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TapSurface 08-25-2009 10:19 AM

I like Robert De Niro in Brazil!

"You can't make a move without a form." -- Harry Tuttle (Robert De Niro) to Sam

Probably because I've got mountains of paperwork to do and I'm procrastinating.

P.s. Cheap copy up at my store:

Guybrush 08-25-2009 10:23 AM

^Hm, Brazil is one of my favourite movies of all time along with the Fisher King .. Nice reference ;)

Dr.Seussicide 08-25-2009 06:26 PM

Am I the only one who didn't thoroughly enjoy this as much as the critics say I should have?

Akira 08-25-2009 06:28 PM

Dont know, but I'm probably the only one who couldn't give a crap about it.

NumberNineDream 08-25-2009 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 725076)

Am I the only one who didn't thoroughly enjoy this as much as the critics say I should have?

All i know about this movie is that it got the most annoying trailer i've ever seen ... the fade to black every 3 seconds nearly suffocated me.

mr dave 08-26-2009 01:19 AM

i checked out District 9 last weekend on a whim, first movie i've seen in a long time. had not seen or heard a single thing about it prior to going in.

if i wanted to watch a documentary about Israel and social tolerance i'd watch a documentary about Israel and social tolerance.

it wasn't bad but hardly amazing either. i found the general attitudes of the characters rather one sided and shallow although i'll give props to the movie for not being preachy with its message.

Zarko 08-26-2009 01:26 AM

Apocalypto... Wasn't as bad as I was expecting, was overall an enjoyable film.

Spent an hour looking for Dawn of the Dead (Either/or) and the man With No Name trilogy at the nearest shopping mall. Lo an behold, can not find anything I was looking for...

Anyone got a decent DVD Online store to suggest? I live in Aus (Ie different region coding) but either way any suggestions would be super.

LoathsomePete 08-26-2009 10:15 AM

If Australia uses Netflix then I would highly suggest getting an account with them.

crash_override 08-26-2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 725328)
If Australia uses Netflix then I would highly suggest getting an account with them.

I don't think they do. Considering Netflix runs off the US Postal Service as its primary distribution. Plus I don't think they do foreign region codiings.

Zarko 08-26-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 725328)
If Australia uses Netflix then I would highly suggest getting an account with them.

Hmm no netflix, only other one looks dodgy as hell.

Oh well, my mate just DLs most of the movies I like (Foreign/Asian films) but I may have to get a region free Bluray/DVD player sooner rather than later, and just mass purchase Region 1 DVDs from various online stores...

What is NetFlix like anyway?

LoathsomePete 08-26-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 725337)
Hmm no netflix, only other one looks dodgy as hell.

Oh well, my mate just DLs most of the movies I like (Foreign/Asian films) but I may have to get a region free Bluray/DVD player sooner rather than later, and just mass purchase Region 1 DVDs from various online stores...

What is NetFlix like anyway?

NetFlix is basically a recurring billing of a set amount and then you can set up movies into a list and when one of them becomes available they mail it to you, you can watch it, then you mail it back and when they get it, they send you the next one on your list.

Zarko 08-26-2009 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 725338)
NetFlix is basically a recurring billing of a set amount and then you can set up movies into a list and when one of them becomes available they mail it to you, you can watch it, then you mail it back and when they get it, they send you the next one on your list.

Rental without leaving the house... How... American :p:

But sounds like a top notch idea, whats their catalogue like?

LoathsomePete 08-26-2009 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 725341)
Rental without leaving the house... How... American :p:

But sounds like a top notch idea, whats their catalogue like?

Pretty vast, great selection of foreign movies too, only problem I've had with it is the condition of some of their DVD's, because they're being passed around like the town bike, there is some scratching, nothing to the point of not being able to play, but annoying none the less.

crash_override 08-26-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 725337)
Hmm no netflix, only other one looks dodgy as hell.

