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adidasss 11-25-2009 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 772267)
donno, I watched Le Samourai last year, then his Le Cercle Rouge and I was really disappointed by both ... tho remembering Le Samourai a year later, I guess it was a somehow good movie. I think I'll watch Bob le Flambeur, I need to make a clear idea on Melville.

I do think he's slightly overrated. Not that I don't enjoy his films, I've seen 5 of them and liked them all, but only one of them really impressed me, Army of shadows, and that was probably because I'm partial to all things WWII.

Speaking of French cinema:

It was tolerable (unlike Weekend), but nothing I'd return to. I have Pierrot Le Fou to watch then I'm done with this pretentious dilettante.

Barnard17 11-25-2009 07:14 PM

Star Wars trilogy, with Miller's Crossing, The Colour Purple and the Count of Monte Cristo to split it all up.

Astronomer 11-25-2009 09:27 PM

The Colour Purple is amazing but if anyone likes it they should check out the book. Written in such a raw, chilling way.

Barnard17 11-25-2009 09:31 PM

Yeah, my housemate picked up the DVD because she'd studied the book for sixth form way back when. Not certain I'd be enticed to reading the book because despite it being apparently wrapped in lesbianism I've tended to find literature on such matters to be mind bogglingly depressing. Might give it a go, I've got The Prince to get through first and then back to trying out Tristram Shandy ... if I don't baulk at that and skip to Plato's Republic.

storymilo 11-25-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 772207)

I will have to say that I was slightly disappointed with this. I think with the positive write ups and fan love for the film I was expecting something a little more intense. The acting by the two young leads was exemplary but elsewhere is was perfunctory and I found it lacking menace and intensity. However I did think that it was sincere and tender in many spots.

Worth another watch for sure but not the masterpiece I was hoping for.

I just watched that too. Unfortunately I accidentally got the dubbed version and the voicing was terrible so that seriously retracted from the film. I was a little disappointed I have to say, but I wasn't expecting that much in the first place. I'd say maybe a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. Would have been better with subtitles.

Astronomer 11-25-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Barnard17 (Post 772699)
Yeah, my housemate picked up the DVD because she'd studied the book for sixth form way back when. Not certain I'd be enticed to reading the book because despite it being apparently wrapped in lesbianism I've tended to find literature on such matters to be mind bogglingly depressing. Might give it a go, I've got The Prince to get through first and then back to trying out Tristram Shandy ... if I don't baulk at that and skip to Plato's Republic.

Yeah I only got into it because I had to study it in my undergrad degree. It's not really wrapped in lesbianism at all, but more so about female bonds and empowerment. It is really depressing though, and it made me really sad :( But it's written in the form of letters, and it's really interesting to see how the letters change as they become more educated, literate and empowered. I reckon you'd find it worthwhile, though.

Axiomatic Wiki 11-25-2009 10:34 PM

The first half of Red Cliff. Really enjoying it so far because I am really interested in the era that the movie takes place in. It is soooo long though, had to take a break after the first half, will watch the second half soon and offer an in depth opinion of the film.

sidewinder 11-26-2009 02:44 AM

I just watched I Love You, Man. I had slightly higher expectations but I still enjoyed it.

jackhammer 11-26-2009 05:13 PM

For the 4th time. Still an absolute blast that works on so many levels- musically, historically (albeit a little distorted), the script, performances and direction.

Bulldog 11-26-2009 05:24 PM

Great film that, and one that's basically responsible for turning me on to acid house and therefore modern electronic as a whole. Steve Coogan does a wonderful job in the lead role too - it's just a shame he's wasted on rubbish roles in a good 90% of the other films I've seen him in.

adidasss 11-26-2009 05:43 PM
A fairly interesting post-apocalyptic film with a pretty good ending starring the very young Don Johnson...
Pretty good mystery-comedy-thriller with you know who...that Grant bastard was still kinda sexy at almost 60...

sidewinder 11-26-2009 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 772942)

I've known of that film for a long time but don't think I've seen it. Added to Netflix queue.

