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Guybrush 09-04-2009 04:00 PM

The GI Joes (or Action Force as they were known over here) were my second favourite after the Transformers. I'm guessing I'm gonna like it :p:

boo boo 09-05-2009 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 729600)

The Birth of a Nation
For anyone who doesn't know or couldn't guess by the poster, this 1915 silent film is about the American Civil War and the founding of the Ku Klux Klan (who it depicts as heroes). To say this movie is absurdly racist and an enormous steaming pile of revisionist history bullshit is an understatement. However, it is a landmark film in the history of cinema filled with many innovations which are now completely entrenched pieces of the language of cinema especially in terms of the camera work and the editing. It's also an interesting unintentional document of how socially acceptable extreme racism was in American culture back in those days. On the other hand, it was controversial even in it's day so that at least gives me a little hope. Worth watching if you have an interest in the history of cinema and don't mind sitting through a silent film that's over three hours long but be advised that this movie will probably piss you off.

By far the most polarizing film ever made.

DW Griffith was the true pioneer of American filmmaking, and this film is probably his greatest technical achievement. And in all it's technical achievements it IS a brilliantly made film.

People need to understand that this was a different movie for a different time, and of course times change, today just about anyone who is not a klansmen or skinhead can agree that this is probably the most ridiculously offensive film ever made.

Well, at least until Eddie Griffin, Martin Lawrence and The Wayans Brothers starting doing movies. :laughing:

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a fascination with racist iconography though.

moserw 09-05-2009 04:51 AM

Transformers 2, Terminator Salvation and X-Men Origins Wolverine were my last. Have been traveling since so yet to catch up on the new ones. BTW anyone saw District 9 and if so how is it?

made 09-05-2009 07:31 PM

I want to see District 9 for sure, I heard its amazing anyway.. The last movie I saw was the original Inglorious Bastards. Very funny. Generally kinda old and stuff but a good laugh. Before that I saw Public Enemies which made me want to be cool enough to pull off a bank robbery...ya. I recommend.

NumberNineDream 09-05-2009 09:03 PM

^REALLY good movie!

charlieomar 09-05-2009 09:05 PM

Public Enemies. That movie was an effin blast. :D

boo boo 09-06-2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 730629)

Red x? Never heard of it.

Lol, but seriously I love Good Will Hunting too. I know people who really hate it, but you can't please everybody.

Plus getting a decent performance out of Ben Affleck is no easy task.

charlieomar 09-06-2009 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by charlieomar (Post 730631)
Public Enemies. That movie was an effin blast. :D

Wait, nvm, it was Seven Pounds. It was a good movie, but the end didn't impact me as much mostly because I found the movie so predictable.

Dr_Rez 09-06-2009 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by made (Post 730577)
I want to see District 9 for sure, I heard its amazing anyway..

Its really not. Compared to any other high profile alien movies its nothing special. The plot is non existent, actors are average, and the ending leaves much room for improvement.

boo boo 09-06-2009 02:55 AM

It's a really good movie, but it's not a flawless masterpiece or anything, if people call it that, it's because a genuinely good sci fi movie these days is such a rarity.

I thought the main actor was pretty good, and an interesting choice for a protagonist. Overll it was well writen, some surprisingly clever satire thrown in. The special effects were excellent, some of the best CGI I've ever seen. Lots of satisfying action too.

Still, there were some things that bothered me and yeah, SPOILER ALERT:

I liked the humor, but sometimes it distracted from the intended seriousness. Some of it was a bit too campy, like aliens paying for hookers, betting on alien c0ckfights, telling the humans to get off their property while chugging down cat food like a can of beer. It was funny but maybe a bit too funny to really belong in the movie. Despite the alien's crustacean-esque appearance, I still felt the movie made their personalities and mannerisms way too "human" to be truly believable. These are supposed to be aliens, but they didn't act like aliens, which I guess is the joke, but it did bother me.

