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NumberNineDream 09-28-2009 07:46 PM

^ Great movie, trippy enough. Some scenes are great and the movie successfully sucks us into the nightmares of Jacob. The ending is predictable, but I don't think it was meant to be surprising. What should make our mind boggle is the trip in itself. On the other hand, what really was a bummer, is the lack of imagery. Seeing the movie poster, we should expect the mind-blowing disfigurement of one's self. However, watching the deleted scenes, all the imagery was there. Seems it was hard to put all these raw images and still have a progressive evolution in the movie.

adidasss 09-29-2009 03:56 AM

I recently saw that myself. Excellent film. I didn't think the ending was predictable, at least not right away. I also saw the documentary with the deleted scenes and thought they were better left out. The final cut is much more ambiguous and subtle and all the better for it...

TyrantSong 09-29-2009 06:06 AM

I saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 9 last weekend.

Cloudy was outstanding, it's rare I have that much fun in the theatres.

As for 9...I was sorely disappointed. It was like being thrown into an end boss fight, beating it, fighting it again, and then watching the ****ty ending.

bassdxtreme 09-29-2009 06:25 AM

I watched Observe and Report this weekend (wasn't that bad, was a lot better then I actually expected) and The Mutant Chronicles (kinda Sci-Fi channelish, but was pretty good and had a great cast. It's worth a glance atleast).

Recently I lost my ability to use netflix, but I started watching a crazy adaptation of Alice in wonderland called just Alice. It was foreign and re-dubbed in english but it was ****ing crazy and I really wanna finish watching it.

LoathsomePete 09-29-2009 09:13 AM

I finally got around to watching Watchmen so now I can read the damn comic I bought six months ago. If you're curious as to why I waited to read the comic it's a rule I've adopted when faced with Alan Moore comics becoming films. I've found that while the films are quite adequate on their own, however the knowledge of what's going to happen as well as the major changes done to the characters severely retracts from the movie. It shouldn't though, but it does, so because of that I now watch the movies first so I can enjoy them for what they are, and then read the comics so I can enjoy them for what they are.

storymilo 09-29-2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 744112)
I finally got around to watching Watchmen so now I can read the damn comic I bought six months ago. If you're curious as to why I waited to read the comic it's a rule I've adopted when faced with Alan Moore comics becoming films. I've found that while the films are quite adequate on their own, however the knowledge of what's going to happen as well as the major changes done to the characters severely retracts from the movie. It shouldn't though, but it does, so because of that I now watch the movies first so I can enjoy them for what they are, and then read the comics so I can enjoy them for what they are.

I find it's more fun usually to read the book, and enjoy it more because the movie hasn't already ruined it for you, and then watch the movie and if it's good say how well it adapted the book, and if it's bad, as in most cases, you can pick it apart and make fun of every bit.

But that's just me

jackhammer 09-29-2009 04:42 PM

Let's see. Terrible plot.Check.Clunky dialogue.Check.Variable acting.Check.Cheesy synth score.Check. Still liked it though :D

Anteater 09-29-2009 07:11 PM

Pretty likeable film; Depp and DiCaprio were great as expected, though I could have cared less about the rest of the cast.

NumberNineDream 09-30-2009 02:19 PM

^ Same. DiCaprio was really good in it. But I should also name Juliette Lewis.

Roemilca 09-30-2009 02:26 PM


Jesus Christ, what a piece of crap. I went to the midnight showing last Thursday (Friday, technically) and I felt like walking out of it.

Raust 09-30-2009 03:09 PM
I enjoyed it!

Molecules 10-01-2009 03:33 PM

well, i was obliged to see Rear Window for the 5 billionth time as it was a screening for the course I am on (no enjoying the film, just scribble down everything you see. In the dark.)
And i tried to watch some piece of crap online today, a new sci-fi horror with Dennis Quaid and a guy that looks like Brad Dourif's son but isn't called Pandorum. I would love for somebody to introduce me to a film that is set in space, that could be categorized as sci-fi/horror, that isn't stylistic carbon copy of the original Alien?*

*n.b. Aliens doesn't count

jackhammer 10-03-2009 02:35 PM

I have to keep reminding myself how awesome this movie is every now and again but god damn Warner Bros. Why do they have such crap sound on their dvd's :(

WWWP 10-03-2009 02:36 PM

I'm going to see Zombieland today. I'm really excited. Will report back later.