Zarko 11-26-2009 06:02 PM

Didn't enjoy. Alas, I have never been a Lynch fan.

jackhammer 11-26-2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 772966)

Didn't enjoy. Alas, I have never been a Lynch fan.

Despite him being a challenging director films such as The Elephant Man and Straight Story are very easy on the eye and are nothing short of classic. Have you seen any of those?

debaserr 11-26-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 772942)

For the 4th time. Still an absolute blast that works on so many levels- musically, historically (albeit a little distorted), the script, performances and direction.

I thought this was really fun too.

Zarko 11-26-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 772973)
Despite him being a challenging director films such as The Elephant Man and Straight Story are very easy on the eye and are nothing short of classic. Have you seen any of those?

Yeah, seen a few, The Elephant Man (Which I did enjoy)/Twin Peaks. Just not my sorta stuff. Interesting films in relation to the way they look, especially the colouration of sets, but as I said, just not things I find terribly entertaining. I like interesting/intelligent/mind**** movies, just not his.

Lost Highway/Inland Empire/Eraserhead never clicked.

debaserr 11-26-2009 07:09 PM
Thanks for the recommendation, this was swell.

storymilo 11-26-2009 09:24 PM


Wow, I was really amazed by this movie. The acting is fantastic and the directing is some of the best I've ever seen. Some of the shots were just beautiful to look at. I would recommend it to see if you haven't.

Zarko 11-26-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 773087)

Wow, I was really amazed by this movie. The acting is fantastic and the directing is some of the best I've ever seen. Some of the shots were just beautiful to look at. I would recommend it to see if you haven't.

Just bought it the other day for 10 bucks Au. It was a 'may as well' purchase, but should still be enjoyable by all accounts.

Raust 11-26-2009 09:46 PM
I thought it was good, very funny.

sidewinder 11-28-2009 01:40 AM

^ Ha, I just watched that and came here to post it. You saved me finding a picture. I enjoyed it as well.

Molecules 11-28-2009 04:35 AM

if you find Adam Sandler anything other than teeth-grindingly unfunny then you, in all likelihood, have brain damage. Go get a CT scan if this is you

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 11-28-2009 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 773679)
if you find Adam Sandler anything other than teeth-grindingly unfunny then you, in all likelihood, have brain damage. Go get a CT scan if this is you

will ferrell is worse

Janszoon 11-28-2009 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 773684)
will ferrell is worse

I like them both. So there.

LoathsomePete 11-28-2009 10:48 AM

Watched this with a few friends last night. Not the greatest of the four movies but had it's moments. I think the best line had to go to Al Gore "Finally I'm saving the world using deadly lasers instead of slideshows"

sidewinder 11-28-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 773679)
if you find Adam Sandler anything other than teeth-grindingly unfunny then you, in all likelihood, have brain damage. Go get a CT scan if this is you

I think some people take comedy too seriously.

Molecules 11-28-2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 773764)
I think some people take comedy too seriously.

he's had a couple of moments in zanier early films, and these were more down to the writing than any kind of innate comic ability in Sandler.. i just happen to belong to that (quite large) section of the population that finds him extremely annoying. just utterly disposable with his cookie-cutter movie formulas. OUT

storymilo 11-28-2009 08:46 PM


I liked it, and the animation style was really cool. One of the better animated movies of the year, however I prefer Up.

sidewinder 11-29-2009 01:21 AM

Just watched Anvil.

Interesting and sad, you do feel sorry for them...but can't help but find them pathetic as well, to be honest.

LoathsomePete 11-29-2009 09:43 AM

Still confuses the shit outta me but I'm determined to continue watching it until I understand every little detail about it.

sidewinder 11-29-2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 773767)
he's had a couple of moments in zanier early films, and these were more down to the writing than any kind of innate comic ability in Sandler.. i just happen to belong to that (quite large) section of the population that finds him extremely annoying. just utterly disposable with his cookie-cutter movie formulas. OUT

Understandable. He's not my favorite but I just don't have anything against him. Now Rob Schneider is a "comedian" I can't stand.

boo boo 11-29-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 773679)
if you find Adam Sandler anything other than teeth-grindingly unfunny then you, in all likelihood, have brain damage. Go get a CT scan if this is you

I think he USED to be funny. I thought he was fantastic in Happy Gilmore and the rather underrated Wedding Singer.