I also thought the whole subplot about south africans eating aliens to "consume their power" was way too over the top. I would have also liked to see a more complex villian rather than just your typical meatheaded goons. And of course it ends on a cliffhanger. It pissed me off but still, it DOES make me want to see the sequel.

There were also those uncomfortable moments where I felt like I was watching someone play a Halo video game rather than an actual movie.

But overall, it's a really good sci fi action movie and if that's your cup of tea, I highly recommend it. Great fun.

pk00 09-06-2009 04:37 AM

Burn after Reading with Gerorge Clooney and Brad Pitt. Hilarious!

Astronomer 09-06-2009 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 730776)
Still, there were some things that bothered me and yeah, SPOILER ALERT:

I liked the humor, but sometimes it distracted from the intended seriousness. Some of it was a bit too campy, like aliens paying for hookers, betting on alien c0ckfights, telling the humans to get off their property while chugging down cat food like a can of beer. It was funny but maybe a bit too funny to really belong in the movie. Despite the alien's crustacean-esque appearance, I still felt the movie made their personalities and mannerisms way too "human" to be truly believable. These are supposed to be aliens, but they didn't act like aliens, which I guess is the joke, but it did bother me.

I also thought the whole subplot about south africans eating aliens to "consume their power" was way too over the top. I would have also liked to see a more complex villian rather than just your typical meatheaded goons. And of course it ends on a cliffhanger. It pissed me off but still, it DOES make me want to see the sequel.

There were also those uncomfortable moments where I felt like I was watching someone play a Halo video game rather than an actual movie.

But overall, it's a really good sci fi action movie and if that's your cup of tea, I highly recommend it. Great fun.

I kind-of liked how the aliens demonstrated human qualities. I mean, they'd been on earth for 20 years. But mainly, the way in which they made the aliens have human-like mannerisms made you relate to them more and feel more sorry for them. I dunno, I liked it. And a lot of aspects of the film I didn't think were funny but instead quite sad because of the social issues they attempted to raise.

I also thought the protagonist was a good/interesting choice for the main character. And it's true that a lot of it felt like I was inside a video game but the action scenes were actually pretty stimulated and I'm normally one to be quite bored by action stuff. I agree about the whole thing with the Nigerians eating the aliens - that was a bit too ridiculous for me. I also think they could have chosen better villains.

But overall I'd have to agree it was a pretty good and entertaining sci-fi; something different from anything I'd seen lately.

boo boo 09-06-2009 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 730820)
I kind-of liked how the aliens demonstrated human qualities. I mean, they'd been on earth for 20 years. But mainly, the way in which they made the aliens have human-like mannerisms made you relate to them more and feel more sorry for them. I dunno, I liked it. And a lot of aspects of the film I didn't think were funny but instead quite sad because of the social issues they attempted to raise.

I also thought the protagonist was a good/interesting choice for the main character. And it's true that a lot of it felt like I was inside a video game but the action scenes were actually pretty stimulated and I'm normally one to be quite bored by action stuff. I agree about the whole thing with the Nigerians eating the aliens - that was a bit too ridiculous for me. I also think they could have chosen better villains.

But overall I'd have to agree it was a pretty good and entertaining sci-fi; something different from anything I'd seen lately.

Well I understand that the aliens needed some human qualities so the audience could connect with them, but I felt that there should have been a bit more effort put into making their culture and customs more unique from ours, because I'm pretty sure that if a bunch of aliens made a pit stop here, they wouldn't be just like us in the way they act. The film would have been a lot more interesting if it actually made a clear distinction between us and the "prawns", as in what makes them different from us and why we can't get along. I think that was a great opportunity that this movie missed, maybe the sequel will pick up on this. I certainly hope so.

Also this was a not so subtle commentary on racism, and I think it would have been more effective if they didn't try to make the aliens the ONLY sympathetic characters in the film (aside from the main character) and all the other humans into comic book archtypes. One could argue that the depiction of south africans as superstitious savages is, I dunno, a little racist.

