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Guybrush 10-14-2009 02:53 AM

Alright, so I threw caution to the wind and saw this 1995 John Carpenter flick. Although I was sceptic, I have to say the movie was better than I feared. Actually, it was interestinf and engaging from start to finish.

The movie opens with protagonist Trent being comitted to an insane asylum and the majority of the movie is the story about how he got there, told to a psychiatrist played by David Warner. It started with the disappearance of Sutter Cane. Sutter Cane is a horror writer who's fiction has become immensly popular and he's sold over a billion books. They are typical Lovecraftian horror stories of things lurking in the dark and people going crazy and mutating into things. Lately, more and more of his fans have been going a little crazy and Sutter himself has been gone for two weeks. His publisher sends private investigator Trent (protagonist) to find Sutter Cane and bring back his latest book.

The resulting story is quite far out there with horror fiction turning into fact and the ultimate doom of mankind. The movie is ripe with tributes and references to H.P. Lovecraft. Although such big topics are kind of hard to handle on smaller budgets, this movie manages to keep it all interesting from start to finish.

Too outlandish to be scary, but still a good film. Far from his best, but still worth the watch if you like horror films. :)

+81 10-14-2009 01:39 PM
Finally got around to ordering this and watched it the other day. So far I though Cube Zero was a bit better but they each have good qualities. Basically both have the same premises. One is more isolated which makes you draw some of your own conclusion. The other adds another dimension to the plot which is interesting also. I have Cube 2 but haven't watched it yet. From what I've read it's going to be "bigger budget - weaker film".

pourmeanother 10-14-2009 01:47 PM

Going to see Paranormal Activity on Thursday at Midnight.

LoathsomePete 10-14-2009 01:53 PM

Yeah there's 90 minutes I'll never get back. The animal killings were obviously pretty fucked up but it was just a bad movie in general, bad acting, exploitative, and had no positive attributes to it.

NumberNineDream 10-14-2009 04:00 PM

The Hippies, the Drugs and the Mud are all there.

Really nice movie with a really good dialogue, enjoyable and funny. The original music has captured perfectly the spirit of the time, and some 60s classics matched beautifully the image. The movie was basically about the character Elliot Tiber, starting Woodstock, and not about the festival itself. I felt it was a good point, as there's already great movies and documentaries about Woodstock that I don't think need any remakes. Tho there's a negative point in this; I've felt all along, that I'm so close to seeing Woodstock but still that moment wouldn't come, that was a bummer. One of my favorite scenes in the movie, an LSD trip to Love's The Red Telephone. and other memorable moments can be found in that movie.

I think it could've been better. 30 minutes can easily be cropped from this movie. But still a really good movie. 7/10

boo boo 10-14-2009 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 751647)
David Lynch has a message for you!

That was awesome, and he's totally right.

Lynch is a pretty cool guy. :thumb:

debaserr 10-15-2009 12:59 AM
Epic. Great performances all around.

NumberNineDream 10-15-2009 05:11 PM

^ I concur

I never get tired of that classic.

simplephysics 10-16-2009 12:39 AM

Where The Wild Things Are

Well, it's most definitely geared toward children so if you have any I suggest taking them to see it. The dialogue is cute and the movie is highly stylized to match.. so I'd say it's decent addition to the Jonze camp. It had me smiling at times but not much more than that. 6/10 eh

debaserr 10-16-2009 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 753226)
Where The Wild Things Are

Well, it's most definitely geared toward children so if you have any I suggest taking them to see it. The dialogue is cute and the movie is highly stylized to match.. so I'd say it's decent addition to the Jonze camp. It had me smiling at times but not much more than that. 6/10 eh

yea... im not gonna go see it.

simplephysics 10-16-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 753237)
yea... im not gonna go see it.

I'd wait for it on bootleg... BOOTLEG!

debaserr 10-16-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 753332)
I'd wait for it on bootleg... BOOTLEG!

im not even gonna see that! i hear there is little story to tell.

jackhammer 10-16-2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 752277)

Yeah there's 90 minutes I'll never get back. The animal killings were obviously pretty fucked up but it was just a bad movie in general, bad acting, exploitative, and had no positive attributes to it.