And he actually does posess some serious actng talent, Punch Drunk Love convinced me of that.

But it does go without saying that most of his films are terrible.

However I think all he needs is some talented writers and directors to work with, which unfortunately for him is a rarity. And that being said Funny People does look very good, I'm not gonna ignore a potentially great film just because he's in it, that would be stupid.

jackhammer 11-29-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 774341)
I think he USED to be funny. I thought he was great in Happy Gilmore and the rather underrated Wedding Singer.

And he actually does posess some serious actng talent, Punch Drunk Love convinced me of that.

But it does go without saying that most of his films are terrible.

I think he suffers from the classic case of a comedian being much better in a serious role and his comedy generally sucking ass. I have never found him remotely funny personally. Jim Carrey is another casualty. Apart from The Mask he is much better in serious roles. He is outstanding in Man On The Moon.

boo boo 11-29-2009 05:25 PM

I actually love a lot of Carrey's older comic roles. Ace Ventura, Dumb & Dumber, Liar Liar, The Mask and especially The Cable Guy. I liked him in Me, Myself and Irene too.

But his more recent films have just come off as rather desperate, as he gets older he lacks the energy he used to have but he still tries to reuse the same gimmicks and it just dosen't work anymore.

He's still a great dramatic actor though, I agree with that.

I think Robin Williams is another good example of a comic actor who is actually better at dramatic roles. He hasn't been in a good comedy since The Birdcage, but he still churns out some amazing dramatic performances, I think that's what he should stick with for now on.

gunnels 11-29-2009 05:27 PM

Ace Ventura ftw.

Also watched Eraserhead last night.
Scariest movie I've ever watched.

Bulldog 11-29-2009 05:28 PM
Lame. Totally, totally lame.

I mean, the first one was believable and good up to a point, while the second installment of the trilogy here's just so overdone, badly written and takes far too many liberties in the name of (sports) dramatic license. I dread to think what the third one's like.

Anyone who's thought about seeing this, just go and watch the Damned United instead.

jackhammer 11-29-2009 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 774347)
I actually love a lot of Carrey's older comic roles. Ace Ventura, Dumb & Dumber, Liar Liar, The Mask and especially The Cable Guy. I liked him in Me, Myself and Irene too.

But his more recent films have just come off as rather desperate, as he gets older he lacks the energy he used to have but he still tries to reuse the same gimmicks and it just dosen't work anymore.

He's still a great dramatic actor though, I agree with that.

I think Robin Williams is another good example of a comic actor who is actually better at dramatic roles. He hasn't been in a good comedy since The Birdcage, but he still churns out some amazing dramatic performances, I think that's what he should stick with for now on.

Robin Williams was especially good in One Hour Photo, The Fisher King and Insomnia. I really want to see the full cut of Being Human too which was cut to shreds by those oh so knowledgeable folk in Hollywood. Shame as this was (Director) Bill Forsyth's long gestating and personal project.

boo boo 11-29-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 774352)
Robin Williams was especially good in One Hour Photo, The Fisher King and Insomnia. I really want to see the full cut of Being Human too which was cut to shreds by those oh so knowledgeable folk in Hollywood. Shame as this was (Director) Bill Forsyth's long gestating and personal project.

Yeah, Being Human was a decent film but it had so much wasted potential.

And a big reason is because of the pacing, it always moved forward to the next segment before you could really start to connect with any of the characters.

sidewinder 11-29-2009 08:07 PM

I used to hate Jim Carey too, just a goofy idiot. But The Truman Show made me like him more, and I do prefer him in more serious roles.

Dr_Rez 11-30-2009 12:45 AM

Harry Brown. A Great vigilante film.

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