I do however like how this is a twist on the usual "misunderstood alien/fantastical creatures mistreated by evil, greedy humans" formula (Day the Earth Stood Still, ET, Starman, Enemy Mine and the upcoming Avatar are good examples of this). Unlike other sci fi movies that use this plot device, the aliens were not part of some idealized utopia, they were not cute and cudley and were not to be f*cked with, and they were prone to all the same evils and shortcomings as humankind, that I liked.

So in that sense, the aliens can be sympathetic, but it's still made pretty clear that they can pose a threat to the human race, why did they come here in the first place? And why did they bring so many weapons? So the movie isn't just painting everything in black and white. As in, we're the bad guys and they're the good guys. This message would have been a lot more powerful though if so many of the human characters weren't so cartoonish. Still it IS a sci fi action movie so something like that dosen't really bother me.

I'm just nitpicking really. Jackson has yet to put his name on a less than stellar movie.

And yes guys that includes King Kong, I liked it, sue me.

Sparky 09-06-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 730776)

There were also those uncomfortable moments where I felt like I was watching someone play a Halo video game rather than an actual movie.


Rumor is that it was originally supposed to be the Halo movie.

boo boo 09-06-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 730895)
Rumor is that it was originally supposed to be the Halo movie.

Heh, I forgot all about that supposed Halo movie that Jackson was working on but eventually dropped.

It's a shame, I don't even like the Halo games but if Jackson did the movie it could have been the first good video game movie ever.

Sparky 09-06-2009 12:47 PM

Well the same director who did District 9 was supposedly going to direct the Halo movie as well.

If its true im glad they dropped it in favor of this.

Silent protagonists don't work well on screen.

LoathsomePete 09-06-2009 01:19 PM

Actually from what I read the movie was suppose to be about the marines with Master Chief popping up every now and then, also he wasn't a silent protagonist as he did have lines.

Anyhow this was the last movie I watched, a pretty good documentary on punk music even if it was a things I already knew before.

jackhammer 09-06-2009 01:35 PM

As far as Arthurian takes go, this is one of the best even though it's still a romanticised view and historically inaccurate. A few dodgy scenes and acting apart there is still a lot to admire in the film.
Quite incredible true story of a French guy who tightroped walked (illegally) between the twin towers in 1974.
This superlative Miyazaki is arguably better than his much more lauded Spirited Away. Superb animated film.

boo boo 09-06-2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by matious (Post 730923)
Silent protagonists don't work well on screen.

I disagree strongly.

Not just because of the silent film era either. Wall-E for example.

Terrible Lizard 09-06-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 731001)
I disagree strongly.

Not just because of the silent film era either. Wall-E for example.

He made more noise than that little gimp from Mac and Me, so I wouldn't say Wall-E counts.

Bucket Foot 09-07-2009 01:06 PM

well I'm currently watching RAY right now. and am nearly done.

Altogether a very enjoyable and informing movie. one thing Im always weary about when watching these movies about a famous musician or entertainer is that there never completely true and sometimes very far off.

I have no idea about anything relating to Ray Charles so I cant say if this movie is true or not but it entertained me and was done very well.

Jamie Foxx is extraordinary in this and from the videos on youtube, does a very good job of being Ray Charles.


boo boo 09-08-2009 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 731004)
He made more noise than that little gimp from Mac and Me, so I wouldn't say Wall-E counts.

Wow, you did NOT just copare Wall-E to what is probably the worst kids movie I've ever seen. Did you?

boo boo 09-08-2009 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bucket Foot (Post 731454)
well I'm currently watching RAY right now. and am nearly done.

Altogether a very enjoyable and informing movie. one thing Im always weary about when watching these movies about a famous musician or entertainer is that there never completely true and sometimes very far off.

I have no idea about anything relating to Ray Charles so I cant say if this movie is true or not but it entertained me and was done very well.

Jamie Foxx is extraordinary in this and from the videos on youtube, does a very good job of being Ray Charles.