Oh well, my mate just DLs most of the movies I like (Foreign/Asian films) but I may have to get a region free Bluray/DVD player sooner rather than later, and just mass purchase Region 1 DVDs from various online stores...

What is NetFlix like anyway?

Best thing ever.

You go online and make a list of movies you want to see and they send you one in the mail the next day, you watch it whenever you want, send it back (no late fees) and they send you your next movie. You can even watch streming movies online. Its about $10 a month (American) and I get unlimited rentals for 1 movie at a time.

Zarko 08-26-2009 10:42 AM

Hmm doesn't sound too bad at all if you have the time to watch them (Which I have ample amounts of atm :p:)

Found a similar one in Aus but expensive to the point of pointlessness and limited selection.

crash_override 08-26-2009 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 725351)
Hmm doesn't sound too bad at all if you have the time to watch them (Which I have ample amounts of atm :p:)

Found a similar one in Aus but expensive to the point of pointlessness and limited selection.

Yeah its pretty great and the no late fees thing is really hurting the rental competition like Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Alot of them have focused more on video games recently to attrach customers back.

+81 08-26-2009 04:40 PM

Guybrush 08-26-2009 04:59 PM

Not to be bitchy, but people should add something more than just a picture of the cover of the movie they last saw. As the OP says :


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 383678)
As the title says. what is the latest film you have seen and add a review, then maybe we can get some of you people into movies as well.

If you're not gonna mention anything about that movie, then your post is near pointless. It doesn't indicate wether or not it's a film one should see or not, it offers the reader basically nothing. What could be even worse is, if that picture link goes dead one day - and it will, sometimes it doesn't take long at all - your post will no longer make any kind of sense. It'll just be a dead link.

So please try to at least mention the title of the movie in text and perhaps what you thought about it.

Piss Me Off 08-26-2009 05:25 PM

Took my time! Was a bit slow starting and for a brief moment i was thinking this didn't deserve all the praise it gets but i was awesomely wrong when everything unfolded. Fully deserves a place in my collection, a great gang story with a more unique flavour. The fact it's based on a true story makes it all the more remarkable.

jackhammer 08-26-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 725579)

Took my time! Was a bit slow starting and for a brief moment i was thinking this didn't deserve all the praise it gets but i was awesomely wrong when everything unfolded. Fully deserves a place in my collection, a great gang story with a more unique flavour. The fact it's based on a true story makes it all the more remarkable.


When the young kids had to decide what child to shoot in the foot was an amazingly visceral piece of cinema.

Piss Me Off 08-26-2009 05:35 PM

My choice is the dancefloor scene with the strobe lights, amazing filming. Don't think i'm spoiling anything there!

jackhammer 08-26-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 725213)
Apocalypto... Wasn't as bad as I was expecting, was overall an enjoyable film.

Spent an hour looking for Dawn of the Dead (Either/or) and the man With No Name trilogy at the nearest shopping mall. Lo an behold, can not find anything I was looking for...

Anyone got a decent DVD Online store to suggest? I live in Aus (Ie different region coding) but either way any suggestions would be super.

I have had a region free DVD player ever since I bought a player which reduces the coding. I have DVD'S imported from Russia, Finland, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Japan etc

Try this:

EzyDVD - Australia's largest DVD store

Zarko 08-26-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 725595)
I have had a region free DVD player ever since I bought a player which reduces the coding. I have DVD'S imported from Russia, Finland, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Japan etc

Try this:

EzyDVD - Australia's largest DVD store

Yeah EzyDVD isn't bad (A mate stocks them, so he gets movies at wholesale price - 28 Days Later/Don't Look Now for 6 bucks a pop, about 2 pounds 50? Clint Eastwood collection for 40 Australian dollars, compared to the 61 dollars EzyDVD or JBhifi sell it for, but doesn't get some of the obscure stuff I would prefer)

Really trying to find Session 9 atm. You have pumped me up about it :D :p:

I just have a bit of a grumble when I hear that other posters have gotten decent quality movies for like 2-5 pounds. And I'm stuck playing 20 Aussie dollars :(

Oh well, seeing Inglourious Basterds a day after tomorrow. Not really a Tarantino fan but looks interesting.

boo boo 08-27-2009 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 725552)

Not as bad as people say it is, I thought it was a good film.

