much taken over the world. Basically, Facebook combined with every single message board, video game, and megastore on earth, all at once. Almost every person in the world has an account, and it stores pretty much everything you own in its servers. You can buy music, books, food, houses and more through Oz. Millions have jobs taking care of it.

Then, predictably, **** hits the fan.

Summer Wars is incredibly entertaining, even if it's not a classic anime movie. If you enjoy anime and want a silly grin on your face, this movie is for you. 7/10.

Trollhunter. I'm sure most of you have heard of this by now, and if not, I highly suggest it. This is an utterly ridiculous, off-beat, so-bad-it's-awesome kind of movie. I mean, its very premise makes you laugh. "Norwegian troll hunting mockumentary." There isn't anything else to say. And as insane as it is, it's still the best B-movie I've ever seen. 8/10.

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 12:07 PM

The last 3 movies I've seen were:
Hard Candy
The Human Centipede
Factory Girl

Exo 07-17-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1209443)
The last 3 movies I've seen were:
Hard Candy
The Human Centipede
Factory Girl

You should tell us how you liked them.

LoathsomePete 07-17-2012 12:55 PM

And which one wanted to make you gouge out your eyes more, The Human Centipede or Factory Girl.

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1209455)
You should tell us how you liked them.

Hard Candy had a great idea but as soon as it was over the first thing that i thought was wow i wasted 2 hours watching this for it to end like this!?!
The dude was weird but he didn't molest her or anything so did he really deserve to die?

Factory girl was ridiculous especially the way Bob Dylan was portrayed lol
I wonder what Dylan himself thought of the movie..It's always great to see something that included Andy Warhol I just didn't enjoy the movie overall and the Edie girl was so ****ing annoying...The only reason I watched it was because my girlfriend loves it so much and recommended it numerous times.

I don't want to seem cynical but these movies weren't as great as I thought they were going to be..

Now I'm watching human centipede right now and it's very disturbing :) I'm enjoying it so far..Very eerie ;)

Have you see any of these movies?

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1209459)
And which one wanted to make you gouge out your eyes more, The Human Centipede or Factory Girl.

Definitely Factory Girl :yikes: What about you?

LoathsomePete 07-17-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1209467)
Hard Candy had a great idea but as soon as it was over the first thing that i thought was wow i wasted 2 hours watching this for it to end like this!?!
The dude was weird but he didn't molest her or anything so did he really deserve to die?

Ah whuah? Dude had pictures of a recently murdered girl buried in his yard. He admitted that he was there when "Aaron" murdered the girl whose pictures he had in his yard. He prowled a presumedly teenager orientated chatroom and agreed to meet up with a girl who was upfront about her age. Not only that he agreed to go back to his place with her, and agreed to share alcoholic drinks with her. I mean if she hadn't spiked his drink and started the ball going what do you think he was going to do?

NEWGUY562 07-17-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1209523)
Ah whuah? Dude had pictures of a recently murdered girl buried in his yard. He admitted that he was there when "Aaron" murdered the girl whose pictures he had in his yard. He prowled a presumedly teenager orientated chatroom and agreed to meet up with a girl who was upfront about her age. Not only that he agreed to go back to his place with her, and agreed to share alcoholic drinks with her. I mean if she hadn't spiked his drink and started the ball going what do you think he was going to do?

he was just going to listen to goldfrapp or whatever the band's name is and dance all day with her and help her with her homework duh lol jk
yeah he's a perv and it's ****ed up he murdered that girl but him being murdered doesn't even things out or settle anything...or justify ****! she was just as sick as him..then again she didn't make him kill himself that was his decision that doushebag!
so i seen the rest of human centipede the ending so was anti-climatic smh..
super huge disappointment...any movies that are twisted that you can recommend me to check out?

bob. 07-17-2012 04:34 PM

August Underground Mordum....don't get much less twisted than that

i am 100% with Pete on hard Candy.....not only did that asshole get what he deserved....but it was a joy watching him get it

jackhammer 07-17-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1209535)
August Underground Mordum....don't get much less twisted than that

Mermaid In A Manhole
Murder Set Pieces

are damn close but August Underground is some messed up ****.
Even I couldn't understand one of the characters in the film. I think I caught every fourth or fifth word which was an expletive anyway!

I think the film should have ended 10 minutes at a certain scene that was the essence of the movie (IMO) and it suffered pacing problems at times but there was some remarkable acting and scenes of immense power.

Anyone who watched this and at least appreciated it should watch Writer/Director Peter Mullans other film The Magdalene Sisters which is a powerful watch too

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