Foxx is fantastic, however this movie suffered from a lot of cliches (especially those common to bio movies), Foxx makes it worthwhile, but Walk the Line IMO delt with the bio movie formula a lot more tastefully and convincingly, without being as hokey and manipulative.

Terrible Lizard 09-08-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 731929)
Wow, you did NOT just copare Wall-E to what is probably the worst kids movie I've ever seen. Did you?

I believe I did "copare" it.

jacklovezhimself 09-08-2009 08:17 PM

uh-oh shits getting real.

Terrible Lizard 09-08-2009 08:19 PM

It's time to get the guacamole!


boo boo 09-08-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 732366)
I believe I did "copare" it.

Curse my fast writing style and constant oversights.

Plus my keyboard sucks. Yeah I know I'm making excuses but c'mon, I know how to spell "compare", I'm not stupid. We all make mistakes. :banghead:

Neapolitan 09-08-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 732369)
It's time to get the guacamole!

You should change your name to "Terrible Taco!"

VH1 classic has 9 days of The Beatles, it's like 24 hours of The Beatles, so the last two movies I saw:
A Hard Days Night

NumberNineDream 09-09-2009 11:05 AM

I just watched Across the Universe, I did not expect it to be that good.

NSW 09-09-2009 11:21 AM


Loved it! Who knew Alicia Keys could be a decent actress? And I have a soft spot for Queen Latifah...except that whole "Taxi" fiasco.

Piss Me Off 09-09-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 732635)

Loved it! Who knew Alicia Keys could be a decent actress? And I have a soft spot for Queen Latifah...except that whole "Taxi" fiasco.

I loved the book but was apprehensive when i heard about the film. Dakota Fanning's a good choice and i'm sure Queen Latifah can pull a good performance out as long as it's not a cringy Disney film, I may have to check it out!

NSW 09-09-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 732669)
I loved the book but was apprehensive when i heard about the film. Dakota Fanning's a good choice and i'm sure Queen Latifah can pull a good performance out as long as it's not a cringy Disney film, I may have to check it out!

You loved the book? That's good to hear because after seeing the movie I'm dying to read the book now.

Edit: Oh...and how could I not mention Sophie Okonedo? She turned in a fantastic performance.

Astronomer 09-09-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 732624)
I just watched Across the Universe, I did not expect it to be that good.

I was skeptical when I first saw this as well... but in the end I really liked it. Visually stimulating and fun; I thought it was great.

storymilo 09-09-2009 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 732624)
I just watched Across the Universe, I did not expect it to be that good.

I saw this. I actually really enjoyed it, but mainly just for the soundtrack, (yes I quite like the Beatles). The plot I'm afraid was rather stupid

simplephysics 09-09-2009 07:39 PM

Don't waste your money, it was pretty terrible.

boo boo 09-10-2009 12:22 PM

Usually I find anything that Mike Judge is involved with to be hilarious, but he's kinda lost it lately, like ending King of the Hill to do a new cartoon called The Goode Family.

And from what I've seen, I was seriously shocked by how appallingly unfunny it was, hey Mike, what the hell happened?

BPM 09-10-2009 05:58 PM

District 9

The special effects were amazing but it was really long and boring

don't hate me.

Liljagare 09-11-2009 01:19 AM

"Drag Me to Hell" ..Pretty much felt I was there already after the first 10 minutes..

Astronomer 09-11-2009 01:41 AM


^ Pretty crappy.


^ I was watching this snuggled up on the couch with my friend and didn't have my contact lenses in / glasses on so I couldn't read any of the subtitles so a lot of the movie was rather meaningless. I think I fell asleep in the end. Might watch it again.

Mojo 09-11-2009 02:55 AM

^^ I quite liked Zack and Miri, despite not watching it for a considerable length of time after it came out due to the belief that it would be extremely crappy. It looked terrible to me. I can see how it wouldnt be for everyone though.

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