My view on CH. Exploitation is something that is constantly questioned in the film and it is never heavy handed. Whether it is ever answered is due to interpretation I guess.

FaSho 10-16-2009 08:15 PM
Where The Wild Things Are
Great, great direction in this.Best movie I've seen this year by far. One of my favorite movies ever probably. Great soundtrack as well. Dreadnaught doesn't know what she's talking about :rolleyes:

storymilo 10-16-2009 08:27 PM

It was alright... but it got a little boring at parts imo

Erika! 10-16-2009 10:59 PM

I just got done watching it and this movie was seriously scary, maybe I just scare easy but I was cuddled up by myself in a dark room in the fetal position it felt like.

Dr.Seussicide 10-16-2009 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Erika! (Post 753779)

I just got done watching it and this movie was seriously scary, maybe I just scare easy but I was cuddled up by myself in a dark room in the fetal position it felt like.

This looks fucking scary =/

Erika! 10-16-2009 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 753780)
This looks fucking scary =/

It totally is, especially when all of your friends ditch you and you have to watch it by yourself. Then it's even more scary.

Dr.Seussicide 10-16-2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Erika! (Post 753782)
It totally is, especially when all of your friends ditch you and you have to watch it by yourself. Then it's even more scary.

Haha, your friends ditched you! You should've gone all The Rage: Carrie 2 on their asses! :bonkhead: (well...without the smile, lol)

Was it scarier than Drag Me To Hell? (Yes I found that to be scary as well!)

Erika! 10-16-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 753784)
Haha, your friends ditched you! You should've gone all The Rage: Carrie 2 on their asses! :bonkhead: (well...without the smile, lol)

Was it scarier than Drag Me To Hell? (Yes I found that to be scary as well!)

Hahaha, Carrie is a crazy movie and yeah they ditched me to sleep because they all work at the same place and had to work in the morning so I was like great..and I haven't seen Drag Me To Hell but now I want to see it. I just hate watching scary movies alone.

Dr.Seussicide 10-16-2009 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Erika! (Post 753786)
Hahaha, Carrie is a crazy movie and yeah they ditched me to sleep because they all work at the same place and had to work in the morning so I was like great..and I haven't seen Drag Me To Hell but now I want to see it. I just hate watching scary movies alone.

Oh oh, they all work together and you don't work with them? Sounds like a case of "one of these things is not like the other" :P just kidding, lol

Oh but I'd rather watch scary movies alone... so no one can hear me scream... =| haha, or with just like one other person!

Erika! 10-16-2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 753787)
Oh oh, they all work together and you don't work with them? Sounds like a case of "one of these things is not like the other" :P just kidding, lol

Oh but I'd rather watch scary movies alone... so no one can hear me scream... =| haha, or with just like one other person!

Haha, I'm currently jobless which is sad but true. Well hey, we can watch scary movies and be scardy cats together.

Dr.Seussicide 10-16-2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Erika! (Post 753789)
Haha, I'm currently jobless which is sad but true. Well hey, we can watch scary movies and be scardy cats together.

Haha, it isn't all that sad! ...well kinda sad, but that's ok! Working's overrated anyways, lol.

Scardy cats unite? :shycouch:

Erika! 10-16-2009 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 753790)
Haha, it isn't all that sad! ...well kinda sad, but that's ok! Working's overrated anyways, lol.

Scardy cats unite? :shycouch:

That's what I'm saying, it's too overrated haha.
Yes, scardy cats unite! :D

Dr.Seussicide 10-16-2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Erika! (Post 753792)
That's what I'm saying, it's too overrated haha.
Yes, scardy cats unite! :D

Hehe :)

Oh btw, everyone needs to see this movie!

Erika! 10-16-2009 11:48 PM

Seen it already, I thought it was funny when he was going to get stabbed over the "giant ass panda".

debaserr 10-17-2009 01:40 AM

yea i thought Adventureland was great.

cardboard adolescent 10-17-2009 02:21 AM

this was freaking awesome

especially when i got to meet the guy it was about right after seeing it

debaserr 10-17-2009 02:36 AM

just watched the trailer. whoa! need to see!