Guybrush 10-04-2009 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 745151)
well, i was obliged to see Rear Window for the 5 billionth time as it was a screening for the course I am on (no enjoying the film, just scribble down everything you see. In the dark.)
And i tried to watch some piece of crap online today, a new sci-fi horror with Dennis Quaid and a guy that looks like Brad Dourif's son but isn't called Pandorum. I would love for somebody to introduce me to a film that is set in space, that could be categorized as sci-fi/horror, that isn't stylistic carbon copy of the original Alien?*

*n.b. Aliens doesn't count

Event Horizon from 1997 comes to mind. :)

Bulldog 10-04-2009 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 745918)

I have to keep reminding myself how awesome this movie is every now and again but god damn Warner Bros. Why do they have such crap sound on their dvd's :(

Definitely one of my absolute favourites that. The script is just amazing - it takes truly brilliant writing to create sympathy for both sides of the good and bad spectrum.

NSW 10-04-2009 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 745919)
I'm going to see Zombieland today. I'm really excited. Will report back later.

Zombieland was so much fun!! Lots of good ole fashioned zombie gore, plenty of funnies, action straight from the beginning. Decent soundtrack too. And whoever did the make up effects on this film did a fantastic job IMO.

Molecules 10-04-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 746115)
Event Horizon from 1997 comes to mind. :)

*thinks* yes i suppose... that is a flawed staple of late night television (though i'm sure these days they'd air it after Barney the Dinosaur and no-one would bat an eyelid)

WolfAtTheDoor 10-05-2009 07:08 AM

I recommend it, though it sort of drags along at somepoints, you sort of get the impression that it was one of those films that HAD to be made.

kouki 10-05-2009 08:30 PM

Damn, I wish I could read thru all the pages,but damn theres 419.
I saw "the curious case of benjamin button" it was ok.

anabundanceoftubes 10-05-2009 08:54 PM

I literally just got back from the theatres after seeing Zombieland. I went there to be entertained o course, but it completely surpassed my expectations of amusing teen comedy to what I'd call an actual good movie. The characters are well developed and likable, the plot line is interesting and has one or two shark jumpings but really funny and utterly unpredictable. The soundtrack is great. I'm not really into gore, and I was sort of startled by how much it had at the beginning, but it's all extremely delightful blood and guts, so great for people who, like me, aren't always that into that sort of thing.
And I haven't seen it yet as it hasn't come out, but just saw the commercial and who else is excited for Pirate Radio?

+81 10-05-2009 10:11 PM
I bought The Blair Witch project at a pawn shop. I remember everyone always saying how much it sucked. I think they were just more into the pop out and **** yourself type horror. Such atmospheric horror was really great and the ending was perfect.

Janszoon 10-05-2009 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 746115)
Event Horizon from 1997 comes to mind. :)

That's a great flick. I saw that in the theater.

WWWP 10-06-2009 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 746150)
Zombieland was so much fun!! Lots of good ole fashioned zombie gore, plenty of funnies, action straight from the beginning. Decent soundtrack too. And whoever did the make up effects on this film did a fantastic job IMO.

I agree. There were a lot of great one-liners in there... hopefully people don't go overboard quoting them. While it didn't follow the real rules for zombie survival I was thouroughly entertained.

Also, I just finished watching

It's one of the better movies I've seen in awhile. It was sweet without being a chick flick, and it was funny without trying too hard. I cried but I wouldn't really call it a tear-jerker. Anyway, I highly recommend it.

Astronomer 10-06-2009 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 747400)
I bought The Blair Witch project at a pawn shop. I remember everyone always saying how much it sucked. I think they were just more into the pop out and **** yourself type horror. Such atmospheric horror was really great and the ending was perfect.

The ending was the only thing I really liked about this movie. I'm going to be predictable and say that the rest of it really bored me... was a cool idea but I think it could have been executed better. Still, wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be and I did like how it ended.

boo boo 10-06-2009 03:36 AM

It stalled at times but it did have several moments of genuine terror. Like the tent scene and the ending, I don't care who you are, that sh*t was scary.

Overall a decent horror film that's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.

WolfAtTheDoor 10-06-2009 04:40 AM

Yeah, I watched Blair Witch when it came out and it REALLY sh*t me up. The image of the children's handprints on the wall has imprinted itself in my brain.

Molecules 10-06-2009 04:48 AM

if you want something Blair Witch-esque this is something, nothing earth-shaking but alot of people seem to rate it. Worth watching for a few frames in the latter half of the movie, you'll see what i mean
YouTube - Noroi - The Curse (1/11)

Noroi (2005)

+81 10-06-2009 11:26 AM

Thanks, Molecules. I'm going to watch the whole thing tonight.

jackhammer 10-06-2009 05:31 PM

If I had seen this when it originally came out then I would have had more of a soft spot for it. Brandon Lee is completely wasted in his role and I spotted some obvious stunt doubles in the movie but it was diverting enough and Dolph Lundgren is buff!

adidasss 10-06-2009 05:55 PM

Dolph is a Nordic God, but I still wouldn't subject myself to one of his films...:laughing:

Anyhoo, I saw First squad, the latest from the most cutting edge Japanese animation studio 4C. Major disappointment. Completely lacking in invention which is what made me fall in love with them in the first place.

jackhammer 10-06-2009 06:16 PM

Adidasss you are such a film snob ;)

TheCunningStunt 10-06-2009 06:46 PM

Last film I watched was Lars and the Real Girl.