But yeah, the message isn't very subtle.

+81 08-27-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 725560)
Not to be bitchy, but people should add something more than just a picture of the cover of the movie they last saw. As the OP says :

If you're not gonna mention anything about that movie, then your post is near pointless. It doesn't indicate wether or not it's a film one should see or not, it offers the reader basically nothing. What could be even worse is, if that picture link goes dead one day - and it will, sometimes it doesn't take long at all - your post will no longer make any kind of sense. It'll just be a dead link.

So please try to at least mention the title of the movie in text and perhaps what you thought about it.

I usually do post some kind of reflection. Sorry I didn't this time.


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 725862)
Not as bad as people say it is, I thought it was a good film.

But yeah, the message isn't very subtle.

I haven't heard anyone's opinions on this but when it came out I thought people were generally eating this film up. After I started watching I remember my mom watching the cast talking about it on Oprah a few years ago. I did enjoy it, though it did kind of feel kind of, I don't know, 'pieced together' perhaps. Like "Okay, time for racism scene 18 everyone!". It could have flowed a little better.

djchameleon 08-27-2009 09:02 PM

I enjoy the Crash series much more than the film. A tv series is just the thing that is needed to make the plot flow together over time so it doesn't feel as rushed.

The last movie I watched was Seven Pounds.
I spent the first hour confused as hell and not knowing what was going on. After the big reveal I felt better about being confused for so long. I was patient enough to wait it out.

sweet_nothing 08-27-2009 10:13 PM
Oh god this movie was awful. And not even the fun kinda awful were you and some buddies and pass around a joint and laugh at it's bad acting or storyline, this is just another shit video game based movie. Most of my fondest memories of the PS2 was the Max Payne series. Sure the story may have not been completely original, cop's family gets killed, cop seeks out revenge, roll credits. But the games weren't really told through cut scenes but images that the looked like pages ripped out of a graphic novel. The games had a noir setting, which added to the disparity that Max felt. Also the voice acting was pretty good. I thought the sound of Max's voice sounds something right out a detective movie from the 1950's. Something else the game did very well was it was the first to realize (probably after watching the Matrix) was that slow motion and shooting gun's go together like nip slips and celebs. All these things the games utilized made them memorable. The movie however missed the point so much you'd wonder if the person aiming was blind and armless. Mark Walberg plays Max Payne, and I think Mark is a pretty good actor in some movies but here he was pretty awful. He had one facial expression during the entire movie, see that movie poster up there? That's the one. But maybe they were trying to just be like the game. But then I realize, IT'S A VIDEO GAME! The characters didn't even open their mouths when they talked and Max was always giving a creepy smile when you'd pause the game and it'd give you a 360 around him. The story here is changed somewhat from the game, but the important moments are there. The drug depicted in the movie makes it's users see horrible demons, which makes me ask the question WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE IT? Don't people use drugs to make them feel good? Not be chased to by flying hell beasts? Mila Kunis, plays Mona Sax, who is the maybe love interest of Max and equal, and also set out to avenge the death of a loved one. But here she just looks silly. Mila in her dark clothing and lipstick doesn't look threatning at all, and her height doesn't help. I also didn't like how they made the satanic drug lord from the game some tripped out guy with lame neck tattoos. In the game he was some baling manic, here he dones't even talk. But enough of the acting, the action is what helped made the game so fun. So what about the bullet time? Well what bullet time? There really is none in the film, there are a few but most of them are just unnecessary. Why must we see Max cock a shotgun in slow motion when we'd rather see see him floating mid-air, spread out like a cheetah pouncing for attack, firing two berrettas one in each hand with bullet casings flying left and right. I'd love to rant more about how much this movie made a favorite game of mine it's whore to exploit but I don't really have the time. The only thing I will give the film credit for it some of the scenes closely matched the atmosphere and looks of the game, but with bad acting and story, does it really help? No.

