i went into this film completely blind except for a friend telling me that the film is a verbatim telling of the book.....i'm really torn on this one....let me first say that the cast was exceptional....all of them played their rolls very well.....i'm not sure if it has to do with my age and the obvious demographics for this film but it seemed to me that the most interesting parts of the plot were completely ignored.....
the film starts off almost feeling like it's going to be set in depression era Appalachia but quickly the viewer realizes that this is in fact a district....12 to be exact of lower/working class people who do all the work for an advanced society of over the top rich people who construct a tv game where they force these kids to kill each other for their enjoyment
so my problem....i found what little we were told of the back ground of this post-apocalyptic world to be very interesting....there was a war, the separation of classes, the hunger games themselves...all of this i felt really deserved some looking into....but nothing at all was really explained.....rather the film concentrated on the game.....which in all honesty was full of every stupid cliche there is......there was one scene that was sooooo built up....i mean like 40 seconds build up and ended in by far the biggest let down of the entire film.....the end was abrupt and predictable and the film making looked more like a network made for tv movie than a blockbuster film
i feel that had they spent more time on this society itself and its origins i really would have enjoyed this movie and would have probably ran out to get the books and read them.....but the game itself was f ucking stupid....i only cared about one character and already knew she would win.....overall this was a bad mixture of Orwell/Huxley, Battle Royale, The Truman Show, and Twilight (stop with the stupid love triangle bullsh it!!!!!)
still i'm curious enough to watch the next film
in end this is not worth your it or wait for netflix as it would probably look better on tv anyways