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Old 12-31-2010, 04:40 PM   #8911 (permalink)
why bother?
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Well bugger me sideways - I actually quite liked this. I liked the update of Freddy K that we're given here, like how he's actually made up to look like a more realistic burn victim, how we're told a lot more about his past (and that way how there's a new slant on his bad guy...ness) than in other Nightmare movies and so on. The acting wasn't bad, the gore was pretty cool, the music was well-chosen and so on. Pretty good as far as horror remakes go, especially considering it comes from the same Platinum Dunes that gave us that dull-as-hell re-hashes of Friday 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Hitcher.

It's cool how it wasn't exactly a shot-for-shot remake as well and tried to show off a few new tricks, but this worked against it slightly as well. Identical re-shoots of scenes from Wes Craven's original are few and far between, which means some of the better scares from the original got passed over (like that human blender bit for instance).

As such, it's certainly inferior to the original, but I still really enjoyed this.
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Old 12-31-2010, 05:18 PM   #8912 (permalink)
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this is on my "avoid like the plague....but i won't because i like playing with rats" list

actually i've read that the further into freddy's past life part of the film was done quite well...are all of the effects digital? and if so are they at least done well?
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Old 12-31-2010, 05:26 PM   #8913 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post

this is on my "avoid like the plague....but i won't because i like playing with rats" list

actually i've read that the further into freddy's past life part of the film was done quite well...are all of the effects digital? and if so are they at least done well?
I wouldn't be surprised if they were all digital. I know at least a lot of them are (there's a hole in the side of Freddy's face for instance which is digitally-rendered), and I'd say a good 9/10 of them are impressive enough. There's the odd moment where it's painfully obvious and doesn't come off as so great though, like in the last kill of the movie for instance.

I've heard plenty of opinions that totally contradict mine as well, but I'd say watch this nonetheless, as it's a newer horror flick that it's actually worth forming your own opinion of (unlike, say, the Fourth Kind).
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Old 12-31-2010, 05:33 PM   #8914 (permalink)
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there is no way i won't see it....the original means too much to me....either way like or hate it....it will be worth seeing

the library has it!....i'll watch in the next few days
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Old 12-31-2010, 06:29 PM   #8915 (permalink)
love will tear you apart
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Wow, some of the best dialogue dealing with faith, death, inevitability and it's shot beautifully. Memorable scene after memorable scene.

"My life has been a futile pursuit, a wandering, a great deal of talk without meaning. I feel no bitterness or self-reproach because the lives of most people are very much like this."
I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 12-31-2010, 07:14 PM   #8916 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by loveissucide View Post

Loved it, the wrestling scenes are brilliantly done and Rourke is great. Far more enjoyable than anything else Arnofsky-related.
I hated this movie the first time I saw it. Upon second and third viewings however, I've come to really appreciate it. It was so deeply sad.

As for me, I've just finished watching this:

I thought this movie was amazing, and I have no idea why it's taken me so long to watch it. The first half had some good comedy moments, and the second half was edge-of-your-seat, nail biting excitement. Love this movie!
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Old 12-31-2010, 10:58 PM   #8917 (permalink)
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one of my fondest memories was when i was 14 and my step dad showed me this movie....i still watch it yearly....McQueen and Bronson steal this flick

cheese....but pretty good cheese....what's really funny...watching it now....is in this film they take on the South African Diplomats....and throughout the entire film it's Gibson's character thats making wise cracks about them being nazi's and jew haters....just kind of weird...what a great actor
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Old 12-31-2010, 11:22 PM   #8918 (permalink)
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come on...
Eh, saying The Wrestler is his favorite Aronofsky is a very respectable opinion I think. Of course, he's directed a lot of great movies but I wouldn't say he has a magnum opus or defining work.

I just saw this for the second time:

Reminds me that I really need to watch more French New Wave. It's a really great movie, one of my favorites. The final shot is one of the most powerful moments in movie history I think.

Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post

Wow, some of the best dialogue dealing with faith, death, inevitability and it's shot beautifully. Memorable scene after memorable scene.

"My life has been a futile pursuit, a wandering, a great deal of talk without meaning. I feel no bitterness or self-reproach because the lives of most people are very much like this."
Personally I like Wild Strawberries more, but this is definitely an incredible movie. I really need to get into more of Bergman's filmography, more specifically The Virgin Spring.

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Old 01-01-2011, 07:47 AM   #8919 (permalink)
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I dunno if it's just me, but The Seventh Seal is not only philosophic and thought provoking but also extremely funny in places, the blackest of black comedies (at times) or am I just unusual? Either way it gave me everything I wanted from a film.
I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 01-01-2011, 07:51 AM   #8920 (permalink)
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Wall Street
Beyond dull.
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