LoathsomePete 08-27-2009 11:29 PM


Never get tired of this movie, I just love the entire Firefly story, I love the characters, and I love the acting. The show had real potential but the way the movie went it'd be hard to bring it back as a show. Regardless I always get pleasure from revisiting the series and getting to see some more of Jewel Staite... mmm Jewel Staite

NumberNineDream 08-28-2009 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 725862)
Not as bad as people say it is, I thought it was a good film.

But yeah, the message isn't very subtle.

that movie was so corny ... i had to watch it 10 minutes at a time, and still couldn't get through to the end [< that comment seems like a yo mama joke]

LoathsomePete 08-29-2009 03:12 PM

Started this on Thursday but fell asleep before I could finish it. It's kind of a silly movie, I mean the dialogue can be a little hard to swallow was well as the lack of blood during certain scenes, but some suspension of disbelief has to be had during comic book movies. The movie did plenty of things right such as hiring Ron Pearlman as their lead actor and the use to actors rather than just full CGI. Still haven't seen the 2nd one yet, but one of these days I'll get around to it. If I believed in giving numerical scores for things I"d probably give this a 3.5 out of 5, not great but certainly better than most.

I enjoyed Sam Dunn's first documentary on metal, "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" so it's pretty hard not to like this one as it's more of the same, just in different countries. I would have preferred to see more of Sam on camera as well as more dialogue from him, but I certainly did learn about some interesting sounding metal bands, one of whom I can't believe I've been living without. Overall an informative and well done documentary that does expose people to more than just the North American, British, and European metal bands, however I would have liked to have seen some more bands for each country, but you do have time constraints and all that ****e so I won't hold it against Sam too much. Again I'd probably give this a 4 out of 5, worth a look, however if you're not a metal head than I would just recommend renting it.

Ahh an old (10 years now) cult favourite from Beavis & Butthead creator Mike Judge. Some incredible social satire here on office work, however there's also hints of satire to the manual labor work side of the story. Well written and rounded characters while still coupled with notable stereotypes make this a fun movie to watch if you've ever worked in an office environment. My only problem was with the DVD itself that it was scratched to **** so I ended up jumping around a few scenes and missed out on a few things, but I can't hold Mike Judge accountable for that. I honestly haven't enjoyed myself this much with a comedy in awhile, anybody who hasn't seen it really needs to do themselves a favour and see it already because you're not going to regret it.

NumberNineDream 08-29-2009 04:21 PM

^I love Office Space, i've watched it more than 10 times, but never knew it was from Beavis & Butthead's creator. I thought it was an unheard of movie. That really made my day.

bungalow 08-29-2009 05:12 PM

You thought Office Space was an unheard of movie? Have you ever walked into a Hot Topic, or a KOHL's, or turned on Comedy Central?

cardboard adolescent 08-29-2009 05:57 PM

I think the last movie I saw was O Lucky Man! and it was brilliant. The soundtrack by Alan Price is priceless (see what I did there? pretty clever huh?).

Guybrush 08-29-2009 06:19 PM

I just saw Crank .. an incredibly stupid movie with Jason Statham performing violence, sex in public and other kinds of general nastiness. It was fast paced action with with a touch of comedy right from the start.

Chelios (Statham) is a hitman who's gotten himself poisoned by some concoction that blocks adrenaline receptors. The result? He'll die .. unless he keeps the adrenaline pumping. While he's trying to get revenge on his would-be killer, he has to make sure his adrenaline stays high, for example by random acts of violence, public sex, drinking excessive amounts of red bull or even forcing a doctor at gunpoint to give him a hit with the defibrillators ..