About a guy (Ryan Gosling) who falls in love with a doll (A piece of plasic.)

It's a drama comedy, it was okay.

1 really funny moment in it, I couldn't help but laugh. But I like uncomfortable situations, they amuse me.

djchameleon 10-07-2009 07:22 AM

I loved Lars and the real girl, I think it's full of unintentionally funny moments that I laughed at. I'm not sure others would find it as funny though

Dark City was so much more interesting when I watch it now that I'm older.
I feel like parts of this movie inspired The Matrix.
The only difference is that they manually go around replacing everyone's memories instead of having a program alter their reality.

Guybrush 10-07-2009 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 747538)
if you want something Blair Witch-esque this is something, nothing earth-shaking but alot of people seem to rate it. Worth watching for a few frames in the latter half of the movie, you'll see what i mean
YouTube - Noroi - The Curse (1/11)

Noroi (2005)

Seen it! It didn't scare me, but it was a good movie I thought. I probably won't watch it again. Someone else here mentioned [REC] as well which is similar in that it's supposed to look like it's documenting real life happenings. For some reason, I just don't find these movies spooky (same goes for Blair Witch), but my GF absolutely hates them. [REC] did very little for me, but she was so creeped out she had to watch something a little nicer before she went to bed.

It's not because I'm so resistant to scares - other movies may creep me out but these do very little for me.

Flower Child 10-07-2009 08:18 AM

rented a few movies
Excellent. I was thoroughly entertained during the whole movie. All of the actors were perfect. Dwight Yoakam threw a superb fit and he really made you hate his guts. And Thornton's character, Karl, had all the characteristics and charisma that a good main character needed. And that voice was classic.
spoiler alert!
I also really enjoyed this movie too, though my only complaint is that I think they drug out the ending a little too long. Robert De Niro made such a great baddy in this movie. I almost rooted for him just because I thought the dad was a big wuss. Juliette Lewis was brilliant also. She played the part of the ditzy 15 year old perfectly. I had to feel for her a little, because I also kinda had a crush on De Niro too :o: Up until the end that is, when his face was all burned off. This movie also made me jump a few times, which I dig. When De Niro had killed the maid and was disguised as her when he killed the Private Investigator, I did not see that one coming.

adidasss 10-07-2009 10:08 AM

Looks fabulous doesn't it? Well it is, sorta. The musical numbers are really great but the story inexplicably falls apart in the last 3rd part when it starts to cross over into pure fantasy and comes off looking exactly like a high school play (with bad acting and bad writing). Shame, loads of potential was wasted. And despite what theadvocate says, Hedwig has nothing to worry about...:\

I wonder if Glee does it better? Hmm...

Molecules 10-07-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 748287)

Looks fabulous doesn't it? Well it is, sorta. The musical numbers are really great but the story inexplicably falls apart in the last 3rd part when it starts to cross over into pure fantasy and comes off looking exactly like a high school play (with bad acting and bad writing). Shame, loads of potential was wasted. And despite what theadvocate says, Hedwig has nothing to worry about...:\

I wonder if Glee does it better? Hmm...

that sends alarm bells ringing as i was once dragged to see the Hedwig play by a trans friend on almost no sleep; they somehow got the impression i would like it because i was into ziggy stardust, top 5 worst evenings of my life

my viewing: they screened Un Chien Andalou @ college. Having completely forgotten every last detail of it, you can't fail to leave the room smiling,

adidasss 10-07-2009 11:01 AM

Lol, let's put it down to sleep deprivation. Hedwig is a lot of fun...but I do prefer Shortbus...

Molecules 10-07-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 748265)
Seen it! It didn't scare me, but it was a good movie I thought. I probably won't watch it again. Someone else here mentioned [REC] as well which is similar in that it's supposed to look like it's documenting real life happenings. For some reason, I just don't find these movies spooky (same goes for Blair Witch), but my GF absolutely hates them. [REC] did very little for me, but she was so creeped out she had to watch something a little nicer before she went to bed.

It's not because I'm so resistant to scares - other movies may creep me out but these do very little for me.

no it's not that great, some good suspense though and a couple of memorable images... plus it's worth watching for the tin foil guy. i guess blair witch remains the best example of the home video horror (?). Noroi requires a bit more suspension of disbelief to sit through; i think it's characteristic of many average Japanese horrors in that they just try to cram too many supernatural cliches into one film and it tests your acceptance of this particular 'world'.
Haven't really been spellbound by a J-horror since Ring =(

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