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Old 10-12-2014, 05:23 PM   #14521 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chrysalis View Post

Man, Japan sure makes some weird **** sometimes.

I loved it.
this movie is in my top ten of all time.....i watch it monthly

and batlord there is no "possibly" in your spoiler

that being said

i am officially off vacation mode and was able to go catch a flick this morning and that film was obviously

Gone Girl

so to start off some perceptions having read the book

you don't need to read the book if you saw the movie....the only real and major difference is the end and really it's not different....just the book gives you a lot more....which i think the author actually did on purpose....as in...if you read the book you just get a tad bit more into the minds of these two VERY sick individuals who deserve each other 100%

other than that the two things i mainly noticed was that the sister never wore a Butthole Surfers t-shirt and that the lawyers wife was not in it at all....but i will say this for the latter....although she was a character i really liked and in the book she does play a pivotal role the author simply blended her character with the lawyer himself which saved screen time....and she kept in one of my favorite scenes which involved her....so absolutely no gripes on that part

so what we have here is David Fincher doing what he does best....enthralling an audience.....i tell you what.....this is without spoilers....but the audience was getting a little restless about half way through the film....as in a little chatter, seeming louder popcorn intake and the fucking bitch next to me kept moving her straw up and down (i fucking hate that noise)....but when the revelation came at the half way mark.....you could here a pin drop in the theater....and it stayed that way all the way to the end

as always Fincher simply makes an amazing movie full of tense characters, haunting cinematography and an amazing soundtrack....and as usual his source material was already well written....he has an uncanny knack for bringing written characters to life perfectly

for me watching this movie was like re-reading the book so from that aspect perfect....i also tried hard to imagine myself as having not read the book.....and i'm positive this will be a wonderful film experience for anybody

a definite 5/5 and easily in my top ten films of the year
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Old 10-12-2014, 06:05 PM   #14522 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
you don't need to read the book if you saw the movie....the only real and major difference is the end and really it's not different....just the book gives you a lot more....which i think the author actually did on purpose....as in...if you read the book you just get a tad bit more into the minds of these two VERY sick individuals who deserve each other 100%
Was Ben Affleck's character a worse person in the book or something? Cause he was just kind of a schlub in the movie.

I'd also like to say that if Affleck is this good an actor, then I have no problem with him as Batman.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-13-2014, 03:22 AM   #14523 (permalink)
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Van Warmerdam is one of my favourite directors and his latest movie didn't disappoint, in fact it might be one of his best.

As with most of his other work it's a surreal dark comedy, it might also be considered a thriller and has supernatural elements.
People who like their movies to be served with explanations and don't like ambiguity might be angered be it, but I think that even if you don't think too much about the social and philosophical implications it's an entertaining and often funny film, with lots of twists and turns.
The themes might be similar to Pasolini's Teorema or Miike's Visitor Q, but generally it's pretty original.
It's best not to know too much about the plot and just watch it and let it unfold.

Last edited by grindy; 10-19-2014 at 03:15 AM.
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Old 10-13-2014, 03:40 AM   #14524 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post

The Master
Recently, I've been catching up on some P.T. Anderson movies that I hadn't seen. Last weekend I watched There Will Be Blood, today I watched The Master. I think I had roughly the same reaction to this one as I had to TWBB which is that I thought it was a good movie but it never really hooked me on an emotional level and I never had that experience of getting lost in the movie. That's said, also like TWBB, it was beautifully made movie with some incredible performances and a very interesting premise.
I mostly agree with you.
I think There Will Be Blood had more of a plot, a real confrontation and some kind of resolution, while The Master was somewhat meandering and didn't amount to much in the end, plotwise. But that might have been the point and it's still fascinating and memorable. All in all both are surely great movies.
I'm still unsure whether I should give Boogie Nights another chance. I started it once and it didn't hook me at all, but I was very tired then and went to sleep about half an hour into it.
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Old 10-13-2014, 11:06 AM   #14525 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Was Ben Affleck's character a worse person in the book or something? Cause he was just kind of a schlub in the movie.