Actually, it was pretty darn enjoyable! Watch it if you can enjoy a simple action flick that simply aims to entertain.

LoathsomePete 08-29-2009 09:09 PM


I think that's generally the rule for all Jason Statham movies (except for his ones with Guy Ritchie of course). He likes his daft absent minded action movies probably because they keep him in shape and he likes to have a good time, I can't really blame the guy though I mean if I know those types of movies would keep me in shape and guarantee me a steady pay check I'd continue to do them.

Anyways I just finished up this little gem:

One of my favourite British movies however it is VERY British. The dialogue is very unforgiving if you're unfamiliar with the slang and accents, even after 8 months over there I struggled my first time watching it. I loved the acting and the guerilla style filming (with one helicopter overhead scene that probably cost half the budget). This movie really shows you how great an actor Paddy Considine is and it makes you wonder why he hasn't penetrated the North American market yet. The best thing the movie does is it gives you a great inside view to what life in a small British village is like, because the "gangs" come off as extremely laughable compared to their urban counterparts, but that's what it's like in some places. If you like British gangster movies and revenge plots then this is a movie you should really check out.

I also forgot to mention the actor who plays Anthony (Toby Kebbel) does an extrodoary job playing a mentally challenged person.

I finally was able to get my hands on a copy of [REC] and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with it. I have yet to see it's American counter part Quarantine, however from what I've read about it it's inferior in ever way to [REC]. I thought it was a little slow at first, I mean the occupant infected didn't really seem all that threatening, however that's just due to their short exposure to the virus. The last fifteen minutes are where the movie really shines, now I don't normally hold a pillow while watching a horror movie (in fact I had never done so since tonight) but when Angela and Pablo get up to the penthouse apartment I had ever light in my room and I was holding my pillow like my life depended on it. I am extremely excited that they're filming a sequel to this and will be one of the few movies I go see in theaters. In a nutshell if you like foreign horror movies, a shaky camera, and beautiful Spanish women then you'll enjoy this movie.

djchameleon 08-30-2009 05:22 AM

I finally got a chance to see District 9 and it was a bit more demented than I thought it was going to be. Everytime I laughed at one of those parts the guy sitting behind me would make a comment about how the movie is inappropriate for him.

I like the two themes of greed and segregation that were explored in the movie. The camera-work was excellent except for two shots where the camera sat on top of the gun facing the guy holding the gun. I thought they were highly unnecessary.

adidasss 08-30-2009 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 726960)
I just saw Crank .. an incredibly stupid movie ..

Actually, it was pretty darn enjoyable! Watch it if you can enjoy a simple action flick that simply aims to entertain.

I think it's odd that people who like this film acknowledge it's incredibly stupid, yet most didn't enjoy the squeal because it's too stupid. I don't get it...what made it cross the imaginary line of retardation which separates the fun stupid from bad stupid?

Guybrush 08-30-2009 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 727210)
I think it's odd that people who like this film acknowledge it's incredibly stupid, yet most didn't enjoy the squeal because it's too stupid. I don't get it...what made it cross the imaginary line of retardation which separates the fun stupid from bad stupid?

It is stupid, but I think it just manages to maintain a kind of charm. Even though it's not labeled as a comedy genre-wise (imdb says Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller), I laughed a lot during this movie because it was funny and over the top. If the "comedy" hadn't worked, then I don't think I personally would have liked it.

It's easy to imagine how this could become an unfunny action mess or become too silly and embarassing. I think it manages to balance nicely between those two so it just works. I haven't seen the second one, but I think I'll give it a shot.

LoathsomePete 08-30-2009 02:09 PM

Let me just say that I'm happy I checked this out of the library because there's no way I'd pay money to see it. The "twist" was tired and predictable and Di Niro and Pacino are really starting to show their age.

right-track 08-30-2009 02:12 PM


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