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Old 07-19-2010, 02:02 PM   #7231 (permalink)
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Default What's the latest film you have seen?

I had seen The Karate Kid 2010 it is very nice movie.The karate kid is a movie about knowing the abilities and conquering fear which keeps on bogging one down.Director name is Harald Zwart,Writer Michael Soccio, Screenplay Christopher Murphey,Story Robert Mark Kamen, Producer Will Smith,Ken Stovitz, Jerry Weintraub, Jada Pinkett Smith and James Lassite. I had seen this movie first day first show in BIG Cinemas.
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Old 07-19-2010, 02:23 PM   #7232 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Nothing wrong with that (the bold part), but he's not succeeded in shaking that off completely, because even though he's older now, looks different and is bulked up, he still has that boyish quality in him, that playful charm that he's not using in his acting because he doesn't play to his strengths. That's why he doesn't feel right as a tough guy, or alfa-male. The transformation didn't come from within. And he's not that kind of actor anyway, the transformative, chameleon type. He's a traditional leading man, a movie star type, so he should be playing up his own persona and charisma and not doing the impersonations of tough guys, which he's not.
Well, no. He is definitely not a tough guy, he's the most gentle person you would probably come across. But that's just a testament to him as an actor, he's on one end of the spectrum and a tough guy is on the other. People like Deniro can play tough guys so easily, because he is one. He doesn't have a boyish charm, I would've loved to see him even attempt a Frank JR role or Jack role. Deniro would've failed so badly at that. Dicaprio pulls off both boyish and tough better than anyone could. Imagine Russell Crowe trying to be a tough guy in one film and then in another him displaying his boyish charm? It just wouldn't work.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
It doesn't really matter how many different characters he plays, as long as he's convincing in them, typecast or not. I would've liked DiCaprio better if he was typecast as that character in Catch Me if You Can, because at least he would be convincing.
Typecast actors, even though they're good at what they do. They aren't daring, I think the mark of a really great actor is someone like Dicaprio. Always trying to better himself. Even Jack Nicholson, as great as he was. He was used to playing nutters, by the time his Batman role came round. It was second nature for him. Dicaprio tries to push himself, he doesn't have that comfort zone the Deniros and Nicholsons have.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Well, he doesn't have authenticity and that to me is a much more important thing to have than technique, in any art.
I really don't know how he isn't authentic, I believe him when he acts.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Great actors work at it before the filming. They build a whole character from within with all the details, nuances, emotional levels and then they let it go. When the filming of the scenes starts they are natural, like they're not acting and even if the scenes call for the over the top behavior, they don't feel forced. This is something DiCaprio can't do, yet. He's too self aware.
No, you can't get a full appreciation for that character until you're in front of that camera trying to be them. You can do all your research and build up an idea in your mind, but that's only half the battle. The other half is working your arse off on set for as many takes as it takes to hit the right notes.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
You're right in a way, they're both above DiCaprio's level. They don't always benefit from working with the best scripts and top notch Hollywood directors, but they're almost always convincing in what they play. They can play understated and over the top, they can be leading men and character actors, they have nuance and subtlety (something DiCaprio lacks), they can transform themselves on the outside, but more importantly from within. For example, Bale succeeded in shaking off his 90's image completely. He used to play mellow, shy, very English characters and he was very good, very convincing that you'd think, yes that's his own persona. And he wiped it all out with just one role - Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Now people think he's truly psychotic. You just have to compare his character in Velvet Goldmine to Bateman and wonder if that's the same actor, he feels like two totally different persons. And he did it without make up, he just bulked up for American Psycho.
Dicaprio is far better than Christian Bale. To me American Psycho is his only stand out performance. He played shy and English before that? Well, he's British and acting shy isn't the hardest thing to do. But fair enough, he managed to shake that image of quiet and turn totally psychotic. But Dicaprio did exactly the same, except he had to shake away more than a quiet boy image, he had to shake away Leo-mania. Joaquin Phoenix is miles away from Leonardo Dicaprio. And I'm judging on their performances alone, Dicaprio has never really had a bad performance. I don't see how he doesn't have subtlety either, he always has that slick subtle charm whenever I've seen him. I think he's the mark of a really great actor, especially what I said earlier about him NOT being a tough guy at all. He's so far from it, the fact he manages to even reach it in any way (even if not in a great way for you) is brilliant. I have to give it up to Bale for his role in American Psycho but really, apart from that I just don't rate him. Dicaprio's body of work is getting more and more impressive as is his performances.
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:28 PM   #7233 (permalink)
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Like I said, DiCaprio is an actor that polarizes the audience, and you and me are perfect examples. You're his fan and a believer and I'm his naysayer and a doubter. We'll just have to agree to disagree. But I will give him credit, he truly pushes and challenges himself. I would really like to see him be natural at that. Maybe it'll come with age and experience.

Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
Dicaprio is far better than Christian Bale. To me American Psycho is his only stand out performance. He played shy and English before that? Well, he's British and acting shy isn't the hardest thing to do. But fair enough, he managed to shake that image of quiet and turn totally psychotic.
Many people that got to know him as an actor in the 00s weren't even aware that he's English. They all thought he was American. So, he doesn't exactly evokes that air of an Englishman. And it can be argued that acting shy, blushing and pathetic is harder than acting all tough or psychotic. But I don't really know what Bale's own persona is really like, because he's convincing as both. Since you only liked him in American Psycho, I wonder what other roles have you seen him in, besides Batman and Terminator? He was very good or great in The Machinist, Harsh Times, Rescue Dawn, Velvet Goldmine, Prestige etc, and I almost forgot his wonderful performance as a kid in Empire of the Sun.

