Guybrush |
02-08-2012 08:54 AM |
I'm putting some of the Jodorowsky titles mentioned here on my to-do list :)
Some memorable movies I've seen lately are ..
Watchmen (2009)
I saw it in the cinemas of course, but this was the HD complete director's cut version including the side story about the black freighter. This was my third time watching it, although the first time I see this version, and I have to say I just love this film and thoroughly enjoyed myself watching it yet again. It's not 100% true to the comic, but I don't think it lets it down in a way which hurts the story. At well over 3 hours in length, I love the daring ambition and how it dares to take it's time in creating a well-spun story.
Carrie (1976)
One of those films that have been on my to-do list forever and one of the few horror classics from the 70s that I had yet to see .. that I can think of anyways. I read the book when I was a teenager so the story was familiar. Still, I somehow thought the movie would feel cheap compared to the book, but it may actually be the other way round. I had a lot more sympathy for Carrie watching the movie than I did the book, although that could have something to do with age as well.
In the end, it's a well made film, exciting, spooky, engaging and entertaining from start to finish. Recommended to all who think they might like that sort of stuff.
Finally, I watched Brazil again because it's come out in HD, but unfortunately it was a shredded version with several scenes left out and so I wasn't too happy about that. :(