I'd also like to say that if Affleck is this good an actor, then I have no problem with him as Batman.
not really....i just think the book points out in a better way how they are one in the same....obviously she takes it a bit further...but they are both narcissistic sociopaths
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Old 10-13-2014, 11:18 AM   #14526 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
not really....i just think the book points out in a better way how they are one in the same....obviously she takes it a bit further...but they are both narcissistic sociopaths
But how is he a sociopath? I mean, he's kind of a jerk, but I'm sure plenty of non-sociopaths play romantic games to get women in the sack, cheat on their wives, and coast on a partners' money when they don't have a job. He never really struck me as being outside of the normal, acceptable range of douchiness.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-13-2014, 12:18 PM   #14527 (permalink)
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maybe "sociopath" is a bit harsh for Nic
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Old 10-15-2014, 08:17 AM   #14528 (permalink)
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The Orphanage

It’s funny how full of **** I am. I told myself that I would be watching a horror movie a night because it’s my favorite month of the year, October. You know how many I’ve seen this month? Two, including this one. That’s pathetic. My viewing schedule has developed a case of the crazy and I take what I can get. Tonight I took a walk down to the library to find some interesting films to watch over the week. I wanted mostly horror films but I couldn’t help take out a few Criterion films which I’ll be watching over the weekend. I guess I’ll just have to dust off the old Netflix account and browse the horror selection there. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed. The Orphanage has managed to escape me for years so I decided to finally pay it a visit which actually turned out to be a wonderful idea.

I loved the film for the most part. You don’t get many horror films like this.

Slow. Detailed. Well acted.

It reminded me of Ti West in the way he lets the atmosphere and natural creepiness of setting scare the viewer. I haven’t seen his newest film (heard it’s on Netflix, I take back my statement above), but the guy just knows how to make a horror movie that appeals to all of my senses. He still likes to throw at least one jump scare in though, a tactic that I find tired and overused. This is where The Orphanage differs itself from the pack. I honestly don’t remember one single jump scare. Sure there were some quick camera movements and figures appearing from a spot where there was once nothing, but those just felt earned. There was no ROARING CRASH OF SOUND accompanied by a lightning quick edit to some deranged murderous face, or better yet a f*cking cat that jumps out of a closet. This film was just plain old creepy. It’s also a ghost story. I love host stories. I’ve been telling, reading, and writing them since I was a kid and this ghost story satisfied me completely. I was into the overall premise of the film. There were some holes that I should have bothered me but somehow didn’t given the fact that the movie could exist without filling them. Actually, I’d say the story was the weakest link of the whole film. It certainly pulled me in but I was really hooked by the overall aesthetic feel of the film. I made sure to turn the lights out and crank the volume for this and the film returned my diligence by giving me a great atmosphere for a horror film. The acting was also top notch, especially from Belén Rueda. She’s a natural.

Like many, I had a problem with the ending. I just felt like it was a total cop out to what could have been a seriously disturbing and unique conclusion. Those who have seen the film will remember the basement scene. Credits should have rolled from that point. The movie was over. What came next was just a very easy way to end what was a totally original and uneasy film. I understood the reasoning behind it but I honestly didn’t care for what happened to the characters involved. I didn’t shed a tear. I wanted the disturbing option A.

The ending disappointed me but the film overall couldn’t have been more enjoyable. I loved the creepiness. I loved the acting from Belén Rueda. It was a good scare on a nice, windy, chilly October night. I should do this more often.

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Old 10-18-2014, 04:09 PM   #14529 (permalink)
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Annabelle. **** that bitch.
butthead aka 216: dj hates p**y??
djchameleon: your face hates p**y and constantly causes it to run away
butthead aka 216: causes it to run to my c**k
butthead aka 216: u mad
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Old 10-20-2014, 10:29 AM   #14530 (permalink)
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Saw this a while back.

Censorship time - Irreversible movie poster removed

Holy crap, what a gut punch this movie is.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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