Joaquin Phoenix is miles away from Leonardo Dicaprio. And I'm judging on their performances alone
Well, I'm also judging on their performances alone and not on overall quality of their films. Because it's not that hard to be good when you're working with good scripts, developed characters and good directors, like DiCaprio always does. Bale and Phoenix don't always benefit from that, but they still convince me more than DiCaprio. They're my favorite actors from that age group of 30 something and since you don't like them, I guess we have a very different taste in actors.

Last edited by dankrsta; 07-19-2010 at 03:34 PM.
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:33 PM   #7234 (permalink)
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Poultrygeist - Night of the Chicken Dead


In the town a Tromaville, a fast food chicken franchise is protested against for it's cruelty to animals, pour nutritional food and Oh yeah, for being built over top of sacred indian burial ground. Numerous chicken related deaths occur as the townspeople become transformed in to zombie chickens by the restaurant's food. The main character, Arbie, is forced to face this problem and win back his girl while dancing through a some musical numbers in the process. This movie is filled with tons of cheesy effects, gore, sex, fecal matter, blood, slime, racism, penises, mutant chicken penises, bad puns, talking sandwiches and so, so much more.

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Old 07-19-2010, 03:34 PM   #7235 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Like I said, DiCaprio is an actor that polarizes the audience, and you and me are perfect examples. You're his fan and a believer and I'm his naysayer and a doubter. We'll just have to agree to disagree. But I will give him credit, he truly pushes and challenges himself. I would really like to see him be natural at that. Maybe it'll come with age and experience.
Agreed. I disagree. but yeah, he is my favourite actor working at the moment. Maybe shared with Depp.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Many people that got to know him as an actor in the 00s weren't even aware that he's English. They all thought he was American. So, he doesn't exactly evokes that air of an Englishman. And it can be argued that acting shy, blushing and pathetic is harder than acting all tough. But I don't really know what Bale's own persona is really like, because he's convincing as both. Since you only liked him in American Psycho, I wonder what other roles have you seen him in, besides Batman and Terminator? He was very good or great in The Machinist, Harsh Times, Rescue Dawn, Velvet Goldmine, Prestige etc, and I almost forgot his wonderful performance as a kid in Empire of the Sun.
I've seen bits and bobs, I thought he was poor in The Prestige. He was okay in Velvet Goldmine but nothing special. The Manchist, the commitment for the role - I can't knock it.

Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
Well, I'm also judging on their performances alone and not on overall quality of their films. Because it's not that hard to be good when you're working with good scripts, developed characters and good directors, like DiCaprio always does. Bale and Phoenix don't always benefit from that, but they still convince me more than DiCaprio. They're my favorite actors from that age group of 30 something and since you don't like them, I guess we have a very different taste in actors.
No, don't get me wrong. I like them both, I think Phoenix is talented except for he seems to have some brooding kinda quality going on in every role he does, I think that's just his natural demeanour and he doesn't shake it for roles. He was perfect for Johnny Cash though. But I don't think either really touch Dicaprio...

Speaking of Dicaprio, his next two films will be really interesting:

Next up for Leo is the title role in Clint Eastwood's biopic about controversial FBI director — and rumored cross-dresser — J. Edgar Hoover. The script comes from the pen of Dustin Lance Black, who won an Oscar for the Sean Penn-starring "Milk."

DiCaprio is attached to star in this thriller as a father who kidnaps and tortures the man who kidnapped his daughter. A director has yet to be announced. File this one under "wait and see."

So excited. 2012 release for both of them, or so I've heard.
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:42 PM   #7236 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post

Watched this the other night, I fancied something a bit light hearted. A rom-com by the Coens made good sense, but this is the worst film of theirs I've seen. I only have 4 Coen Films left to see before I've seen them all. Might watch Raising Arizona tonight.
Worse than Ladykillers or Hudsucker Proxy? No way.
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:45 PM   #7237 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Worse than Ladykillers or Hudsucker Proxy? No way.
I removed Ladykillers from my mind. Intolerable Cruelty is their second worst film. I'm sitting down and watching another Coen film now.
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:53 PM   #7238 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
I removed Ladykillers from my mind. Intolerable Cruelty is their second worst film. I'm sitting down and watching another Coen film now.
Which one?
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Old 07-19-2010, 04:00 PM   #7239 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Which one?
Raising Arizona, had it on DVD for about a year or so. Just took it out the packaging, and it's ready to watch.
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Old 07-19-2010, 04:27 PM   #7240 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
I've seen bits and bobs, I thought he was poor in The Prestige. He was okay in Velvet Goldmine but nothing special. The Manchist, the commitment for the role - I can't knock it.
Poor? Really? I guess you missed all the nuances with which he had to play SPOILER: two characters and to subtly differentiate between them so that the twist doesn't become obvious. I guess you haven't noticed the differences in brothers' behaviors towards Sarah and in general, one is more cocky, the other more responsible and mellow. It's the performance that hits you after the film is over, that sneaks on you, that only after you've seen it you realize it's great. No wonder you like DiCaprio, everything is so obvious with him.

Speaking of Dicaprio, his next two films will be really interesting:

Next up for Leo is the title role in Clint Eastwood's biopic about controversial FBI director — and rumored cross-dresser — J. Edgar Hoover. The script comes from the pen of Dustin Lance Black, who won an Oscar for the Sean Penn-starring "Milk."
Hoover? Another role to file under miscast. Clint Eastwood's biopic? DiCaprio really wants that Oscar.
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