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Old 10-02-2013, 05:43 PM   #13561 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
I got to the part where they were arguing about jacking off into the porn mag, and at that point, the movie just got stale for me.
This was the funniest part of the movie for me. I was dying. I'm not going to argue this topic. It will go nowhere. This isn't a pretentious statement. It's a matter of arguing what is funny and what is not which is a horrible argument that I don't want to have. Different strokes.

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Old 10-02-2013, 06:57 PM   #13562 (permalink)
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I am not going to review it here as it needs a second viewing for sure. Even writing a few more lines about the film has found me deleting them because I am analysing my own words! Let's say this: it could be one of the greatest stories ever told or a complete pile of pretentious crap but there is no doubt that the acting, cinematography, set design and score are nothing short of stunning.

I don't really understand most U.S sports at all TBH. I have also tried not to, so the idea of a stand off whereby opposing team members beat the crap out of each other in ice hockey matches is odd to me; however this is an absolute blast. Expletive fuelled, jet black humour but still with an emotion filled beating heart that dispenses with most of the sentimentality that doesn't do much for us pragmatic Brits makes for a great movie. Seann William Scott is quite simply brilliant in this movie. Makes me want to see an ice hockey game even if I don't get the rules.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:03 PM   #13563 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post
This was the funniest part of the movie for me. I was dying. I'm not going to argue this topic. It will go nowhere. This isn't a pretentious statement. It's a matter of arguing what is funny and what is not which is a horrible argument that I don't want to have. Different strokes.
Exactly. I had and have no want or need to argue it, never wanted to. Just not my kind of comedy. And yes, it was mentioned that I did enjoy Movie 43. It was quirky, and clever.
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Old 10-03-2013, 12:54 PM   #13564 (permalink)
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Pawn Shop Chronicles

This movie...wow. It turned out to be completely different than what I was expecting, though there wasn't much to expect especially from the minimal description that red box gave it. It was good though. I enjoy seeing Matt Dillon and Brandon Fraser in movies, so I always enjoy seeing the movies they're involved in. This movie in particular definitely has a lot of twists and turns so it can be difficult to follow along, but it all connects to one another in a very fluent way.
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Old 10-06-2013, 12:18 AM   #13565 (permalink)
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Captain Phillips

So I happened to scroll through my local theaters today and realized that many of them are showing a single showing of Captain Phillips a week before it comes out. I wasn’t doing anything so I decided to give it a go as I’ve heard great things about not only the film but the performance of Tom Hanks. Since only weirdos dislike Tom Hanks, this was enough for me to purchase a ticket. I swear the annoying people in a movie theater radio to each other and coordinate a game plan that involves being as close to me as possible. I had Mr. Restless Leg Syndrome sitting to my right who effectively turned my seat into a rumble seat. I had the woman midway through the film who just HAD to get her daughters doll which she dropped under my seat during the previous film. Finally I had the elderly couple directly behind me where the wife was going blind and the husband decided to just recite every subtle after it came up on screen. On second thought…that’s adorable and I’m just being a prick. I didn’t say anything to them for the record. In all this chaos thought came something special…


Tom Hanks crushed this film. I’m not a big fan of Forrest Gump and I sadly have not seen Philadelphia yet but I have no doubt in my mind that there is a great chance of this role being Tom Tank’s third Oscar for Best Actor. He’s that good in it. I’ll get to more of why in a minute.

The film is also very good. Paul Greengrass, as he usually does takes a very powerful and lasting story in our History and turns it into powerful and lasting cinema. This may not be as historically significant as Bloody Sunday or 9/11 but the story itself is one of emotion and intensity. The story of Richard Phillips getting kidnapped by Somali pirates was in the papers for some time. I remember it. I felt bad for the guy just trying to do his job and getting attacked by savages. The film does a great job telling this story. There were times where some points in the ordeal seemed to carry on for way longer than they should have and I feel like the story has been “dumbed” down a bit to make for more interesting cinema but these are minor flaws in an overall excellent film. I was drawn in from the moment Captain Phillips noticed the boats approaching as the film doesn’t really let up after that. Greengrass gives his signature style of low angle shots as if we’re watching the film unfold from an invisible child in the room with the actors. This gives a very “real” feeling instead of a theatrical one. The film also utilized the services of four VERY good Somali actors particularly the Ying and Yang main characters, one who speaks English and is in charge, and the other who has a SHORT fuse and is second in command. These two were fantastic as they bounced off each other with wonderful chemistry. It was fun to see.

However, the star is Tom Hanks. His performance coincides with the tone and intensity of the film. The longer the film goes on the more tense and suspenseful it gets and Hanks only gets better. All of this culminates in a 3rd act that gave me one of the most emotional rides I’ve had in a theater. Hanks in about twenty minutes gives the best performance of his career and one of the most heartbreaking finale scenes in memory. He perfectly captured what the actual Richard Phillips, or anybody in the matter, would feel being in the situation he was in. When the credits began to roll the whole theater was crying. I’ll admit I don’t have tears but it was because I was fighting them back so hard. It reminded me of the end of Zero Dark Thirty but instead of feeling like “what now” , I had a feeling of thank God that is over. It’s that much of a ride.

The film exceeded my expectations and then some. It’s a great thriller full of suspense and powerful acting culminating in one of the greatest ten minutes of acting I’ve seen. Buying a twelve dollar ticket just to see the end of this film would be worth it my book. Bravo Mr. Hanks.


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Old 10-06-2013, 07:31 PM   #13566 (permalink)
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what a beautiful film
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Old 10-06-2013, 07:33 PM   #13567 (permalink)
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in the wrong section Ass Napkin Ed
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Old 10-06-2013, 07:35 PM   #13568 (permalink)
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crap, I'm sure it will be moved.

Moderator, move me to the appropriate section, thanks.
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Old 10-06-2013, 07:46 PM   #13569 (permalink)
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lol, kudos on such "great" moderating I meant my thread not my comment, smh.
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Old 10-08-2013, 07:05 PM   #13570 (permalink)
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Anybody who is a fan of foreign cinema should be a fan of Korean cinema, and anybody who is a fan of Korean cinema HAS to be a fan of Park Chan-Wook. The man who gave us Oldboy and the rest of the vengeance trilogy gives us his first film in the English language which seems to be a common thing now from all the amazing Korean auteurs. I’m just glad this one didn’t star Arnold Schwarzenegger. Stoker does star Nicole Kidman, Mia Wasikowska, and the always creepy Matthew Goode. Goode plays the uncle of Wasikowska and brother in law to Nicole Kidman and enters the women’s lives after the death of his brother.

This film is all over the place. Did you know Wentworth Miller writes screenplays? Yes, the Prison Break guy. Yeah I just found out too. This is his first one and it leaves a lot to be desired. You can’t just make everything that happens in the first sixty minutes a mystery and try to bring it all back in the last thirty. It’s a risky way to write and it didn’t work here. I can applaud the effort but it all just came out too rushed and illogical. Plus neither of these men know how people behave in high school but one has an excuse because he’s Korean. Miller’s screenplay killed the movie for me. There are two “saving graces” if one can call them that because I just didn’t like the film overall. One is the direction of Park Chan-Wook who filmed a gorgeous film filled with wonderful transitional shots and dark imagery. The second is the performance of Goode who really plays the creepy uncle well. He had this subdued but back door madness pinned down very well and he stole every scene. Kidman needs to stop with the plastic surgery. She has ruined her face.

Not bad for a rent but don’t expect much besides a pretty film that made little sense.


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