Malicious Wakizashi 10-17-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent (Post 753819)
especially when i got to meet the guy it was about right after seeing it

how'd you manage that?

cardboard adolescent 10-17-2009 11:36 AM

it was the chicago premiere, and the director and that dude were both there for a q&a session. i was standing in the lobby with some friends afterward and i spotted him and went over to talk to him. since i told him my name and talked to him he said i could have a free interview if i was ever in LA where he's doing his new project.

kouki 10-17-2009 11:47 AM

^^^gotta check that out for sure.

Just wasted 2 hours of my life watching the newest jason flick.Lotsa boobs in it tho.:tramp: bouncy bouncy!

pourmeanother 10-18-2009 05:14 AM

Religulous. It was beast. Paranormal Activity. It actually was pretty creepy, except that b next to me needed to put a lid on it/can it/shut her pie hole/cork it and stop freaking the **** out.

WolfAtTheDoor 10-21-2009 09:52 AM


A moving and beautiful movie, although certainly not one of Pixar's best as is being stated by most publications. Also, if you are thinking of taking a young child to see it, I would reconsider. Although I am against sugarcoating a child's image of the world with all this mass-censorship that floats around these days, Up had both me and my girlfriend feeling quite down afterwards.

It toys with some very real aspects of life and the 'happy ending' is extremely bittersweet.

NumberNineDream 10-21-2009 09:57 AM

Is it worth the watch if not in a 3D theater ?

adidasss 10-21-2009 10:13 AM

I'm totally pissed I can't watch this in the theater in its original, not-dubbed-to-fucking-Croatian version...>:[

NumberNineDream 10-21-2009 10:42 AM

There was no 3D in here !! [and it was only shown on the 2:30 p.m session]

WolfAtTheDoor 10-21-2009 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 755917)
Is it worth the watch if not in a 3D theater ?

I'd assume so. It's hardly like this new 3D-pixar thing actually alters the movie in any way shape or form, it just makes it more immersive.

This bring me on to a complaint, actually. Pixar have only started making every film in 3D to prevent piracy, yet for me and my girlfriend to watch Up it cost us over £18... that's over £9 each. Now, granted, you can also watch these films in 2D, but then you feel like you are only getting half the movie you went out of your way to watch in the first place. No way should a trip to the cinema cost £18 for 2 people. What about large families? The kids aren't going to want to sit through the 2D film whilst their friends have watched it in 3D, meaning that parents are going to have to fork out upwards of 30/40 pound for ONE film?

This is why piracy exists - people fed up of the money hungry habits of big entertainment corporations. The only reason why Pixar manages to keep us coming back is because they regularly churn out quality products. In times when money is tight it is ironic that a business built on capturing the imagination and innocence of children doesn't lower its extortionate prices.

We took our kids and their friends to the cinema. Oops, now we can't afford to eat.

**** you Disney.

NumberNineDream 10-21-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor (Post 755984)
I'd assume so. It's hardly like this new 3D-pixar thing actually alters the movie in any way shape or form, it just makes it more immersive.

This bring me on to a complaint, actually. Pixar have only started making every film in 3D to prevent piracy, yet for me and my girlfriend to watch Up it cost us over £18... that's over £9 each. Now, granted, you can also watch these films in 2D, but then you feel like you are only getting half the movie you went out of your way to watch in the first place. No way should a trip to the cinema cost £18 for 2 people. What about large families? The kids aren't going to want to sit through the 2D film whilst their friends have watched it in 3D, meaning that parents are going to have to fork out upwards of 30/40 pound for ONE film?

This is why piracy exists - people fed up of the money hungry habits of big entertainment corporations. The only reason why Pixar manages to keep us coming back is because they regularly churn out quality products. In times when money is tight it is ironic that a business built on capturing the imagination and innocence of children doesn't lower its extortionate prices.

We took our kids and their friends to the cinema. Oops, now we can't afford to eat.

**** you Disney.

But still when it'll come out on DVD, it'll be 2D. Here a movie only stays in the theater for a maximum of 1 month, and there's no theaters that show old movies. So all we do is get the DVDs pirated.

Now I don't know which was first, the over-piracy or the movies' one month only theaters. Either way, it's not working, and Disney is getting a bit too greedy.

jackhammer 10-21-2009 05:37 PM

I'm thankful my eyes are fucked so I can't watch 3D and so save myself some cash!

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